Disclaimer: Same as the first, same as the last

Twisted Roots


A/N: This is a very, very, short epilogue. It is more like a last word than anything. I wasn't going to write one but a lot of people asked for it so I compromised by writing this little drabble. If you don't feel like the story needed an epilogue, then feel free to not read it, won't hurt my feelings. If you did want one, I hope this doesn't disappoint. If you didn't want one but read this anyway, don't flame me if you hate it because I warned you. I am not big on epilogues. I prefer sequels if the story has room for one. I have a couple of ideas for a sequel that I might do. I am currently working on a couple of joint projects that I hope to start posting soon. I will also be starting a seventh year Dramione soon that is the brainchild of a friend of mine but I will do the grunt work (the actual writing of the story). If you like the SS/HG pairing you can check out my other WIP Life For Rent, otherwise I hope you read again when I post my next Dramione! OH, and I have had a lot of people say they are going to recommend this story, tell them to look for Twisted Roots Reprise because I am going to give this story a good edit and revise. It's been fun!!!

"I can't believe you got Hannah a broomstick. She's only two!" Hermione chastised her husband and father-in-law as they unpacked bags from the shopping trip they'd just returned from.

"It's only little, Hermione. Besides she needs to carry on the Malfoy seeker legacy." Draco said as he helped his daughter balance on the toy broom. Hermione just shook her head but she smiled as her daughter squealed excitedly. Hannah tossed her platinum curls and her chocolate brown eyes sparkled with joy as she flew right into her waiting grandfather's arms. Narcissa walked over to them and covered her granddaughter with kisses causing the little girl to squeal even louder.

Draco walked over to his wife and wrapped his arms, kissing her deeply. "Hello Hermione," he said sweetly. Hermione leaned into her husband and breathed in his scent. It had been four years since they got married and her affection for him had not diminished. She still got butterflies in her stomach when he smiled at her and her heart filled with a childlike glee when she saw him interact with their daughter. Hermione never imagined that she would be so happy being a part of the Malfoy family. Draco was right though, they may have been a lot of things bad but when it came to family, they were all good.

Hermione settled down in her favorite chair to read the Evening Prophet. It had been a long week on her feet teaching at the Pre-Howgwarts Primary School. She was sixth months pregnant with her second child and tired easily. Draco placed himself on the ottoman and dutifully began rubbing her feet just as he did most evenings lately. Narcissa and Lucius settled themselves on the floor with Hannah to play with a new set of building blocks that were designed to stay stacked no matter how precarious the building design was.

"Anything interesting today?" Draco asked as he moved on to Hermione's calves.

Hermione sighed contentedly before answering. "No, not yet—oh wait. It says her that Delores Umbridge died in her cell last night. Good riddance, I say."

Lucius chuckled. "That isn't a very charitable thing to say. How unlike you to wish death on a person."

"Well, people can change, right? After all, there was a time when you wanted me dead. There is no love lost between Umbridge and I." Hermione retorted. It had taken a couple of years but Hermione and Lucius had finally worked through all their postwar issues. Hermione learned a lot of valuable lessons from him and she would even venture to say that he'd learned from her as well.

"Touché. I regret that now I hope you know." Lucius said as he watched his granddaughter play and chat with Narcissa with affection.

Hermione put the paper down and got up out of her chair. She walked over to Lucius and bent down to give him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I do know that and I appreciate you saying so. I am going to make tea. Draco, will you help?"

"I wish you would let us give you one of our House-Elves, Hermione." Narcissa eyed Hermione with concern as the young woman rubbed her lower back and stretched. "You really need to rest more and since you can't cut back on work you could at least let us help with the housework."

"Never." Hermione smiled. "You know I won't budge on that. Earl Grey?"

Hermione reached for Draco's hand and walked to the kitchen grinning. It was a typical day in their life, but it was a beautiful day and it was only one of many, many, to come. They had truly risen from their twisted roots to form a beautiful new beginning.

Really The End