Here is the forth chapter! Please review and tell me what you think!
Oh and to let you know, writing that are in these thingies { } are text messages. :D
And I remind you again that I do not
own Avenged Sevenfold or any of the songs mentioned in my story. =]
Damien and I stayed at Johnny's until my grandpa got back. Shortly after he did, we left.
Over the few days that we were in Huntington Beach, I had grown very close to the whole Avenged family. The guys were now my best friends, along with the girls, who are like the sisters that I have always secretly wanted.
It has been five days now since that day that I had to say goodbye. I can't take it anymore. I miss Huntington and everyone and everything there.
I talked my little brother, Jake and his best friend Nick, both of which are four years younger than me, into accompanying me in a trip to Huntington. They have no idea that I met Avenged Sevenfold. Well they knew that I got to go meet them real quick backstage and that was it. What they don't know is that I actually stayed at one of their houses and got to hang out with them for most of my time in California.
Every one of the five days that I have not been in Huntington, Johnny has texted or called me. He must have not given anyone else my number, because I only ever hear from him.
At this moment I am getting my truck ready for our trip to Huntington. I don't feel like flying at the moment so I'm just going to drive the whole way. I woke up early this morning, which is weird because I despise mornings. I was up and ready, with my bags by the door by eight this morning, even though we didn't have to pick Nick up until noon.
After I put all of my things that I am taking with me in the back of my truck, I run up to check on Jake.
"Jake?! Are you almost ready?" I called into his room while knocking on his door.
"Just about!"
"Hurry up! We have to be there to pick Nick up! And I still have to get all his info from his parents!"
His door swung open then and my brother walked out with his bags in tow. I helped him carry his things out to my truck.
I stick Avenged Sevenfold's Waking The Fallen into the cd player, and leave to go pick Nick up.
We get there and go inside. While the boys are taking all of Nick's bags out to my truck, I got all of Nick's insurance and medical information from his mom and promised her that I would take care of him and keep him safe.
We then all pile into the truck and head off towards Huntington Beach, California.
We finally made it to our destination. It took only two trips to get our bags upstairs and into our rooms. I got one of the guest rooms to myself while Jake and Nick are sharing the other one.
We all went back downstairs, I to the kitchen and the boys to the TV room to hang out with our grandpa.
I made us all lunch. Mac and Cheese. Yum. Everyone ate their fill.
"Hannah, can we go to the beach?" Jake was taking the last couple bites of his food.
Nick put his plate in the dishwasher and said excitedly, "Yeah! Let's go get us some chicks!"
I got up and walked to where Nick was, and Jake followed, laughing. We put our dirty dishes in and then closed it back up.
"I guess we can go to the beach, but you can only look. We are not bringing home random girls in bikinis." I told them.
At this they started to whine, until I shushed them. "Remember, if it wasn't for me, you two wouldn't be here right now."
"Fine. No hot chicks in bikinis." Jake unwillingly agreed, but then remembered something that I said before, "But you still said we could look."
I laughed and nodded my head. They ran up the stairs, chuckling all the way, to get changed into their swim shorts. I went up to my room and put on a black and blue plaid bikini and a pair of black denim shorts. I quickly threw on my sandals and an old sweatshirt from high school that said Tupper across the back. I grabbed my phone, ipod, and wallet, and then stuck a pair of sunglasses over my eyes. I jogged down the stairs to find the boys waiting impatiently by the front door.
"Okay. Let's go." I said, putting one earphone in as I walked out the door.
We turned and headed in the direction of Main Street. I desperately wanted some coffee, so I'm going to Starbucks before we hit the beach.
We are only about two blocks away from my coffee now, so I pull out my phone, just now remembering that I turned it off before we left for Huntington and it has been off for almost sixty hours now.. As soon as it was on, I was attacked by multiple missed calls, text messages, and voice mails. I went through a couple of the texts. They were from Johnny. I think he got worried, because he was freaking out. He had no clue that I had taken a fifty hour trip from Grays Harbor to Orange County.
I quickly opened a new text message and sent him a reply.
{ Hey Johnny. Just wanted to let you know that I'm fine. I haven't had my phone on for a while so I never got your messages. I swear I wasn't ignoring you or anything. I would never do that.
HantuP }
I look up and see that we are almost to Starbucks and then my phone vibrates.
{ Hey! I know that u would never ignore me. Ur not that way. Im just happy that ur ok! Ive been so worried!
~Christ~ }
After I read the text, I heard random shouting and footsteps coming toward me.
"What the Hell?!" I turn around to see Jimmy running towards us, a pair of
shoes in his arms, and Zack close on his heels.
"Hanny!" Jimmy yelled, recognizing me, "Save me!"
He ran behind me, ducking down as if Zack wouldn't be able to see him.
Well apparently, Zack didn't see me. About ten seconds after Jimmy hid behind me, Zack's body collided with mine, knocking both Jimmy and I to the ground.
I looked up, and saw that both Jake and Nick were staring down at me, their eyes wide with what looked like shock.
"Oh Shit! Hannah! I'm so sorry!" Zack said, bending down to see if I was all right.
"It's okay Zack." I told him, "Jimmy here cushioned my fall."
Jimmy laughed from underneath me and Zack held his hand out to me. I willingly took it and he pulled me to my feet. Jimmy got up, brushed off his pants, and then wrapped me up in a big hug.
"Can't... Breathe..."
"Oh sorry." Jimmy chuckled and let me go, only for me to be pulled into another hug by Zack.
"Dude, Zack, let the poor girl breathe."
Zack let go of me just in time for me to see Matt heading towards us, Brian and Johnny close behind. Then Matt recognized who I was.
"Tupp! Oh my God!!!" He yelled, using a shortened version of my last name, and wrapped me up into his arms, swinging me around.
"Matt!" I yelled. He understood that what I really meant was "Let go! You're gonna end up killing me!"
He let go and then Brian gave me a tight hug, but let go before I suffocated. I looked over to Johnny, a smile on my face. His facial expression mirrored mine and I dashed to him, trying to close the space between us, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he wrapped his around my waist.
"I missed you so much." He said, whispering into my ear.
"Me too."
I wanted this moment to last forever. To never leave his arms. But much too soon the embrace ended and I remembered that Nick and my brother were still here.
"Oh guys, this is my little brother Jake, and his best friend, my brother from another mother, Nick." I told them, pointing to Jake and Nick, "And well, I know you two know who they are."
They all said their hellos to Jake and Nick as we continued walking in the direction of Starbucks.
Feeling content with how well my friends seem to like Jake and Nick, I went into Starbucks and bought myself some coffee and then came back out to where the five men and two teenagers were standing, laughing hysterically.
"What's so funny?" I ask as I go to stand in between Johnny and Jimmy.
"Nick and Jake were just telling us how you are taking them down to the beach to pick up some chicks." Brian told me in between his laughing. I looked at them then with a "What did I tell you?/Stop being such idiots!" look on my face.
"Remember boys, we don't have to be here." I reminded them.
"Yes you do." Johnny said quickly.
He started to blush and then Jimmy agreed with him.
"He's right ya know. We won't let you leave. We've missed you too much." Jimmy told me, putting an arm around my shoulder.
"I agree with him." Matt said.
"Same here." Brian said, nodding his head.
"W really have missed you. And Dame too. But I see you didn't bring him this time, but at least you came. We don't want you to leave." Zack told me seriously.
"Well I'll have to go home sometime. I don't live in California, I live in Washington." I told them. I wish that I was lying when I say that. But I'm not. I'm just telling them how life really is. I would do anything to live here in Huntington Beach. It's my most favorite place in the whole world.
"We should move here!" Jack said excitedly, "I can go to Huntington High and Nick can come too! We could be emancipated, but still living with an adult!"
I laughed and shook my head. "I don't think our parents or Nick's parents would like that very much." I told him.
"Well don't get all upset over it you guys. We'll find a way for you to live here." Jimmy said. He always knew how to make someone feel better. And those words did make me feel less bummed about that situation.
"You guys should come to the beach with us!" Nick suggested. They all shrugged and I heard a "Sure.", and a "Yeah." from some of the guys and a "Hell Yeah!" from Jimmy.
"Okey Dokey then. Let's go." I said, taking a sip of my coffee.
We walked the two blocks to the beach and found a nice spot where we can leave our things. All of the guys took off their clothes so they were only in their swim shorts, which they just so happened to have on.
As soon as they were stripped down to their swim shorts, Jimmy, Matt, Brian, and Zacky all ran towards the water, Jake and Nick close behind them. I stood up then and took my headphone out, turning my ipod off. I then took my sweatshirt off and put all of my things in the pocket, wrapping them up. I saw Johnny gawking out of the corner of my eye and smiled. He is such a guy. I took my sandals off and walked up to Johnny after I had set my things on the ground.
"Hunting for flies?" I asked him, my lips still curved up into a smile.
"No." He shut his mouth and shook his head, as if to clear his head and come back to Earth from wherever his brain had taken him.
"Well then, let's walk along the water!" I said to Johnny, grabbing his arm, tugging him towards the ocean.
She grabbed onto my arm and started to pull me towards the water. She turned around then, and her hand still on my arm, continued to walking towards the Pacific Ocean.
Her long hair was covering the top half of her back, but I could still see what I thought was a tattoo on her upper back. It sure looked like a tattoo.
We had just reached the water and she no longer had her hand on my arm.
"Yes?" She looked over at me with those beautiful hazelish eyes of hers. They aren't 100% hazel, more greenish, but also kinda brownish. On top of that, on her left iris, on the right side of her pupil, is a spot of brown.
"Do you have a tattoo?"
"What?! No!"
She was facing me now, clearly trying to hide her back from me. I tried to turn her around so I could look, but she wouldn't let me.
"Come on, Hannah! Just let me see!" I continued to try and see her back.
"See what?" Matt asked curiously. We were over by the others now.
"Are you trying to make her show you her boobs?" Jimmy asked him suspiciously.
"No! I want to see the tattoo on her back!"
"Yes?" I looked over at Johnny, smiling. I really do like him. A lot. BUT, I don't know if he feels the same way about me.
"Do you have a tattoo?"
Oh crap! No! I forgot I even had it! I didn't want them to see it! What if they thought it was weird that I have a deathbat with a halo on my back? This is so embarrassing.
"What?!" I turn towards him so that my back is facing away, "No!"
He put his hand on my shoulder and tried to turn me, a smile on his face, with no success.
"Come on Hannah! Just let me see!" He continued trying to get me to let him see my back, but I wasn't budging.
We were now over by where the rest of the group was, and they seemed to have heard the last thing Johnny had said.
"See what?" Matt asked curiously.
"Are you trying to get her to show you her boobs?"
Wow Jimmy. Seriously?
"No! I want to see that tattoo on her back!"
No Johnny! Why?! Why tell the guys?!
"You have a tattoo?!" Brian ran up to me, obviously wanting to see for himself. I quickly turn towards him, so he can't see it. During this distraction, Johnny moved my hair and took a look at my tattoo.
"Fuck yeah! It's a deathbat!" Johnny yelled.
All of the guys crowed behind me then, to take a peek at my deathbat that has a halo upon its head.
"I like it. It fits you." Zack told me, giving me a warm smile.
"Yeah! That's what I told her. She was always the good child who followed the rules and got good grades. The angel of the three." Jake told them, walking up to us.
"Well until she turned eighteen. You should have seen her three years ago!" Nick laughed. He was standing next to Jake.
We all laughed at that and then the guys all went back to what they were doing before, while Johnny and I continued down the beach.
"So you don't find my tattoo weird at all?" I asked, nervous of what him and the rest of the guys really thought.
"Of course not! It's fucking awesome!" He told me, smiling.
I look over at him to see him staring at me, "What happened to your Mohawk?"
Before I left Johnny had still had his black Mohawk that I loved. But he still looks good, maybe even better, without it.
"Oh. Yeah, I decided to get rid of it." He told me, "Mornings are easier."
"Yeah. At least now I don't have to worry about it almost stabbing my eye out."
"True." He laughed and then reached down and grabbed my hand, entwining his fingers with mine.
I didn't pull away. His hand fit so perfectly with mine. It just felt so right.
We continued walking like that. It was a silent walk. We didn't really talk much. It wasn't awkward or anything like that. It was comfortable, and I was happy. I was probably the happiest that I have been in years.
When we got back to where the rest of the group was, about an hour later, Johnny went to mess around in the water, and I went to lay in the sun.
After laying there for about five minutes, I heard footsteps and opened my eyes to see my brother looking down at me.
"Hey." He sat down next to me and I closed my eyes again.
"So….." He said, pausing as if he was debating if he should say what he was thinking.
"What is it Jake?" I asked, my eyes still closed.
"Do you like Johnny?"
I looked up at him then and he was smiling stupidly at me as if he was saying "I know you do but I just want to hear you say it.".
"Wh… Why would you think that? He's just a friend." I said, trying not to stutter or smile, but epicly failed at both. I knew that I was lying and that if I had the guts to I would say those three gushy words to him, 'cause nothing can compare in this world.
"Sure. Okay." He got up and walked back down to the water.
I sat up to see what everyone was doing and saw Johnny staring at me, a grin plastered on his face.
Thank you to those who have been reading my story. It means a lot…
PLEASE review!!! Tell me what you think! Thanks! :D
~Hannah =]