Really, I hate when authors do this, and normally I wouldn't at all but I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking down all of my stories and probably deleting my two weeks to a month or so?
So, if you want a copy of my stories, take them now. I will not be offering them as complete downloadable documents...mostly because I'm lazy.
So, yeah, thanks for all the support and I'm glad you enjoyed the very strange journey these two crazy kids went on. And I really am sorry for the fake out chapter.
I feel I must also say, I AM NOT trying to get this published. Not. Not. Not. It is fanfiction and I am cool with it the way it is. It's more that I've, personally, moved on from Twilight Fanfiction and I just want this (mostly awesome) chapter of life to be closed. I do thank everyone for reading and caring about this story. It astounds me that so many of you did.
Also, a lot of you asked for a sequel or an epilogue for these two crazy kids, and I'm not going to write one, mostly because I want their future to be what you imagine it to be for them (I am such a snob...), but also because...I'm lazy. Anyways, I do, however, imagine the following conversation between sometime...probably in Amsterdam:
"This should have been our first time."
"Yes. It should."
Or something like that...about halfway through Europe.