Hey, so, a couple things. First of all, sorry I haven't written...like, ANYTHING, in forever. Months. . I chose to write for this story, because its easier right now, and the other story I love entirely too much to fuck up with my scattered brain right now. This story I love, but it can be a little off now and then and I wouldn't mind too much. Plus, I kinda missed writing Leah. :P
Second, I've been reading a lot of Leah fics, and I've noticed a couple things. First, that everyone seems to think Harry Clearwater died from seeing his kids phase. I don't think that's what happened. It might be, but thats not in my story. From what I got from the books, Harry died at the end of New Moon, right after Bella jumped the cliff. Leah and Seth are still human then, unless they phased that night, which I highly doubt, or that would have probably gone into the story somewhere. I think they phase somewhere in the first half of Eclipse.
But..yeah i think thats it. Sorry i haven't written lately, and i'm not sure when i'll write again. I just moved, and its hella hard to find a job in toronto right now. :\ But i shall try!
Disclaimer: I don't own twilight. *frowny face*
And he looks me in the eyes and thinks about what I'm just starting to believe, while watching what I look like through his eyes, and feeling all this pain, and he collapses on the ground in front of me like he's exhausted, and the words make everything final.
Leah, you're a werewolf.
I can feel the pain slowly recede. It's all I'm thinking about, concentrating on it as hard as I can so I don't have to think about the fact that Sam is sitting there in front of me like nothing ever happened between us, telling me what my life will be like from now on.
We're really strong…incredibly so. You may have noticed…changes about yourself? Like new muscles… growth spurts.
We've got increased senses and our teeth are the only thing that can cut through vampire skin, other than vampire teeth.
He continued for a bit, but my mind stopped dead.
Vampire teeth.
Vampire teeth. As in cold ones. As in, not only was I a werewolf, but… there were vampires roaming around. Killing people…sucking blood…
Sam stopped trying to talk to me, hearing my panic…and nausea. I remembered the stories about the vampire family that supposedly lived near here. The Cullens. Could they be..?
Yes. They're vampires, but we have a treaty with them…we cannot kill them. As long as they don't bite a human, and stay off our lands, we're not to touch them. We can't cross the boundary line between our land and ours, though, or they have permission to kill us. I'll show you the line when you're…ah…feeling better.
I took a moment to let this all in. I took several moments, actually. I looked all around me, and realized Sam was right. I could see everything. Everything. Every little line of each leaf, every piece of bracken knotted through Sam's fur…
…Fur. Ugh. I looked through Sam's eyes, and noticed my fur was much, much longer than his. I looked like freaking cousin It!
You...ah... you might want to cut your hair a bit shorter to help with that. It makes it easier… running around and all that.
Running around?
Yes, well, we run patrols to make sure there are no vampires in the area. We're the protectors of La Push, Leah.
I realized, then, that I had just joined Sam's little Protectors Pack. Great. That's exactly what I always wanted. Definitely.
Cut my hair. Cut it short. I've seen all the guys running around lately, with their cropped hair. How short would I have to cut it? How short was I willing to cut it…
I loved my hair. It was long and black and silky…shiny…
I sighed as I got up. I was getting stiff, and that added to the soreness I was already feeling from my…change. I saw Sam get up, as well.
"What are…" I stopped short.
Why? Well…that would be because I just barked.
Woof, woof…only, literally.
Just think it, Leah. I'll hear it.
Thanks for the reminder. What are you doing?
Coming with you..?
…Uh, that's quite all right. I think I can walk around without your help.
Leah…you might not…You need to know what the boundaries are.
I'll be fine. I was surprised when I growled along with thinking the words. I growled again, testing it. I sounded scary…terrifying. It matched how I looked. A monster, straight out of a horror story. I shook out my ridiculously long fur, and started walking. It hurt, but not nearly as much as changing did.
A thought had occurred to me, then.
We can change back, right?!
Yes, once you've calmed down enough…which you aren't at the moment, you can change back. Just think of something peaceful, try to see yourself as a human…and you'll just change.
I tried it, despite Sam thinking I wasn't calm enough. I wasn't calm. I was panicky, scared, horrified, and most of all I was pissed the hell off. I saw myself in my head, and wished to be her. My body twisted a bit, and a weird stirring started in my stomache, but heat flashed down my spine, traveling through my legs and…other legs, I suppose. I stayed a gigantic monster.
I roamed the forest, trying not to think…and failing, miserably.
Why me? Why any of this? What, the Cullens move in and suddenly we all burst into giant dogs? Am I even still human? What will my mother think? Can I even tell her…?
I was cut off.
Your mother already knows everything. She knows about Seth as well. She's…she's replaced your father as tribe Elder.
There was a flash of a memory, my father watching from our backyard porch as Seth ran into the forest, vibrating.
I continue my wandering, trying to ignore the thoughts coming from the ex boyfriend of mine, still sitting in the same spot where I had left him. It was hard, though, because he was thinking about me. About the day he broke up with me.
And then about the day he fell in love with my cousin.
I howled.
Will you cut that shit while I'm around? I don't need to hear that.
I could see it in his head, the moment he looked at her. I didn't even exist to him anymore.
That hurt more than I'd care for him to know about.
He kept going, despite my protest, thinking about when he looked back at me, and I could feel his shock and pain, when he looked into my eyes and couldn't see me. Couldn't feel anything towards me, besides simple friendship.
It's imprinting, Leah. It's something we wolves do sometimes…its rare. Only Jared and I have imprinted. It's when…when we find our soul mates.
I didn't exactly understand, but it hurt…the way his mental voice wrapped around the words 'imprinting' and 'soul mates'.
I so do NOT need to hear this, Sam.
But you do, Leah. Please understand, it was out of my control. It just happened. I had phased, that's why I disappeared. I was a wolf, and when I saw Emily…
A sound escaped me, then, only I couldn't quite call it a howl. It was more of a screech of pain… and still, he continued. Because he's a jackass.
I don't mean to hurt you, Leah…I just want you to understand that I didn't have any control over what happened. I couldn't help it. When I saw her… It wasn't my choice to fall out of love with you. I still love you, in a way, I always will, but only as… a friend, or a sister. You must have heard of imprinting… remember the story of the third wife? Emily is my third wife.
That was it. That was all I could handle. I broke into a run, and it almost distracted me – how fast I could run. I couldn't even imagine the speed at which I was moving, it was incredible. Almost distracted me, but not quite. Emily was his third wife.
I'd heard the stories. The third wife that Taha Aki loved more than anything else in the whole world. That's what happened? Some stupid love at first sight bullshit? That's why he left me?
That's why my life's fallen apart?
If I was angry earlier, I was fucking livid now. Werewolves. Fucking werewolves. I'm a werewolf, and I don't know how I'm even going to live with this. My boyfriend turned into a werewolf, and imprinted…and left me. This is all…who's fault is this? Is there even anyone to blame? What, Taha Aki?
The Cullens… it's their presence that triggers our change. They left…and only Jake phased after they had. But they've come back…and since then you and Seth have phased, and I've noticed a couple other kids around the reservation having growth spurts.
The Cullens. My mental voice twisted around their name like thorny vines. Of course, I still blamed Sam for leaving me. I knew it was irrational, and childish, but I couldn't help it. And I could hear, even now, in the back of his head, his constant string of thoughts about Emily.
How perfect she was. How he couldn't wait for me to phase back, so he could get back to her…
Go, then. Go back to your precious fucking Emily.
Leah…you're a new wolf. You need my help. His calm tone was forced, he was angry at me for being angry with Emily. God forbid anyone speak wrong about his perfect little girlfriend. Fiance. Whatever. I was done with this. I'm a werewolf. A fucking werewolf, and I just found out that this is the reason my entire life's fucked up. I wanted him gone, and I wanted him gone now.
I don't care if I'm a new wolf, I don't need your freaking help. Screw off.
He huffed, like he was offended, and ran towards his and Emily's house. He phased, making it look so easy, and I was left to myself.
I waited a minute, to make sure he wasn't going to come back with some bit of vital information he had forgotten, and when he didn't return, I finally broke down.
For the first time in a long time, I cried.
Hope you enjoyed =] Do you have any idea how annoying it is to type with this stupid non-mac keyboard, and this completely-mac computer? My mom's a total loser, and doesn't like mac keyboards, so she bought a normal one to use instead. *sigh*
except, then she gave me the mac keyboard for my own computer, and so i can't hate her too much for it. my computer's sitting under a pile of junk at my friend's house at the moment, though.. .