p class="p1"span class="s1"Hi, all!/span/p
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p class="p1"span class="s1"I can't believe it's been over a decade since I posted this story. Not only that, but I still continue to get lovely reviews and messages, both from new readers, and readers coming back to have a 2nd or 3rd go with this fic!/span/p
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p class="p1"span class="s1"I have a question for you all./span/p
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p class="p1"span class="s1"I have written several original novels in the span of that decade, and I wonder if any of you would be interested in them. I have been too afraid to pursue publishing, but can't ignore how much I love creating stories, and I'm just curious to know if perhaps I already have a built-in audience who would like to come along and meet my original characters and follow them on their journeys :)/span/p
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p class="p1"span class="s1"Wishing you all the best and thanking you for all the kind words you've shared over the years!/span/p
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p class="p1"span class="s1"iheartwriting 3/span/p