Disclaimer: Harry Potter, characters, and all related names and phrases are either copyright and/or registered trademarks of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros. and/or their respective owners. This is a fanfiction, no copyright infringement is intended.

Hermione groaned in frustration, slamming one of her textbooks on the table. Ron and Harry stared at her, not really sure whether to ask her what was wrong or not. She seemed a little on edge.

"It's exams," Hermione moaned, thumping her head down on the book.

"Oh...I thought you liked exams, Hermione," Ron said delicately.

Hermione lifted her head up from the table and glared at her freckled friend. "Not anymore...I'm dropping out," Hermione pouted, but proceeded to flip through her book to the desired page as though she couldn't believe that she had dared to complain about school.

"That's not like you, Hermione. What's wrong?" Harry asked. The three had been studying non-stop for days now, as finals were coming up in two weeks time.

"I guess I'm a little edgy. Don't listen to me..." Hermione mumbled. Harry and Ron shrugged, and returned to their own work, though Harry kept a close wary eye on his beloved.

Hermione had to admit that the only thing keeping her going was her secret meetings with Harry. They were too infrequent, and she missed him terribly. It was different than seeing him everyday, with all the teachers and students lurking everywhere. It was too impossible to find time to spend with Harry alone. Earlier that day, however, Hermione had received a private letter from the one she loved in secret, saying that he wanted to meet her on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. They had met there before a couple of times, and Hermione found herself counting down the hours until she would make the trip down to the Forest.

Ever since they had returned to Hogwarts after Easter, things were still as normal as ever, except for one thing: Ron had stopped shadowing their every move. In fact, he seemed happier now then he had before Easter. Hermione never had the chance to ask Harry about it, because, well she never got a single moment with him alone.

Just then Lavender Brown came bursting through the portrait hole, Parvati Patil in tow. They were gasping and giggling as usual, and Hermione couldn't help but frown at the distraction.

"Harry, Professor Dumbledore wants to see you," Lavender said between breaths. Apparently they had run all the way to the common room, and were now trying to catch their breath.

"Why would that be?" Harry asked, more so to himself. He glanced at Ron and Hermione to check their reactions, but all they did was shrug.

"He didn't tell us," Parvati said. "But I'd hurry, it sounded urgent."

Harry immediately cleaned up his books, parchment, quills and ink and set off without his two friends, insisting that he could visit with Dumbledore alone.

Voicing the magic password (Gingersnaps) Harry passed the gargoyle and climbed up the escalator that led to Dumbledore's office. He had been there many times before, a lot of the visits being unpleasant memories in his mind.

He stepped inside and gasped with delight.

"Professor Lupin! Sirius! What are you doing here?" Harry exclaimed. Remus smiled along with Sirius, and in the chair behind the desk sat Dumbledore, also smiling at the small reunion. Harry couldn't remember the last time he had seen Remus.

"Came to check up on you, Harry. I hear there's been some talk of Voldemort coming back?" Remus asked.

Harry's eyes widened. "I think so, but I don't know for sure. I haven't had any dreams, or felt pain in my scar." Saying this made Harry automatically run his finger over the lightning bolt shaped scar to check if it was still there. Naturally it was.

"You think Hermione might be in danger?" Remus asked.

Harry nodded slowly, not really sure of anything anymore. If Voldemort and his Death Eaters were nearby, wouldn't they have acted by now? Would Voldemort really wait until the end of the year for a grand show?

"They've come to help, Harry," Dumbledore explained. "They have a lot of experience with Voldemort. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that they are only here to take matters into their own hands, should you, Hermione, or any of the other students fall into trouble." Dumbledore paused and pointed a warning finger at Harry. "And not because they go looking for it...they will be here. Meanwhile, if nothing happens at all, I bid you both welcome, and enjoy your visit with Harry," the Headmaster said, turning back to the visitors.

Harry grinned from ear to ear. Having his godfather here, he suddenly felt very safe. Not to mention Professor...well once Professor Lupin, but now known as Remus Moony Lupin.

"They let you back at Hogwarts?" Harry asked Remus, as they made their way to the Great Hall.

"For a short while," answered Remus. "I've been granted permission from the Ministry of Magic and I can stay until the end of the term."

"Is it that serious to have you here? Are you really worried?" Harry asked them both.

"Well you're my godson. Everyone knows Voldemort has it in for you. I've received special permission to remain for that reason as well. Besides that, Hermione has somewhat become like the daughter I never had, so I feel a need to keep her safe as well," Sirius added slyly, looking sideways at Harry to catch his reaction.

Harry paled and looked away nervously, though deep down he was jumping for joy that Sirius had approved of Hermione, even though Sirius didn't know anything about their relationship. Or did he? Harry suddenly wondered. Sirius had certainly dropped enough hints.

"Well, I can't tell you how happy and relieved I am to you have you both here. I'll need your help with not only Voldemort, should he arrive, but something else as well," Harry said nervously.

"What would that be?" asked Sirius.

"Er...well... I haven't exactly told the Dursleys that I won't be coming back...I don't know how to tell them!" he cried defensively as Sirius's eyes widened.

"Fine, fine, don't worry," Sirius said, rolling his eyes. "We'll have to go back anyway to say farewell and to thank them for their hospitality," he said with a bite of sarcasm.

"If by thanking them you mean transporting them to the coldest, most empty corner in the world--then I'm all for it," Harry said.

"It's dangerous giving Sirius ideas like that, Harry," Remus told him with a smirk.

"We'll talk about how to deal with the Dursleys later. We're going to deal with one thing at a time," Sirius said, a corner of his mouth tugging upwards. "How about some dinner?" he added as they entered the Great Hall.

Harry found his seat beside Ron across from Hermione and watched as Sirius and Remus made their way to the High table. Dinner was uneventful, other than the fact that Hermione kept giving Harry very strange looks. It was the look she usually gave when she had a secret she wanted to tell him. Or possibly when they were going to meet in secret. But they didn't have a meeting, and what kind of a secret could she possibly have?

Half an hour later, Hermione got up before everyone else and said that she'd be in the common room studying. Harry and Ron nodded, their eyes following Hermione out of the Great Hall. She was getting stranger and stranger these days. Harry wondered if it had anything to do with the ring, or maybe the two keys?

One thing was for sure: Harry knew that he couldn't possibly love Hermione more than he did at that moment. But then he had to take that back. Every time he thought that there was no possible way he could love her more, something clicked inside him, only doubling his love for her. He could only pray that she loved him just as much, or maybe even just a little. He'd be satisfied either way.

It was just after 6 o'clock before Ron and Harry made their way out of the Great Hall. They had stayed back and talked some more with Remus, Sirius, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

"Do you suppose Hermione is better?" Ron asked as they walked towards their common room. Harry shrugged, pretending to look nonchalant, but inside he was growing nervous. Sure enough a searing pain followed the butterflies in his stomach and he doubled over, stifling a cry.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Ron asked, placing a hand on Harry's back.

"Hermione...she's in trouble," Harry gasped, feeling as though his insides were trying to escape as they twisted and writhed inside him. He had no idea this was what it felt like when the ring began to work. Well at least it works, Harry thought between fleeting visions in his mind. A dark forest...dark robes…

"She's in the Forbidden Forest!" Harry cried, straightening instantly and bolting towards the main doors.

"Harry, wait! I'll get Sirius and Remus!" Ron shouted after him, but the rest was lost to him as Harry sped outside towards the dark and frightening forest.

"Hermione!" Harry shouted, before he had even entered the looming trees. The forest seemed to close in on him, blocking out any remaining light from the setting sun above.

Harry called out her name again, his chest tightening in panic. She was in danger. He couldn't lose her! With a boost of adrenaline he followed his senses, scraping his mind for possible visions of where she could be. He caught Hermione's overall sense of fear, and he could hear her mentally call out to him.



"Harry!" a masculine voice called, interrupting his mental connection to Hermione. He turned to discover Remus and Sirius behind him.

"I can't find Hermione," Harry choked out, groping in the darkness of the Forbidden Forest, searching for the pair.

"We'll find her. She's got the ring. Nothing can hurt her...yet," Remus added. They all tried to ignore the horrible feeling in the pit of their stomachs as they searched for Hermione by the light of Sirius's and Remus's wands.

As they delved deeper into the woods, Harry's panic increased. He knew he needed to keep a calm, clear head to deal with what was coming. But the thought of losing Hermione was like a hot knife slicing at his heart.

"We're losing time...Hermione could be long gone by now," Harry growled.

"She's not gone. Can you feel her?" Remus asked. Harry turned to his former professor and nodded.

"I can feel a bond...I can't explain it. I know she's still alive. And she knows I'm coming for her," he said.

"Hold on to that link. Don't let it go. It's the only way we're going to save her," Remus insisted.

Harry nodded firmly, privately relieved that Sirius and Remus were there with him. Not a second later, he turned sharply to the scuffle and sound of a moving figure to his left. "Over there," Harry whispered.

He knew it could be a chance that it was just another woodland creature, and Harry prayed it was only a unicorn. He didn't want to face anymore horrors than he already had to that night.

They followed the sound and came to a clearing.

"Hermione!" Harry shouted and ran to the brunette. She lay on her side on the ground with her arms outstretched. Her wand lay a few feet away from her.

"She's alive," Harry whispered.

"Yes. She is alive, Harry Potter. But the danger does not end here," said a gentle masculine voice.

Harry turned in surprise.

"Firenze," Harry said softly, turning to the centaur that had saved him five years ago, and who had successfully managed to keep Hermione's attackers away.

"Just barely," answered Firenze. "You must get her out of here, before He comes back."

"Voldemort is here...He attacked Hermione?" Harry asked, struggling to remain calm. He felt Hermione stir beneath him.

"Harry..." she whispered.

"It was not Him," Firenze continued. "But his followers. There were half a dozen, Harry Potter. They will not stop here," Firenze informed Harry. He acknowledged the two adult wizards with a nod. They nodded back.

"The forest is no place for a young lady. Or for you, Harry Potter. I'll leave you now. Be careful." And with his final departing message, he galloped deep into the forest.

"Thank you, Firenze," Harry murmured, before turning all his attention to Hermione.

"Hermione..." he said gently, helping her sit up. "Are you hurt?" he asked.

He didn't care if he sounded too concerned. He didn't care if Sirius and Remus watched him hold Hermione in a way that only lovers did.

"Harry...they were here...and you weren't..." Hermione mumbled into his shirt. Harry frowned in confusion.

"What are you talking about, honey?" he asked softly, again not caring that Sirius and Remus could hear this term of endearment.

"You were supposed to meet me..." Hermione sobbed. She no longer cared to put up the brave front. She knew she was strong, but at this moment she just wanted Harry to hold her.

"When? I never knew anything about it," Harry said.

A new fear had started to take over him now. Someone had wanted Hermione alone in the forest and had it not been for the Friendship Ring, Harry never would have known. He clenched his hand free hand into a fist, barely holding in his fury.

"You never sent the letter?" she asked, now looking up at him. When he didn't respond, her eyes widened. Harry knew she had come to the very same conclusion as he had. And a second later a white-hot pain shot through his scar. He cried out, his hands clutching at his forehead. Behind him, Sirius and Remus stood alert, preparing for the worst.

"Filthy Mudblood," hissed a voice. The voice was cold and seemed to echo all around them.

The pain in Harry's head intensified, spreading to all the quarters of his body. The torture was unbearable--he felt like death would be a nicer alternative.

"It's him," Sirius growled. All around them shadows appeared from the trees and into the clearing where the small group stood.

Sirius and Remus--wands drawn--approached Harry and Hermione, ready to do battle to protect them.

As the Death Eaters circled them, forming a tight circle, two of the hooded figures split apart, where another appeared, seeming to glide into the circle. The darkness of the woods shrouded this figure's face, but Harry knew who he was. As did Hermione, who suddenly went frigid beneath Harry's touch. She had never been face-to-face with Voldemort before.

This very thought seemed to have occurred to Voldemort, who said, "At last we meet, Miss Granger. I've learnt quite a bit about you, through keen observation."

Hermione lifted her chin up defiantly, though her grip on Harry's arm grew more fierce--almost painful.

"Aren't you above paying the slightest attention to Mudbloods?" Hermione asked him sarcastically.

Voldemort didn't move or flinch, and even if his face hadn't been covered by the darkness, it would seem expressionless to the company before him.

"I was informed that you were the smartest witch attending that pathetic excuse for a school," Voldemort replied in a cool voice. "If you are as clever as you were made out to be, you'll know to keep your opinions and questions to yourself."

Voldemort stopped speaking for a moment, regarding the two wizards-in-training with interest.

"Over the years I've been thwarted by Harry far too many times--and at one point I thought it had to be luck or strange coincidence. But I hardly believe in those things. Something I'm sure you understand, Hermione," Voldemort said, boring his eyes into hers. "And then I grew to understand that I was right all along. Harry wasn't lucky. Harry isn't lucky."

"Get to the point," Sirius snapped, drawing Voldemort's attention onto himself for the first time.

Voldemort looked behind Harry and his darkened face seemed to light up with an evil glow.

"I intend to, Sirius Black.

"I discovered that all these years, through every encounter we've had where Harry escaped my clutches, he wasn't simply relying on his own strength or intelligence. It seems that without you, Hermione, Harry wouldn't be standing here as we speak."

Hermione froze. So did Harry.

"Time after aggravating time, Harry slipped from me unscathed and alive," Voldemort continued in his cold, hissing voice. "And then I had a thought. What if I took away that very thing which keeps Harry safe and alive? If I took you away, Hermione, then it would be me versus Harry -- not me versus Harry and Hermione. It's only fair, is it not? It's the way it should be."

"I dare you to lay a single claw on her," Harry said loudly, pulling Hermione closer to him for emphasis. "And see what happens to you and your precious followers. This is one battle you can't win."

"I'd very much like to know what gives you such foresight," Voldemort sneered.

"I admit I've managed to escape you with Hermione's help," Harry said. "But all those other times I always faced you alone. And as you can see--I am far from alone right now."

Saying this, Harry turned to gaze into Hermione's face, who looked straight back into his eyes.

"I am not going to lose you, Hermione. I promise," Harry whispered, his eyes never leaving hers.

Voldemort heaved an exaggerated sigh and raised his wand--

Hermione's legs buckled beneath her and she slid to the ground, grasping at Harry for support.

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, his voice hoarse with fear. Was this some trick being played on him by Voldemort? Had he performed some wordless spell on her without his knowing? That couldn't be possible. And yet...

"Tell me...why," Hermione gasped, her eyes tiny slits as she struggled to keep them open.

"Oh, what's happening to you..." Harry moaned, frustrated and deeply worried. Sirius and Remus kept their eyes on Voldemort and the Death Eaters, ready to strike when the time arose.

It was then that Sirius realized that Voldemort was just as puzzled with this scenario as the rest of them. He seemed almost in a trance, as though he couldn't understand what he was doing.

"Tell me, Harry...why..." Hermione pleaded.

"Why?" Harry said, almost as puzzled as Voldemort. And then it dawned on him. And all hesitation flew away. "Because I promised I would protect you with my own life. Remember: Trust, Loyalty..." Harry fought back tears as a tiny smile crept along Hermione's face.

"And...?" she whispered. Her eyes were now closed, the blissful smile still curving her lips.

He touched a finger to those lips and he felt her briefly shudder.

"And I love you," he said.

A pleasurable sigh escaped her lips before she whispered the words he had been longing to hear his whole life, it seemed.

"I love you, too."

He didn't have time to react to that simple yet complicated phrase, because at that moment the Friendship Ring burst into a fresh new light, lighting up the entire clearing, up to the sky and beyond. Sirius, Remus, Voldemort and the Death Eaters stared upwards in amazement, and Harry held in a startled gasp as the light faded. But Harry suddenly realized that they were no longer alone.

High above them, floating in the air, was a girl who looked even younger than Harry. She gave off a silvery ethereal glow, wearing a thin garment that looked like a night dress, which flowed about her slender figure. Her hair was silver as well (though that could have been the silver glow giving off that effect), which fell past her waist in soft waves. Her eyes, also silver, stared at the bewildered crowd below her.

To Harry's surprise, the floating girl lowered herself until she was hovering a mere inch above the ground. And she turned to him and Hermione, a soft smile warming their hearts. All the darkness in Harry's life seemed to vanish with her very presence. One look into Hermione's face suggested that she felt just as free and light.

"The amount of gratitude I feel towards you, Harry and Hermione, cannot be expressed with words. You have set me free," she said. It was the same soft, misty voice that had haunted Harry's dreams. "I know in my heart that there is nothing I can do or say that can equal my sincere appreciation."

"The third key...it was..." Harry choked on his words. Why hadn't he seen it before?

"It was Love. Trust, Loyalty and Love. You have no idea what it feels like to hear those words uttered under the most sincere, possible way," she said in the same misty voice.

Harry looked down at Hermione. He could seriously doubt that she had been the only one longing to hear those words.

"How did you find me?" Harry asked suddenly.

"I have traveled very far and wide...across the world, looking for the pair that would set me free. Over one millennia had passed with no luck. I could not fathom how the ring I was cursed to kept falling into the wrong hands. Many lives ceased to exist by the Curse which had been placed on the Ring. And I was powerless to stop it.

"One day, a young man stepped into the shop where I had been sitting and collecting dust for years. I could feel a power inside him. It was so unlike anything I had ever felt before. I knew that power could only be one thing: Love. A love so pure and in depth, I knew he had been the answer to the end of my demise. It was you, young Harry. And I had just enough strength in me to call to you and draw you to me. When you purchased the Ring, I managed to send you a few dreams, to lead you and guide you. And just as I had hoped, you both discovered the three keys. I now plead with you: allow me to repay you in the only way I can," the spirit insisted.

"How?" Harry asked curiously.

"I am no longer entrapped. No longer a slave to the powers of the ring. I was made to protect Hermione--your one and true love. I mean to keep my promise."

And before Harry could protest, the floating spirit raised herself high into the air and turned to face the red-eyed Dark Lord, who now looked a little more concerned for his own safety, the look of puzzlement still frozen to his face.

"You have caused this world enough pain. It ends tonight." Her silvery eyes flashed with an intense power before they slammed shut just as a powerful wind swept around her. No incantations were uttered, no spells or curses. A bright light seemed to glow from inside her, spreading outwards and around her, brighter than ever before. The light swallowed every bit of darkness around them.

Harry threw himself on Hermione, protecting her from anything that could possibly go wrong. They clung to each other, though Harry kept a good eye on what was happening.

One by one the Death Eaters fled the scene, unconcerned of the very threat that their master was facing death once again. Voldemort, through his puzzled trance, gave a mighty yell. He crumpled to the soft ground, his body instantly turning to dust.

Harry looked up, to find that the spirit was now floating before him again.

"It is over, Harry. You and Hermione have nothing to worry about. Live your lives to the fullest. Do not deny yourselves the simple pleasures that most people take for granted in life. You have everything you need now," she said softly, glancing meaningfully at Hermione.

Harry nodded and looked at Hermione, a look of pure love evident on both faces.

"I have you," he said to her.

The secret was out, and he was no longer going to hide it. As of now, there was no reason to. Voldemort was gone. Hermione was safe. They were in love. It was all Harry had prayed for, and more.

Hermione gave him a sweet smile and let Harry pull her up from the ground.

"What will happen to you?" Hermione asked, speaking directly to the spirit for the first time.

The spirit smiled. "I will return to where I belong among the heavens, where I will continue to watch over you, Hermione. That is my mission." she told them.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked curiously.

"I was a princess in my era, and was a very large target for the most powerful of dark wizards and witches. One succeeded and killed me in an extra-ordinary fashion. He placed my spirit within a plain ring, and only until a pure love came upon it could I be set free. Now that I am finally free, the ring is just a ring. And it is here that I shall leave you. I will always remember you as my saviors, and will never forget the love that you both share, for I have never been given the chance to find such a love. If ever either of you need anything of me, you only need to summon me by a single thought," she said in her misty voice. "Good luck to you both." And the Ring-Spirit vanished into the night.

"Well, I think she was wrong about one thing," said a voice to their right. Harry turned to find his godfather and Remus standing there.

"What's that?" asked Harry, feeling more elated than he had ever felt.

"You two won't need luck," Sirius said, a grin playing about his lips.

Harry wheeled on his godfather, pointing an accusing finger. "You knew...you knew the entire time about us and you didn't tell me?" he hissed, though he was far from angry.

Remus and Sirius laughed. "I didn't tell you? Who, exactly, kept it from every living soul?" Sirius tossed back.

Harry folded his arms across his chest as Hermione stepped behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I think that she was wrong about another thing," Harry said as he felt her hand on him, calming him. He turned to Hermione and asked her to remove the chain around her neck.

She furrowed her brows in confusion, but complied, slipping the chain from around her and handing him the silver chain. They all watched as he slipped the silver and gold ring off of the chain and he held it between is thumb and index finger.

"She said this ring was just a plain old ring. It's not," he explained, and her eyes widened as he took her right hand and slipped it on the finger next to her pinky.

"It's now a Promise ring. If you'll have it," he added softly, his green eyes digging deep into her own brown ones, a not-so-secret smile on his face.

"Oh, Harry..." Hermione sobbed, throwing herself into his arms.

There were no words right now. She only wanted him to feel how much she loved him. She had come so close, so daringly close to death, and had she not told him...he would never have known, and she didn't want to think about that. What mattered was that he did know that she loved him, and what also mattered was that they no longer had to keep it to themselves. The world could know, Hermione could shout from a rooftop, and they could be really happy.

These blissful thoughts rolled through her head as they all walked back through the forest, across the grounds towards the school.

"You're coming to visit me this summer, right?" Harry asked, his hand entwined with Hermione's.

She grinned up at him.

"Wild hippogriffs couldn't stop me."