Hey guys! This is my final chapter! This will have a lot of time jumps, so be prepared. And it's going to be shorter too.
Italics = telepathy/writing/time-jump
The Scorpius in this isn't the same Scorpius that's already existing in the JK Rowling books.
Chapter 18: Final Chapter
6 years later: "I now pronounce you husband and wife." The master of ceremonies announced. Draco and I traditionally kissed and everyone in attendance clapped and there were a few whistles too.
Fred and George let off fireworks, much to Scorpius and Julianna's amusement. Both are now six and a half years old.
Draco is teaching Scorpius how to control his imagination, which also involves his mind powers. I just save his mind when it's about to get out of control.
Photos were taken outside, with everyone invited in the picture. This was going to be the first picture on the wall of myself and Draco's new house.
Following 4 years later:"Mam! Dad! Scorpius and I got post!" Julianna called, the twins rushing into the room with a set of envelopes in their hands. Scorpius was quiet but excited. You'd think Julianna was on high. "Open it then." Draco told them, knowing what it was. "What is it mum?" Scorpius asked me, a puzzled look upon his face. "Open it and see." I replied. Julianna ripped hers open while Scorpius opened it gently. Both read their letter. Scorpius' eyes went wide while Julianna literally jumped for joy. "I'm going to Hogwarts!" she screamed. "I want to be in either Gryffindor or Slytherin." "You'll probably end up in Hufflepuff." Scorpius said in the same sneer Draco used on me in our first year. Scorpius and Julianna have taken a dislike to Hufflepuff. They say that it's a wimpy house. The funny thing is, Scorpius didn't know how right he was. 2 months later: I opened a letter from Hogwarts that Julianna had sent. 'Hey mam and dad, Scorpius and I got sorted last week. Scorpius got into Slytherin, which is what he wanted. Draco took the photo's from the envelope. I took them from him quickly before he caught a glimpse of the first photo. I have a feeling that it wouldn't be pretty if he saw it. Julianna was having a bit of a make out session with a guy while playing spin-the-bottle. "Why did you do that?" Draco asked, referring to the photos. "Because it's late and we're tired. Scorpius had sent a letter out so we can read that tomorrow." I said and slipped the photos into the back of my jeans pocket. Following morning: "Told you we'd get Scorpius' post today." I said, waving the envelope in front of his face. Draco tried to take it from me but I waved it up over my head. I lost my balance and ended up pressed against the counter. "Remember what Julianna told us. We're supposed to be good." I teased. "Julianna's not here at the moment." Draco growled and was completely pressed against me. "You better calm your member before something else happens." I said, slipping from in between Draco and the counter. "Fuck." I heard Draco mutter and I let him be. I opened the letter and began to read the contents. Mam. Dad. I suppose Julianna has already told you about myself being caught with a Talk soon. Scorpius. X "I hope Scorpius is ok with his power." I said, rereading what he had said about it." "Don't be angry with me for this, but I asked Lucius to keep an eye on him while we weren't around." Draco admitted. "It's ok. I had asked him myself but he said that you had already asked, and considering Scorpius is a Malfoy he was going to keep an eye anyway." I explained. "No wonder I had sex with you. You're a smart little Gryffindor." Draco smirked, snaking his arms around my waist and kissed me. Another 4 years:Scorpius and Julianna walked into the house with guests for Christmas. "Who's this then?" I asked, coming down the stairs. I know we had guests coming, just didn't know who they were. Scorpius had his guest under his arm, while Julianna was holding hands with hers. "Mam, this is Rose. Rose Weasley?" Scorpius introduced nervously. "Ah yes. Hermione and Fred's daughter?" I asked her. She nodded. Draco ushered the 14 year old, hormonal teenagers inside because he was still outside. "This is James Potter." Julianna said, grinning. "I'd say you're like your father, but I'd say you got enough of that from everyone." I said to him, while he nodded in agreement. Poor chap. "I've the two guest rooms ready, so you guys go on ahead upstairs and unpack. Dinner will be ready in an hour." I told them while Draco and I went into the kitchen. "I wonder did they have sex yet?" Draco wondered, downing some juice. "You do know they're not us Draco. They have proper responsibility." I said, flicking my wand at one of the spoons to start stirring the dinner. "Are you saying that I wasn't responsible?" Draco asked. "No. I'm saying you were such a flirt I couldn't resist." I smiled, and flicked my wand again so that the dinner would start setting itself out onto plates. "If you remember, you were the one who was flirting with me. All I did was take me shirt off because it was soaking wet." Draco corrected, shoving some ice-cream into his mouth. "That's exactly what I mean. Stop eating ice-cream. You're about to have your dinner." I said, taking the bowl off him and putting it into the freezer. Ever since we had experience the Muggle world that time in between our third and fourth years, I had to have some kitchen appliances in the house, but only minor ones like the fridge, freezer and cooker. "Can I have that back later?" Draco asked, still looking at me as if I were mad for taking his ice-cream away. "Depends if you eat all your dinner of not. And you're not to give it to the owls." I warned as I began setting up the table. "Will you call the kids please?" "Promise that you'll give me my ice-cream first." Draco demanded. "Fine. I promise that I'll give you your ice-cream back if you eat all your dinner." I sighed. "Thanks." He grinned childishly and went up the stairs. "How the hell did I end up with him?" I muttered under my breath and set out all six plates onto the table. Ten years later: "I can't believe we're grandparents." I murmured to Draco as I looked down at my grandkids who were sleeping in their cots. "Yeah, and at such a young age too." Draco agreed. "We're only thirty-eight." "I think it's funny." "Yeah?" "Because that means that their grandparents are going to die a hell of a lot later than usual ones. We're superior." "Oh grow up Draco." "It's true though." "I know." Old age: Final minutes of life: "I can't believe we're dying at the same time." I murmured to Draco, who was beside me on our deathbed. Scorpius and Julianna were downstairs with their families, each worried sick about us. "I'm happy. If I had have died before you, I would have walked the earth with you until you joined me, then we'd move on together." Draco said, taking my hand. I moved into the arms of my husband, deeply touched by his words. "Draco Malfoy, I'm glad I met you when we went to Hogwarts." I said, laying one hand on his chest, the other one tucked into me. "And I you Dianne Longbottom-Malfoy." Draco said, kissing my hair. There and then, when we closed our eyes, without another word, we took our final breath and peacefully left the world together, in each other's arms. T-T. Sad ending to the story, I know. But all stories have to end sometime. Please review! And yes, I nearly sobbed when I wrote the last line but I thought it would make an effective ending. I'm sorry for a shorter chapter. Thanks so much to my reviewers, readers, people who have out my story on alerts. Thanks a million for standing by me. I appreciate you guys more than words can say and thank you. TTYL: Mistali xxxx xxxx
I got into Hufflepuff. Do you think Scorpius could have charmed the Sorting Hat to make
sure he got into Slytherin and I to Hufflepuff? Never mind. I'm starting to like it here any-
way. Everyone here is really nice and friendly to me. I met this really nice guy – but that's
for another day. Anyway, hope you two are being good. Scorpius has and is being very
quiet recently but I heard from a friend of mine that he was caught kissing some girl in
the broom closet by one of the professors. Uncle Neville I think it was. He said that they
(Scorpius and his girl) were like you two when you were in 3rd year. Is that true? On
second thought, don't answer that. I actually don't want to know. I have photo's of my
friends and I when we were in our common room. Frame them if you want.
TTYL, Julianna. Xxxx.
girl in the room closet by Uncle Neville. I doubt she told you that she was
the one who found me and had reported me. Didn't think so. Something
funny happened during the Sorting. I kept imagining that I was going to
end up in Slytherin and she would end in Hufflepuff. The Sorting Hat had
painfully said our houses, like as if he were tortured. Do you think that I
could have done that? I just have a feeling.
I haven't really got much to say. I'll talk to you soon. My school report is
coming home soon. I think you'll like it.