I know I'm awful for starting new stories and not finishing the rest but this one came into my head and I had to write it before it went and when it goes it doesn't come back no matter how hard I try to remember it. Here goes. Riona and Hermione are best friends. They both get on well Harry and Ron but not like best friends like in the books. They get on like they would with everyone else in Gryffindor.
Chapter 1: Welcome back
"I'll see you whenever I see you. Am I coming home for Christmas?" I asked picking up my trunk. My owl, Freging, sat on my shoulder because he didn't like his cage.
"I'll mail you. It's less likely." Mam said.
"Riona!" came Hermione's voice from behind me.
I turned. Hermione was running over to me with her parents.
"Hi Hermione." I said with a grin.
The two parents' started to talk.
"We better get going to the platform." I said.
We got along to the platform easily enough and the parents came with.
"All aboard."
"We'd better go." I said and got on the train. We found an empty compartment and put our trunks up on top.
Freging stood up on the railing and nodded off to sleep.
"I don't know why but I feel like something is going to happen this year." Hermione said.
"Wahey!! We have the new Divination teacher."
A the compartment door slid open and the trolley lady spoke to us.
"Hello ladies. Anything from the trolley?" she asked.
"No thanks. You Hermione?" I asked.
"Nothing thanks." And with that she moved on.
"Are you feeling ok? You always get loads off the trolley." Hermione asked suspiciously.
"I'm cutting down on sweet things." I said as Freging flew out the window to go to the toilet.
"Oh. Trying to impress a certain someone?" she asked. I shook my head.
"I don't need to impress people." I told her. "What about yourself? I see you have an eye for Weasley." I commented crossing my arms across my chest. Hermione created a new shade of red.
"T-that's n-n-not true."
"If it isn't true then why are you stuttering?" I asked.
"Well since you don't need to impress, as disgusting as it may be, I think you might have a think for-"
"Irish Mudblood having a thing for someone? Who poor sucker would that be?" Malfoy said opening the compartment door.
"Why are you eavesdropping on us Malfoy? Looking for something?" I asked, my hand near my wand.
"No. Don't evade the question. Granger, who does she fancy?" Malfoy spat.
"Don't you dare speak to her like that Malfoy. Do you want to have your face in one piece when we get to Hogwarts?" I threatened.
"I said answer my question." Malfoy said.
I looked at Hermione. She wasn't telling anytime soon.
"Get out of our compartment Malfoy. Unlike you, we have better things to do rather than annoy people." I said shoving him out and slamming the door shut.
"Asshole." I muttered. Hermione looked at me in a way that nearly made me gag.
"No Hermione. You think it's Malfoy?"
"Of course.
I blushed.
"I do not fancy Malfoy."
"Then why are you red? He likes you back. Why do you think he always starts an argument with you. The funny thing is that you fall for it and both are arguing which could last hours if it got to the name calling."
"Your point?"
"Two people normally always fight if they like each other. I bet you two will get together happily by the end of the year." Hermione said.
"Like that's going to happen."
"If you think so then accept the bet. I win, you come down town with me. Muggle town. You win and I'll go anywhere you want with you, muggle or magic."We shook hands sealing the bet.
Now that she put that in my head he is kind of good-looking. Curse you Hermione Granger!
The rest of the train ride was boring.
We sat Gryffindor table, Slytherin's right behind me. Draco made an entrance like he always does and then sat down behind me. Hermione nudged me and I glared at her.
Dinner went great. Dumbledore told us about the Triwizard Cup. Hermione caught the eye of a Durmstrang student. It couldn't get any better than this.
We left for our dorms and I got straight into bed. All our stuff was ready in our rooms.
"Night Hermione." I said. There was only the two of us and we both wanted sleep.
"Night Ri. Sweet dreams about Malfoy." I couldn't be bothered to reply and nodded off into a peaceful sleep.
Hi guys! Here's another story to start working on while I do others aswell. Please review. I think I'm going to really like this story. I know it's rushed and I'm sorry but I'll mae it better in the next ones. This was kind of like an introductory chapter.