Hi. It took me a while to come up with a couple that this would be suited for. Well... Here's Dawn and Paul! Brock x Nurse Joy/ Ash x Misty too! Nurse Joy is going to be OOC but it's necessary for the story. Misty not as much. She's going to be a bit bitchy in this. Enjoy!

Chapter 1:Masked Saviour.

"This is probably the coldest day ever." I said wrapping my arms around myself to keep warm.

"I agree. Let's go and get a hot chocolate to keep us warm." Brock suggested.

"Cool." Ash said as we walked into the Pokémon Centre.

We got a room for the night and got into our pyjamas. The three of us went out into the lobby and sat in front of the fire talking.

Nurse Joy came over to us with three mugs of steaming hot chocolate and handed them to us.

"Thanks." We all said nearly at the same time. Brock went down onto one knee and held Nurse Joy's two hands.

"Oh Nurse Joy! You are just as beautiful as ever!" He said.

Croagunk came out of its Pokéball and was ready to hit Brock with a Poison Jab.

"Thank you!" Nurse Joy squealed keeling in front of him. Nurse Joy hugged him tightly.

Ash and I were on our knees looking over the back of the sofa shocked but Ash didn't know what was coming for him.

"ASH!" shouted a girls voice across the lobby.

We looked over our shoulders and saw a redhead running towards us. I jumped up and got out of the way in case I'd get trampled on. The girl jumped onto the sofa and kissed Ash full on the lips.

I didn't bother timing it because I would lose track. They finally broke.

"I missed you so much!" she cried hugging him.

"I..uh..Hi Misty." Ash said sheepishly.

"Aw look. He's shy. Isn't he so cute." Misty said holding his face in her hands.

"No." I said.

"Well he is. Who are you anyway?" asked Misty letting go of Ash.

"I'm Dawn. You are?" I asked.

"Misty. Ash's girlfriend. Cerulean City gym leader." Said Misty, completely full of herself.

"Oh really. Never heard of you. I'm heading to bed guys. See you in the morning, I think." I said.

"What do you mean you think?" asked Ash.

"You'll find out when I figure it out." I said walking off.

I heard Misty mutter "stupid little brat" but I ignored her.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Brock, Nurse Joy, Ash and Misty walk out of the centre.

I walked on into my room when I remembered that I'd left my Pokéballs behind.

I turned around and froze. A thug with a Machamp beside him was standing right behind me.

I tried to duck under his arms and run but his Machamp grabbed me with all four of his arms.

"You're not goin' anywhere girly." He said evilly.

They walked into my room and locked the door but Machamp didn't let go of me.

I threw my head backwards to hit Machamp so that he would loosen his group but that did nothing. That's a bruise for tomorrow.

"What do you want with me?" I asked struggling to get free.

"I'm not tellin' ya. You're gonna find ou' soon enough." He said.

I only had one choice left. Scream and shout and hope Ash and Brock would hear me.

I took a breath but Machamp put a hand over my mouth. It's like they're reading my every thought on what I'm going to do.

The guy punched me in the stomach and left me breathless. My eyes closed in grimace.

Machamp suddenly let go of me and I fell to the floor. I saw a dark figure jumping from place to place attacking the guy and a fast Pokémon attacking Machamp.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I was carried to the lobby. I looked up at my saviour and tried to recognise him but the electricity had gone out so it was hard to describe his features.

He set me down on the sofa and left immediately. I caught his arm just before he left and held him.

I could feel him stiffen.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I let go of his arm and he disappeared along with his Pokémon.

Ash and Brock rushed in along with Nurse Joy and Misty.

"Dawn!" Ash sat down beside me.

"Are you ok?" Nurse Joy asked.

Officer Jenny came rushing in and ran down the hall.

Who was that? Why did he save me?

These thoughts ran through my head all night as I tried to fall asleep that night.


Sorry if the story is a bit short. This is my second fic. Pleaze review. People say read and review but why say read because you've already read it. Make sense?