Disclaimer: Same as before, not mine. Except for Jinx.
Spoilers: Up to the morning after. Reminder that the Willow and Dawn stuff never happened for my purposes.
Notes: If you haven't read Save a Prayer this will make no sense. You really need to read that first. Don't send me hate mail. I don't like Riley either but he was a necessary evil.
Distribution: If anybody wants this just ask. I would be absolutely delighted. No, really I would.
Dedication: This one is for Scott too. You're the only one who can deal with my Jinx behavior J
A stream of red flame whizzed past Jinx's face inches away from her still growing back eyebrows.
"God Dammit Buffy! If you burn my fucking eyebrows off again I'll make sure you're wishing for Kansas by the time the tornado lands."
"Sorry Jinx, I'm working on it."
"Well work harder…..away from me"
It had been three moths since she told Buffy the truth about what she had become. Three months since she had started training the reluctant slayer. Three months of scoobies meetings and Dawn sitting. And three months since Jacob died.
She was in hell.
The only saving grace had been Spike. They had a lot in common. Namely that the scoobies hated them with an equal amount of passion. In some twisted logic they blamed her for Buffy coming back different. Oh that and the whole Buffy almost dying, Willow breaking her legs thing didn't help either. Which was soooo not her fault. Spike, well they just hated him on principle now. At least that was her opinion. So the two of them had made it their ultimate goal in life to piss the gang off whenever possible. It was the foundation of their friendship.
As far as Buffy went Jinx could admit she didn't totally hate her. Granted the slayer pissed her off on a regular basis and Jinx did everything in her power to annoy her . But Jinx had come to have a great deal of respect for the girl.
"Takes a lickin and keeps on tickin that one" Jinx muttered to herself.
"What" Buffy asked, busy trying to ignite a rosebush on fire.
"Nothing. Umm… don't you have somewhere to be right about now." Called Jinx as she prepared to douse the rosebush with water before it could burn down the Coopers house next door. The girl was getting better but she had no control what-so-ever.
Lost in concentration Buffy just mumbled an off handed "Hmm?"
"Shit Buffy!!" Jinx ran to now ignited rosebush which was quickly spreading across the grass and right up the side of the neighboring house. Closing her eyes Jinx summoned the proper element in her mind. Opening them again she watched as a hard shower made short work of the inferno.
"I said. Don't you have somewhere to be. You know somewhere Spikeish"
Jinx caught back a grin as the now flushed slayer grabbed her purse off the lawn.
"Shit. What time is it. No never mind I'm late." Stumbling a little Buffy turned and yelled across the yard still running backwards. "You'll be here when Dawn gets home right, tell her I had some shopping to do"
"Yah sure….shopping….." Jinx called back to the already vanished slayer.
Shrugging Jinx headed for the house muttering to herself how long it had been since she had done some….shopping.
Heading into the kitchen she pulled open the fridge and looked for something dinner worthy. She knew the slayer wasn't going to be back until well after supper time, or at least she hoped. Tonight was the night Spike was going to give Buffy his ultimatum. Buffy had still been keeping the relationship a secret from her friends. Spike however hadn't and seeing as how she was his only friend, she had spent hours listening to the lovesick vampire whine. She had finally convinced him to talk to Buffy and lay his cards on the table. He didn't want to hide anymore and if she did she was going to be hiding alone.
Sighing Jinx pulled a chicken out of the freezer and set it on the counter.
"I really hope this is the only goose that is getting cooked tonight"