
same thng in bella's pov so u can skip if u wnt. its a lttle longr cuz it goes 2 the nd of the fite n u c more. if u wanna skip her thoughts, scrll 2 a line thng n itll b AFTER aro "dies"

belongs 2 rick riordan and stephenie meyer

if u have any ideas, questions or anything, feel free to ask somehow!


Bella's POV

We were all in position. Nico, Aladia, Ben and Garrett surrounded Nessie and me. I was concentrating hard on shielding everyone. It turned out that Zeus; King of the gods was helping so the process was easier for me. I was finished in 10 minutes, right when I smelt the Volturi and 54 newborns. Quickly doing the math, I realized we still outnumbered them by about 20. Edward snickered and growled every once and a while, depending on their thoughts.

"Annabeth, use your hat. Casey can turn invisible. Kill her while we talk," he whispered very quietly to Annabeth. I couldn't see but she was probably invisible now.

The campers parted just the tiny bit so I could see a little. That's when the Volturi came out of the woods. I saw Aro glance at Carlisle with disappointment and Felix and Demetri both raced to touch his hand. Felix won and Demetri frowned unhappily. Aro's eyes widened a little. Edward smirked at his thoughts. Then, something else caused Aro to snort. He was glancing at Percy's pen.

"Ah, Carlisle," Aro started. "You have broken our rules yet again? We have them for a reason."

Again? Please, they're abusing their power.

"Not exactly Aro," Carlisle replied calmly but it looked like he was thinking what I was thinking.

That made Aro angry and Jasper cringe. "Not exactly? These are kids right in front of my eyes, and in front of your family too I must add," Aro stated. These kids could kill the whole Volturi with a yell. Of course, they wouldn't because apparently, you don't want an unhappy Ares cabin. "Where's Bella? Killed already?" Edward snarled. I just rolled my eyes.

"She's in the back," Carlisle replied, still calm.

Something Aro thought made Edward snort. "Please, we outnumber you by about 20."

I was right.

"You are going to let these mortals…" the campers rolled their eyes. Oh, if you only knew what they could do to you, Aro. "…fight? Carlisle, I expected better from you." Edward rolled his eyes, indicating that he was lying.

"That's where you are wrong Aro. They aren't mortal," Carlisle seemed to lose his calm touch.

"Not mortal?! They are obviously mortal. They have a heartbeat. Blood is pumping through their veins. What kind of idiot do you think I am?" The Denalis smirked. "Denalis, it's not my fault your sister is a little mental," I gasped in my head. They're so full of themselves that they are actually showing us they're over stepping their power. They snarled but the Hecate kids put their hands on their shoulders. They calmed down quickly. I mean, who wants to be a shoe? Edward just sighed because of something and Caius turned to Aro. "Let's fight."

"Yes, but don't you smell the smell?" Carlisle asked taking a step forward. I don't think Aro noticed.

"Show me then, show me what they are," Aro put his hand out and I covered a laugh.

"Uh, Carlisle, Bella's done. My dad decided to help a little so the process was faster. Also, milady is making sure it doesn't break so…" Thalia trailed off.

"Your father and 'lady' cannot help little girl. How much do you even know about us?" Marcus stared at Thalia.

I cringed, waiting for it. Everyone else seemed to realize that too. Plus, Thalia can tell when lightning will strike. Like we predicted, lightning zapped the ground right in front of Marcus, who jumped back with surprise. He's lucky Zeus didn't kill him. Of course, they couldn't interfere and everything. Artemis didn't do any such hesitation and shot an arrow to where Marcus was. I guess insulting plus boy equals death to Artemis. She had amazing precision.

"We know you're vampires. You need very sharp metal to rip you apart and that fire burns you. That's all we need to know." Of course, Percy knew more than that but…those were the most important parts.

"Carlisle…" Aro tried again, putting his hand farther.

"Sorry Aro. I am shielded. It won't work," he smiled just a little.

"Tell Bella to call it off," Aro waved his hand, shaking a little.

Yeah, like I would even if I could. We aren't stupid, unlike them. I thought to Edward. I'll stop now so you can concentrate.

Edward snickered. "She can't call it off now. Like Thalia said. Her dad, uncle and Lady are helping. Why don't you introduce yourselves huh?"

"I'm…" Percy started but Thalia cut her off.

"going to be struck by lightning if I don't let Thalia go first." I'd never say it out loud but she seemed sort of full of herself. Either that or she wasn't exactly the greatest person with sarcasm.

"Pinecone Face," Percy started the insults.

"Seaweed Brain," Thalia glared at Percy.

Chiron broke up the fight. "Thalia, Percy, name and parentage. You can…talk later." I saw Esme cringe a little, and seemed to shift, as if to protect her table.

"Fine, I'm Thalia and that is Percy. We're cousins. My dad and his Uncle is…Zeus, Greek god of the sky. Happy Seaweed Brain?" I take back what I said about her.

It was sort of weird how they just gave almost the most formal introduction and then started joking.

Everyone gasped and suddenly, I started feeling shocked for some reason. It's not like I didn't know that. As fast as it came, it was gone. Suddenly, I felt apologetic. Oh, the shock was so much, Jasper sent it on.

"Vampires aren't real either, Aro," Edward replied nastily towards his unspoken comment. "Would you like Thalia to prove it? Or was Marcus's little stunt enough?"

I almost groaned when Percy interrupted with, "My dad is Poseidon, god of the sea."

"And Nico, son of Hades is in the back," Alice said.

"The son of Poseidon carries a pen for backup?" Caius retorted.

Percy's face was probably furious. Demi-gods' tempers weren't exactly controlled. He uncapped it and it grew into a sword. "My pen can cut you up," he glared at the Volturi looking as if he officially hated them.

Edward suddenly looked confused, but then smiled, sort of victorious.

"Well, carry on," Aro nodded, as if giving us permission. I rolled my eyes in disgust as the campers introduced themselves. The leaders then pointed out their siblings. I wonder why they didn't point out Rosalie. Probably to surprise. Even after the introductions, the newborns still looked like they could take us. Ha!

"Where's Annabeth?" Aro changed the topic quickly. Guess he heard.

Edward smiled and pointed to a fire I don't think anyone noticed. Casey's head was flying through midair towards the fire. If I didn't know Annabeth was there, I'd probably freak. Jason stared hard at the fire and it disappeared. Annabeth took off her Yankees hat and folded it. The newborns flinched a little and Edward waved his hand for the demi-gods to surround them.

Aro gasped and Edward answered his thoughts. "Hephaestus's cabin sharpened up their material. Jason started the fire. Face it, you can't beat us Aro," Edward smiled an evil smile. He continued after short pause. "Oh, but that's where you are wrong again. We do. The Oracle states that. Well, whenever you're ready," Edward snickered as Eleazer told the campers some of the powers.

"But they react to poison don't they?" Aro lips twitched, just the slightest when Edward smirked, but seemed pleased when he nodded.

Suddenly, they charged and Edward seemed surprised. Ah, the power of blocking thoughts.

"Lacey! Fall back," Aro called for some reason. He started telling her about his plan: steal a knife and spit poison on it. She did and the knife shimmered grass green. It was obvious it was poison and some of the campers could tell. I sighed with relief.

Tanya was fighting Caius, just like planned. Kate was shocking Jane. She was about to rip her up when Jane jumped up. Reneta, I cursed. At least Kate didn't get hurt. Jake was just walking away from Felix who was in his cage just like Emmett wanted. I could tell that the cage would break sometime. Demetri had a hole in his chest. A knife flew from a crowd of demi-gods and Clarisse caught it with ease, slicing the Volturi's best tracker into pieces. Clarisse then ran up to a few girl newborns. A girl was glowing so bright that I had to look away, but Maddie stared at her with ease. The crowd was clearing and Aro finally laid his jealous, nervous eyes on Nessie and me. Alec was running up to us but fell when Aladia shot him in the leg. Annabeth came over with her cap on and chopped one of the witch twins into pieces. Ben stared at the ground very hard and suddenly, the grass was on fire. After that, no one attacked us. Aladia gave Ben some nector and some color returned to his face.

Thalia screamed and lightning made a ditch next to Percy, who filled it up. Then he forced the water towards some newborns that were between him and some Hephaestus kids. There was a line of fire and 5 newborns were dead. All that training and strategy classes paid off big time. I turned to my left and saw the most beautiful Volturi girl and Jasper fighting. Suddenly, I heard Edward. "We've met Aphrodite, the goddess of love many times. Her beauty is nothing compared to her. Besides, he has a mate." I half expected him to say me, though that was low and selfish. I cringed a little and Garrett who understood my mood put his hand on my shoulder. Amethyst was apparently like Rosalie. She ignored Jasper and charged at Edward. Carlisle was fighting some newborns. Esme just looked around, trying to stay out of the fight but looking if anyone needed help. Aro glanced next to him for some reason and saw Fire Caius. Tanya smiled and went off to Kate.

Lacey was looking around and spotted Percy who already had his hands full with Gabriel. It looked like he did karate or something when he was human. Percy was good, which made me cringe to think of how many monsters he's killed to get that good. Suddenly, a knife went through Gabriel. Annabeth. She seemed to stop for a millisecond before chopping him up. She must have fought with a lot of monsters to expect something to disintegrate whenever you stab them. Percy seemed distracted when suddenly; Lacey brought her knife down on Percy's arm. It just bounced off and Lacey steadied herself. I wonder why not everyone went to the River Styx.

"River Styx," Percy grinned and was about to fight her when she started zipping around Percy, pointing her knife around Percy. Then, Lacey stabbed his back and Percy crumbled. Great, everyone just learned his Achilles spot. Annabeth yelled and Steve ran to Percy. Zeke suddenly closed his eyes and a tent appeared, just off the battlefield. Steve carried Percy in and started humming something. Percy came out, looking better and a few Apollo kids ran in. A few newborns tried to get it but they bounced off. Zeke probably put a curse on it. After more chanting, Zeke came out, looking a little less pale. Did the powers drain them? That would be bad. At least we had the skeletons and nymphs that everyone probably forgot about. Aro's lips suddenly moved fast, even faster than vampire speed. How was that even possible? Whatever he said caused the Volturi to smile, though most of the main guard was dead, for now.

Rosalie and Emmett decided to confront Aro. Reneta stiffened, probably scared. I smiled a little.

"Hello Aro, Reneta," Rosalie greeted.

"Rosalie. What are you doing here?" Aro seemed to be concentrating on something very hard.

"Apparently, this is my destiny for the fight," Emmett started towards Reneta.

"Why Reneta? Chicken, Emment?" Aro asked.

Emmett glared and twitched slightly. He better not fight Aro. But Emmett seemed to understand the importance and stated simply, "Rosalie is supposed to fight you." He pounced on Reneta. I breathed a sigh of relief as Garrett chuckled slightly. Well could you blame me? Emmett had a big ego.

Rosalie took a step forward and concentrated on making Aro fall in love with her. It seemed like Aro did fall in love. He glanced at Reneta who was leading Emmett away. This made me glance at Edward who was fighting Marcus for some reason. Didn't he vote 'no' last time? Well, Aro said no too… Rosalie took a knife and he stole one from a Hermes girl. He smiled and they began sword fighting. Aro wasn't bad. If Aro did fall in love with Rosalie, why was he fighting her? Did he care at all? Aphrodite is going to hate this. In 15 minutes, 2 things happened. Reneta was gone and Felix escaped, slipping from two bars. He was charging at Jake when he saw Emmett running to help Rosalie. Felix apparently decided his master was more important and started fighting Emmett.

"Dream come true huh Emmett?" I mumbled even though I knew he couldn't hear. Everyone surrounding me smiled.

They finally lunged but while Felix was relying on his strength, Emment just ripped his arm off. Ah, he did take lessons with the Athena cabin and Jasper. That's good. A knife was nearby and in less than a minute, Felix was flames.

I glanced around and saw the tent and how we had less than half still fighting. There was no way the tent could hold that many people, unless it was charmed. It probably was. I'm surprised the Athena kids didn't remember about the powers draining them. Maybe it was because they never had to worry about it. I turned back to Rosalie and Aro. He was just about to cut her arm off when a pink glow surrounded her. Blessing of Aphrodite, I thought as the knife rebounded.

"Thank you mom," Rosalie muttered and then lunged at Aro, who was in a daze. Right before she threw everything in the fire, she explained. "My real mom is Aphrodite and that was her blessing. Hope Hades teaches you a lesson."

The cheers started with Emmett and Rosalie's siblings. Then it traveled around. All the Volturi guards were shocked. Their master just died. During the cheering and confusion, some of the people took advantage. Kate finally killed Jane. Emmett ripped off some newborn's leg. Of course, the other side took the advantage too, but luckily no one died, though Jasper did lose a finger. But all that didn't matter because of what came next. Edward was fighting 2 newborns now. It didn't seem like Marcus was dead but you couldn't tell. Annabeth suddenly became visible and in half a second, something passed behind me and got to Nessie.

"NESSIE!" I screamed in my head and out loud. I was about to run when Garrett held me down.

"Edward will get hurt if you run," Garrett said in a soothing voice. I kicked and screamed. Stupid newborn strength wasn't here when I needed it. I wouldn't get hurt. I heard the loudest most ear-splitting roar of fury and realized it was Jacob and Edward combined. I stopped when I saw them leave who they were fighting and run towards Nessie who was hopelessly fighting Marcus. Thank the gods she paid attention to the fights. Edward knocked off Annabeth's hat and Jacob bit Marcus who screamed and let go of Nessie. Edward caught her and ran her to me, not letting her go. I was dry-sobbing as I held her close. Edward kissed our foreheads and went to help Jacob. Soon, Marcus was in flames and the second to last Hestia child fainted and was rushed off to the tent. Edward left Jacob and ran to Cassy, the last Hestia kid.

"Rest and wait until all the newborns are ripped. Then set the whole thing on fire," Edward whispered. Cassy nodded and ran into the tent. All the Hecate kids were in there but one had just enough strength to make a window. I could see all the kids in there. Only Athena, Hermes, and Iris's kids were left. Percy was smart enough to stop calling water and just fight with his sword. He was really good. Guess that's what being a kid of a Greek god does to you. Hebe's, Hestia's, and Hecate's kids were the first ones to leave. Apparently, Hebe's children can turn people young again but it uses a tremendous amount of power to make them into 8 year olds. Iris's kids cause mists around them which came natural…for a while. Apollo's kids only had so many sonic arrows and after that, they were called to treat campers. We were officially outnumbered by 4. The newborns and Santiago, who barely fought, just hid, were left. Even though we were outnumbered, they started retreating. Nico took a deep breath and stroke the ground. More than 50 skeletons came up and surrounded the meadow. Grover called for some nymphs. Before they started fighting, Santiago put his hand up. "I know I can't do much but since I'm the oldest Volturi guard now…" he grimaced. "…I declare surrender."

A flash of red and a biker was standing. All the campers left the tent and bowed.

"Lord Ares." We quickly bowed.

"Well, usually, surrendering will cost you some but I'm feeling easy." Ares said in a gruff voice.

"Hey dad," the Ares cabin stepped up. Ares nodded and then continued. "Well, time to take some off the old man's back. At least he'll stop calling "emergency" meetings because of traffic." Ares rolled his eyes and the ground rumbled just a little. He stomped his foot and the whole Volturi, minus Aro came up. They glared at us, ready to fight until Ares stopped them. "Hey guys. I'm Ares, god of war. You guys are working for me now. We got to hit the gym; you guys need more muscle…" Felix and Demetri snarled. "Well, someone's got an attitude. Congratulations Jackson, you've met your match." Percy glared and rolled his eyes. "Never mind. Anyways, save the fighting for later. Right now, I've got to bring you to teach the rules." Ares snapped his fingers, muttering about how he couldn't believe he just said that, and they all left.

Everyone was silent for less than a millisecond and then the cheering started. Artemis appeared and called for her brother to help all the campers. In about 1 month, I meet 6 gods. All who I am on the good side…mostly.

Edward came over and hugged Nessie, kissing her on the forehead. He turned to me and smiled his crooked smile.

"Thank you," I smiled. Edward leaned in and… "Hey Bella!"

My eyes narrowed until I saw it was Jacob. I wrapped my arms around him and muttered thank you over and over again.

"Sheesh Bells, I get it. Besides, what was I suppose to do huh?" Jacob joked but in his eyes, they were fierce, wanting revenge, well, more revenge.

"Thank you so much Jacob. I won't question you and my daughter anymore," Edward patted Jacob on the back and then pulled me close.

"Well that's what I was hoping for," Jacob snorted and I smiled and looked around. The Denalis were swapping stories and laughing. Carlisle was thanking all the campers who were wounded with Esme following him. Rosalie and Emmett were being congratulated by all the campers. Alice and Jasper were looking into each other's eyes again.

I kissed Edward on the lips with more passion than I had ever though I had. He did the same. I guess that's what knowing Aphrodite does to you, not that I minded. I pulled away and he smiled down at me, pulling me into his chest. I sighed in content. Everything was perfect, worthy of a fairytale ending. I sighed.

thts it! thx 4 readn!

im thnkn bout doin percy's pov bt thts a lot. so u can imagine it urself till i decide 2 rite it.
