A/N: This poem is written in alliterative meter, an Anglo-Saxon form of poetry that can be found in such works as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Alliterative meter does not rhyme, but, as the name suggestions, has a different alliteration in each line, using a chosen sound two, three, or four times in each line. As Tolkien based his Rohirrim on the Anglo-Saxons, I thought it would be fitting to write a poem about them in this poetic form.
Battle for Pelennor
by Sauron Gorthaur
In the City of Stone, the siege had started;
Leering orcs lunged forth, lances all ready.
Denethor in despair sat deathly arrayed
As Faramir's face with a fever was flaming.
But when most harried was Gondor, hope came from afar;
Rohirrim rode right to the rescue of Gondor.
Théoden, Thengel's son, right in the thick of things,
Spurred bold Snowmane straight to the fray.
Éomer, Éomund's son, emerged from the fight
But battled on boldly, battering the foe.
Dernhelm the doughty with death in dark eyes
Battled so bravely as to break through the line.
Tripping and tearing, uruks retreated in terror,
Fleeing the fierceness of fleet éored.
The city stands safe, as soldiers cheer from the walls.
The plains of Pelennor lay in peace for a time.