Disclaimer: I do not own or is in any way affiliated with OTH- I'm just a huge huge BRUCAS FAN!! :0)

A/N: Hi guys… Okay so I know I shouldn't be starting a new story and all… but I couldn't help it.

Background History:

Cold-hearted Playboy Lucas Eugene Scott is the son of wealthy billionaire Mayor Dan Scott. His mother Debra Scott past away when he was young leaving him in the hands of his father. Ever since his mother's death, Dan has remarried a few times leaving Lucas's life spiralling out of control without the father figure guidance.

Nathaniel Royal Lee, cousin/best friend to Lucas and boyfriend to Haley James as well as best friends to Jake James has tried his best in guiding the blue-eyed blonde in the right direction. He also works as Lucas's CEO for the car dealerships the Scott's own.

Brooklyn Penelope and Peyton Elizabeth are daughters of middle class Café owner Karen Roe. Karen has raised her pure, innocent, caring, very loving-big hearted daughters out of love and has taught them that nothing is more important than family and friends, and that money can't buy you happiness.

Here's what you need to know- This story contains the main Cast, but the story line is way, I mean WAY outside of OTH's REALM. Nothing in season's 1-6 has happened. Not all the casts are in this story, but read along and watch as our FAVs appear!! It may get confusing at first, but it'll all tie in….


"Peyton, Peyton honey please wake up" cried Brooke as tears streamed down her face.

"Please be okay" she begged, cried and pleaded for her older sister to wake up. "Please Peyton"

"Peyton honey, please-please be okay" shouted Karen as they ran along the gurney that was being pushed down the hospital hallway "Wake up" she screamed "I need you to wake up for me honey. Open your eyes honey; please smile at mommy" she cried

"Peyton, please be okay" yelled the brunette as she shook her "Peyton do you hear me honey, do you hear me calling you? Mom and I need you to wake up" Peyton was covered in blood from head to toe as she was in and out of being conscious unaware of what was going on. Her eyes than rolled back as Brooke sobbed harder

-Flashbacks are in italic-

Holding a smile to her face, Peyton Roe took a deep breath as she slowly but graciously made her way past all the stares and whispers towards the handsome blonde that held her heart. "Why did you come for" he shouted angry as he turned to face her "Who the hell invited you here?"

"Peyton" gasp Karen as she felt her heart stop

Mom" shouted Brooke as she watched her mother fall weak in the knees at the sight of blood pouring out of her sister's mouth. "Mom" she yelled again as a nurse rushed to her side.

"I need a wheelchair STAT"

"Hey Nate" smiled Brooke

"Hey, what's going on?" he replied

"Oh I'm just looking for Peyton; have you seen her?"

"What; don't tell me you guys are leaving already?" as she nodded her head "What? Why? The party hasn't even started yet Brooke" he chuckled "I'll tell you what" he said not giving her a chance to object "Will you please hold this for me" he asked as he handed her a champagne flute

"Nate?" she questioned confused

"We're going to go party it up" he smirked leading her towards the party area

"What? Oh, Nate no, no, Nate!" she protested as he pushed her along "I'm only here to pick up Peyton-"

"I'm going to ask you again" sneered the blue eyed blonde as the room grew silent "What the hell are you doing here in my house?"

"Oh well you see" she said as she glanced around at all the eyes that were now focused on her "Nate actually invited me tonight. He told me that you were leaving for California and I thought I'd bring you a going away gift" she smiled holding a bouquet of beautiful star gazers

"Flowers" he scoffed "I don't need your cheap pathetic flowers Peyton" he smirked not pleased by the gesture. "Next time if you want to get me something, get something that would suit me; but if you think about it- can you really afford something like that?" he grinned making a big scene as giggles and chuckles went around the room. "You know, I've never actually said anything to you before because you're friends with my best friend Nathan; but let me tell you the truth about something" they lock eyes "When you go out of your way for me, or when you try to get close to me- it doesn't make me notice you. Do you honestly think that I would give a girl like you the time of day?" he lashed out as tears weld up in her eyes

"I mean come on I'm high class Peyton and you're obviously not. I'm so way out of your league" he smirked

"Peyt-" Brooke and Nathan stood there confused as they walked into an erie-very silent room

"I thought this was a party Nate?" she whispered as they made their way over towards all the commotion.

"I thought so too" he replied puzzled as they glanced around the room "What the hell-"

"I will never in a million years fall in love with a girl like you, nor will I ever give you the time or day Peyton; so wake the hell up from your pathetic fantasy" Brooke's mouth dropped open as she angry glared at the blonde bastard tearing her sister down

"Excuse me" said Peyton as she left in a hurry brushing past her sister without a glance

"Peyt-" the blonde brush past her sister not making eye contact

"Peyton" yelled Nathan "Peyton where are you going; come back" he shouted

"You are such an arrogant bastard Lucas Scott" shouted Brooke as she threw the champagne into the blonde's face as he glowered at her.

"Peyton" yelled Brooke as she chased after her sister "Peyton honey wait for me; lets talk about this. Peyton" she screamed just as the curly blonde turned the corner not attentive to her surroundings. "Peyton please slow down" Just then a car came out of no where as it ploughs right into the blonde "No, no, no" yelled Brooke as she raced over towards her.

"HELP SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP ME" she cried "Wake up, please wake up Peyt; you're okay, you have to be okay"

"Peyton honey, please wake up"

"Ms this is the furthest you can go" said the nurse

"No, no I have to be with my sister" she exclaimed "I have to make sure she's okay; she needs me"

"I'm sorry but all you can do now is wait. The doctor will be out as soon as he knows something"

3 years later

"So Jules, what do you think of the arrangement?" asked Nathan

"Its' beautiful" she replied as a smile formed at her face "Whomever you hired did it perfectly; it's exactly the way I wanted it! Dan will love it" she beamed as Nathan couldn't help but smile

"Well I hate it!" came a voice from behind as they all turned around "There's nothing remotely beautiful about it" he barked as Jules stayed quiet.

"Lucas what the hell is your problem" barked Nathan pulling his best friend a few feet away "Jules worked so hard in wanting it to be perfect. Why are you being such a jackass!"

"It doesn't matter why" he replied "What matters is the fact that I hate it. The arrangement is for the party being thrown in my honour for my return home. My step mommy dearest should have researched my likes and dislikes before placing this god for saking crappy order" Nathan sent her a look of apology "Let me ask you something, why the hell are these roses all red huh?"

"Because red is the color of happiness and love" she replied speaking up as Lucas rolled his eyes

"Well like I said, the party is being thrown in my honour not my fathers. If you want to please him, check your calendar for the correct dates" he roared "Let me tell you something else Jules" he sneered as they locked eyes "I hate the color RED with a passion so embed it in your thick skull." Jules shook her head in disbelief at his harsh words

"What the heck is going on? Sounds like someone's on a rampage" asked the brunette as she made her way over towards her employees.

"Uh, he doesn't like our arrangement Brooke" replied Bevin and Millie sheepishly

"Who doesn't like our arrangement?" she asked confused

"Him- that guy next to Nathan" they replied in unison as the brunette walked over upset

"Lucas" hissed Nathan as the blonde slowly turned around to face his friend "You're way out of line here. She's your step mother, show her some respect" Just then Lucas and Brooke locked eyes as he smirked ignoring her as if she wasn't even there.

"I want this arrangement gone and I want a new one filled with just yellow roses"

"Well, that's not going to happen" barked Brooke as she walked over towards them. Lucas kept his back to her as he listened on fumed "I won't change it for you because if I do, then that means I have to change everything else along with it to make the colors work; not to mention yellow isn't a very popular color right now so it'll be hard to find it. If you place an order now I won't guarantee you that I'll even have the arrangements done by 7pm tonight. Regardless I still won't do it for you" Nathan and Jules stood there silently smirking.

"Brooke" hissed both Millie and Bevin as they stood there shocked "He's an important client" they whispered as she didn't care.

"Nate, if the people you hire can't fulfil their duties I suggest you find someone new. I don't have the time to stand here and listen to excuses on why they can't complete a simple task given to them"

"First off, I own my own shop" she sneered "and secondly I don't work for this hall jackass! My company was hired for this job; so if you want to hire someone new or make any changes by all means do so, but first pay up for our services" she hissed

"Pay up for your services" he chuckled as she glared at him from behind "You want my money for that piece of crap you call a design" he exclaimed baffled

"Yeah that's right" she said taking a step towards him as he kept his back to her "because without money and power, people like you are worthless"

"YOU'RE WAY OUT OF LINE" he shouted as he turned around to face her "DO YOU KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING TOO HERE?" he barked as they angrily stared each other down

"Wow thank you for turning around and talking to me face to face like rational adults" she roared "Now you actually have some class in my eyes" he glared at her "Just send me a check for my days services and you can also find a new company because I will not take orders from a jackass like you. Good bye Lucas Scott" she lashed out before leaving the room.

Nathan and Jules couldn't help but grin at the scene that just unfolded right in front of them just as Lucas turned around shooting evil daggers at the two

"Who the hell is she Nate? Does she know who I am?" he barked "How dare she talks to me like that"

"Dude Luke, you aren't the freaking president so she can talk to you any way she wants too" he replied patting the blonde's shoulder

"Who is she Nate?" he asked once again ignoring the brunette's last statement

"What are you planning on doing?"

"Nothing that concerns you" he hissed "I will not let her talk to me like that though!"

"If you're planning on doing something to get back at her then you can forget it!"

"Nate" he replied

"You positive you won't do anything to Brooke once you find out who she is?"

"Brooke" he smirks "That's a pretty name for a pretty girl, but she totally lacks personality. She's rude, impolite-bad manured and obnoxious. Out of my 25 years of being, I've never met a woman so foul and disrespectful like her"

"Oh you are so way off buddy! Brooke is a wonderful woman- selfless, beautiful, compassionate and loving. I've known her forever and I've never had a problem with her. You on the other hand-are always the cause of the problem" Lucas rolled his eyes

"Compassionate and loving" he scoffed "Did you hear the things that were coming out of her mouth?! She called me a jackass!"

"Well you are a jackass Luke!"

"Oh I see where this is going" he chuckled "I bet she wants to be near me!" Nathan's mouth dropped open "She knows I'm this wealthy, powerful-high class guy and she wants my attention"

"You are so unbelievable; will you seriously pull your head out of your ass Luke cuz I know for a fact that that's not it. If anything I bet she's just seeking revenge for her older sister"

"Revenge for her sister? What the hell are you talking about Nate? What does her revenge have to do with me?"

"It has everything to do with you. Brooke's older sister is Peyton" Lucas shrugged "You don't remember who Peyton is do you?" he asks as Lucas was deep in thought

"Peyt" said Julian as he walked over towards her. "Peyt" he said again smiling at his 25 year old, curly blonde beautiful girlfriend who was lost in her own thoughts "Peyt, woohoo"

"Yes" she replied smiling once she snapped back into reality

"What's going on? You don't look too happy; what are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing" she replied "I'm just thinking about our wedding; it's in two days baby. I guess I'm just trying to figure out what else needs to be finished here"

"Peyt, don't stress too much over it okay" he said taking her hands into his "I just want you to relax and just be happy. I promise you I will take care of everything with the help of your bubbly-cheery over excited sister" he chuckled as Peyton couldn't help but laugh "I promise it'll be the wedding of your dreams"

"MmMmMmhz I love you" she smiled

"I love you too" he replied brushing his lips against hers

"Jules told me what happened earlier today Lucas" sigh Dan disappointed in his son behavior

"Oh my step mommy dearest went tattle tailing on me; did she?" he chuckled as Keith glared at him

"Lucas, she's trying here and all I ask is you give her a chance. Is it really that hard?"

"Give her a chance; why the hell should I give her a chance when you don't even give me the time of day and you're my father!" he lashed out "When I went to California did you once ever call, email or stopped by to see how I was doing?" he shouted "You never had a place for me in your heart"

"You were busy touring! How am I suppose to know where you are?"

"Don't give me that crap dad!" he barked "You and I both know that Jules or who ever my step mommy is-will always be more important to you than me; and I'm your damn son!



"LUCAS EUGENE SCOTT" he barked as he watched his only son walk away "COME BACK HERE YOU UNGREATFUL; Ah-AH" he yelped as he grabbed his chest in agony "SsSsS…. AH"

"Dan, Dan oh god Dan" shouted Jules as she rushes over towards her husband "Dan-" she cried

So this is an actual re-write of the first Chapter of this story. I realized that when I was re-reading it myself, it may have come off as a little okay most likely very confusing lol heck it may still be very confusing, but please bare with me! It will all tie in!! :0)

I wanted though to thank:

Brucas True Love, dianehermans, Long live Brucas, BrookenLucas4ev03, BrookeScott3, Brucas10, educatedbum, BDavisLScott23, peterclaire, brulian equals forbidden love, ashstalker, dee

For their reviews the first time!! YoOoOoOoOu guys RoOoOoOoOck!! :0)

Check out "All For Love & We Belong Together"

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- PhearyWinkle!-