Summary: Angel and Connor bond when Connor feels out of place out of Qu'ortoth. Can Angel help him realise that he is wanted and needed before its too late.
Connor ran with Angel by his side feeling oddly comforted by that fact. Noticing his father stumble slightly he asked "Do you need to stop?".
"No I'm alright." Was the answer, Connor had no time to complain as he was then pulled behind a car and then he heard the police siren chasing after them.
"Okay. Maybe I do need a minute."
Connor was so confused. After everything that his 'father' Holtz told him he believed that Angel was a savage killer that would rip his throat out if he didn't kill him first. The person standing before them was the exact opposite. He protected him, even after he got angry and began to hit him. He knew that one of his two fathers had to be lying, but which one?
He knew he had to make amends because, even if he is lying to him, the man in front of him took a bullet for him. "What you did..." He trailed off, unsure of how to continue.
"Are you hurt?" Angel asked as his eyes scanned for injury. Again Connor was shocked, so shocked that he couldn't utter a verbal sound on the contrary, so he only shook his head to let him know that he was uninjured.
Angel nodded, seemingly happy with this as he could smell no blood. "You know, if you want, you could always come back to the hotel."
Connor froze.
Angel saw that he was panicking and hastily set about to reassure him. "Not forever, just for a couple of days. We can all help you settle into life in LA and I..I. ..would really like to get to know you Connor."
"Why?" Connor muttered in such a manner that it broke angels heart. It sounded like he didn't believe that someone should get to know him.
"Your my son Connor." Angel spoke simply. "You were stolen from me, I missed you growing up...and I will be damned if I am going to let you go now without one hell of a fight on my part."
Connor simply looked at him confused and then asked hesitantly. "Who's we?" Angel frowned confused for a moment until he remembered what he had spoken before.
"If you come with me I will introduce you to the everybody. There's Fred she's extremely smart, then there's Cordelia she gets visions, and then there's Gunn I think you would like him he's a fighter like us he could spar with you I am sure he would love the challenge." Angel began to ramble on until he stopped himself.
Connor looked at him unable to make up his mind. Seeing his inner conflict Angel held out his hand. "Please Connor." He begged unashamedly "Please I am only asking for one day, one day then we will talk again if you still don't want to stay then we can work something out...but please don't run away from me again."
Ever so slowly Connor's hand reached out to touch Angels. Soon Angel found himself with a small warm hand in his large cold one. Unable to stop himself he pulled a startled Connor into a frantic hug. He held onto Connor as if he was afraid that he would disappear. "I'm so sorry Connor...I tried to find you...I love sorry." He kept repeating into his sons hair.
Connor was too startled to react at first. His first thought was to get his 'father' off him but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He has never felt so loved as he did in that moment. Holtz has never held him like this, the most contact that he had with him was a congradulatory pat on the back if he survived a battle unscathed. Now he found himself in a loving embrace and he had no idea what to do, so he followed Angel's lead and slowly lifted his arms to wrap around him. Unbeknownst to him this simple action caused the vampires spirits to rise, he now knew that there was a chance that he could build a relationship with his son that he always wanted he would be able to start over with a clean slate. He just had to be patient.
A/N I have had this written for a while and just haven't posted it yet.
It was originally a one-shot but if I get enough review I may consider continuing.