Here's the second of the....three stories? I think. (scratches head) Huh. I'll have to look. Maybe four? Anyway, please let me know what you think of this chapter (meh, prologue. What'ev). There's more to come and soon, so don't fret. However, more reviews equals faster updates. (suggestive eyebrow twitch...what is that called? I for the life of me can't remember what the proper word[s] for it is.)

Anywho, I'll be uploading the first chapter of my main stories and seeing which one you guys like the most once maybe the second or third chapter of each has been uploaded. It'll be up to you to decide which story I'll be focusing on the most so don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: Like Ed is tall, I own FMA. Since we all know he isn't tall. At all. (dodges random flying objects) I therefore don't own FMA nor will I ever no matter how much I beg. Or will I...? (devious grin appears...)

Soul Of The Guardian

Chapter 1

February 9th, 1926

Dear Journal,

As of today it has been roughly five years since I had first arrived in this world, only three for my brother Alphonse. Written in a previous passage is everything that I have seen, heard, felt, learned, and loved. The only reason I would ever write any of this down is because...well, I fear that one day I will forget. These memories are all I have of the other side, besides the new automail that Winry gave me to use. Though he has yet to admit it aloud, I can tell that Al does miss the other side too.

However, we both know that finding a way back is dangerous, seeing as how the Thule Society tried to open the Gate to the other side. They broke through with their horrible flying machines, covered in what I can only describe as black goo, most likely from the Gate itself. They attacked Amestris and killed many people in pure fear of the world they had just entered. They feared it and so they felt our native world should be destroyed! Anyway, after Al and I passed through and destroyed the Gate, we vowed that we would not try to get back home so long as there were people like that group out there. It would be too dangerous and too risky. Besides, Alchemy can't be used on this side anyway. How it worked in that building in Munich I still don't have a clue.

For a moment the writer stopped, gathering his thoughts. He knew it was only a matter of time before someone came looking for him. Silence was something he craved when it came to writing in his Journal. With a sigh, he put down his pen and tucked a stray lock of golden bangs behind one ear. A smile traced his lips lightly as he thought of more to write down. Without wasting a moment he picked up the pen and continued.

On a lighter note, Al and I just left from a country called Great Britain and are on our way to North America, more specifically the United States of America. Enclosed is a map of the world. The maps have certainly gotten better, but they are still not of the high quality as the ones made on the other side. Both Al and I can't wait until we get off this damn boat. It's a little crowded and very...blah. I don't know how else to explain the trip across the Atlantic Ocean. It's definitely not a smooth ride. Poor Al, he's probably outside, leaning over the edge trying not to puke. Of course, that hasn't gone so well so far during this transatlantic trip.

Ed jumped up and ran to the steps, stuffing his journal and pen into one of his inner pockets. Climbing up the steps, he stopped just as his head stuck up from the square opening.

He looked around, wondering what his brother was doing, though he had a feeling he knew. A small smile reappeared on his lips as he spotted his brother nearly hanging over the edge, green as...

His eyes instantly fell upon a large, green object standing tall in the distance. Luckily they were just close enough to make out what it was. Again he quickly pulled out his journal and pen, scribbling that current thought down into his journal.

The sun is setting and I can already see the very edge of the that a woman standing there holding a book and an ice-cream cone? Man is she ugly.

No longer could he stand to see the statue. Though it was beautifully crafted and intricately designed, it was...tall. That and it just didn't pose him as just...beautiful. Only it's craftsmanship was nice. Not a moment passed when he wrote down that bit when he ducked back down into the storage place, finding his old spot and settling back in. Some voices from above could be heard, muffled at first, until they came near the entrance of the storage space.

Oh! I just heard from above that it's the Statue of Liberty, a gift from the French. And get this, she's made of copper but because she's on an island off the coast of...New York, and surrounded by water, the chemical reaction between the sea water and the copper makes her look green.

Edward sighed, putting down his pen again for a moment. He smiled as he embraced the chemical formulas that instantly passed through his mind. Copper, its make up, the reaction with water, etc. It fell slightly when he looked up towards the small opening. Only thin streams of sunlight made their way into the storage space below deck through the open entranceway on the ships port-side, connecting the storage to the open level above. The retreating rays of the sun lit the clouds up, pinks, oranges, red, purples.

Amestris had many lakes and large bodies of water, but the country itself wasn't surrounded by water, like an ocean or even have beaches. When there were clouds, only a few would drift across the sky. Only one place reached close enough to a body of water to get more than just a few clouds.

Golden eyes glazed over as memories of his hometown Resembool flashed through his mind. White, fluffy clouds always drifted lazily over the country town, keeping it covered from the sun just enough to allow the grassy fields to get enough rain, water, and shade with enough sunlight to stay healthy.

The blond shook his head, clearing away the thoughts of his hometown. Despite missing the other side, it also hurt to remember. Because that's all he would ever be able to do, remember. Never to create those kinds of memories again. They were stuck and that was that. The only reason he ever wrote it down was because he didn't want his memories to disappear completely as time went on. He and Al had learned a lot from their experiences on the other side, so to completely forget, and allowing that to happen, would mean that everything they had been through, every wound they had felt whether it was physical or emotional, every person they met, and every place they had traveled to had been for nothing.

Ed wasn't going to just let that happen. So, at the start of his and Alphonse's journey around the world to learn more about it and rocket science, he decided to start two journals, only one of them known to Al. One would be what they learned in this world, both being able to use it, and a personal one only Ed could use. Currently he was using his personal one, alone in the storage space below deck. It was nearly silent down there and, over the time of their journey across the ocean, he had found it to be the best place to think and write in his journal.

Footsteps could be heard, slowly making their way down the steps and into the storage space. Not wanting anyone to find him writing in some journal, Ed quickly finished his entry.

Well, that's all for now. I may not have a chance to write for a few days, seeing as how we'll have to get off the ship and find a place to stay.

So, until then,

Edward Elric

Just as the footsteps reached the bottom of the steps, Ed closed the journal and re-wrapped the dark brown leather binding, shoving it under his dark brown overcoat.

"Brother? You down here?" Ed perked up slightly at the voice and forced himself to his feet. Al turned around, smiling as his older brother popped up from behind some crates.

"What are you doing down here, again?" Al asked, raising an eyebrow as his brother stumbled forward. Edward regained his balance and waved off the question. Al rolled his eyes as his brother nearly jumped up the stairs.

The two made it up to the deck just in time to watch the Statue of Liberty pass them by.

"Man, she really is ugly. Especially up close." Ed joked, putting one hand on his hip and placing the other above his eyes on his forehead, as if shielding it from the fading rays of the sun, staring up at the large green statue.

Al gave his brother a look but said nothing, though mentally agreeing. Of course it was rude to say anything disrespectful about anything, especially if it was French. Ed had lost his cool with some people in France, insulting them with his poor French, at the time, and so they were kicked out of the hotel. Of course, only Al really learned from that experience. Ed could really care less.

As the boat made it's way into the harbor, Al turned to Ed and smiled, "Well, looks like a whole new adventure is about to begin, Brother. More people to meet, more places to see, more rocket science to discover..."Al trailed off, staring at his brother for a moment. He had stayed silent for longer than he usually did.

"Brother? Is something wrong?" Al asked, facing him completely. Ed turned his head and smiled.

"Not really. It's just that my twenty-first birthday is coming up and...well," Edward turned to looked up at the stars, placing his hands in his pockets, "I always thought I would spend it with my friends and family back in Resembool."

Al's eyes softened slightly, looking up to the stars as well. "I know it won't be anything like you would have wanted, but we can celebrate it together, just as we have the past few years."

Ed blinked and turned back to Al, smiling. With a nod, he turned back up to the stars.

"Thanks Al. We'll make this one unforgettable. After all, we're the Elric Brothers, and anything we do never goes uncharted."

The boat came to a stop and shouts could be heard, telling everyone that it was time to get off. Shaken from their rare, aimless thoughts, the Brothers gathered their luggage and disembarked.


A month had passed since their journey across the ocean. They had traveled through New York to many other states. By now they were tired and needed a small break. Currently down in the South, they arrived in a small town known for it's incredible amount of cotton farming. Little did they realize, more than just a vacation lay in store.

Please be kind and review! These reviews will help determine which story is liked the most. The Poll I'll be putting up will not strictly determine the top story but will equally influence the end result, especially if there's a tie. Click the perdy green button that's all by it's lonesome. Yeah, that one riiiiiiight below these words. XD