Original Posting Date: 26 Apr 2011
Chapter 7
While the Sakura Manor was quiet and peaceful, the house maids still did what they were expected to do. Ayako Sakura stared at the book she was holding, not really reading it. Though it was just a glimpse, she finally met her grandchild Mikan after two long years the day before. Heaving a silent sigh, she closed the book and gazed through the glass window at the flower garden.
Ayako was in the reading room after getting a book from their moderately-sized library. She spent almost all of her time reading books, any kind of book that would help her pass the time. Marriage was far from her life now that she was a grandmother, thanks to her twin sister Ayaka.
It was around afternoon when someone interrupted her, "Ayako-san, may I have a word with you?"
Even without looking, she knew who was talking to her. Still, she looked up to answer the call. "Yes, Yuka."
"I'm sorry for bothering you so much, Ayako-san," Yuka said while taking a seat beside the older woman.
"I don't mind. Ayaka did ask me to take care of you since you are her only daughter-in-law," she said and put a bookmark in the book.
Yuka nodded absentmindedly. Her mother-in-law left the world just a year after she and Izumi got married. She had lost her parents when she was a baby, so Ayaka was like a mother to her. It was devastating when Ayaka abruptly left them. No one knew the plane would crash on the day she came back from London. Her train of thoughts was cut short when her 5-years-old twins entered the room.
"Okaa-san!" Mikan chirped happily while running towards her.
Before Yuka could open her mouth to warn her little girl not to run, she tripped. Luckily, her older twin Akira saw it coming and used himself as a cushion.
In an instant, tears welled in her little eyes as she cried on top of him, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Akira."
Akira quickly sat up and hugged his twin. "Don't worry; I'm fine, Mikan."
Yuka could only smile at the scene. Even though Akira was still so young, he was determined to keep Mikan out of trouble. He knew he was an older brother and keeping his sister safe was his duty. She was so proud of him. Knowing they were fine, she turned to Ayako. "I have a favour to ask of you."
Ayako inclined her head, silently urging her to continue.
"Will you help me take care of them?" Yuka's expression was serious.
Ayako smiled at the woman. "Even without you asking me, I'll take care of them, Yuka."
"Thank you," Yuka said with a relieved smile.
Soon, the twins joined them.
"Grandmother Ayako, I missed you." Mikan beamed happily.
Ayako hugged the little girl tightly. "I missed you, too, Mikan-chan."
As they pulled apart, Mikan started rambling about her desire to go to the back of the house. Sakura Manor was located near the forest, but in the back of the house there was a field of wild flowers. Whenever Mikan came to visit, the twins always spent the rest of their day there. Today, Ayako brought her camera along and took a couple pictures of the twins. One of them was framed nicely and placed on Akira's desk.
At that time, Ayako didn't know why Yuka asked such a favour of her, but she somehow knew her nephew had gotten himself into trouble. As soon as the twins were born, Akira was given the surname Sakura instead of Yukihira. Her older brother's only son Kazumi was never interested in women, so when Izumi asked to name him as Akira's father, he had accepted it readily. Although Kazumi and Izumi were cousins, they acted like any siblings would. In the eyes of law, Akira was Kazumi's adopted son, but in truth, he was Kazumi's nephew. Kazumi never asked Akira to be his son since the boy knew the truth. Only after Akira's parents died did Kazumi demand Akira's attention as his only heir to Sakura Hospital.
She now knew the reason why Izumi and Yuka let Akira go to them. They had chosen Akira to continue their legacies in case something happened to them. It came true two years ago when their car crashed. The public knew it as an accident, but she and her family knew better. They were purposely murdered by the Z organization, for they held too many secrets of the dark company. Miraculously, the twins survived, but Akira was injured heavily since he protected Mikan from a fatal hit. The guilt had driven Mikan to take her own drug, which made her forget about their involvement with the organization. She remembered only a little bit about her family.
A sad smile appeared on her lips as she thought how small the world was. After Mikan took the drug, Yuka's best friend took her in. Ayako had always known Yuka had a best friend named Kaoru, but she never knew her family name. Thus, she was shocked beyond words when she found out it was Hyuuga.
"It seems we always find each other, Keichi…" she muttered to herself as she gazed at the picture of her and her ex-fiancé, Keichi Hyuuga. Decades ago, he suddenly called off their two years engagement without telling her the reason. Now that she thought about it, it was just around the time when she found her long lost twin sister Ayaka. When she was a baby, her mother left the house with Ayaka. Her father had tried to find them but failed. They couldn't afford a private detective, so her father gave up, thinking they were dead since her mother never called them anymore. It was Ayaka who found them later after her mother passed away.
Ayako had tried to contact Keichi after he broke off the engagement, but he totally avoided and left her completely, and she had no way to find him. Keichi moved on, but she didn't, or she couldn't. She loved him so much that her heart was unable to accept another. A lone tear slipped down her wrinkled face, but she quickly brushed it away as she heard a knock on her door.
"Ayako-sama, Mikan-sama's friends are here," informed the maid, and she replied with a nod, "Thank you."
In the living room, Akira, Ruka, Hotaru, Yuu, Nonoko, Koko, Anna, Mochu and Sumire were gathered around. Several maids were there to serve drinks and light snacks. Casually, they dug into what was offered while chatting with each other.
As Ayako entered the living room, she smiled when she heard Hotaru ask, "How is she?"
Ayako knew Hotaru was Mikan's best friend who always stayed by her side no matter what happened. It was sad that Mikan could remember everything but her family. If she could turn back time, she would wish Izumi and Yuka never joined that company. Mikan should live her life happily with her family and friends.
"She's fine. I helped her move to our parents' house yesterday," replied Akira. "I don't think she has the time to tell you guys because the idea of moving came suddenly."
Ruka, who noticed her presence first, stood up with a small bow. "Greetings, Grandmother Ayako."
Soon, the rest followed suit as she nodded at them in response.
"So, what actually happened?" Ruka asked worriedly as Ayako sat not far from them.
Akira frowned. "I'm not really sure what happened since Mikan didn't say anything, but I think it has something to do with the new guy."
"Do I detect jealousy in your voice?" Koko teased Akira to lighten the mood, but Akira had none of it as he threw a pillow at him.
"I'm not jealous, you fool. I just don't like him because he hurt my twin sister," Akira huffed.
"Guys, please stop it." Ruka sighed before glaring at Koko. The guy just didn't know how to stop joking around. Even though he appreciated his attempt to ease the tension, it didn't help their current situation. Mikan was closer to danger now that her memories would return soon. To be honest, he was happy if Mikan would be able to remember everything, remember her family. Though it was not close, he and the twins were distant cousins. The danger would seek her out when she remembered everything.
"What's your plan?" Yuu prompted after a pregnant silence.
Akira closed his blue eyes briefly before shrugging. "I don't have any plans other than watching over her. Though I hate the idea, she should stay with the Hyuugas."
"What do you mean by that?" Koko asked and earned several blank stares.
"You mean you don't know?" Mochu looked at him incredulously.
"Know what?" Koko inquired back, feeling uncomfortable with the attention.
Soon, their gaze shifted to Anna, who glared at them. "What? It's not my fault that he always forgets every single detail."
Akira shook his head before explaining, "Rin is our family's messenger. She's been with Mikan since she moved in with the Hyuugas. That was the reason why I knew what happened the day before Mikan collapsed. Keichi Hyuuga came back to Japan."
Neither noticed how Ayako stiffened before relaxing as Akira continued, "But he stayed for less than 24 hours. Apparently, the old man doesn't like Mikan very much since he wished to know her family line. Too bad for him since my sister remembers only a little bit about our parents."
"Someone should stay with her," Akira said thoughtfully after a short silence.
"I'll talk to her," Hotaru volunteered. She knew how dangerous it would be for Mikan to live alone. Akira might want to be with her, but Mikan still couldn't remember him. That would only leave her and the girls. Out of everyone, she was the closest one to Mikan. She really hoped that all the problems would end soon as she sighed mentally.
Keichi Hyuuga narrowed his eyes as he looked through his new granddaughter's profile and her pictures with her family. He wouldn't have bothered with this rubbish if he didn't notice something about the girl. The pain of betrayal from a long time ago returned full force when he saw her picture. Fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humour. Mikan was actually that woman's grandchild. All this time, he had indirectly raised her grandchild for the past two years.
He was attending an important conference in London for his company. His beloved fiancée Ayako wasn't coming with him since she had to help out with her family's clinic. When he went to dinner with his client, he saw her in the arms of another man. He couldn't believe what his eyes told him, so he decided to call her when they sat a few tables away from him. His world broke into pieces as she picked up the phone right there, a few feet away from him.
"Who was that, Aya?" asked the man.
She shrugged. "No number, so I don't know who called."
As soon as his plane touched Japan, he broke off their long engagement. He couldn't bear to look at her anymore. Her betrayal was unbearable as he loved her so much. Thus, he decided to move to London. He didn't want to be reminded of her by staying in his home country. Apparently, the wicked woman was still alive. He would make sure to have his revenge, and he knew just who could do it for him.
As much as Natsume wanted to hide it, he knew his mother was aware of what he was feeling. He was happy, but it was more like content. The conflict between him and his sister was solved last night. No matter what his grandfather said, he wouldn't stay away from Mikan. In fact, it was too late for him to leave her alone now.
After she calmed down, they sat in the dining room and held their cups of chocolate. He felt someone pinch his heart as he eyed her red and puffy eyes. Even though he was the one who was responsible for her tears, seeing her cry had hurt him, too, not that he would admit that aloud.
"I'm sorry for crying like that, Natsume-san." Her face was beet red, and he found it so adorable.
After watching her quietly, he blurted out, "Natsume."
To his dismay, her beautiful blush left her face. "W-what did you say?"
"Natsume. Call me Natsume," he stated emotionlessly.
She nodded her head. "Oh."
He wanted to stay longer, but it was quite late, and he was sure she needed rest. "It's late."
Without waiting for her answer, he made his way to the front door.
As he opened the door, she scrambled in his way and stood before him. "I… Ehm… Thank you for coming, Natsume…"
He nodded before gazing at her. It turned into a silent, staring contest. Both of them were lost in each other's eyes. He was sure he was losing his mind when he leaned down to kiss her soft cheek and whispered into her ear, "Good night, Mikan."
Her red face was what he found as he pulled away. He withheld the urge to smirk.
"G-g-good night, Natsume…" she stuttered before he left.
"You look happy, Sume-chan," his mother stated the obvious, and he chose to ignore it.
As expected, his mother added, "So… I hope everything's fine between you and Mikan now. You went to her place last night, right?"
He paused before drinking the tea that was halfway to his lips. It was better to remain silent to avoid more questions. Suddenly, he had the urge to visit her again. Would it be right for him to intrude on her? Though they weren't really on speaking terms, he wished to see her, to hear her voice, to feel her presence, and to taste her lips. He blinked in surprise as he didn't know where that last idea came from. Yet, he admitted to himself that the idea was not bad at all. The way she said his name lit something within him.
"Thanks for the meal. I'm leaving," he announced while gathering his things and left for her place. He needed to find the answer.
However, his happiness was short-lived when he reached her place.
Natsume tried his best to keep his palms from sweating. If he thought about it again, it was really ridiculous. He respected his grandfather but never feared him, until today. Yet, perhaps it was because his fear was for someone else. When it came to his grandfather, he knew it would have something to do with his sister. Everyone but he missed the look his grandfather gave. The coldness in his jade eyes was much deeper than usual.
"Good morning, Grandfather," he saluted through his cell phone.
"I have a task for you."
"Court the girl."
He blinked several times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Did he hear what he thought he heard? As much as his grandfather hated his sister, he wouldn't joke with him like this. He suddenly had the urge to pinch himself to prove he heard right.
As if reading his mind, his grandfather affirmed, "I do not joke, Natsume."
"My apologies, Grandfather. May I know the reason?"
"I have my own reason. It won't be difficult for you to court her since she's still living with us."
He gulped silently. "I'm sorry, Grandfather. Mikan just moved out from the house yesterday afternoon."
"… It doesn't matter, the task still stands. Court the girl and make sure she falls in love with you. Report to me once you succeed."
He had no chance to answer as the call was cut off by his grandfather. A frown marred his face. Why? Why did his grandfather suddenly want him to court Mikan? Somehow, he had a bad feeling about it. Did his grandfather wish to hurt Mikan through him? Why would his grandfather want to hurt Mikan? Courting Mikan would be a plus for him since he would know her better. If he could be honest with himself, the prospect of having her with him was pleasant. It really didn't matter though. He would do what his grandfather asked and would found out why on a later date. As he looked up at Mikan's place, his eyes narrowed dangerously. Order or not, I'm not going to let her go.
Akira had come to visit her early in the morning. The timing was right, so she welcomed him with open arms. Though she still felt weird that he was her doctor, she didn't acknowledge the feeling as she couldn't deny the fact she and Akira were connected in one way or another. There was something about him that drew her to him. It had nothing to do with attraction at all. She just felt he was her important person, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember who he was. However, she still remembered the dream she had last night.
"There's something I need to ask," she began after serving him a cup of tea.
Somehow, his smiling face made her happy as he replied, "Ask away."
Looking into his clear blue eyes, she confessed, "I had this dream last night. I don't know the significance of this dream, but I know it's very important to me. Since our meeting that day, I have been seeing an image of a boy. Everything was so fuzzy that I couldn't really see clearly."
His widened eyes told her he knew what she was talking about, so she continued, "At first, I didn't know who the boy was until last night. It was you, Akira. I don't know why I was crying as I looked at your sleeping form. Yes, you were injured heavily, but I'm really sure that's not the only reason I cried."
"Mikan… I—"
"Please…" she pleaded. "Please tell me who you are."
Akira gazed at his twin longingly. How he wished things could be different for them, for their family. How he wished to tell her everything, but he knew he couldn't, not now. Nevertheless, he was happy that their connection as twins seemed to stir some memories, albeit some unpleasant memories. The dream she told him about was a day before she took the drug out of guilt. Holding her hands in his, he gazed into her brown eyes that reminded him of their mother. "I'm sorry, Mikan."
Before she could protest, he explained, "I wish to tell you everything, but you're not ready. The only thing I can tell you is that we're not strangers. It's true that you're someone who was close to me and still. I do not wish to give more pressure on you by asking you to remember everything."
Tears slid down her face, and she didn't bother to hide them from him. Deep down in her heart, she knew he would accept her. "So, it's true. I have forgotten something important. The day my parents died, I had this emptiness within my heart, there's something missing in my life. Is it you?"
Not only me, Mikan. It's our family. Akira wiped her tears away. "Please don't cry. Trust me when I say you will remember everything soon."
"Why can't you tell me now?"
He smiled at her. "What a silly question. Of course, it's because I don't want to hurt you."
When she was about to ask why, he added, "If you try to remember everything at once, you will have a painful headache. Seeing you hurt is the last thing I want. As a doctor, I can't let that happen to my patient, especially you."
He pulled her into his arms as she wept. "You're not alone, Mikan. I'll be with you no matter what happens."
"I promise," he replied as she hugged him tightly.
The emptiness within her heart was somehow filled with Akira's warmth. She felt so safe in his arms as though he was her brother. Brother? Could it be Akira was her brother? If yes, it would explain why she wanted Natsume's attention as a brother. She shut her eyes tightly. No matter how hard it would be, she would remember everything for Akira and herself. Eventually, she let go of Akira as his phone rang.
"Yes, Uncle Kazumi," answered Akira.
"Where are you?"
He smiled at his twin. "Mikan's place."
"I see. I have something to discuss with you. It's important."
"Oh, alright. Give me an hour," he replied before ending the short call. Akira looked up at his twin apologetically. "I'm sorry, Mikan. I have to go now."
"No, it's okay. You don't have to worry about me. I'll be fine," she said as they walked to the front door.
Akira grinned and hugged her a little bit longer. "Please don't cry when I'm not around, Mikan."
Mikan laughed for the first time of the day. "I'll call you when I want to cry, Akira."
He broke the embrace. "That's good."
She closed her eyes as Akira kissed her forehead. The way he kissed her brow brought a familiar feeling. Déjà vu?
Akira nodded with a smile. "Until next time, Mikan. Call me when you need something."
"Thank you, Akira." Mikan returned his nod before he left. She wished to ask him about this uncle of his. Somehow, the name Kazumi sounded familiar to her ears. As much as she wanted to know the answer, she knew she couldn't keep him here. She would call him later and ask him about this Kazumi.
When she was unpacking the rest of her things, someone knocked on her door. She thought it was Akira, who might have left something behind, so she opened the door happily. "Did you leave something—" The sight before her was unexpected as she muttered the rest of the sentence, "behind, Akira?"
Uncomfortable feelings filled her stomach as she gazed at his angry, red eyes. She gulped silently. "Natsume?"