Hello! Well, sorry for my little sister but she made it up to me by cookies! YUMMY!
Well, i do not own inuyasha or its characters. And Just because you read it and say to yourself "Oh someone else will review" well your wronmg so please REVIEW! Oh and sorry the show will be in the next chap ok? thanks!
Well, here it is!
They were laughing and enjoying themselves, talking about almost anything. Sesshoumaru was still thinking about that girl named Rin who was their waitress. He couldn't belive what he had thought about her! About the biting of her neck and thinking unholy thoughts.
"That's my favorite too ice prince"
Her last words echoed deep in his thoughts, wondering why she called him that. Also, why he felt the need to bite her so bad....He told himself that it was foolish for a woman of that beauty would have a man or mate. he wasn't entirely sure if she was a demon or not. But why did he care? What was so special about HER? Why was she plagueing his thoughts so much? He was almost unaware that she had come back with the drinks.
"Here ya' go boys, sorry it took a while. Sango had to take one of the drunks outside. I can never stop being shocked at her strength! Did you know she can throw about 5 average weighted men on ONE arm? Man, no wonder she's a demon slayer."
She set all the drinks in fron of the right men, while talking about her friend. When she was done she looked over at the bar watching said friend do her job. She sighed and turned back around to straighten the table. They all looked at her shocked, well, shocked would be an understatement.
Inuyasha looked up at her, "A demon slayer? If she has that much strength, why is she here?" He asked out of pure curiosity. This time Sesshoumaru couldn't scold his brother for his annoying, obvious questions. For he was curious himself.
She looked all around the table at the men and sighed. She looked around again but this time around the room, shrugged and grabbed a chair.
"Well, you see, she is the daughter of the great Tsuyayo, of the south." All of the men gasped. For they all knew who the man she spoke of was. He was the greatest demon slayer that ever walked the earth, slaying some of the most powerful demons that ever lived. He was known for his strength and bravery. After he earned the title, he took residence in the south. He created a village of demon slayers to live on with his teachings. Every demon knew who he was. All the guys looked over at the girl again, Sango, thinking twice about anything. Rin continued.
"She was the first and only daughter of his, and therefore first born. But it was because she was a girl that she couldn't be the leader of the clan of demon slayers. And it was because she was a girl that her father said she could never be strong or fight in a serious battle. She worked her hardest to prove to her father that she could be strong and fight, training almost every day.
"Then one day she confronted her father and told him that out of the whole entire village, no one could defeat her. She was 12 when she surpassed even her father. And he finally recognized her, as the strongest demon slayer. Her younger brother on the other hand wasn't that good at fighting. He was always scared and weak, causing his father to scold him alot. But Sango never looked down on him, she never wanted to be the leader of the clan, but she had to since she was the strongest. Plus being first born is an advantage."
She stopped there, thinking to herself a moment. She was telling the story as if the downfall that came to be was her fault. Everyone could sense it too, she was sad but not crying. 'She's tough'
"They had a mission, and a very important one. Even her father had to go. It was her brothers first mission, and she promised to stay by his side. All the strongest slayers went, leaving everyone else to watch over the village. They got to the mission destination, killed the demon and was ripping off the bones for weapons. But it was a trap, before Sango knew it, her father and comrades were dead. Kohaku, her younger brother, had killed them and was after Sango. He was being controlled, by the lord himself of the castle that had requested their help.
"She saw and tried to get to him but, she was stabbed in the back by Kohaku, and the lord's men shot arrows at him, killing him. The lord was possessed but was killed by his son, thus saving everyone else. He had pity for Sango and her family so he gave them a proper burial. Before she knew it, Sango woke up under dirt. The young lord was surprised but helped her. She left soon after back towards her own village but....."
Rin stopped there, choking on her words. They all stared at her, wondering how she knew every detail. Like she was there. She bowed her head then started laughing. She turned around and said,
"Yeah, yeah I know I should but all my customers don't need me, so I'm telling the story. Think you can do it better? Sango?" The men gasped and looked back over to the bar, seeing the supposedly Sango there. They turned back to Rin seeing her hair being pulled.
"OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!! Sango that hurts!!! It's not my fault they asked!!" Then out of no where Sango appeared and was apparently pissed. She was glaring at Rin with scornful eyes, nose flaring. She said,
"Well, Rin, you could've asked me to tell them if you asked! You know you don't like to remember that! UGH! You are such a lttle brat. Shippou is now acting and looking like me because of you! Plus he gave me this sutra to spy on you invisibly."
Rin smiled and said, "I knew you were there. Your thoughts are louder than anyones when your mad. So come on they wanna hear the rest of the story, don't ya' guys?" She looked around the table and winked. They slowly nodded their heads while Sango laughed. "I didn't know that I was this interesting, well, fine but if I tell the rest, Kagome needs to be here too ya know." Sango merrily said. She looked around and whistled a small but high sound.
Then out of thin air a demon appeared beside her. Sesshoumaru thought it looked like a cat, perhaps a fire cat?
Sango smiled and asked, "Kilala, can you change? I need Kagome for a bit." The little cat named Kilala meowed and changed into a beautiful women. She was tan, with a tint of cream, along with a blazing orange knee length dress that hugged her curves nicely. She had long flowing cream hair with black underside giving it an edge. She was beautiful. She had cat ears sticking out giving her away as a a demon. She walked over to another waitress, taking her place. The waitress, walked over to the group of guys and two girls strutting her stuff.
Inuyasha's mouth dropped to the floor. Walking towards the table was a women with raven black hair, going to her elbows, with front bangs covering her forehead. She was wearing a blazing ice blue long dress, shoulder straps, with the length of the dress going all the way to her mid calf. Cut on the side to her knee, with black stilletos. She had bright blue eye shadow with red lips, complimenting her blue eyes. She looked around for a chair, shrugged, then went to sit on Inuyasha's lap. He gasped and immediatley, his "little friend" wanted to play.
She turned to him and smiled. Giving a wink, she said, "Hi, I'm Kagome. I am also waitressing with Rin, I hope they are not giving you a bad time." She was only looking at Inuyasha when she said all this.
"Ya know, I think Ayame needs to have the same fun we're having, don't ya think girls? The show doesn't start for another thirty minutes and well, it's fun sharing stories to strangers." Kagome said while smiling a devious smile. The other girls also had that smile on their faces. As if been called, Ayame walked to the table swishing her hips as she went. She stopped when she saw Kagome on Inuyasha's lap smiling her smile and got an idea. Then Rin said,
"You know, I swear it's these times when I wish I can't read minds you know? You guys are all perverts. Especially you Kagome. And you guys call me the whore..." She was giggling and all the others started laughing. The men were shocked when the girls moved, sitting on the guys laps. Kagome on Inuyasha's, Ayame on Kouga's, Sango on Miroku's and Rin on Sesshoumaru's. The guys looked at eachother knowingly thinking of the same impure thoughts.
Thats when Miroku piped up. "So Sango, what happened when you went back to your village?" He was curious to what other pain she had been through.
The Girls smiled a sad smile and looked at Rin hiding her face in Sesshoumaru's shoulder while Sango started.
"Well, I still had my wound on my back because it wasn't fully healed, but my village was unprotected so I had to go and heal there to make sure everyone was safe. But sadly when I got there there was nothing but ashes and soot. The whole village was burned down. I had to bury all my friends and others to rest them in peace. I later found out that they were attacked by demons, who had found our hiding spot. I was beginning to think it was a trap to begin with. With all the strong demon slayers go there was no one to protect the village. But I had Kilala and Kagome with me so I was fine."
She scooted a little closer into Miroku subconciensly, enjoying the warmth. The guys looked over to Kagome.
She smiled and said, "Guess it's my turn." She laughed and began.
"Well, I would like to say I came here from somewhere but I was born and raised in the West. I am a priestess, a high one at that. I could purify even the strongest of demons. Sango and I have been friends since we were little girls. We were far apart but whenever my mother Kaede went on journeys, she would take my sister and I with her for experience. It was always to the south though. Which was good for me and Sango but not for my sister."
Kagome's face turned into a frown, she remembered her sister very well.
"My sister Kikyou, was a very well trained priestess. She was also my twin. I was more powerful and the men liked me more than her. Causing her to resent me. The men in our village at the time were always chasing me, wanting to take me out, show me things, give me gifts. She never got anything and I felt for her but she had one thing that I never had and she could never understand that.
"She had independence. I was always waiting for her, following her, trying to be with her. I never wanted to be alone without her. Then she met someone. She almost immediately fell in love which if you ask me was a stupid thing to do. She started missing her training, not focusing and always losing when we were fighting each other. Then, she was murdered, by the very man she fell in love with. It turned out that he was a demon and just wanted her powers knowing she was the weaker one than out of the two of us.
"She was a fool and I'll never forgive her for that. So Sango and I moved here farther West, and we got a job here. We love it. We love performing." She wrapped her arms around Inuyasha and purred seductively 'performing' in his ear making him shudder in pure pleasure.
The others laughed and Ayame was next to speak. "Aww, I'm next? Well, mine doesn't involve any deaths or murders or jealousy. Just basically impulse and anger." She looked at Kouga and winked only this time putting her hand on the side of his cheek, carressing it. She stopped moments later turning to the others, smiling when Kouga wrapped his arms around her waist. The others did the same except for Rin and Sesshoumaru, who were looking in each others eyes intently.
Thanks for reading!!! Well, sorry if some of you saw the same chapter I hadn't updated yet and i hadn't saved so my bad!!! Sorry!
Next chapter- The show R+R!!