I dont own inuyasha or anything- not even this computer!!

without music the ideas don't flow though me... so thanks to these artists

Someday-Do you Know/


J Hoilday

Three days Grace

Lady Gaga


David Archuleta

Second I just wanna say thanks for all the reviews-they have me stoked and writting more!!!


Rickshay- Sorry. WordPad sucks

Zoeyxeriforever- lol a little early for lemon.





Takeshi the dragonsoul



Chapter 3- Whoa and It's only the second day

'God, this is the most embarrassing thing I have ever experienced'. Rin thought,starting to wallow in her misery. Sesshomaru caught the scent of salt in the air.

Sesshomaru kept his eyes above Rin'shead,as he quickly took off his school coat and shoved it at Rin.

"Hurry and put it on," Sesshomaru said turning his back on her,"So we can go, I don't want to stay here all day."

'We?' Rin didn't waste any time turning her shirt around and put the huge coat on her."Okay."

"Come on!" They yelled at the top of lungs.

"Last one there is a sqaure!"

Sesshomaru looked over his shoulder,"Damn it".He wrapped his left arm around Rin and jumped from the 2-story building. One minute after Sesshomaru landed, Rin still had her arms around his neck. Sesshomaru looked down at Rins closed eyes and red face.

"Your starting to cut off my blood flow",Sesshomaru said trying to remove her arms.

"Oh, I'm sorry",Rin said as she looked at people pointing and laughing at her,"Ugh, thanks but I'm going home..."

"What? You've had enough fun,new girl?" Sesshoamru laughed."I'll tell you what,after you change I'll take you for ice cream."

"You have got to be kidding? I have flour and eggs in my hair, if I'm out here any longer I'll be baking like a cake!" Rin walked up the steps of the school to wash off her face off and change her her bottoms. Was it her or was he being little extra nice? What did he want with her? She was not going with him,but though the back door of the school. That was the plan as soon as she got dressed.

Sesshomaru sat in front of the school. 'Damn, what was he doing? He didn't know this girl, even though it was fun messing with her head. But it's still too early to go home.'Sesshomaru looked down the hall. He didn't want to go home because of his father and step-mother,while they laughed away about the day they've had and his mother is locked in a mental house. His father only cared for his huge company and his other family. Sinking into a deep dark mood, Sesshomaru got up and walked to his car.

Rin saw Sesshomaru get up and walked to car."Whew, now that's over. I need to get home." Rin turned around and jogged around the corner, and bumped into a group of girls.

"OH! Geez,I'm sorry I didn't see you". Rin said looking at the pin on all the girls clothes, which had Sesshomaru face on them.

"Hay,no problem....OMG!" One of the girls yelled and pointed at Rin's coat.

'Oh! No Fan Girls Club!' Rin put her hands up,and tried to explain to the over excited fan girls but they were shouting that her that she had on Sesshoamru's coat.

"What's the big deal?!" Rin asked kind of annoyed.

"WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL!??!", they shouted at her,"Your wearing Sesshoamru's coat,the richest,hottest guy in all of Japan!"

"Ugh,well I've just give it to you then!" Rin said trying not get into any more trouble today.

"That'll do," the girls said quickly.

Rin started to take off the coat but she remembered that her shirt had ripped early that day.

"Mmm,I'll give it to you tomorrow,okay!" With that she ran down the street with the Sesshomaru Fan Girl Club chasing after her. 'This is really not my day!'

Running of breath, she sat on her ground as the fan girls were getting closer.'Oh! I don't care anymore! Let them rip it off ' ..

Rin closed her eyes as her heard a car and the girls squealing....


Rin woke up with a hard froze,she was moving, in car. She had been kidnapped, she knew that she was lying on the ground she gave up from running the girls.'OMG! I have been kidnapped.. don't move, don't breath,don't check if the door is unlock and when the car stops jump out.' Rin opened one eye just a bit to peak at the door,'HA! it's unlocked!'

"Hay,wake up!" The voice was deep or at least her panic mind frame it was.'Don't answer, stay calm.' Rin told her self, even though she was going shit in her pants right about now. Suddenly the car stopped, and Rin moved to opened the door quickly and when it was open she started to jump out, but the sent belt pulled her back into the car along with the person pulling at the same time.

"Are you crazy?!" He yelled reached over and shut the door."If your going to act crazy,new girl, then don't do it around me!"

'New Girl?' Rin though puzzled.'Ha! No! Not him again!'

Sesshomaru frowned at her. 'What is her problem?', he though as her punched in the code to open the huge gate to his house.

Rin shot up to see where they where going, she saw a massive house that had to bigger than school. Their were at least seven cars in the drive alone, flowers were the prettiest around, waterfalls were just behind the sun so it effort was much greater. Rin stuck her head out the window as she glanced around in amazement. "Who lives here the mayor of Japan?" Rin asked Sesshomaru who looked bored.

Sesshomaru looked at her with his eyebrow raised,"I live here."

"WHAT?" Rin looked him in bewilderment.

"What? Nothing special," Sesshomaru parked his car, and stepped out his new sports car. Rin stumbled out, as still looked around.'Wait,a minute what I am doing at his house? I should be going home! Rin, get a grip!'

"And just what am I doing at your house?Mmmm?" Rin asked with her eyes narrowed.

"Well I couldn't just leaving lying on the ground,could I?" Sesshomaru said as-a-matter-of-fact

Rin met his gaze,"You did that...for ....me?"

Sesshomaru cocked his head the side and pointed at her,"You still have my coat."

'Figures!' Rin signed and rolled her eyes til they reached the flower bed. They stood out to her the most, even as a child she loves flowers.(AN:No OOc there!)

"Wow, can I look at them?" She ponited at the flowers. Sesshomaru really didn't want to go to his step-mother's flower, but she was interesting at the it would piss of his dad,"Sure,let's go."

Rin skipped to the flower bed. There were Roses of every colors, Amaryllis, Anemones. "Wow, you have a great flowers!" Rin said exicted.

"There just flowers,it's not like they meant anything." Sesshomaru said watching her.

"No, flowers symbolizes life. Watch I'll find the flower that perfectly fits you. Ah! Here we go!" Rin pick a Lilac and gave it to him. Sesshomaru frowned,"A Lilac, that's a little girly,don't you think?" He said.

Rin laughed,"No, it's mean prideful and beaut-" Rin blushed as she stopped her self,"that not so girly......"

Sesshomaru felt butterflies at the bottom of his stomach,but he shook it off as he asked her what's her flower."Mines?" Rin looked around, as she spotted the Water Lily.

"Water Lily?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Yep, my mother told me. But I really wanted to be a rose," She looked at him and smiled. He grabbed a brown rose, almost the same color of her eyes. As she turned around to look at another flower, he took one of her arm and turned her back around facing him. With the brown flower in his hand, he reached down to put the flower behind her ear. Rin stared at him,his dark golden eyes seem to be looking right though her.'Whoa,' she thought as her heart started to beat faster. Sesshoamru almost instantly heard her heart, he tighten his grip on her arm, as he slowly and hesitantly bend Down closer to her face. Rin didn't move as he and this rush feeling got closer. Nose to nose, Sesshomaru looked in her eyes as he leaned to kiss her. A second away from her lips, then the sprinklers came on next to them. Rin pulled back fast and blushed as Sesshomaru turned and walked away up the stairs to the front door. Rin hesitated, she didn't want to stand here like some stalker.

"Hay,wait!" Rin said as she ran after him. Sesshomaru walked up the stair at the top, he looked at her at the bottom,"Come, on. I don't think you can go like that. I think my step-mom has an old outfit".

Rin ran up the stair after him. She walked into huge room that looked like a living room. Was any thing this house small? Rin spotted a picture, the names were at the bottom were- Sesshomaru,Inuyasha,InuTasishouand a woman who looked a lot like Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru walked in with clothes in his hands,"Here put these on," he gave the clothes to her.

"Is that your mother? Wow,she pretty!" Rin looked at him and the picture, nodding about how the same they looked. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed at the picture and slamed the picture down. "Come on." He said in low voice.

'Nice going Rin'. She thought as he followed him into his room. "Get dressed in here," Sesshomaru said pulling her in his room. Rin felt a little uneasy, as she looked around for the bathroom and ran inside and shut the door. 'This is moving way too fast, as if school wasn't enough! Now your in his bathroom! After you put on these clothes, you need to go home. No if's, and's or dark golden eyes.' Rin promised herself. After putting on the clothes, she opened slowly looking out first. Sesshomaru leaning on the dresser,fliping thought a book. Then he threw the book on his bed as he looked up at her.

'Oh! No!Slow motion moment.' His eyes opened slightly, as he cocked his head to side. Rin refused to meet his gaze.

"Listen, please I really need to go home. I'm sure my mom is worried about me!" Rin whispered to him. Sesshomaru walked over to his bed to lay down.

"Hay! Sesshomaru! Are you listening to me?" Rin asked him in annoyance. His eyes were still closed as her told that she could go out the way she came in.

Rin walked over to his bed,"I know, but it's dark and I can't walk! Please!". When he didn't answer her, Rin shook him. "Sesshomaru?" After 20 minutes, giving up she raised her hand to give him a hard slap on the arm, but he cuaght it, jerking her closer to him. One of his eyes were open, as if to give her a warning."Ugh!Whatever!" She ripped her arm from his and walking to the door to leave.

Just then Sesshomaru caught the scent of his father,'Damn, he wasn't supposed to have girls past 6.' Sesshomaru looked at the clock, 7:30! Sesshomaru got up from the bed to grab Rin from opening the door.

"Hay!What's the big-" Sesshomaru put his hand over her mouth," Listen, you going to have to hid somewhere. I'm not allowed to have girl's past 6 on tueday."

"What?!" Rin said in low voice.

"Hurrying up their coming, mmm, get in my closet!" Sesshomaru pushing her near his huge closet. "Wait, why can't you tell him why I'm?" Rin asked in hurry.

"Not going to work,now don't stay anything, don't sneeze or don't move!" With that Sesshomaru shoved Rin in his closet. Sesshomaru stood as his door opened and his father walked though.

"Were you talking to yourself?" InuTasishou said with his wife close to him.


"How was school?" His father's new human wife asked full of cheerness.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes,"What do you care?"

InuTasishou'seyes flashed,"Sesshomaru have some respect!"

"I answered her didn't I?"

InuTasishou stepped closer his oldest son,"It's your tone."

Rin watched the whole thing though the crack in the closet door. They stood face to face, while the woman stood there with sad face. She begged her husband to stop. InuTasishou stepped back and let out a long breathe..."Dinner's ready." As he turned to walk out, he caught a scent. " Was someone here?"

Sesshomaru remained calm,"Earlier."

"Is that right?Than why it is coming from the closet?" Sesshomaru's father asked.

Sesshomaru didn't answer him.

Inutasishouwalked back in to the room and over to the closet, Rin panicked as his hand was about to open the closet door.......................

Sorry, I'm teird it's 4:00 in the morning....

But the next chapter is already in my mind. It's called -Ignored.