!!Spoilers for Mayhem On The Cross!!

Sweet's POV:

Brennan put the handkercheif in Booth's pocket, and Booth looked down at it. A wave of realization pulsed through me. I know what meant when he said, "One of them struggles with it everyday..." He meant Booth. Booth struggles with the fact that him and Brennan have chemistry. I'd always thought he'd meant Brennan, but I was wrong. Dr. Whyatt had been talking about Booth. He's always been there for her, always has loved her. He was worried about her bieng upset. He didn't think she felt anything because she'd said that she doesn't believe in love.

He trust's her. In each of our sessions Booth always is in a rush to go, even though I know he wants to be talking to Brennan. He trusts her more than me, and I'm okay with that.

Whyatt had seen that in him and Booth's sessions.

I couldn't help but smile. I figured it out.

"What are you smiling about?" Booth asked me.

"It's just an observation Whyatt made about you too. I finally realize what he meant." I replied.

"Okay, lets go." Booth said and walked out with Brennan, I smiled again and followed them out.

Okay, this is obviously short, but this is what I thought the end of Mayhem On The Cross meant. Some people may disagree, but still. Please give me some critisism to make my writing better..

Tempe x3