Title: Code of the Griffin
Author: Knife Hand
Feedback: Constructive feedback appreciated, flames unappreciated
Spoilers: Nothing Specific, general for first few books.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I do not own Hermione, or Luna, or Ginny, or Cho, or... I would buy them all but I am broke.
Summary: From a war ravaged future, someone is sent back in time to change the course of the war.
Amelia rubbed her forehead in frustration. Over the last two weeks, there had been pressure from a few high level Ministry flunkies to get a minimum Quorum of the Wizengamont, excluding Potter, Granger and Black, to grant the Minister emergency powers given the recent deaths of 'so many true and upstanding members of Wizarding Society' in what was quietly being called the 'Graveyard Massacre' around the Auror bullpen. These emergency powers would, in effect, reverse the Judicial Separation Act and grant the Minister the power to enact any law by decree. There was just one problem, as far as the flunkies were concerned, though of course Amelia did not see it as a problem. The Magic that recorded the voting seats in the Wizengamont indicated that, even with Potter, Granger, Black and everyone else she could locate, there were not enough active seats to make even the minimum Quorum.
The Magic ensured that every directly held seat would go to the Heir or another designated Family Member in the event of the Seated Member's death. The only way that this many seats could remain vacant after the deaths of the seated member is if the 'seated member' was in fact a proxy. A proxy can, theoretically, use their proxy to name a successor proxy just before they step down but if the proxy dies then the seat sits vacant until the real member claims it or specifically nominates a new proxy.
Amelia mused that rule and then a number of instances in the last few decades popped into her mind of members stepping down near the end of their lives and naming their Heir their replacement, rather than letting the Heir claim the seat after their death. Most of those cases were either Dark Families or Light Families beholden to Dumbledore.
Amelia pressed a rune on her desk.
"Mary. Get me Phillips, Neil, and someone from Records. Samuels if she is available." Amelia ordered.
"On it, Boss." Mary replied.
Phillips and Neil were going to have a 'fun' time going through the records of every legal change of seats on the Wizengamont since its founding to find out which seats were being Shadow Proxied and who the real seat holders were.
A few minutes later three figures entered, her two Aurors and Samuels from Records. She outlined what she wanted them to do and why. The two Aurors groaned but nodded, knowing that this would be important, while Samuels' eyes seemed to glow in excitement.
The gap between Heaven and Hell was a matter of perspective.
Jonas Smyth knew what he had to do, for the good of all of Magical England. He heard his target coming. Getting into Hogwarts had been hard but what he had to do….
He stepped out, his wand already raised and cast his spell.
"Legilimens." He cast.
The bitch had to be broken. She had humiliated the Minister. Eroded the power of the Wizengamont. She was a bloody Muggleborn. She….
His mental rant was cut off by the two pistol rounds entering his head.
"Grand Marshall!" Sergeant Jennifer Carter exclaimed lowering her pistol from the sole attacker.
The Grand Marshall was on the ground unresponsive. They had been walking together discussing the next patrol route for Carter's Squad.
"Flash, Flash, Flash." Jennifer said into her radio. "All Order. Grand Marshall down. Unharmed but unresponsive. Second Floor, east corridor."
The Grand Marshall slammed on the now flickering display table while Young Hermione struggled out of a pile of books that had fallen from the shelves in the Library section and Hermione Potter stood from behind the overturned couch. This was worse than when they had taken the spell to the back during the recruitment drive for the Order.
"What happened?" Young Hermione asked.
"Mental attack, by an idiot who does not know the spell properly." The Grand Marshall replied. "We are unconscious."
"We have a bigger problem than that." Hermione Potter said, pointing to the back of the room.
The door that had restrained Dark Hermione was completely shattered, only a few small sections holding on and revealing blackness behind the door. A blood curdling scream came from the doorway followed by the sounds of heavy running boots. The Grand Marshall turned and, as she spun, her uniform was overtaken by what looked like liquid running over her form and when the effect stopped she stood in her full Mahogany and Gold Armour, the Sword of Gryffindor at her side and a heavy, powerful pistol in her hand.
"Keep back." The Grand Marshall barked, her voice distorted by the helmet.
The Grand Marshall fired her pistol through the doorway a few times before the dark figure burst through, dressed in the same dark armour and bearing the same blade that Hermione's Bogart had been. The Grand Marshall counter-charged, and the two armoured figures collided with a resounding crash of blades. While The Grand Marshall's armour was much more advanced, providing more artificially enhanced strength and speed, Dark Hermione was fuelled by anger and madness. The attacks from both sides were fast and brutal but the Grand Marshall slowly began to fall back as Dark Hermione would leave small openings and take cuts in her wild attacks on The Grand Marshall.
Hermione Potter rushed in to try and help The Grand Marshall, seemingly intent on crash tackling Dark Hermione, but the black armoured figure casually backhanded Hermione Potter across the face, sending Hermione Potter flying backwards. The Grand Marshall went on the offensive, attempting to push Dark Hermione back into her cage.
Harry carried Hermione into the Hospital Wing with Sergeant Carter following directly behind him.
"Madam Pomphrey!" He called.
The Order had been incensed at the attack on their leader. Sergeant Susan Bones was contacting her Aunt to get an investigation team to find out who the attacker was, why he did it and how he got onto Hogwarts Grounds. Most of the rest of the Order were sweeping the Castle, top to bottom, to find out if anyone else was lurking around who should not have been. Most of the Staff were in the Teachers Lounge under guard and the students were being herded back to their Common Rooms where more Order Guards were standing watch.
"Yes? What happened?" the Mediwitch asked as she emerged from her office.
"A Wizard cast a spell, Legilimens, as the Grand Marshall and then she went stiff and collapsed to the ground." Sergeant Jennifer Carter explained.
"Mind reading spell." Madam Pomphrey mused. "It sounds like they botched the spell. It would be helpful if I could talk to the Wizard."
"You'd need a séance." Carter replied. "I put two rounds through his head."
"A shame, but completely understandable." Madam Pomphrey acknowledged. "Put her on the bed and I will see what I can do. It is possible that she may have to sort this out on her own."
Harry lay Hermione on the indicated bed and then sat in the chair by the bedside, staring at Hermione's still form. Jennifer Carter stood awkwardly at the foot of the bed, feeling both a failure, in that she had not managed to stop the attack, and guilty that it had been the Grand Marshall who had taken the spell and not herself. Jennifer was expendable, the Grand Marshall was not.