Problems Arise
It had been a month since the Pokemon Egg had hatched, giving us the new baby of the group, Togepi. He was a sweet little boy, doesn't say much though.
"Charizard, time for your check up." It was one of the nurses.
'Brain washed bitch.' I thought as they let me through the lab doors.
I hated leaving Togepi alone, Dratini wasn't the baby anymore, and I felt the need to protect him. My stupid maternal instincts, but I still wonder what it would be like to have a family.
"Stand on the mat over there." She pointed me to the place.
I nodded, and stood right in the middle.
A glass case dropped from above. Wires came out and attached themselves to my body, taking measurements.
I hated it, it made me feel unprotected.
Tests were done.
"We have one more thing to try." They pulled a drawer, and took out a Poke Ball.
I snorted in disgust, I hate these things, so confining.
"It will only hurt a second." He took up the stance, and tapped it on my head.
Hurt? Hurt?! It hurt like hell! Your body being condensed to nothing more then a red laser, and pulled into the ball. So dark, no air, afraid. These only begin to describe it. No wonder some Pokemon hate it, but it only hurts the first time.
It sat curled into a ball, fighting against the alluring darkness. It beckoned, with peaceful sleep.
'Is this what dieing feels like?' My thought were coming to a halt.
'Pokemon lose memories when they are caught, I can't let that happen!' I fought with renewed strength.
I broke out of the darkness.
"Looks like you'll have to get a stronger one." I smirked, revealing one of my fangs. "Bye bye." I waved and walked out the doors.
Just as I got outside, my insides felt like a white hot iron had been shoved into them.
"Shit." I murmured, I slumped to the ground. I blacked out, the last thing I saw was Togepi running towards me.
'God, if you are out there, don't let me die. These kids still need me.' My last thought before the darkness pulled me under.
"Something's wrong with her heart." It sounded like I was underwater.
"It doesn't beat properly, must be a heart murmur." I was pulled out of the water that filled my mind.
'My heart?'
"Sup docs, waz up?" My speech was slurred.
"Looks like you survived." Typhlosion was holding my hand, giving me one of his rare smiles.
"How you been?" I smiled.
"Not bad, Togepi really misses you though."
"Figures, little runt is connected to my hip." I laughed, but started to cough right away.
"Shit, my chest hurts!" I swore.
"Your heart has a murmur, nothing to serious. You should consider yourself lucky." They didn't need to go any further, I already knew how lucky I was.
"You will only experience moderate pain when it gets severe." A nurse told me.
"Let me outta here, the kids need me." Not caring that it hurt, I sat up, ripped out the needles and wires, and stood up.
"Let's go." Typhlosion stood behind me, ready to catch me if I fell.
'Thanks for not killing me.' I prayed silently. I wasn't religious or anything, but he seems to listen to me quite a bit.
"Sister!" Togepi came running.
"Hey little man, how you been?" I stooped to his level, and hugged him tightly.
"When your done, meet me at the tree-line." Typhlosion whispered to me, I nodded slightly.
He got up and walked over to our little meeting place.
I followed, but timing it just right.
"Okay, what's the news?" This was an area that didn't have any wires in it yet, so nobody could over hear us.
"Dragonair found a secret passageway under the lake, a metal tube running out of the pond." he whispered back.
I looked at him, my eyes bugging out.
"Your joking!"
"No, serious! We found a way to get out! Dragonair is working on making it weak, so we can escape." His eyes told me that he was dead serious, those beautiful blood red eyes.
I sat back, in awe. We all dreamed about getting out. I was the only one that had given up on it, what a fool I was.
"Do you believe in God?" I was looking up at the mesh covered sky.
"What's with the random question?" He fell back, his head cushioned by pine needles.
"I'm not random, I just think faster than you, and answer the damn question."
"I believe there is a God somewhere, but he doesn't believe in us. Why would he let something like this happen to us? It goes against everything, we shouldn't be alive." He closed his eyes, and took a nap.
"Silly boy, God believes in us, you just won't believe in him." I followed his suit, and took a nap under the pine trees.
I took a deep breath, and stretched my muscles. We were almost ready to make our break for it. We all knew that we would survive, for now. We can live in the wild, it can't be to hard. I bet you that the food would be better out there then it is in here.
Dratini was such a hard worker.
She burst out form under water.
"I.. loosened… three bolts… one more to go." She was catching her breath. The tube was covered by a metal hatch held down by four bolts.
I was sitting under tree, Togepi was sleeping in my lap, and Cascoon had her bandages wrapped around my arm, like a cord to connect us. She had been the one to react the worst when I had collapsed. Everyone knew that I was her replacement for her sister, she only really talked to me, interacted would be more like it.
"Come on out, take a break." I motioned for her to come and sit by us.
She shook off the water, and sat down. We all watched Typhlosion and Zangoose battle, they both were formidable opponents, it would suck to be against them.
Typhlosion let out a Flame Thrower, a haze was working it's way into the air. His Ability was coming into play, making his moves stronger.
He smashed into Zangoose, I could see that Typhlosion had won.
I motioned for them to come over here.
"Zangoose, sit right here." I motioned for him to sit in front of me.
I started to work my fingers through his nest of hair, now slightly singed.
I was the only one allowed to do this, none of the others let the scientists near them, much less let the willingly touch them.
Zangoose relaxed under my touch, working out the knots. Being careful with his ears.
"There, all done. Your turn Typhlosion." I smirked, I was the only one that could touch his hair without being burned.
He sat down, and I went to work. He loves it when I rub his ears, but I don't tell anyone, it's our little secret.
His hair always has knots, dirt, or just singed grass in it. I pulled it all out, being careful. I love working with their hair, it's something that a mother should do, and I was like these kids Mother. Typhlosion was like the lovable Uncle, but with a temperament problem.
I was done, and both of them laid down to take a nap.
Cascoon tugged on my hand, and put it up to her hair.
I was shocked, the last time I had brushed her hair was before her sister had died.
"Please." Her voice was quite, but needing.
"Of course." I pulled her closer to me, and set her in front on me.
I combed her hair gently, humming a song I had heard on the wind.
"Sing a song onto the world,
Rising high the clouds unfurl,
Then they plain into the past,
Here now our lives shall last,
You'll never know the time of pain,
Fall down, fall down, falls the rain,
My life won't be plain."
As I finished the song, she fell asleep.
I watched over my sleeping family, this is how it should be. We should be normal, and living a happy life, but sometimes you don't get what you want.
I hummed to myself.
"The sounds of a newborn,
Insects jumping,
Light and bouncy,
Taking my hopes with it,
Light and bouncy,
Tomorrow is going to be,
Light and Bouncy,
Reaching the sky."
I looked at the mesh covered sky, wondering what it looked like with nothing between me and the sky. I was overwhelmed with the need to spread my wings and fly away.
I let out a sigh, and leaned against the tree, closing my eyes.
"Okay, everyone up." It was noon, we had all slept for a few hours.
Dragonair rubbed her eyes. "back to work." She stood up, and ran to the pond, jumping in, and going straight to the bottom.
"Typhlosion, let's battle." A spark entered my eye.
"Zangoose, watch these too, we're gonna battle." He ordered Zangoose.
"What ever." He picked up Togepi, and set him in his lap. Cascoon scooted over to him.
"Okay, free for all." Typhlosion took up his stance.
"Lady's first." He smirked.
"Smoke Screen." I whispered, and the smoke began to rise. It covered everything, including scents.
I forgot to mention, we're all stronger, faster, and can smell better than humans, also we're better than most Pokemon.
"Hum, using this trick are we? Swift!" He called out.
The Stars ripped apart the screen, revealing me.
"Nice, now here we go!" I spread my wings, using them to my advantage. I flew high above him, up to the mesh.
"Wing Attack!"
He was waiting, but for what? I leveled out of my dive bomb, heading straight for him.
Just as I was about to reach him, "Rollout." He smirked, knowing I was week to ground moves.
I don't know where he learned that move, but he used it every time we fought.
I flew back, and lay where I fell. My breath coming in gasps.
"Give up yet?" He loomed over me.
"Never." I snarled, my mouth light up, my fire at the end of my tail expanded.
"Dragon Rage!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It hit him square in the chest.
"Uhgg!" He stumbled back.
He fell down, and I was the one looking down on him.
"Give up?" I smirked.
"You win." He held up his hands.
I collapsed on the ground, both of us laughing.
"Man you were good, nice timing." I said between giggles.
"Not to bad yourself, nice move. Who woulda thunk that you would pull out Dragon Rage at a moment like that?" His breathing slowed, and went back to normal.
We sat there, taking it all in. We loved to battle each other, it was a form of exercise, and bonding at the same time.
'BOOM!' We all jerked at the sudden noise.
The Lab was on fire.
"Holy SHIT!" Typhlosion sat up, this may be a hell hole, but we were trapped in it.
"Dragonair! We need that route now!" I screamed over the explosions.
I grabbed Togepi and Cascoon. I ran to the pond, and handed them to Dragonair.
"Zangoose, you go with them. We're going to see if there are anymore eggs in the lab." We were impervious to fire, but everyone else would die.
"Go!" He jumped in, and followed Dragonair under the water.
"Let's go." He nodded, and we ran to the lab.
We searched rooms, searching for more of our kind, we saw a few scientists, most were dead, but the man that called himself our father was still alive.
"Help me, I'm your Father." He pleas fell on deaf ears.
"Why should we help you?" We spat at him, and left him to burn in the fires of hell.
Our efforts produced a few eggs, one was a deep chocolate brown, and had a white crescent moon on it. Another was white and unmarked. The last one was the prettiest, it was a deep cream, with bright red striped, and light teal markings on it.
We carried them out of burning building, the precious cargo protected form the burning flames.
"Okay, you take this egg." I handed him the brown one, and shoved him in. "Swim, I'll be in after you." He nodded, and disappeared under the water, his hair sizzling as he went.
I took a deep breath, there is one thing in the world that I hate, and it's water. It dampens fire, so it's natural to hate it, right?
I steadied my nerves, and jumped in feet first.
I held my breath, but water was all around me.
I swam to the bottom, and found the entrance. I swam with all my might, little did I know that I had jumped in time, the pond was now covered in burning mesh.
I saw the surface, and rushed to it, swimming with all my might.
My chest started to ache, then the ache got worse, until it felt like someone was stabbing me.
I couldn't move my legs, I started to sink, the air above me was so far away now. I knew that if I died, the eggs would die to.
I let the little air I had escape my mouth.
I saw a form above me dive in, it wrapped it's arms around me, and it dragged me to the surface.
I breached the surface, gasping and choking on water.
"Whoa, this isn't the place to go for a swim." I froze, I didn't know this person. My wings were fold, and blended in with my shirt, but my tail was to big.
I covered the Eggs, protecting them from him, I didn't trust humans.
Even if this one had just saved my life.
Hmm, so far so good.
Thanks to
I do not own the songs that Charizard sings, they are from the Anime Black Cat.
Loves you all for reviewing!
Okay, I'm going to have a contest, let's see who can guess which Pokemon are in the Eggs. First one to guess it, gets to make a character in the story, Pokemon, human, or Halfling.