Darker then pitch black.

chapter 1. group 9

By. Vixenrory

**Kyuubi internal voice**

*flash backs*


Fortunately for him I (2much4dis) got my groove back and went to work writing for him. () Take the help wateva, NO this ain't one, and YES I will return to writing Yaoi case, YES I write da wateva with XD will do some too…after all team work is power.

vixenrory I so choose after dis to help you I will. (All made up characters are my own, LeAnn and Sukiko!!!)



~Naruto POV~

It had been six years since I had first joined the group with Sasuke and Sakura. Six good years. I had strived for jounin and now I have got it. Tomorrow will be the first day I get my very first students. Tomorrow will be the first day I become sensei Naruto. Tomorrow will be the day I take over for some jounin known as Jenpachi, tomorrow I am final.

I know I still have a long way to go before I'm Hokage. I mean I have to become Sannin, I am necessarily a Sannin but I am not legally a Sanin. And I have to go through one group. Eventually, I have to do it right? But I agreed to Baa-chans rules only if I could get the group with Konohamaru.

That's right the two of us again.

I watched them as they waited for me in the room. All the other groups were late and they were loosing patience but I still decided to watch.

Konohamaru had grown immensely, taller then I was at his age and his hair was in a long pony tail. He didn't wear the cape anymore. Wait he hasn't for a while. well his cloths was even more mature.

"Where is this shit bag?" the blond haired girl spat.

"Patience is a virtue…wait he'll be here." the green haired male kid said. he seemed strong intelligent, but boring all at the same time.

**really kit you should know better then to judge people by there appearance.** Kyuubi laughed wickedly in my head.

I opened the door and ran through laughing as I shined in all my glory. but unfortunately as I tried to make an amazing appearance…I tripped and fall all over myself in slow motion. Great, how on earth do I play this off?

I quickly flipped over and landed on my feet, they all stared at me with this intensity that nearly drowned me in attention.

"All right people lets see what I have here? Oh a girl a guy and…"

"The infamous Konohamaru!!!!" I was kicked in the head by a table that turned into a person. The Konohamaru I was looking at disappeared into a poof of smoke. Shadow clone.

"What's good, chief?" Konohamaru said form on top of me. Little shit, you want play battle tactics 101 I'll play 102!!!

"This is no way you treat your sensei Konohamaru." I did the summoning jutsu and a human sized frog came out and wrapped its tongue around him tossing him into some tables.

"Ouch, that hurt boss…" he said struggling out of the chairs.

I dusted myself off and sat up staring at him, "You deserve it, don't ever come at me like that again."

The frog laid out its tongue and I walked up it as if it were a ramp and stood on its head. "I am Uzumaki Naruto, your sensei; so please try and give me the respect I deserve. Tomorrow you, team seven, will meet me at the third training ground; were you will be evaluated. Be there or you dead. Believe it!" I held my fist out and watched them all cower back except for Mr. big shot.

Sasuke Uchiha. That would be his protégé right there he even sat like him.

The girl started drooling over him and slouched back forgetting to cover her agape mouth.

"Also before 5 A.M. meet me at the courtyard after lunch and we'll get to know our teammates more." I said and with a poof I was gone.

The green haired kid, of course, was first to show. Does he even eat? The girl was next following him with a homemade bento meal. He of course didn't even pay her the time of day. but (just like sakura) she didn't give up. she pursued him as if he were a prince with the finest of homes, and looks.

"Just try it!! come on it's good." she yelled; he just ignored her.

And last and not least was my protégé Konohamaru…he had to be me…shameful… I must have really sucked.

The kid with the green hairs name was Kouga if I was correct and the girls name was Tsuki.

I found them in the courtyard waiting for me there patiently.

"Hey, chief where you been?" Konohamaru asked with a smile. The green haired kid just smirked and looked away. Tsuki went to work asking questions and adding comments to everything I said.

"well, tell me about yourselves?" I said taking my seat. the green haired guy just grunted and the girl shrieked and Konohamaru smirked. "Kouga, tell us about yourself."

"...everyone i ever knew or ever cared about is dead. i have no friends, no family, and to the best of my knowledge i only have two enemy and thats Konohamaru and the man that took life from my families hands. I hate the following foods: Ramen, anything with tomatoes, or onions, fish, cheese, and plain white rice. I hate loud noises and talkative people, and i want to become ANBU leader one day." he said with his eyes closed.

"My turn, my turn!!! I want to share!!!" Konohamaru shrieked. "My name is Konohamaru I am the third hokages grand son. I have lots of friends and love fish cakes. Not you Naruto. I am the number one ninja in all the leaf village and loyal to my boss...Naruto...and I'm ganna be Hokage someday!!!" he said with his thumb up.

good job, i gave him the thumbs up sign back and moved on to the girl. "Tsuki?"

"Ow, well i love...someone and have been in love with him for several years now." I heard Kouga cough she stopped looked sad before she continued. "this person may never know or care how much I feel for him but I know...i love the colors green and pink. I want to be a top medical ninja in the head fields when i grow up. i want to, also, become a sanin before twenty-five; or a jounin...but sannin is good. My favorite food is chicken dumplings, and spring fresh water. I have to my knowledge one enemy and that is a girl named Moegi." She sat down with a bow.

the team seemed somewhat divided. I surely hoped that they could at least pull off the bell test.

The morning was cold and dark. I watched as Konohamaru and the team stood there tired and hungry. I knew this was way too early for them. In fact Sasuke and his group were getting up an hour later. But I believe in tradition.

"Dammit where is that son of a bitch!?! I didn't even get to eat lunch where is he! Come on!!!" the pink haired girl screamed.

"Hey, you guys…"the green haired boy turned toward the tree I was in and gave me a dark evil starred. Oh shit…sharingan!!!

To be continued.

yeah I got it written, he'll be back for more...anyway if u likd that then i will be opening an account on straight going stories. But to my ladies...I write yaoi under that pin name I used here. also if you love yaoi then check me out.