Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.
A/N 1/15/2021: First of all I have to apologize for the way that I had left this story unfinished for so long (eleven years). In my mind, this story had been finished, seeing as I had gone through all of the books. I had mentioned doing a few follow up chapters, but to me they were going to be just fillers and tie up some of the loose ends I had. Then I took a break and lost interest in writing anything more for this story not realizing that it actually needed an ending. I have no idea what I had been planning on writing then, expect it had something to do with the aftermath of the war and that it was dark and depressing … which is probably why I never wrote anything.
Chapter Sixty-Three
One Year Later
"I'm not sure I'm ready for this," Hermione sighed as she looked out onto the grounds from the doors of the castle, it had been a year since the Final Battle and she still had a hard time going on the grounds, and particularly to the spot they were heading.
"Neither am I, but at least we're together," Ron said grabbing her hand and she had to smile at him. She had not seen him in a few weeks and it was amazing how much having him around had improved her spirits. He was right; as long as they were together she could handle today's events. "Besides, haven't you had to go on the grounds before now for classes?"
"That's difference," Hermione said as she started to head for their destination, "the greenhouses aren't anywhere near the clearing and you know as long as I'm distracted with class I don't have time to look around too much."
"I suppose," Ron shrugged. "I still don't know why you wanted to come back to school this year."
"Hmm," Hermione frowned at him, because he did know the reason why she had to go back to school, they had discussed this in length. It was after Ron and Hermione had returned from Australia with her parents, who weren't too please with her about erasing their memories, but their annoyance with her had loosen when they learned that the house had been visited by Ministry employees a few of which were Death Eaters (Remus and Kingsley assured her that the house was safe now). She had spent the rest of that week settling her parents back into the house and into their lives, and though they never talked about the subject much, just spending time with them like that made her feel sadden that she would never finish her education.
It was only a week later that she learned that all Seventh year students from last year were invited back to Hogwarts to finish their last year (or they were offered to the chance to take the N.E.W.T.'s in they preferred). She was so excited about this that she rushed up to Ron's room to tell him the news; it was only when she was there that she realized that he probably wouldn't want to go back to school. She was right, he did not want to go back to school, and he had no desire to be near Hogwarts anytime soon. She had tried to persuade him, but when he told her about the Auror training program that Kingsley had invited him (and Harry) into, she knew that couldn't (shouldn't) change his mind.
She had almost decided not to go back to school, it was heartbreaking when she realized that she would be separated from him if she did, but Ron convinced her going to school was best for both of them. She had lost so much the last year that she needed to go back to school to regain her sense of normalcy. Whereas he needed to move forward and do something that he found worthwhile, and he was told the training program was going to be intense and he wouldn't have much free time. She had to admit that he was right, but it was still hard to say goodbye to him at the Hogwarts Express knowing that they wouldn't see each other for months. However, since they had both spent most of their time on their studies the separation wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it still came as a relief when McGonagall had given Hermione permission to leave Hogwarts on the weekends after Halloween. Of course, for the last two weeks Hermione had been too busy studying for her N.E.W.T.'s to come over … the exams were only a few days from now after all.
"Do you think everyone is going to come today?" Ron asked changing the topic from the one that he had accidently brought up.
"You would know more about that than me," Hermione pointed out, "seeing as you see 'everyone' more than I do."
"I supposed," Ron agreed, seeing as the only people that Hermione saw on a regular basis were Ginny and Luna, as they were also at Hogwarts for their final year. "Well, I know Remus and Tonks are coming … she mentioned that she was bringing Teddy, too," he added thoughtfully as Tonks had told him that yesterday at Auror training.
"Oh good, I haven't seen him in ages," Hermione beamed, thinking of the cute little baby that liked to have turquoise hair and has never once turned into a wolf.
"Yeah, and he's getting pretty big," Ron chuckled thinking about last week when Harry had watched the kid at the apartment that Ron and Harry shared. "He's quite the trouble maker too."
"I bet he is," Hermione smiled.
"My family should all be there," Ron said and the smile fell from his face as realized what he had just said. His family wouldn't all be anywhere ever again. Over this last year he had gone through the stages of grief over Percy's death and for the most part he had learned to accept it. However, the hardest part was coming to terms with the fact that they never got to reconcile their difference. The rest of the family at least got to see Percy join the final battle, had heard him admit he was wrong … All Ron got was to see him fighting and then dying in the battle … the image of which still plagued his nightmares at times.
Hermione squeezed Ron's hand, showing that she knew what he was thinking about and offering him her silent support. He smiled at her, knowing that it was her support that had gotten him though the first few days of his grief and he was glad she'll always be there for him.
He tried not to think about how hard Percy's death had been on the whole family but his mind was filled with shadows today and it seemed that right now it was stuck on this one. His parents, and especially his mum, had been inconsolable after the war, for a long time it was hard to look at them and not see the pain that comes from losing one of their children. However, it was Fred's response to this death that had everyone worried. Of course, they understood how hard it was for him knowing that Percy had sacrificed himself to save Fred's life but they weren't sure how to help him, especially when he started to shy away from George. His twin, however, understood the grief that Fred was going through and allowed him his space for a couple of weeks, knowing that his feelings about this death were so different than his brother. George, after all, was grateful and knew that Percy hadn't only saved Fred with his sacrifice. The fight between the brothers three weeks after the Final Battle had been the worst the twins ever had with one another, but after they had shouted out all of their bitter anger they were able to move on together.
"I can't believe how much has changed," Ron said as they were insight of their destination. Just a year ago this clearing had been the spot that Voldemort had claimed that Harry was dead … he could still remember Harry's limp body in Hagrid's arms. He shook his head from that thought, recalling the image of Neville beheading the snake instead … at least with this thought he could stand looking at this place.
"It hasn't changed that much," Hermione said, it was true there was on a monument for those that had died in the Final Battle (which was the reason why they were here right now), but other than that everything seemed the same to her.
When they were in front of the monument they looked at every name and face that was etched into the simple black rock. It contained, not only the names of those that gave their lives in the Final Battle, but everyone that had died in Voldemort's latest attempt to gain power. Hermione's eyes filled with tears as looked at the volume of names that were on the stone.
It was some time later that they had turned from the stone and headed to the area where everyone was gathering. The official memorial service was due to start soon and they knew they were one of the last to arrive.
"Is that Sirius?" Hermione asked shocked as she had not expected the man to be here.
"It looks like it," Ron said looking just as shocked as she was, the last he knew Sirius hadn't been planning on coming to this.
After all, Sirius's reputation in the wizarding community was rather sorted. For twelve years he was thought of as a dangerous Death Eater that was rightfully imprisoned and then there was three years where he was a dangerous criminal on the run that was wreaking havoc on the wizarding community. Three years ago his name was cleared when Voldemort had been spotted in the Ministry, but he had fallen into a coma for two years and most people had forgotten about that when he reemerged into society.
Looking at Sirius now as he stood next to Harry, it was clear he had come to the memorial to support his godson (who looked like he really needed the support right now). The aftermath of the Final Battle had been hard on Harry, he had felt guilty that he was the reason why it had to take place at Hogwarts … that so many people had to be involved, and die, in this battle. At first it was especially hard to be around the Weasleys, as he blamed himself for what happened to Percy (not to mention the extra grief he had caused them by faking his own death). However, it also helped him heal some when the Weasleys had embraced him, not letting him distance himself from them and showing him without words that they didn't blame him in the least. Even with the Weasleys' support, Harry would have had a much harder time getting over the trauma he had been through if Sirius hadn't shown up at the Burrow a few days after the war ended, having been released from the curse that Bellatrix had casted on him when she had died.
At first Harry was just so happy that his godfather back and Sirius was happy to be near him and that the fight was over that it was hard to see how traumatized Sirius had been by the curse. However, after a few weeks Harry realized that there was something that was truly bothering Sirius and he went to Remus to voice his concerns and the two of them came up with a plan (more like Remus came up with a plan and Harry went along with it). Remus had informed Sirius that they knew that he was hiding something and that he wasn't going to let his friend brood alone, Harry, who was standing next to the werewolf, nodded his head emphatically. Though the two never again asked Sirius what was bothering him, they were true to their word and never let have time to brood alone. It had taken months for Sirius to admit what had happened to him while he was in his coma.
Hermione closed her eyes as she tried not to think about Harry's expression as he told her the torture that Sirius had gone through. She had known back at the end of her fifth year that the curse that was used on him had been terrible, not just because of the coma itself, but because of what it was doing to him while he slept. She had no idea, however, that the curse had placed Sirius's conscious mind in Bellatrix, in a way that wasn't noticeable to the witch herself, but had force Sirius to live through her experiences. That Sirius had to watch everything that Bellatrix had done … heard every thought she had … and perhaps worst of all, feel everything she felt while she was doing those terrible things.
As soon as she realized that this included the torture that she had experienced, which explained why Sirius had trouble even looking at her since his return, she immediately went to the older man so they could talk. It was a difficult conversation, as Sirius explain in more detail to her how it had felt like he was the one that had tortured her … that had killed so many good people … that had killed Dobby, the poor elf that had just saved Harry … that had almost killed Ginny … She hugged him after he said this part, telling him that none of this was his fault, and how sorry she was that he was forced to live in such cruelty. She knew that her words were generic and that Harry and Remus had probably already told him the same thing, but hoped that this conversation had helped him get over his suffering.
"I think it's going to start now," Ron said snapped her out of her thoughts as he lead her to the front row and sat down next to Ginny, who was next to Harry. His sister gave them a weak smile, before she returned her attention to the front stage, where a wizard was now giving a speech. The ceremony was much too long for his taste and he was glad when it was over. He was pretty sure that he wasn't going to come back to Hogwarts anytime soon, but he was glad he had seen the monument at least once.
"That wasn't so bad," Ron said as he lied down on his bed and Hermione moved so she could rest her head on his chest. They had just returned to his apartment after spending the afternoon (and early evening) at the Burrow with his family and friends. Though the party was somewhat somber it was much livelier than the memorial service at Hogwarts, and he had enjoyed talking with everyone. Still, being alone with Hermione in his arms was the best part of his day.
"I agree," Hermione said snuggling closer to him and he wondered if she was agreeing to his thoughts.
"What are you thinking about?" Ron asked as he looked at Hermione, she had serene expression.
"I was thinking that in just over a week I'll be done with Hogwarts," Hermione said.
"And then you can be sleeping in my arms every night, instead of just on the weekends," Ron supplied as Hermione hadn't said anything more for a few minutes.
"Yes, that was part of what I was thinking about," Hermione smiled. "It just feels like the future is going to start then … when we can be together."
"The future," Ron smiled at the way that sounded, remembering the talks they've had in the past about what they wanted to happen then. "I like the sound of that."
"Yes, me too," Hermione said after these last few difficult years she was looking forward to being happy with the man that she loved.
A/N: Now that I finished this chapter, I remember why I had so much difficulty writing the end of this story. I had wanted to write a chapter about the Weasley mourning for Percy (focusing on Fred and George, and then Ron) and then another chapter about Hermione getting her parents back. Every time I tried to write those chapters I would get depressed and I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do and they continued to go unwritten. Since I didn't want to leave this story unfinished, I decided to just have this chapter summon up those experiences.
Confession time, I pretty sure I forgot that I put Sirius in a coma in this story, because I don't remember ever thinking about that chapter in the past, or him reuniting with Harry. I know that I had come up with the whole 'Sirius living through Bellatrix thing' while I was re-reading the story. I'm not sure if that was a good or bad thing … but whatever.