The Balance of Life

Part One - Discovery


November 14, 2010: Authors Note.

This completes Books One. Several months ago I re-posted this story under "Pandora Book One – New Beginning." The repost was to reorganize the chapters and clean up the errors in spelling and grammar. If you have marked this story as a favorite or for alerts, please transfer your favorite-alerts to the new post. I will be deleting this story in mid-December. The repost has everything this original post has and more.

Thank you for reading. It has been a great pleasure for me to write this story.



"How long before you and Judy are finished with your survey?" Jake asked when Kyle walked over to where he was gazing out over the river on the bank of the Omaticaya's future home site.

"We have finished all our scans and borings. Judy and Norm are repacking the equipment. We'll be good to go in under an hour," Kyle answered as he followed Jake's gaze out over the river. "I hope the Omaticaya will be happy here. Lord knows they have earned it."

"Yes we certainly have," Jake added, an edge of frustration and anger tainting his voice.

"Neytiri and Ralu have been watching us with great interest. I'm a little concerned that our human curiosity is rubbing off on them. This could have unforeseeable consequences—speaking anthropologically."

"I think we are past the point of worrying about what influence humans have had, or will have on the Na'vi," Jake replied as he turned to look at Kyle. "Good, bad or indifferent, those changes are already a fact. We both know that humans are still going to play a part in the near future of Pandora. Even if they write this world off completely, it will be generations before the Na'vi can return to what used to be normal for them."

"Yeah, your right. Hopefully the results of our survey will provide some answers as to who lived here and how long ago they left. If nothing else it might help to settle Neytiri's concerns over the disturbing impressions that Ralu has picked up on."

"Even if you can come up with a solid explanation as to why the previous inhabitants stopped living here, I'm certain Ralu will still feel some level of uneasiness. Time may be the only remedy for her."

"When do you plan to start bringing people here?" Kyle asked when Jake fell silent.

"I am going to send half of the hunters tomorrow. We will ferry the wounded here in the Samson once the hunters have setup the basic necessities."

"It sure would be nice if we had another pilot," Kyle added. "Rocky is spending a lot of time in the air. Once we get the Omaticaya settled, he will need some down time."

"The same goes for you avatars. You have all been averaging sixteen hours a day in your pods. That takes a toll on your human bodies."

"Yes it does, as you know only too well," Kyle confirmed. "Once we get you and your people settled, we will try and cut back our link time to eight hours a day."

"That might be rough on Norm," Jake added thoughtfully. "How is he doing when he isn't linked?"

"About as well as can be expected. He appears to be getting enough sleep and enough to eat. The rest of us have been trying to make sure he gets as much physical exercise as possible. Which isn't much after you subtract the time linked and time spent sleeping."

"With Karen gone, I'm concerned that he may want to become completely Na'vi in the near future," Jake began. "As there is no going back once you leave your human body, I hope to convince him to wait awhile. Science has always been a big part of his life. As a Na'vi he wouldn't have that anywhere near the degree that he has now. I just don't want him making the switch for the wrong reasons. With that said, I appreciate the fact that you are all trying to keep his human body as fit as possible."

"That's not a problem," Kyle answered cheerfully. "Switching subjects, Max has filled you in on the modified human that the RDA sent out on the same ship with you and Norm?"

"Yes he has. It is going to be interesting to see how that turns out."

"Yes, very," Kyle added. "For me, the most interesting aspect is the possibility of being able to breathe Pandora's air. It would be nice not to have to rely on exopacks for survival out of doors."

"It will take a lot more than breathing the air for humans to establish a permanent colony here on Pandora. Everything in this world is larger than life and twice as deadly."

"Boy, ain't that the truth."

"When the next ISV arrives I would like to tell them to just turn around and go back to Earth, and take their passengers with them" Jake began. "The problem is that the RDA would most likely just space the poor bastards they brought here rather than take them back to Earth. I'm not sure any of us would be able to able to live with that."

"I for one would have a hard time with it," Kyle acknowledged. "I know the others would as well. I think we are going to have to come up with a plan that lets the specially equipped colonists stay here on Pandora. The big question is where do we allow them to settle?"

"The only bright spot in this whole stinking mess is that we have the best part of a year to figure out just what we are going to do once the ship arrives."

"Looks like we are ready to start loading the equipment into the Samson," Kyle said after turning to the sound of Judy's voice calling to him from across the field.

"I'll give you a hand," Jake replied.

"Not today you won't. Until you are fully healed all you can do is give orders."

"When you put it that way, I feel a very long convalescence in my immediate future," Jake added. Grinning he patted Kyle on the back as they headed over to where everyone else as gathered.


"How long before you will be able to tell us what happened here?" Neytiri asked Judy once she finished packing the last of her survey equipment in its portable containers.

"When she is ready," Jake answered before Judy could respond.

"Very funny," Neytiri answered, her voice clipped and pure annoyance in her tone.

"Actually, I thought it was," Jake added earning him another steely eyed look from Neytiri.

"Of course you did."

"What? Can't take it as well as you give it." Jake said as he walked up to her and tried to draw her into an embrace.

"Get away from me. Put me down!" Neytiri shrieked as Jake picked her up off her feet. "Idiot! You are going to open the wound in your chest."

"No I'm not. Give me a big kiss," Jake demanded as he lowered her until they were eye to eye.

"No. Now stop embarrassing me and put me down." Struggling to no avail, she finally gave up. "You are awfully strong for someone who had an arrow sticking out of your chest only three days ago," Neytiri added.

"Must be the super-glue Max used to patch me back together."

"I love you," Jake added after several seconds during which they just looked at each other.

"I love you too. Even when you are acting like a moron," Neytiri added.

Giving into the sweet ache she felt when Jake held her close, she brushed her lips gently over Jake's before resting her forehead against his.

When Jake set her down, they both turned to see Ralu smiling knowingly at them. Her smile held knowledge far in advance of what a six your old should comprehend about the dynamics between males and females. Feeling a little flustered at the look her new daughter was giving her, Neytiri gave Jake a gentle shove.

"If you two are ready, we can start loading the equipment onboard the Samson," Judy said to Kyle and Norm.

"Once we get back to the Well of Souls I will fill you in on as much as we have learned so far," Judy said turning her attention back to Neytiri. "I can tell you that we haven't discovered anything that suggests something bad happened to the previous inhabitants. It is going to take a couple of weeks in the lab to get a clearer picture of who lived here and how long ago they did so. We have a lot of data to analyze."

"Neytiri, is this why you have been so uptight—nervous?" Jake asked.

"Yes, I guess it is. I was afraid that they would find some reason that we should not make this our new home. We need a new home for our people so that they can begin to live a normal life again. We need it right now. We do not have time to search for another place. I'm not sure how much longer mother can hold things together if we don't start building a new home soon."

"Tomorrow the first group of hunters will come here to make sure there is food and shelter for the rest of the clan," Jake replied, taking her hands in his. "The Well of Souls is completely dry, the mother tree will survive. Our focus will be on building our new home, and nothing else."

"Yes, that will be good for everyone."

"Okay. Let's get packed. The sooner we start back, the sooner we can eat. I'm starving."

"You're always starving," Neytiri laughed as she gave Jake a good-natured poke in the ribs, being careful not to punch him too hard.


"How is he doing?" Gary asked Max while they stood looking down through the observation window into the prep room.

"Quite well, actually," Max replied. "He has regained the use of his vocal chords. Once he was able to speak semi-clearly, we learned that his name is Adam and that he was twenty-two when he left Earth."

"Does he understand what was done to him?"

"Yes, for the most part. He agreed to the program voluntarily, or at least that's his story. The drugs he was given have heightened the normal disorientation one experiences from almost six years of cryo-sleep. I'm hopeful that condition will pass in the next few days. By that time the avatars return they can take him outside to see how he reacts."

"Have you given any thought as to how to measure his sensitivity to the essence of Pandora that is Eywa?"

"Yes, but I'm still refining how to best go about it. I will probably want to get Jake's input or outright help in that regard."

"I'll leave that to you," Gary added. "Zoe and I will be in the Ops Center if you need us."


Entering the Ops Center after snagging two coffees from the cafeteria, Gary found Zoe staring intently at one on the feeds from an orbital satellite. The frown that was clearly visible on her face had him walking directly over to stand behind her to see what she was looking at.

"Is that Zeus?" Gary asked looking at the image of an active volcano.

"Yes. Since the last pass twelve hours ago, activity has increased measurably."

"Have we detected any increase in HS or CO2 here at Hell's Gate?"

"No. But it is only a matter of time if Zeus remains at this level of activity."

"Have you run a simulation for the current rate of volcanic discharge?" Gary asked, looking over some of the charts on the display.

"Yes. The results are anything but encouraging. I have setup a program to monitor the data feed on a continuous basis. All we can do now is wait and see what happens."

"It's bad enough to have to deal with the consequences of the continent splitting up. Adding volcanic activity to the mix is the last thing we need right now."

"The highest concentration of HS will be to the east of Zeus's location. Thankfully there is very little in the way of land based life in the immediate danger zone." Zoe informed him, glancing over her shoulder.

"Have you heard from Rocky lately?" Gary asked as he straightened up and glanced out of the windows.

"Yes. He called in about thirty minutes ago. He should be landing at the Well of Souls in about fifteen minutes," Zoe replied after checking the time readout on the display.

"He will have to start back in about two hours so that he can get back here before sunset. Who will be riding back with him?"

"Kyle and Judy. They want to get started analyzing the data from the scanners and core samples as soon as possible. Buck and Abby will leave their avatars with Jake for the night."

"I assume that Norm will be staying with Jake and Neytiri as well."

"That would be my guess," Zoe replied.

"I'll be glad when the Omaticaya are relocated. Maybe things will settle down so that we can take some time to plan out what to do about the damage to the perimeter fence and the encroaching forest. We can't ignore them for much longer."

"When I agreed to stay, I didn't expect anything like what has happed. Did you?" Zoe asked after she swiveled around so that she and Gary were face to face.

"No, I can't say that I did," he replied scratching the back of his neck.

"Before I asked to sleep with you, I was afraid that I might be sorry afterwards," Zoe began. "But I'm not the least bit sorry. I'm usually an optimistic, or at the least a non-pessimistic, type of person. If things get worse and we don't live to see the arrival of the next ISV I will not have any regrets over the time and intimacy we have shared together."

"I feel the same," Gary added. "But let's not write ourselves off just yet. The environment is going to have to get much worse before it affects us to any great extent."

"I wish the same could be said for the Na'vi," Zoe added wistfully.

"So do I."


"Landing in five minutes," Roger informed his passengers.

"Jake, Judy and I are going back with Roger," Kyle said, raising his voice to be heard over the whine of the turbines and rotors. "As soon as we have answered what questions we can we will start back."

"We appreciate everything you have done," Jake replied. "I know it will ease my mind if we can rule out foul play as the reason our new home site was abandoned. I'm sure it will help relieve other minds as well."

After the Samson set down and the rotors slowed, the six passengers disembarked to find Buck and Abby waiting for them.

"Any problems finishing up the survey?" Abby asked Judy.

"No. Not a one."

"Mo'at has arranged for one last group prayer session tonight," Buck informed Jake and Neytiri. "She felt it would be beneficial to have this time together before people started migrating to the new home site."

"Yes, that would be good," Neytiri answered.

"She said that any of us avatars were more than welcome to join the clan if we wished to participate," Buck added to everyone.

"As much as I would like to join in, we have to leave well before dark," Kyle replied.

"I know that mother will understand," Neytiri said addressing both Judy and Kyle.

"Thank her for us in any event," Judy added.

"I'll do that."

"How about it, Norm? Are you up to bonding with Eywa?" Jake asked.

"Absolutely. I wouldn't miss this opportunity for anything."

"Buck? Abby?" Jake asked turning his attention to them.

"You can count us in," Buck answered after checking with and receiving confirmation from Abby.

"What about me?" Ralu piped up.

"What about you?" Jake replied easily.

"Dad! You know very well what I mean."

"Yes, I do. We'll see."

"What kind of answer is that? How about yes or no?" Ralu demanded.

"Okay. No."

"I'll stick with 'We'll see'", Ralu responded looking totally frustrated.

"Good choice," Neytiri added, smiling at Jake over Ralu's down cast eyes.

In a move that wasn't lost on any of the adults, Ralu took Norm's hand aligning herself with the one person she hoped to convince that she should be allowed to bond with Eywa later in the evening.

"I'll go and find mother," Neytiri told Judy. "See how she wants to handle what you have been able to find out about our new home site."

"It isn't all that much, so don't make it sound like we have lots of answers," Judy replied.

"Be back as quick as I can."


"This Adam character makes me nervous," Susan complained to Ron. "All he does is watch us. It's starting to get creepy."

"He doesn't have anything else to do. It must be frustrating being confined to the prep room."

"True. Thankfully he sleeps a lot."

"The mild sedative we are giving him is working in that respect," Ron added. "Once we are able to let him outside it will be easier on all of us."

"Do you really think he will be able to communicate with Pandora's neural net without a physical link?" Susan asked after transferring the latest set of Adam's vital signs to a multi-dimensional data cube.

"I don't know. Max thinks there is a very good possibility that he will be able to do just that."

"Max is always optimistic," Susan added, brushing her hair away from her face.

"Yes he is, but he is also correct in his assumptions most of the time."

"Can't fault you there. He does have an enviable track record in that regard."

"We'll know soon enough once the avatars can get him outside," Ron began. "If he can function normally without any detrimental effects he will have made one giant leap towards humans establishing a viable colony here on Pandora."

"I'm still not sure I like the idea of setting up a human colony," Susan added. "On one hand I feel that Pandora should be left alone for the Na'vi. On the other it may be the only way for the human race to survive."

"Even if a colony of humans can be established, there is no guarantee that it will flourish and survive. The whole eco structure on Pandora is not very conducive to human physiology."

"Truer words were never spoken. The likelihood of Adam still being alive when the would be colonists arrive is anything but a certainty."

"Since I doubt that we are just going to shove him out the door and say 'adios amigo', I'm betting that he will still be here. Barring any unforeseen incidents, that is," Ron amended.

"We seem to be having more than our fair share of said incidents."

"Too right you are. Let's hope things dull down for a while."

"That would be fine by me. Just fine," Susan concluded.

"One, of the many and varied facts about Adam that has me a bit puzzled is his higher than average IQ," Ron began after a brief silence between them. "I would think that the RDA would not want its colonists-potential workforce to be overly intelligent."

"That fact might lend some credence to Kyle's theory that the real power behind Adam and the boat-load of colonists headed this way is not the RDA, but the central government. If that is the case then I would imagine that they would want the colonists to be as intellectually capable as possible. It would significantly increase their chances for long term adaptation and survival."

"Highly intelligent, or a step above moron, the colonists are going to need a lot of hardware from Earth for many years," Ron surmised. "This colonization processes could take decades."

"Maybe the government made an exclusive deal with the RDA to allow them to mine Pandora for unobtanium in exchange for helping to establish a permanent human colony."

"I hadn't thought of that," Ron answered, pausing to mull the possibility over in his mind.

"I would venture to guess that the Na'vi expulsion of the RDA from Pandora is going to throw a big twist into someone's shorts. It should be interesting to see if, no make that when, Earth responds on the subliminal, just what they have to say."

"Time will definitely tell," Ron concluded.


When Neytiri returned with Mo'at she found Jake and the avatars discussing migration plans with Rocky. Waiting for them to conclude just how many of their people could be transported in the Samson, she looked around when she realized Ralu and Norm were missing.

"They have gone to put fresh flowers on Karen's grave," Jake informed her when he noticed the concern on her face. "I sent Ell'a'u and Tey'bar with them just to be safe."

"Thank you. I would be worried if they were off on their own."

"Judy, if you are ready mother and I would appreciate hearing about what you have been able to learn about our new home site," Neytiri continued.

"Let's sit and I'll tell you what we know at this time," Judy began.

Once everyone was seated in a small circle Judy continued, "We can rule out any large scale calamity, such as war or a mass sickness that befell the previous inhabitants. For either of those two possibilities to be the case we would have detected a large number of bones with our scanners. In fact, the opposite is true. Except for a small number of what we feel were gravesites, we detected almost no bones at all. This would lead us to believe that the previous inhabitants simply packed up and moved to some other location. We found almost no artifacts—things that the previous inhabitants would have made by hand—in the general area. The few that we did find were probably lost over time and left behind for that reason. Once we can analyze the data from the scans and the holes that we bored we will have a good idea as to how long ago the previous inhabitants lived there."

"I do not understand what this digging into the ground will tell you," Neytiri stated.

"It will give us a picture of what has happed to the ground during previous years. Just as a tree grows over time, so does the ground beneath us. This is especially true in areas where the ground is soft like it is along a riverbank. Once we can extract the core samples, we can show you what they tell us of the past."

"Based on our initial findings we don't see any reason not to make the area your new home," Kyle added. "From all appearances, it should serve your needs quite well for many generations to come."

"Mo'at, unless you feel otherwise, I think we should start moving our people to the new home site tomorrow," Jake said, directly addressing her.

"I agree. Any new home site would not come without questions about its past. We will pay close attention to all that happens there. Ralu's feelings and impressions will not go unheeded."

"If there is nothing more you need from us, we will head back," Kyle said, glancing around the group.

"No. Thank you again," Neytiri replied. "Fly safe."

"Jake, we'll let you know once we arrive at Hell's Gate," Kyle added as everyone rose.

"See you all in the morning," Judy added as she and Kyle headed for the Samson.

"I don't suppose I could get something to eat?" Jake asked once the Samson was airborne.

"Come, we will feed you," Mo'at replied.


"Thank you for helping me gather these flowers," Norm told Ralu as they placed the freshly picked blossoms on Karen's grave.

"I was happy to do it. I wish that I could have known her. Sometime, when it is no longer painful, I would like you to tell me about her."

"Yes, I would like to do that," Norm replied as he finished arranging the flowers.

"Are you nervous about bonding with Eywa?" Ralu asked after Norm rearranged the flowers for a second time.

"Yes, a little. I'm also very excited to finally get the chance to do so. I have wondered what it would be like long before I came to Pandora. Looks like I won't have much longer to wait."

"I was afraid the first time, but my desire to know what it would be like was stronger than my fear. As soon I made the bond my fear was forgotten. I felt as though all my senses suddenly grew to take in all that there was. I could feel all of those that were bonded with Eywa. It was like having a hundred pair of eyes, and ears. At first the sensation was over powering. But after a few minutes I was able block out much of the sensations so that I felt in control rather than being at the mercy of all the sensations surrounding me. It was something like swimming for the first time. At first, when you are surrounded by the water you are afraid. Once you get used to the feeling, and learn how to control yourself in the water, it is very pleasant."

"That sounds like a very good explanation. One that I can easily relate to. I wouldn't worry about being able to bond tonight. I would be very surprised if Jake and Neytiri didn't let you. It's not as though this would be your first time. But it might be the last time you get a chance to bond with this particular Mother Tree."

"I'm not worried. Jake…Dad was just teasing me."

"It's getting easier to call Jake Dad isn't it?" Norm asked, looking directly at her.

"Yes. Sometimes I forget or just feel strange. I still think about my birth parents, but it's feeling more natural to call Neytiri and Jake mom and dad."

Ralu didn't add that sometimes the memory of her birth parents would sneak up on her, leaving her heart aching for the loss she had suffered. She knew that Norm was dealing with the very same thing. Talking about it wasn't likely to do either of them any good.

"I sort of know what you mean," Norm began. "Even though Jake isn't my brother by birth, I think of him as my brother. Since he feels the same way about me I feel like I am part of a family. I don't feel so alone."

"I do not understand why you would feel alone. You have all of the other humans that stayed here. You are part of the Omaticaya. You have me. I will always think of you as family," Ralu concluded sincerely.

"Thank you, Ralu. For me, you will always be the daughter I will never have. I hope that you will always be proud of me. I am very proud of you."

Reaching out Norm drew her to him in a warm and loving embrace. Kissing the top of her head he released her after one more quick squeeze. Getting to his feet he held out his hand for the small miracle of love that was already a big part of his life.

Smiling, Ralu placed her hand in his. She was very satisfied that everything was proceeding as she had foreseen.

"Ready to head back?" Norm asked, returning her contagious smile.

"Yes. We should pick some more flowers on the way back—for mother. I'm not sure anyone has ever done that for her before."

"Good idea."


Disengaged from the link, Kyle waited for the pod lid to fully open. Sitting up he took a few moments to get his human bearing. The longer than normal hours they were all spending in their pods had increased the disorientation a driver normally felt after breaking the link.

"Are you okay?" Max asked as he looked up from checking the controls on Kyle's pod.

"Yeah. A little over tired, and hungry."

Getting to his feet Kyle made his way to Judy's pod just as she stood up.

"I need some food and some sack time," he informed her. "Which we do first I'll leave up to you."

"Food first, I'll risk falling face first in my dinner plate," Judy replied as she stretched her cramped muscles. "I won't be able to fall asleep if I don't get something to eat first."

"You two get out of here. I don't want to see either of you for the rest of the day," Max said after he finished logging Judy's pod data.

"Thanks Max," Judy replied, as she bushed his cheek with a light kiss.

"Anything we need to know about?" Kyle asked as he led Judy towards the bio lab door.

"According to Zoe, Zeus's volcanic activity is on the rise. Nothing to do but wait and see. Other than that, nothing out of the normal."

Finding the cafeteria empty, Kyle and Judy fixed themselves plates from the buffet that was pretty much standard fare since the earthquake. Snagging two cold beers from the cooler they made their way over to sit by the windows so that they could watch the sunset.

"Looks like a storm's coming in," Kyle commented as he scanned the cloud formations in the western sky.

"Should be here by midnight," Judy added, her gaze following his.

"Hopefully the weather won't ground the Samson tomorrow. I know Jake and Neytiri are anxious to get started in moving the Omaticaya to the new home site. What is it?" Kyle asked when he noticed the slight frown form on Judy's face.

"I know that I gave Neytiri and Mo'at my best professional opinion on our findings to date about the new home site. But I have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that I am missing something. If Ralu had not sensed anything I would just dismiss it as being over tired."

"But she has, so you think there is something to it."

"I honestly don't know. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to start talking about vague feelings. The Omaticaya need a new home now and I couldn't come up with one single tangible reason for them not to move to the new site."

"Once we have had a chance to analyze all of the data in the lab you will either finding some physical proof for your apprehensions or you will eliminate them," Kyle added.

"Yes, I'm sure you are right."


"It is time," Mo'at informed Neytiri as she rose to her feet.

"We have seen to all of our brothers and sisters who could get to the Mother Tree on their own," Jake said as he rose with the others in their group. "Everyone is waiting."

"Come, daughter," Neytiri said to Ralu as she placed one hand in Mo'at's while extending the other.

Without a word Ralu joined hands with Neytiri and the three of them headed towards the central dais.

"Follow me," Jake addressed the three avatars as he turned and followed mother, daughter and grand-daughter.

Reaching the edge of the dais Mo'at gestured for the Norm, Abby and Buck to be seated. Jake and Neytiri, with Ralu between them, sat down next to Norm as Mo'at mounted the dais.

"People, we are gathered here this night to join with Eywa as is our custom," Mo'at began. "As we agreed, the Sky People who helped us preserve and protect our most sacred place have accepted our offer to join in our ceremony. For each of them this will be the first time that they have formed 'Tsahaylu'. We hope that doing so will deepen their understanding of Eywa and all that she is to all Na'vi people. For many years we have felt that all Sky People cannot see. Since Hometree was destroyed we have come to understand that this is not true for all of the Sky People. Those that remained here to help us did so by choice. As we all know, Jake my daughter's mate has with Eywa's blessing left his Sky People's body in her care. He is now one spirit of one body. His is one with the people. He is Na'vi. He is Omaticaya. This will be his first time joining with his people in prayer to Eywa. May he feel all of the blessings that she has to offer. Ralu, the newly adopted daughter of my daughter will also join with us tonight. May she too share in Eywa's blessings."

Glancing at Jake, and then at Abby who was seated between him and Buck, Norm held the end of his queue to the root that ran beside where he was sitting. He watched with as much fascination as trepidation as fine white tendrils grew out of the root and interwove with the tendrils at the exposed end of his queue.

The explosion of consciousness that filled his mind was a blinding shock to his senses. An instant before panic overtook him; he felt a soothing, calming presence in his head. Voices filled with laughter, sorrow, pain, happiness filled his mind. At first it was impossible to understand what he was hearing. Slowly one voice grew to overpower all of the others.

"Grace." Norm wasn't sure if he said her name or only thought it. All of his memories of her flashed through his mind. The many discussions they had shared on Pandora's eco system. Her smile, her frown, her gentle, and sometimes not so gentle, means of teaching both he and Jake the ways of the forest.

'The Na'vi are going to need the help of all that have stayed behind to help protect and preserve this world.' Norm heard Grace's words in his head as clearly as if she were standing in front of him. 'Not all of the threats to their way of life will come at the hands of people from Earth. You will need to use all that you know, all that you are to help save this world and the people on it. Jake is and will be their leader. But you will be his councilor, his most trusted brother and advisor. You're love for these people, your unique perspective, along with that of the other avatars, can save and preserve all that there is here on Pandora. Eywa will guide you. Combine your knowledge with her knowledge, your judgment with hers and you will prevail over the forces that threaten this unique world among the stars of our universe.'

As Grace's voice faded into the mix of voices he was still hearing, Norm realized that the Omaticaya had begun to chant and sing in a slow rhythmic cadence. A sense of serenity began to fill him. It's strength as had to resist as the most potent drug addiction. Giving in without a second thought, Norm felt himself being drawn into a union of mind and body that was impossible to resist.