Author Note!
So if you follow me on twitter ( polewitt if you don't but are interested...) then you'll know that recently I suddenly got the urge to go back to this and rewrite the parts of it that I no longer like. So that's what I'm doing! I'll probably repost it as a new fic because it'll just be confusing letting you know which chapters have been updated and which haven't. Plus there's a new prologue to be added this time.
So the reason for this note is a) just to let you know my plans (and, you know, shamelessly plug my twitter account) and b) to see if there were things with the original version that you weren't keen on or would like to see changed. I'm genuinely interested to know. Not saying that I'll make all the changes people ask for, but it'll be nice to know if there were any obvious things I should change.
Dunno when I'll be posting the first chapters of the rewrite but I'll put a note on here when I do and I'll tweet a link as well. I'm gonna try to work on the first few chapters first before posting them so it might be a little while.
(And anyone wondering, I do have the next chapter of Bitter Hug being worked on. And I haven't forgotten about any of my many other fics that need updating...)