.Death looked her in the eyes and she wasn't afraid. strangely she felt calm, collected. At peace with the decisions she made through out her life and with no regrets she would welcome death with open arms. Black dots began to flicker across her vision, Alex realized she was begining to loose contact with the world.

"ALEX!!" A voice screamed from the oncoming darkness. " Jacob" she whispered, "Are you really here or am I really dead."

Jacob grasped Alex's hand close to his heart, " I'm here Lex your going to be okay, everythings going to be just fine. Just lay still, Seth's going to get help okay just don't try and move." He said placing some pressure on the wound closest to him. Blood ran down the road like a river through the woods. Making the crimism color stand out against the road. Jacob watched it run, he knew she was loosing alot. how much?, he couldn't tell.

Alex smiled gently, " Jake it's okay really, I'm not afraid. I mean I was when that thing was attacking me but i'm not now. Your here and I get to say goodbye.." She whispered.

Jacob shook his head, " NO alex don't talk. save your voice. No one's saying goodbye you hear me. DON'T YOU DARE SAY GOODBYE!."

" Ja..c..ob I know that we haven't been the greatest of friends these past few weeks and I know that I could never be the girl of your dreams. But I need to know. was there any part of you that loved me the way I love you.". IT was getting harder and harder to talk now. She could feel this impending cloud of Darkness creeping it's way closer an closer still.

THe rest of the pack stood around them trying to cover the couple from the rain, Sam was applying pressure to another wound down by her legs. where the vampire had tried to rip her leg off, just below the knee. " Keep her talking Jacob, we need to keep her away.." Sam " Seth's on his way with Dr. Cullen...just alittle bit longer."