~ Chapter Twenty: To Kill or To Study~
Waiting a few days for Percy to turn up created nothing but tension within the manor as the Dark Lord's foul mood remained. There would be moments of calm where the Dark Lord would spend time noting the recovery of the Death Eaters freed from Azkaban and offering improvements to their recovery schedules. Then there moments when he lashed out and the only people safe from his wrath were the Elementals and their Mentors.
Harry spent his days avoiding the Dark Lord. Truthfully, he simply didn't want to have to speak with the man until he had all of his Elementals. The fluctuating instability of the man's emotions were grating on his nerves. Instead, Harry took refuge with Severus as he spent most of his days within the Potions Lab.
The Dark Lord would be less than pleased. Given Harry's connection with the Earth his skills at Potions had drastically decreased until the only way Harry could pass was by partnering with someone willing to handle the ingredients. Relaxing for Harry would normally have been out in the garden where he could enjoy the sun; however, Severus' quiet company was more appealing to him currently.
Luna and Draco were hiding in their own way. Harry knew Luna would be sitting within her room in a bath and playing around with her abilities and generally making a mess the house elves were more than happy to clean. Draco on the other hand, would be flying just below the wards surrounding the manor, happy to be away from the tension in the manor.
Frowning, Harry couldn't help but think of another problem they would face in the coming days. The holidays were ending and that meant three of the Elementals would return to Hogwarts and be away from their master. Normally this wouldn't concern Harry. However, with all of the Elementals claimed, Dumbledore would start to ask questions and he would want definite answers. This would place them in danger.
"Severus, I'm concerned about Dumbledore."
Severus didn't bother to turn around. "Harry, we have a plan."
"I know we have a plan in place to handle informing Dumbledore and the Order about the Elementals. I'm not fond of telling Dumbledore or the Order anything about what we can do but I know we need to direct the information they receive."
"I feel you are concerned for far more than what you have currently vocalized." Severus sighed.
Harry scowled. Though he trusted Severus' judgement, he still felt concerned about having all of his secrets spilled before a group of people he couldn't trust with his life or the lives of his friends. There was no way of knowing how the Order was going to take the news of having a super powered Voldemort to deal with. However, they were always looking for a weakness and his Elementals might be perceived as such regardless of their strength.
"We might be controlling the information we share with the Order but that doesn't mean we can control what their reaction might be. They could decide it would be for the Greater Good if they killed us during the meeting. They could decide that we will useful as captives. Being here is one thing, being held captive by the Order is another."
Harry picked up one of the potions ingredients and idly played with the leaves. He didn't take much notice as the dried leaves regained their colour and began to grow sprouts. By the time Severus gently took the leaf out of Harry's hands, it had begun to grow roots and flower. A look of exasperation crossed Severus' face as he pulled Harry into a hug steadying Harry's emotions.
"Unfortunately, in our situation there will be a number of risks in everything we do. We can predict their responses to the knowledge we provide them but it might not always be correct. All we can do is prepare for the most likely outcomes."
Harry shook his head in disbelief. "What if it's not enough? What if the Elementals aren't enough and Dumbledore wins?"
The tightening of Severus' arms offers very little reassurance but is welcomed. "I will never allow that man to harm you. I made an oath and I intend to keep it. You will not die as long as I am alive to protect you."
"And when you are no longer around to protect me?" Harry questioned in a small voice.
"Then the Dark Lord will protect you if for only being his Elemental."
The certainty within Severus' voice eased Harry's concerns. He knew above all others that the Dark Lord could be protective of what he perceived to belong to him. As the only descendant of Salazar Slytherin there was no other person capable of controlling the Elementals and their abilities. This alone stirred the Dark Lord's desire to keep them safe whilst encouraging and nurturing their development as powerful creatures. His protective capabilities would only grow the stronger the Elementals became.
"Why does my life have to develop into a complicated mess?" Harry moaned.
"Why do I have to shoulder the burden of your complicated mess?" Severus returned drily.
Harry looked up at him with a cheeky smile. "Because you love me?"
Harry smiled, grateful for Severus enduring this journey. If he'd been alone Harry would likely have given in too easily to the Dark Lord's requests. He wouldn't have been able to be as sneaky or conniving without the help of Severus Snape.
"We should clean up and go upstairs. Weasley will be here soon and we should support him when he joins this exclusive club."
Harry snorted at Severus' mention of an exclusive club. He certainly wasn't wrong but Harry wouldn't describe it as such.
"I'm going upstairs and see how our Lord's temperament is before introducing Perc y."
They certainly didn't need to introduce the most volatile Elemental to a volatile Dark Lord. It wouldn't end well and they certainly needed to have all of their Elementals to work harmoniously together with their Master.
With a final hug, Severus released Harry and allowed him to leave the potions room.
Harry waited at the apparition point for Percy. The Dark Lord's temperament had been acceptable for the instability he was suffering. So he felt comfortable enough that they wouldn't be reduced to ash should Percy lose control in anger or frustration at the Dark Lord. However, there was truly no way to predict what course a fire would take.
Yet, punctual, Percy arrived with his mentor. There was not a lot of show in their arrival, which probably had more to do with Percy's nerves than anything else did. Harry couldn't help but smile as Percy's mentor began looking around curiosity bleeding through his every movement.
"I see you chose your mentor."
Percy looked towards his brother and nodded. "It made sense considering the amount of time he spends around fire."
"I'm glad you can still rely on your family even if it is only the one person."
"I would be even greater if you would stop wondering around like you own the place!" Percy snapped.
"No need to go dragon on me little brother."
Harry snorted through a laugh while Percy glared. Smoke billowed from Percy's nostrils as he exhaled in barely controlled anger.
"I can tell you joining us is going to be interesting. Come, the Dark Lord doesn't like to be kept waiting."
Harry ushered the pair down hallways and around corners until they came to their Master's Throne Room. The room remained as unimpressive as the first time Harry entered with the Malfoy's however the Weasley's were captivated. The dark elegance the room exuded kept their eyes distracted from the man seated in the only place of honour without the room.
"Welcome, my fire starter."
The Dark Lord's words startled the pair as they moved closer towards the man. Percy shifted so he could stand in front of his brother drawing the Dark Lord's attention towards the other Weasley.
Severus sighed. "Another Weasley, one was enough."
"At least we aren't the twins."
The cheeky reply only caused Severus to scoff. "No you just aid certain people in smuggling dragons out of schools."
"That was one time!" Harry cried.
"One time is too many when it comes to you."
Harry pouted but silently agreed. No one should be attempting to smuggle a dragon out of a school because the Groundskeeper thought it would be a good idea to have one in a wooden hut.
"Percy, this is our Master. Master, this is Percy Weasley your Fire Elemental and his mentor Charlie Weasley." Harry introduced.
Percy straightened and made sure he was standing in front of his brother still. The small amount of protection Percy offered really wouldn't matter in the long run if the Dark Lord truly desired to punish Charlie. However, it did keep the Elementals sane making the attempt anyway. No one wanted to stand by and watch as their loved one was tortured.
"You are mine Percy Weasley, you are my Fire Elemental."
The words were simple yet once again, the Elementals' wrist burned as the acceptance completed. Charlie frowned as his brother showed signs of pain but ultimately couldn't do anything to ease it much like the remaining Mentors.
"Finally, we are altogether."
Harry looked up watching as the final stages of the bonding took effect on the Dark Lord. He had long ago lost the snake appearances through claiming the other Elementals, yet finally one could see the handsome remnants of Tom Riddle. Though still showing signs of age, their master stood tall and regal with sharp defined features most would swoon upon witness. This was the Dark Lord many had feared and respected.
The Dark Lord seemed to have regained all of his lost sanity but only time would tell. Harry wasn't certain anyone could go for years out of their mind and return to what they were before. Certainly, their master wouldn't be who he was before but how much would he have changed? Could he protect them as he had once promised? Would he turn them into weapons only for his personal use?
Time would tell. Until then, however, Harry, Luna, Draco, and Percy would need be wary of what they said.
"The power Salazar Slytherin bestowed upon my family is finally unified. My Elementals and I are bonded through ambition, a belief in divination, the past, and a desire for knowledge. Together we are strong and together we will change the very foundation of the Wizarding World for the betterment of all magical beings."
The speech was short and rousing. Harry could see the admiration in Lucius and Severus as they watched the man they agreed to follow. By no means was this an acknowledgement of the return of a powerful and sane man. However, it was something of a start. The Dark Lord would need to prove he had returned to sanity, not only to his loyal followers, but also to the creatures hiding in the dark.
Their master would need allies in this war. Certainly, he held a small army and now his Elementals but they wouldn't be enough to topple the Order. The Order of the Phoenix would not stop even when defeat was before their eyes. They would keep fighting and would only stop if they died or the Dark Lord died.
Harry clenched his fists. The only way the Dark Lord would die now was if his Elementals were destroyed, not an easy feat by any imagination but doable under the correct circumstances. Dumbledore was unlikely to have this information. Endless planning meant Severus and Harry had removed all traces of Slytherin's Elementals but that didn't meant he couldn't acquire it elsewhere.
This only served to make Harry nervous. With the aid of Severus, their plans were moving forward but there was only so much they could do. The Elementals needed to be able to control their abilities and that meant practice. They needed to grow stronger and powerful, capable of killing a person without thought.
Harry knew keeping the others safe was his top priority. He would do anything to keep them alive and while he knew, they would do the same for him Harry wasn't certain it extended as far as murder. In the end though, they would all be pushed into doing unspeakable acts. Their master would demand it.
The day before they were due to return to Hogwarts Dumbledore called a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix requesting the presence of Severus and Harry. Though they knew this day would eventually arrive they were still nervous at the prospect of the confrontation. The small comfort Harry could take with him was knowing he was capable of Occlumency. The ability to keep his emotions under control would save his life as they faced those that would plot to kill them.
Severus and Harry left without saying anything to anyone. Percy, Draco, and Luna would only worry; the Dark Lord on the other hand might attempt to keep them from attending. In the end they needed to know the thoughts of the Order so they could predict the outcome of this meeting and possibly the entire war. They needed to direct and control the information and the only way to do so was offer it freely.
Their reception was not warm. Everyone within the Order remained seated as they entered, all having gathered before they had arrived. Despite the talking to Dumbledore had likely given them, the scowls on their faces remained noticeable and directed their way.
Harry took a seat beside Severus and on the edge of the dining table. Unfortunately that placed him directly beside Dumbledore and facing Sirius, but it kept him sheltered from the other eyes of the Order. Dumbledore remained as cheerful as ever but Sirius couldn't stop staring.
"Now that everyone has arrived we may start the meeting." Dumbledore started jovially.
"Get to the point Albus!" Moody growled. "Your pet spy has a lot of explaining to do."
Many of the Order muttered their agreement. They wanted nothing more than an explanation as to why Harry would join You-Know-Who.
"Very well, Severus if you would care to explain."
Instead of Severus speaking however he turned and looked directly at Harry.
"The story doesn't start with Severus," Harry admitted, "They story starts with me."
No one in the Order knew what to say. They had grown accustomed to blaming Snape for all the Death Eater and You-Know-Who wrong doings that it was almost inconceivable for anyone else to be the perpetrator. The fact that this person was Harry Potter left them completely befuddled.
"During the summer odd occurrences began to happen." Harry started.
"Dear, your magical odd occurrences are bound to happen."
Molly Weasley's patronizing tone set Harry on edge. He had always seen her was warm and mothering however she also had the tendency to treat anyone younger than her as if they were toddlers who needed teaching.
"As a child I did normal magic. I turned my teacher's hair blue. I apparrated onto my school's roof and vanished glass in a Reptile Park. This summer, I knew it was different." Harry replied scathingly.
"What was different about your magic this summer?" Remus questioned.
Harry smiled at the werewolf. The man was the only one in the room not staring at them with a judging air. Remus was present to listen and would make decisions based on all sides.
"Nature around me went wild. Despite the heat, my Aunt's garden flourished while the surrounding suburb withered. Her flowers were always in bloom and the trees stayed evergreen. Then the garden would come to life and take my relatives' possessions. It was hectic and it was far from normal for me."
"This started happening and you didn't contact anyone within the Order?" Moody growled.
Harry smiled coldly. "Well if I had known anything about the Order at the time perhaps I could have done something about it. But I had no idea the Order existed at the time and since no one was telling me anything I wasn't sure who I could trust."
A few members of the Order shifted uncomfortably knowing Harry wasn't wrong. Dumbledore had explained contacting Harry through owl might expose their order. Owls could be intercepted, and messages read, so no one had mentioned the Order or anything remotely useful to Harry.
"Then I had a vision…"
Harry trailed off as several people sat forward. Unnerved, he shifted closer to Severus whose glare narrowed dangerously. Opposite them Sirius growled.
"What was your vision of, my boy?" Dumbledore questioned once he realized Harry refused to speak with all of the attention.
"The Dark Lord-"
"So you're calling You-Know-Who by that foul name now?!" Sirius snarled. "Your father's probably rolling in his grave hearing you call that monster in such a way."
Severus gave a dark chuckle. "I'm not sure where you scrounged that idea from Black. However, James Potter died to protect Harry and I am certain if given the option Potter would rather have Harry alive than to see him in danger and fighting for his life. I know I prefer Harry safe and alive."
Many of the Order couldn't believe Snape of all people was speaking of James Potter without any vitriol. The animosity between the two had been as bad as the current relationship between Snape and Black.
"I prefer Harry alive!" Sirius spat. "I also prefer him where he is loved and cared for and where he can stand against You-Know-Who."
Harry couldn't even look at Sirius. The man he'd so desperately desired to live with in third year only seemed to care about his connections to his father. James Potter was more important to Sirius than anything else except revenge, revenge was something Sirius threw himself into with everything.
Remus looked at him apologetically. Yet he needn't have bothered, Harry didn't blame Remus. It wasn't up to Remus to control the actions of an adult even if he was a friend.
"I believe we have moved away from the subject." Dumbledore injected. "We should return to the topic at hand. I believe you were talking about a vision from Voldemort?"
Just as Dumbledore spoke the Dark Lord's name, Harry and Severus hissed in pain. Their marks burned against their skin radiating up their arm. The table beneath them cracked with Harry's distress and began sprouting leaves. A few gasps were heard but all Harry and Severus could do was focus on their pain until it settled.
"You are pained whenever someone speaks You-Know-Who's name?" Remus questioned.
At some point, he'd moved from his side of the room and knelt beside Harry attempting to sooth his wrist with a balm Harry hadn't been taught about. The relief was instant and Harry collapsed against Remus' shoulder.
"It started small. They were only twinges when his name was mentioned. Then as he started getting stronger it only got worse. This is the first time we've heard his name spoken in a long time." Harry admitted as Remus passed Severus the salve back.
"How does You-Know-Who get stronger?" Moody growled, finally finding something of interest to discuss.
"The Dark Lord gained power for every Elemental he claimed. He claimed all of his Elementals, Air, Earth, Water, and Fire and his power was restored." Severus commented watching as Harry took comfort in Remus' presence.
Harry hadn't received a lot of comfort in his life. His relatives, what Severus could tell, hadn't been the most accepting of Harry's magic and in turn they made sure to exclude him as much as possible. Arriving at Hogwarts and already wary, Harry's friends hadn't shown much affection to the boy either nor any of his professors. The relationship he'd fostered with Lupin on the other hand held meaning.
They'd only known each other a small while and yet the bonding that had occurred beneath everyone's noses hadn't lost any strength. If anything, Severus mused, Lupin seemed even closer to Harry than that of his beloved Godfather. Whether this relationship swayed the alliance of either of them, Severus couldn't tell.
"These Elementals… what abilities do they possess outside of aiding You-Know-Who's power?" Bill questioned, staring at the table.
It was difficult to avoid the evidence before them. The table had reacted purely on Harry's distress and warped into a slow growing mass of branches. Nature could very well bend to Harry's every whim and no one would be any wiser.
"Each Element holds a different amount of control. The Elementals seem to embody the nature of their element creating instances where control seems distant."
"Shut it Snape, I don't want to hear this from you! We should hear it from an Elemental!" Sirius growled, eyeing Remus and Harry.
Severus glowered in return but kept quiet and deferred to Harry, not desiring to start another spat when Harry seemed comfortable.
"I am the Dark Lord's Earth Elemental and, as you can see, I don't need control to access my abilities. I use control to keep myself from destroying items such as the table in outbursts of emotion. I'm fine, even when I have distractions around me, what I can't handle is random outbursts of pain. When that happens I lose control and something always goes wrong."
"What of the other Elementals? Is there control similar to yours?" Dumbledore queried.
Harry frowned. "Our methods for keeping control aren't the same. Our mentors teach us how to keep control and our mentors are all different. I can't say that the other Elementals would share any similarities to me."
Everyone glanced from Harry to Severus, yet no one questioned the relationship between them as mentors were discussed. If no one was willing to open their mouths and risk Sirius' anger once again then neither would Severus and Harry.
"My mentor taught me to occlude my mind. Thoughts and feelings are mine alone and don't cause my element to react. I rather doubt Luna shares my method as her mind is unique but Draco might… his father would know how to occlude being from a noble family."
"You mentioned a Fire Elemental, Harry who is he?" Remus questioned.
The werewolf had yet to leave Harry's side, having moved his chair to keep an eye on Harry's pained arm. He didn't appear to want to leave either and Harry was quite happy to leave him by his side.
"Percy Weasley is the Dark Lord's Fire Elemental."
The Weasley's couldn't contain their shock. Percy hadn't entered their minds in some time mainly due to You-Know-Who but never would they have assumed Percy would ever have any connection to that monster. Then again… if Harry could be connected who couldn't…
"Who is Percy's mentor?"
Again, the question came from Remus who looked concerned about the Weasley no one rarely mentioned.
"Charlie is Percy's mentor so I could only assume the method Charlie would teach Percy would be related to what he has learnt in regards to dragons." Harry answered.
The relief on Remus' face relaxed Harry further. Remus was a kind soul and someone who Harry greatly admired. To see him concerned about each of the Elementals regardless of their backgrounds caused Harry to hope. And hope could be a dangerous thing…
"My sons would never join that monster!" Molly finally screeched, the shocking wearing out. "They are from a Light family and have grown up with these values. Never would they have chosen You-Know-Who if someone hadn't joined them first!"
The insinuation caused all eyes to turn towards Severus. Harry could barely repress his frown.
"It's not Severus' job to speak with other Elementals. He's my mentor and not theirs. The only one who could speak on behalf of the Elementals is another Elemental. Don't blame him."
"Then it was you who manipulated my boys into joining that monster!"
"Don't accuse my godson-"
"Sirius stop," Harry demanded. "I did speak with Percy. I convinced him that the Dark Lord would welcome his appearance and I didn't lie."
The silence that fell upon the room was instantaneous. No one could stop staring at Harry and their looks all said the same thing. Harry Potter was a lost cause; You-Know-Who had reached into his soul and twisted it so their saviour would never kill the man. He would never be their saviour; they would need to kill the man on their own.
"How are we going to kill You-Know-Who and win this war?" Arthur questioned.
"Weaknesses have always been a good place to start." Albus commented.
Harry couldn't afford to glance at Severus and show he was terrified at their sudden change in direction. Through everything they had managed to discuss for this day, they hadn't predicted the tangent of killer thought the Order would go on. Yet it was obvious the group was speaking over their heads.
The Order no longer cared what they heard and it could either end in disaster or be a blessing for their master.
"There is only one weakness You-Know-Who currently has," Moody growled.
The man's magical eye twisted towards Harry. Settling upon his form, the remainder of the Order all turned towards Harry as well.
"We use the boy?"
"No! The boy is an Elemental and connected directly to that monster of a man. Kill his beloved Elementals, weaken the man, and you can kill the man!" Moody spat.
Harry immediately grabbed for Severus as many of the Order began thinking on the idea. What was worse, they didn't look disgusted with the idea. Instead, they appeared to think that this idea was the sole answer to their problem.
"Is killing all any of you can think about?" Harry questioned in disgust.
"We have to kill You-Know-Who! Your parents deserve at the very least that!" Sirius shouted.
"And is my life the price your willing to pay for that revenge?"
With no answer from anyone in the room, Harry stood. "I know this is the Second War for most of you. However, that doesn't excuse your reckless plans to secure a win. At one stage I believe you were the good of this world. Your desire to kill children just to weaken your enemy though is something I know the Dark Lord would never condone."
Severus stood alongside Harry. "I believe this is our queue to leave. Don't expect our return."
Severus steered Harry by the shoulder towards the door connect to the Main Hall.
Sirius' questioning tone had Severus and Harry turning around. Behind them, Remus had also stood and turned away from the Order.
"If this is how you treat your Godson to gain a revenge that doesn't belong to anyone other than Harry, then I can only image what would happen to me in your quest for blood."
Denials spewed from the mouths of everyone in the room but the truth was known deep within. If the Order would sacrifice their one time saviour at the drop of the hat, a werewolf would only end up worse of. Harry knew in that moment Remus would be leaving with them.
The group continued to bicker amongst themselves. Some agreed they would never harm Remus bit the others knew they would do anything to win this war. Throughout everything, Dumbledore remained silent. Harry couldn't care what the man desired to do to win this war all his thoughts were on the only remaining family he had left.
Turning away from the madhouse that was the Order, Harry spoke his final words to his godfather. "The next time we meet, Sirius, we will be on opposite sides of this war. I hope by then you can see the madness within your thoughts or I fear you won't witness our victory."
Ignoring, the uproar brought forth by his words, Harry led Severus and Remus out of Grimmauld Place for the final time.
This isn't exactly how I planned this chapter but well it has been a while since I wrote for this story something was bound to change... I hope it lives up to expectations.