Disclaimer: I don't own any of SM's original Twilight characters.
Author's Note: Well, this is the end. It's sad for me to see this story to come to its conclusion. I am glad that Nikteche started this awesome idea and then allowed me to carry it to its completion. I'm sure it turned out quite a bit differently than she initially planned, but I'm pleased with their journey. I hope I did her proud and that you all enjoyed their journey as well. Thank you for all of the reviews and alerts. They mean more than I can express.
A special thanks to my super beta AgoodWITCH who took time from her busy work and home schedule, as well as writing six stories of her own for taking time to review them all for me. She's been a great help throughout all of this and I appreciate her so much! Thank you sweetie!
I did this one in a third person point of view because that was just how it came out when I dreamed it up. Welcome to Edward and Bella's 30th wedding anniversary.
Epilogue: Three Decades of Wedded Bliss later…
As the car pulled up in front of the massive old restored theater on the upper west side, Edward grabbed Bella's hand, kissing the back reverently. Thirty years of marriage, and to him, she still looked just as beautiful as the day she walked out of the forest like his own personal angel and became his wife. Inside the massive golden double doors held a room full of their friends and family. Their kids had insisted on doing this for them, even though they both insisted that it wasn't necessary.
"Come on Mom, Dad, not everybody makes it to thirty years of wedded bliss. It's for us as much as it is for you. Mom never lets us celebrate anything to do with her. Please?"
They couldn't resist the charms of their middle child, Lizzy. With her energy and coercive nature, she reminded them so much of Alice, which was strange because there was no blood relation there whatsoever. Bella stared into her daughter's pleading brown eyes and caved within seconds. Edward sat back watching the whole scene unfold with a sly smirk. He knew Bella could never say no to Lizzy, which is why he encouraged her to be the one to broach the subject with her when all three kids had come to him with the idea a month before.
They entered the world of parenthood slightly sooner than they had planned. Between work and the wedding, they hadn't really discussed when they would start their family, just that they wanted to do so eventually. It seemed as though that decision was made for them when Bella discovered in the middle of the filming of the movie, just a little over a month after they returned from their honeymoon, that she was pregnant with their firstborn.
Eight months later, she gave birth to a son. They struggled for the entirety of her pregnancy for a name to fit their perfect little boy. They tossed around family names, middle names, names that they found in books and watching movies, and nothing really seemed to be right. Bella was nearing her due date and they still had no idea what they were going to put on the birth certificate. Esme kept telling them to relax and not worry about it, that when the time came so would the name, but Bella was just too much of a planner to be happy with that method.
The days before her due date haunted her horribly as she poured through book after book, hoping to find inspiration. Finally giving up to take a break, she pulled out the wedding album, smiling as she looked through the pictures, finding it hard to believe that it had only been such a short while before. To her, it had felt like she had always been married to Edward, when in reality it had only been less than a year. Once she perused all the photos in the large white satin covered album, she pulled out the honeymoon scrapbook, smiling as she flipped through the pages of her and Edward as they wove their way across Europe.
They stayed in Rome the whole last week because Bella loved it so much she begged to stay. Edward could never deny her, so he cancelled the remainder of their trip through Naples, Sicily, and Greece, changing their flight back home from Athens to Rome. It cost a lot of money, but he didn't care. He would spend anything to make Bella happy and the joy she radiated as she wandered through the streets of Rome made him fall in love with her all over again.
She was toward the back of the book when her hand froze before flipping the page from a pose of them in front of the Trevi Fountain to the next of them at the Coliseum when it hit her like a brick. She picked up her cell phone, quickly calling Edward because she didn't want to even wait long enough to push herself out of her seat and waddle across the hallway to the studio.
"You okay, honey? Is the baby coming? Do you need me?" Were the first panic filled words out of Edward's mouth when he answered his phone.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," she finally got out after chucking for several seconds. "I just…I think I know what we should name him."
Before she heard a reply, the front door opened to the apartment and Edward called out for her. She told him where she was, stifling another giggle as he skidded into the room, still looking worried.
"You're sure you're okay?"
She shook her head with a smile. "Yes, now would you like to know what I think we should name our son, or what?"
He sat down next to her, running a hand through his hair as he nodded.
"What do you think of Roman, you know since he was conceived in Rome?" When Bella got her confirmation and had her first sonogram, they were able to pinpoint where they had been the nights she had most likely conceived. Edward had wondered right away if maybe what he had seen in her face those days in Rome, was less about the city and more about the baby growing inside of her.
Edward stared down at the book on Bella's lap a moment, a small smile spreading across his face before it dropped slightly. "Don't you think Roman Masen clashes a little with both ending in the 'n'?"
Bella sighed. "Some might say that, but I think it sounds very classic and masculine. It's the first name I've really liked."
He sighed nodding in reply. "What about a middle name?"
"That I haven't come up with yet. Roman Edward? Roman Charles? Roman Anthony? None of them sound right."
"Actually, Roman Anthony Masen doesn't sound too bad. Let's sit on it a day or two. Maybe if we let it marinate, it'll come to us."
Bella scoffed, "Yeah, because it only took us eight months to come up with a first name."
Edward laughed, leaning down to kiss his pregnant wife's cheek. He thought she looked more beautiful than ever while swollen with his child. No, she didn't look perfect, but she was beautiful none the less.
Eighteen hours later, they had run out of marinating time, as Bella began to push, giving birth twenty minutes later to a healthy and quite handsome baby boy, who they eventually did name Roman Anthony Masen.
Three years later, Elizabeth Ann was born, at which point they finally gave up on staying in the city, choosing to move into the Long Island house full time. Edward put a studio in the house, but still kept his building in the city as well.
Meanwhile, Bella continued to write up a storm, putting out the third book in the series just before Roman's birth, which was made into a movie like the first two of the series not long afterward. Before Lizzy joined the family, she started another even more wildly popular series, finishing the second manuscript just weeks before Lizzy's birth.
Bella literary career flourished, as did Edward's work. Two years after Lizzy came along, just after Bella finished the fourth book in the new series, they discovered that their third and final child was on the way.
Roman, being the young five year old Edward clone that he was from the bronze hair and green eyes, to the keen observational skills and high IQ, figured it out and asked them flat out if they were having another baby before the end of Bella's second month. Apparently, he remembered quite clearly Mommy running out during story time to 'yucky' in the toilet when they told him Lizzy was coming, so when she began to do it again, he completed the puzzle himself. This meant a lot of speculation by both kids early on as to what the baby would be and what they would name him or her. When they started throwing out names like Optimus Prime and Barbie, Bella and Edward agreed that the kids would not be naming the baby, but may get to pick the name from a short list….that is if they could come up with one themselves this time around. With Lizzy, it was easy, but once again, they had a boy and didn't want to make anyone feel left out.
Unfortunately, toward the end of Bella's fourth month, a tragedy befell the family. Charlie and Sue got caught in a terrible ice storm coming back from a vacation in California. Charlie lost control on a slick road somewhere in Oregon, flipping their car and killing them both instantly. Esme and Carlisle went with the family to Forks where they did their best to help Bella, Seth, and Leah take care of the funeral arrangements, sort through their belongings, and take care of the rest of their estate business.
Bella fell into a deep depression after Charlie's death. She was functioning and taking care of the kids, but it was as if she was walking around in a daze for several months after they had returned home. To an outside observer, Bella and Charlie had a different relationship, but that didn't mean that they weren't close. In reality, it was quite to the contrary. They understood each other in ways that very few others could.
Edward supported her in every way he could, trying to get her to seek help, but it wasn't any use. It broke his heart to watch his wife suffer so. Many nights, after the kids were tucked in bed, they would sit side by side on the couch, as Edward would hold Bella while she wept into his chest. He couldn't do much, but he decided that the very least he could do was be there for her.
It wasn't until Bella was about seven months along that she was shaken from her melancholy by her children. Roman and Lizzy found her sitting in her rocking chair, staring unseeingly into the fire as she often did when the chores were squared away and they were fed and provided with something to entertain themselves. Lizzy scrambled into what was left of Bella's lap, while Roman sat at her feet, leaning his head against her knees.
After a while, Lizzy looked up at Bella with those big sad eyes that made Puss in Boots look like an amateur. "Mommy, we know you're sad because of Grandpa Charlie. We want to do something to make it all better." She leaned her tiny face up, kissing Bella's distended belly sweetly, making tears pool in Bella's eyes.
She looked down toward Roman who had a similar serious and sad look in his eyes. "Mom, we think you should name the baby after Grandpa Charlie and our Grandpa Edward that we never met. Maybe you'll be less sad if you have the baby's name to remind you how much he loved us."
Bella began to weep as she squeezed Lizzy in her lap, motioning for Roman to stand up and join them. The sweetness of her kids helped Bella turn the corner. Every day seemed better and better.
Two months later, they were joined by Charles Edward Masen, a tiny baby that looked so much like Bella, and by extension Charlie, that his name seemed even more appropriate. As he grew and developed his own quiet, sensitive personality, Bella knew that they really had chosen the perfect name for their youngest child.
Edward kissed the back of Bella's hand softly. "Ready, love? They're going to send a search party if we wait out here much longer." He smirked at her above her hand before kissing the back once more.
Bella looked at the door and sighed. She so hated being the center of attention. Taking one last deep breath, she nodded, reaching for the door handle. Edward handed the keys to the valet before escorting Bella through the tall art deco inspired doors that led to the party waiting for them beyond.
Edward smiled at Bella's amazed face as she took in the room around them. Rich red velvet lined the walls, buttons indenting the material occasionally giving a refined quilted look that created diamonds up and down the walls. The seating area on the main floor of the room had been cleared and the once sloped concrete floor had been raised at one end to create a flat wooden floor upon which tables with white linen table clothes circled the room, leaving a large open dance floor in the middle. At the end of the long room, a large white movie screen stood partially concealed by long crimson curtains that appeared to move back and forth to conceal the screen. In front of the screen was a small stage with a tiny podium and a microphone waiting for someone to make some sort of embarrassing speech. The walls that encased the stage and screen area was an impressive display of golden carvings of beautiful angels and chubby cheeked cherubs looking toward the stage area with smiling faces full of rapt attention. A massive crystal chandelier hung above the middle of the dance floor, reminding Bella greatly of The Phantom of the Opera.
Only seconds after the duo had a chance to make a sweeping observation of the room, three small bodies plowed into them with shouting excitedly. "Grandma! Grandpa!"
Edward and Bella looked down in delight at the three children at their feet, hugging them around their shoulders as Bella leaned down to pick up the fourth and newest addition to the clan, who toddled up slightly slower than her older counterparts. Edward and Bella felt blessed when they had their kids, but then the blessings bloomed tenfold as their children grew up and started having babies of their own.
Even though Roman was older, Lizzy actually was the first to marry. Her high school sweetheart, Dylan Sanders, followed her to Harvard, asking her to marry him during their freshman year. She agreed, insisting that they be married during Spring break of her sophomore year of college, much to her parents' displeasure. She did as she promised though and completed her degree, even though she was about to give birth to her first child around the time she graduated.
Roman ended up marrying just a year later to the love of his life, Jaime. They, not unlike Bella and Edward, were surprised by a honeymoon baby, who they named Lily. Just a few months later Lizzy's son, Landon, joined the fold. The two cousins were thick as thieves, even attending the same preschool the past two years and both enrolled in the same upper west side private school to begin kindergarten in the fall.
Lizzy had a daughter a couple of years later she chose to name Anabella. Annie had the most gentle heart. She typically chose to stay quietly out of the way to watch her brother and cousin run around and kick up noise while happily seated in one of the adult's laps. She loved books and drawing while the other two couldn't be bothered to sit still for more than a few seconds before they were off to play some other imaginary game that only the two of them understood. Annie didn't seem to mind though. She was a far more introspective than the others, and everyone wondered if she might not follow in her grandmother's footsteps one day.
The last to enter the fold was baby Bailey. Roman and Jaime tried for many years to have a second child with little luck. Just as they started to give up hope, they came back from vacation only to find that Jaime was finally pregnant again. At only a year and a half old, Bailey preferred to join in with the big kids than sit around with the boring adults. Toddling as quickly as she could behind her big sister and cousin, she was their constant shadow, if only a few seconds behind the whirlwind.
Bella and Edward proudly walked the rest of the way into the room with their grandchildren surrounding them as they began to greet their waiting guests. Bella felt the warmness in her heart seep through her whole body as she looked at the faces that had turned out, their families in tow. Right away, she saw Emmett, now blessed with more gray on his head than brown, a still nearly perfect Rosalie at his side. She knew they didn't really have it in their budget for plastic surgery since Emmett and Rosalie lived off Emmett's coaching income and tried to be good about his relatively small inheritance so that they would be able to retire comfortably, so it always stumped Bella how she managed to stay looking so good even after all of these years. She swore she must be part immortal. They were happily seated at three tables near the door with their four kids and their families.
The baby Rose was carrying at our wedding was their last child. Everyone figured they'd keep the K's going since all three girls names started with K, but they surprised everyone when they didn't. Two months after the wedding, with Bella stuck on the set for the movie in Oregon, Rosalie gave birth to a very large baby boy that they named Brett, after Emmett's all time favorite football player Brett Favre.
The rate at which their kids grew and moved on with their lives surprised them nearly as much as it had Edward and Bella. They often marveled at how one day you're changing diapers, and the next you're watching as they give their lives to someone else. Their children were just as prolific as they were, each giving them at least three grandkids each, in the case of Katarina, four. Emmett was the ever popular fun Grandpa, while Rose was the always baking cookies and spoiling them with gifts type.
Edward and Bella spied friends from throughout the years, Jake and Quil, Jackson, Kellan and their wives, the list went on as the wrapped around the room, finally finding Alice and Jasper surrounded by their family, along with Jane.
Jane struggled trying to figure out who would be best to represent her. The truth was, most of the agents in LA were wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. She didn't know whom she could really trust. It wasn't until Bella and Edward suggested that Jasper help her that she finally found someone with some moral fiber in which she could place some faith. They searched together for several weeks, until finally, Jane threw in the towel and asked Jasper if he would consider taking her on. He agreed and together they had carved out a great career for her.
She nailed it on Bella's movie, getting an Oscar nomination, although she didn't win. She went on to star in the two other movies in the trilogy, getting critical acclaim and more than one award. From there she branched out, stretching herself far beyond what anyone who had watched her earlier work had ever expected her to be capable of. Now a three time Oscar winner, Jane Volterra was considered one of the best in the business and one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood.
Alice and Jasper had the quintessential Cinderella wedding at a massive cathedral in the city. A very tired new mommy Bella did her best to do her maid of honor duties, but since it was such a massive wedding with eight bridesmaids alone, Alice's cousin, Chelsea, stepped in to lend a hand.
After the wedding, the newlyweds did much soul searching before deciding to make the move to LA permanent since very few of Jasper's clients were based in New York anymore. It pained Bella to lose her best friend, but they stayed close and thanks to Bella's ever popular books, she made many trips back and forth each year to contribute to preproduction details and observe filming.
After making the rounds, giving hugs, and accepting congratulations, they were finally led to a large table in the middle of the room where a now much older and hard of hearing Renee and Phil sat by Carlisle and Esme, struggling to hear one another over the low hum of conversation around them. It was almost comical to hear someone say something to one and then when that person would cup their hand to their ear to indicate that they didn't hear and then their spouse would translate far too loudly for them. Bella and Edward laughed openly at the scene before taking a seat. It wasn't until they were seated that they realized that the far right hand wall was concealed by a curtain as well.
Once in their seats, Roman, Lizzy, and Charlie took the stage. Charlie had followed in Bella's footsteps to become an author in his own right. He wrote extremely impressive crime dramas that gave you chills up and down your spine. At twenty three, he had only recently become involved with a delightful young lady that Edward and Bella expected to learn any day that he had asked to marry him. Until then, they simply tried to wait patiently, continually proud of their youngest son's accomplishments.
The trio introduced themselves before sharing stories of Edward and Bella's life together. Bella leaned in closer to Edward, resting her head on his shoulder as they held hands between them. She occasionally wiped at stray tears as she watched her children with pride. At the nod of Roman's head, the curtain behind them opened completely revealing a huge projection of the two of them together. Music began to play through the air as the pictures changed on the screen, flipping every few seconds to reveal another shot. With each progression, they aged, the strains of time and the worries of life, slowly marking them in irreversible ways, but one thing never changed…the love for one another always continued to radiate from their eyes. Through it all, they did it together, side by side.
After the slideshow, they revealed what had been hidden behind the curtain concealing the far wall with a smile. Mounted on the wall were examples of both of their parent's life work. Bella's book covers along with accolades were mounted in shadow boxes intermixed with the myriad of Edward's work throughout the years, heavily laden with images of their family and friends. In the center of it all stood two lone pieces that always brought everything back together into a cohesive unit, the painting of Bella on the couch writing furiously in her notebook that brought them together, under which hung the centerpiece of the Muse collection so many years before. Bella cried quietly as Edward pulled her close, kissing her forehead. They were each talented in their own right, but it was only together that their world finally fell into place in every way they could imagine.
Their kids crossed the room to hug them, telling them how much they loved them before the fancy dinner was served, the first movie made from Bella's film showing in the background. Throughout her long career, Bella had written over a dozen books, all but four of which had been made into movies, four of those had actually won Oscars. She had endured many interviews throughout those years, and in each and every one, she never failed to credit her wonderful husband, her own personal muse, for giving her the inspiration to make so many of her dreams come true.
As the night ended, Bella and Edward reluctantly made their way back to their building, to the apartment that they still kept over the gallery. They could never bear to let go of the place. It held far too many wonderful memories. It was there that they crawled into bed next to one another once again, as they had done thousands of times before and hoped to be able to do thousands more after that night. Edward kissed Bella's temple softly just before she fell asleep in his arms as they both sighed. It would never get any better than simply being together, because it was in those quiet moments that they could feel exactly how complete they were…together.
Author's Note: *Sigh* And there you have it. Thirty years and still going strong…not all of them were easy, but they made it through together. I hope you enjoyed the ride. I had planned on writing one more outtake, but I'm just not feeling it. I feel like we get a full idea from what we've already seen…so this is the end. I may do an outtake from Rome later on, so keep the outtakes on alert just in case, but as of this moment, I just don't feel like I could do it justice. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the journey! Thanks again for all of your wonderful reviews and to Nikteche for letting me take over this little gem!