Author's Note: The idea for this story came from the novel Alphabet Weekends by Elizabeth Noble. The only similarity between this story and hers is the title and the idea of spending 26 weekends together using the alphabet.
Before You Read: I want to take the time to warn you all that Edward and Bella in this story are OOC, although they do still have many of the book's mannerisms/personality traits. They are, at times, crude, rude, and lewd!
Companion/Sequel Pieces: This story has 3 one-shots related to special moments mentioned throughout the story, as well as a sequel that expands on the story.
Story Beta: freakyhazeleyes (except Ch.31), cevuplay (Ch 31)
Total Story Word Count w/o Author's Notes, Quotes & Titles: 120,354 (161,000 w/companion one-shots and sequel)
Story Disclaimer: Everything and anything related to the Twilight Saga belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This whole story is a work of fiction based on her writings. No harm is meant by it.
2024 Update: This story has been updated/edited to correct grammar and formatting issues, as well as remove the author's notes that no longer apply. By request, this story can now also be found cross-posted on AO3 (link on my profile). This story has been translated into several languages. Unfortunately, not sure if those are still available as of 2024. If you still want access to this story's playlist, please DM me.
"We should have never done this! I knew this would fuck everything up," Bella chastised, as Edward just stared blankly at her from across her bed.
They had set up the rules, and she had implemented them—she had been the one to really enforce them strictly but damn it all to hell, rules were meant to be broken.
"What do you want me to say, Bella? I have no fucking clue what you want me to say, so please…please don't act like I'm the bad guy! You were just as much a part of this as I was. You agreed from the very beginning. I'm not the only one at fault here."
Bella wailed as she grabbed at the roots of her hair, muttering, "I knew it; I knew this would happen."
"There's only one letter left, Bella. Let's just finish what we started. After that, we will see what happens," Edward whispered, walking up to her, bumping his shoulder with hers, trying to calm her down, but it didn't work; she was unbelievably tense.
He pulled the hat from the drawer, shook it twice, and handed it to Bella. They both knew what the letter was, but this was how the game was played since they first started four months ago.
"It's my turn," he muttered, taking a deep breath as he pulled up the rolled-up loose-leaf paper. Quickly pocketing the paper after reading it, he walked out of their apartment to prepare for Saturday, leaving Bella to fester alone with her thoughts.