Disclaimer: I sadly do not own these characters. They belong to the amazingly amazing Rachel Caine. RxR
Claire's POV
Today was the day! Today is the day I'm going to marry the man I love; I'm going to marry Shane! I honestly never thought this day would come!
Eve woke me up at FIVE in the morning to get ready for the wedding that was at SIX tonight. She refused to let me sleep; she said we had TONS to do to get ready for the wedding.
"Eve!" I groaned "Can I please go back to sleep now? Just for a little bit!? I swear I won't sleep long!! I am sooo tired"
"Claire Bear! I am trying to give you the beyond perfect look, so shut up and stop complaining!"
"UGH ok! You're lucky I love you Eve!" She just laughed at me and continued painting my nails in her room. I've been locked inside her room since she woke me up; she hasn't allowed me to leave!
I have to admit, even though I had to wake up early, I am having fun. Eve had gone all out for today. She made her room look like an entire spa; there was not a spot in her room that wasn't dressed up like a spa. There was also a death threat outside her door directed towards Shane and Michael.
Eve wasn't going to let Shane she the bride until the wedding and she is convinced Michael will tell him what I look like, so he can't see me either.
"Eve! Just let me see her! Please! I don't want to wait until six! This is not fair Eve!!" Shane shouted through Eve's door. I couldn't help but laugh. Eve rolled her eyes. "Shut the hell up loser! You will not see my Claire Bear until you are marring her tonight!"
"You're Claire Bear! Eve Madelyn Rosser! Claire is mine and I will beat this door down to see her!"
"You did not just bring my middle name into this! MICHAEL GET YOU'RE BEST FRIEND BEFORE I HAVE TO KICK HIS ASS!" Eve yelled through the door.
"Shane!" I said walking to the door, but not touching it.
"Claire! What the hell is she doing to you?" He sounded nervous. "She's making me beautiful! Now go downstairs and I will see you tonight. Okay? I love you."
"Come on Shane. Time to go downstairs so Eve doesn't kill you." I could hear the smile Michael was trying to hide.
"Fine! Don't let her hurt you Claire. I love you! Bye Babe!" He yelled as his voice fared as he headed downstairs.
…..7 hours later (Officially 5 o'clock)…
"You are officially the most beautiful girl in the entire world CB!" Eve said having me spinning in circles over and over again.
"The only reason you think that is because YOU did all of this to me! Eve! Eve! If you try to fix one more thing on me, I will scream, and Shane will come up here and all of your plans will be ruined!" I threatened.
"That is not fair Claire!" She just looked me up and down now. "You really do look beautiful CB. Shane's face will be a Kodak moment when he sees you." We both laughed. "Thank you Eve today was amazing, even if I DID get up at 5 this morning." Again, we both laughed. "Ok miss Claire Bear, I must now go kick your soon-to-be-husband out of the house. He needs to be headed to the church anyways." As she said this she skipped out of her room and down the stairs. While I waited for her to come back I looked at myself in her full length mirror. I really do look good today. Thank god for Eve sometimes. I couldn't wait for one hour to pass. I would soon be Mrs. Collins!
See that button there? Yea? You should click it! Should I keep this going or just let it die out? I need to know if this is any good. RXR thanks!