How to catch your favorite cosplayer…

Decide on fav cosplayer

Find booth in dealer room that conveniently sells CCK's or 'Cosplayer Catching Kits'

Make sure you haven't lost them

Sneak up on them with your awesome ninja skillllzzz

Take out the recently acquired CCK you bought (if you don't have one please see step #2)

Use rope found in kit and POUNCE!

If target manages to escape follow, but be careful not to run into anything during the chase

When you catch up to them (which of course you will at some point in time…hopefully) try using the chains this time or if you prefer skip strait to using the knock out gas

If target still manages to escape you may require some help (especially if you knocked yourself out with the gas but don't worry it only last for a couple seconds)

Employ friends and set up a strategy at this point you should still have enough stuff in your CCK to split among you all

Continue with plan until successful

(If you still don't mange to catch them please purchase:

The strategy guide to Catching Your Fav Cosplayer)

Now Enjoy Your Cosplayer in whatever way you were planning to!^^


Neither this product nor its manufactures are to be held responsible for anything that may go wrong in the process of following these instructions. Please be forewarned that the use of the following products are also not our problem if you are not satisfied or go to jail for kidnapping:

'How to catch your favorite cosplayer…'

'Cosplayer Catching Kit'

'The strategy guide to Catching Your Favorite Cosplayer'