Chaos Wings
Ranma woke up early as usual, donning her regular clothes; she made her way downstairs towards the kitchen, picking up Ryo-Ohki as she went. Placing Ryo-Ohki down in the kitchen, she then moved to making breakfast for everyone at Misaki household. As she began her daily routine, her mind drifted back over her life.
The last seven hundred or so years have been nice, she thought. Ranma or as she was known to others Sasami, smiled to herself. Escaping Nerima had been the best thing she had ever done. How she did it you might ask. Well after the battle with Saffron and the failed wedding, Ranma had met Tsunami; the goddess had used her powers to review Ranma's life and was not happy. Ranma's life was mostly child abuse or torture in her mind, so she offered Ranma a way out. Tsunami offered Ranma a new life on Jurai, in the past of course since she thought Ranma may be needed to help her chosen one when the time came.
Ranma's only conditions were that, one she could keep her memory's, two Tsunami would help her relearn all her previous skills, and three that that the Neko-Ken would be dealt with. Either by removing it or by helping Ranma control it.
Ranma had been surprised to find out that Tsunami had placed her in the royal family and even more surprised that she had an older sister as well as at some of the rules and traditions of Jurai. Like having two wives.
"You're up early" commented a voice from behind her. That same voice snapped Ranma from her trip down memory lane. Turning around she found Washu standing there, smiling as usual. But, Ranma knew Washu was also observing her, she knew the self proclaimed "Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe" too well.
Smiling her usual infectious smile, "Morning Washu-neechan"
"Good Morning Sasami", replied Washu. She studied the girl she knew as Sasami closely for a second, "I like your hair better like that" were her last words before disappearing into her lab, though not before saying "Good Morning" to Ryo-Ohki.
Ranma blinked in confusion at her words, checking her hair, she blinked again. Her hair was not it's in usual twin pigtails, but instead flowing freely down her back. If Washu hadn't mentioned it she probably wouldn't have noticed. She debated on whether to go back upstairs and change it or face the questions she was likely to get. The fact that breakfast still needed to be finished and that Washu would be craving Sasami's special morning Tea in the end decided it. She'd just leave it for today; to be honest she liked it better like this.
2 Hours Later…
The residents of the Masaki household filed into the living room for breakfast as usual; to see one of the oddest sites yet. Ayeka was glaring. Not that unusual, but she was glaring at Sasami. Which frankly considering whom Sasami was and in there minds at least could do no wrong, was strange indeed. Sasami for the most part was either blissfully unaware or, at least in Washu's opinion was purposely ignoring Ayeka. And was also making her more angry by doing so, plus she seemed to be enjoy herself to.
It was just too much for the Masaki residents, so they decided to just eat breakfast, well most of them did.
"You're hair looks great like that Sasami, you should wear it like that more often" commented Ryoko, having already worked out what Ayeka was angry about.
Ranma immediately smiled at Ryoko, "Thanks Ryoko-neechan". A frown crossed her face as she looked at Ayeka. "At least somebody likes it" she muttered, just loud enough for everyone to hear. Confused looks crossed everyone's face as they turned to Ayeka for an explanation.
"It is customary on Jurai for members of the royal family to wear there hair in traditional styles" explained Ayeka.
"So you're angry with Sasami, because her hair isn't how it's supposed to look" asked Tenchi, feeling that he was starting to understand the problem.
"Why doesn't Sasami just change it" asked Ryoko.
Ranma let out a sigh; she seemed slightly depressed, which was the exact opposite of her usual cheery mood. Ryo-Ohki, who was currently sitting on Ranma's shoulder, nuzzled the blue-haired girls face as a show of support. Ranma stroked Ryo-Ohki in that oh so special spot to say thank you.
Washu coughed to get everyone's attention, receiving a grateful smile from Ranma. Nodding her head in the red-eyed princess's direction, she turned her attention back to everyone. "I think Sasami prefers her hair the way it is …" Started Washu, but was cut off by Ayeka.
"But it isn't proper for a princess of Jurai to ..." Shouted Ayeka only to be cut off by her, now angry, sister.
"SHUT UP" Snapped Ranma, her usual calm mask having been shattered for once, by her sister's stupidity. "I'm tired of people telling me what I can or can't do" Everyone was too shocked for words. To see the usually calm and collect Sasami so angry scared them.
"But …" started Ayeka, only to be once again cut off by her little sister.
"No Ayeka" Ranma wasn't shouting anymore, but it was obvious she was still very angry. Her tone of voice lacked its usual cheery demeanour, and instead was mind-numbly cold. "We are not on Jurai anymore Ayeka; the sooner you get you're head out of the clouds and realize that the better" Her piece said Ranma ran out of the room, followed closely by Ryo-Ohki. Everyone else remained frozen in place.
It had been several minutes before everyone could move again and even longer before they realized Sasami and Ryo-Ohki had left. Washu sighed as she walked towards her lab. She had often fought that they all pushed Sasami too hard, but she never thought in her wildest dreams that Sasami would snap like that.
I should of known, should have done something, she thought bitterly. The reason she helped Sasami so often with chores was prevent something like this from happening. And also; because only she and surprisingly enough Ryoko; helped Sasami most of the time. That's not to say the others didn't help, but she really doubted it took a whole day to sweep the steps to the shrine. Most of there time seemed to be spent arguing and blowing things up. And who did all the repairs. Sasami; apart from that one time when Mihoshi destroyed the whole house; then Washu had rebuilt the house.
Stepping into her lab, she began to search for Sasami using her tracking system. Since it would take several minutes before the program was finished she decided to relax. Unfortunately her worry for Sasami prevented her from fully relaxing.
Ranma sat in Funaho's large and ancient branches, whilst stroking Ryo-Ohki. She smiled slightly at the little cabbit, always trying to comfort her. Ryo-Ohki looked up at Ranma worriedly, her friend was upset and she wasn't sure how to help the second princess of Jurai.
Ranma allowed herself to relax in Funaho's branches; the ancestral tree had always been able to calm her, to ease away her troubles, even if only for a little while. She remained that way for several minutes. Just her, Ryo-Ohki and Funaho, peace and quiet. Sighing to herself, she made herself think about the others. She wasn't really angry with them. But, she was upset with Ayeka for shouting at Washu, who Ranma thought of like an older sister. And also, for trying to enforce some of Jurai's more foolish traditions.
"Yen for your thoughts" asked a familiar voice, very familiar.
Ranma turned her head to see Washu standing there, both amused and worried. Ranma stared at her for a wile, her pink-red eyes bore into the redheaded scientist. Washu fidgeted uncomfortably under Ranma's gaze. To be honest her computer hadn't been able to detect Sasami or Ryo-Ohki; it was only because one of her cameras at the time had been facing the ancient Masaki tree; that she had seen her.
"Why are they so foolish Washu" asked Ranma, her voice was quite yet firm.
Washu winced slightly from the lack of the "neechan" at the end of her name. She was also surprised by Ranma's tone. She seems tired, thought Washu, worriedly.
"Because there too young to understand" answered Washu
"And what am I" asked Ranma.
Washu was confused by the question, but answered anyway.
"You're Sasami Masaki Jurai; second princess of Jurai; younger sister to Ayeka and Yosho Masaki Jurai; the daughter of King Azusa and Queen Misaki Jurai" smiled Washu, "You're also my adopted little sister". Her piece said Washu turned to Ranma wondering what she'd do next. But, what the blue-haired girl did next completely surprised her.
She Jumped.
Ranma jumped down from the tree, Ryo-Ohki in her arms and landed perfectly on the ground, as if she had been there all along. Washu for the first time in at least 5 millennia gaped at what she just saw.
"H-How" Washu managed to ask and regain some of her former composure.
"Unlike my sister I don't sit around being pampered all day" explained Ranma, scowling slightly at the mention of her sister.
Washu, now mostly recovered, decided to ask something, "Did you train with Lady Seto", it would certainly explain a lot, thought Washu. Lady Seto was Sasami and Ayeka's grandmother; who unlike Ayeka enjoyed hand to hand combat. If she had trained Sasami it would explain how the girl had just performed that jump or how Sasami was so graceful when she did everything. It would also explain Sasami's mischievous nature, which although she rarely showed, was definitely there.
"Yes", replied Ranma, a very un-Sasami grin spread over her features and it unnerved Washu a lot. The blue haired princess then started moving back towards the house, only to stop dead, a frown gracing her face.
"What's wrong", asked Washu, by now she had recovered completely. More importantly her opinion of Sasami had just risen even higher.
"There here", muttered Ranma.
"Who" asked Washu, wondering who could depress the young princess so much?
"People from my past, people I wanted to forget", answered Ranma, her voice was deadly calm. Washu tilted her head in confusion.
Meanwhile …
Funaho glared at the people in front of her. The people in front of her consisted of the Nerima wrecking crew, Nodoka Saotome and Kasumi Tendo. Funaho, Misaki and Azusa had all come to earth just to visit, nothing special, just to visit family and friends. However then these people, the Nerima wrecking crew more than Nodoka or Kasumi, had barged in looking for someone named Ranma. She had forgiven them, until Nodoka had started crying. It seemed Ranma was Nodoka's child and she blamed herself for his disappearance; also she had told Nodoka that wasn't true, after all she couldn't see such a gentle woman as a bad person. But then Nodoka had told her about the training trip, about the Neko-Ken and Jusenkyo. So the residents of the shrine, plus Funaho, Misaki and Azusa were all very pissed of with a certain panda.