DragonBallZ: When Dreams become Reality

Chapter 1 written by Noble....

Good evening all and happy New Year! 2002 for me has started off with a bang and I intend to enjoy the year ahead, who knows what lies ahead? Anyway like I said in my previous story sometime ago; Impossible Love? (A Krillin/18 fic), I stated that I might do another DBZ fic but this time with my favourite character Mr. Piccolo. Although that IS what I intended to write next and was thinking of ideas for Piccolo until one night I slept and had this sur real dream linked to the DBZ universe and of course everyones favourite Namek....I never dreamed I would think of stories as indepth as that one in my sleep, but because of it I felt the need to share it with the world. Now just to put down a few ground rules....this story is based more on real life experiences than in the hit anime show but it is linked to it, but the question is what? (Oh and just so you all know; None of the DBZ characters are in this fic, they are only linked to it if you get my drift). So If you want to know read on and find out!

"As far back as I can remember.....I have no name....Ever since I became 'aware' at the age of 5, I knew nothing...So little about myself I did not know. Where I came from....Who my parents were....What brothers and sisters I may have....I knew nothing....I was alone and had only myself to rely upon. Even when I tried to look back to my earliest memories when I was even younger...there was nothing....just a blank void in my heart and my mind....I was just a boy with nothing, not even a family that so many others are so lucky to have and even if there was someone out there I could call my mother or father...I never found them nor did they try in the least to find me. I guess you could say I was scared, frightened even. Being only 5 years old at the time to most young children at that age would be as unsure as I was then...but for some reason something inside me told me not to be that way, I couldn't explain it at the time..how could I? I was young and vunerable to the world just like any other ordinary kid....but that's the problem...I wouldn't understand it until a little later that I was less than what you would call 'normal'...more along the lines of something completely out of this world. I was definetly something different, uncharted territory that most humans can only fathom or understand in their wildest dreams and imagination...But I'm going too far ahead right now, explaining too much of what I am when there's so much to tell...so much that you do not know...and not one for being dramatic...I'll explain it all from what I call the start of my life...when I first opened my eyes to gaze upon the world I never even knew one dark and stormy night".

The first time in my entire life I'll admit openly that the first thing I saw and heard frightened me. As my eyes slowly flew open of their own accord all I could see at first was this blinding light. A smooth velvet of white covered over my eyes whole, prohibiting me from seeing anything...When all I could see was white, I immediately thought that the power of sight was never granted to a person such as I and that I would be doomed to 'see' through the eyes of others as I would be helped around everywhere that my feet would lead me. Thinking that way, I was petrified...I didn't want to lead that sort of life that seemed so shallow and as I prayed and begged for something to grant me that which I desired, my vision slowly started to clear itself and my heart slowly relaxed and ceased it's pathetic pounding in my chest. When I gazed upon the first thing I saw I felt that I should have been overjoyed, happy for the fact that I was not cursed to be blind. But as I gazed upon the scene before me, it left me curious...dark clouds of the colour grey were hanging high above me. Cocking my head to the left and then to the right I examined the scene before me, strange as it was I found the clouds intriguing and somehow felt they held answers to questions that already started to bubble away in my head. For me to become aware at the age of 5 and to see my first sight was like being born; or least how I should have been born, as a baby in the loving arms of my mother and father...not to be stuck out in someplace only god knows where I was with omnious dark clouds hanging over me like the Sword of Damocles....but then it just hit me....a mother and father? Why couldn't I picture them in my mind? Or anybody I was supposed to know for that fact...I couldn't remember...ANYTHING!....No friends, no family...nothing! The only thing that came close to a memory was just those last few moments ago when I opened my eyes to see the sky...As much as I struggled to grasp memories that plainly eluded me, not even a fragment of a friendly face presented itself to me. Grief stricken and at a total loss for words, I started to shake violently, the cold beginning to weave it's spell over my naked body, which suprisingly I only now noticed that it was without clothing. Shuddering I placed my arms over my chest and rubbed my arms, hoping the friction of my hands would grant me warmth, in minutes I was granted a fraction of warmth only to have it blown away as the harsh winds of the night blew against my rather built body.

Standing up on shakey legs with my head bowed I started to walk in any direction that would allow me to escape the unforgiving grasp of natures elements as the sound of thunder boomed over my head, in seconds mother nature decided to torture me further by sending the chilling ice of rain on my naked frame. At first it started with just a few droplets of rain, but with each slow step that I took the rain increased in tempo battering my frame like it were physical torture. The rain came down on me without remorse, each single droplet of water stinging me like I was slowly being electricuted...Even as determined as I was to find shelter and to escape my first experience of harshness...mother nature was as equally determined to break me down and she was, slowly...and little by little with each shudder as the cold gripped my frame I slowly started to break as tears begin to threaten to spill forth from my eyes. No!....I wouldn't let that happen...I wouldn't be defeated by something as pety as rain or fear the cold wind, determined and still on shakey legs I looked back to heavens with a scowl etched on my features...like I was looking at my first enemy with such distaste that I wanted to kill it or to return the small amount of pain that had caused my body to act like it was scared. A low growl that was my first ever started to eminate from my throat and slowly grew higher as I clenched and bawled my hands tightly into fists and shook violently, but this time not from the cold it was more like having someone taunt me, their words and insults reaching me....pushing buttons that would cause me to over the edge and to shout out in a fury of anger. My enemy was no other person like myself but it was mother nature, a forever untouchable, invisable opponent that my hands would never touch or have the opportunity to grasp my hands on. With the only option open to me, my hands still clenched against the base of my skin caused blood to seep from tiny cuts my nails caused and with a primal roar that I never knew I could scream was released from deep within me and that's when something inside me that was hidden, revealed itself to me....Angry and taunted by my oppressor I screamed as loud as humanly possible, the wilderness echoing the rage that I released and all at once as my screaming had started did it end as I had never opened my mouth. Breathing hard in slow gasps I opened my eyes only to gasp again in shock...a blue light was infront of my line of vision, not only was it infront of me but all over my frame, glowing lightly....fluxcuating higher as it responded to my movements and seemingly linked to my emotions. Startled and wide eyed I touched it, or seemingly tried to grasp the strange light and when I did my body responded in shyness to the tingly feeling that I felt....strange as it was I felt a mixture of feelings that went from being uncertain about the situation to feeling completely calm and relaxed. Sighing I closed my eyes and breathed slowly until my eyes snapped open quickly as the feeling of calm was replaced by something else....that weird glow...I could feel the power from it coursing through my veins, washing all over my body...this sensation...I never felt so good before, it was like my body was charged with power! What a shock! If I was charged with so much power, then how strong was I? Testing my questionable thoughts I picked up a medium sized rock near my feet and slowly increased the pressure on it with both hands until it crumbled to dust....I crushed it so effortlessly like it was like touching grains of sand between my fingers. It was a mild shock but only the second of the many that I would later discover in a few short years. So far I had discovered already discovered 2 new things about myself: I was unbelievably strong for my age, no other child on this planet could possibly crush rocks between their hands like it was paper and not only that my body was full of power, accompanied by this strange new glow. I would later discover in years to come that this weird glow was know as 'Chi' or otherwise known as 'Ki'. In many forms of Martial Arts the 'Chi' represents the lifeforce or strength of how strong a person is. But in books 'Chi' is supposedly invisible to the naked eye and cannot be seen, but in theory we can feel that it's there as we use it in battles.

Walking on again, my mind was now an even greater mass of questions that bubbled away. I started to question the possibility of what other techniques and abilites that were available to me. Even as my bare feet tredded on the now muddy soil, my ki did not once die down. I was surrounded in a new warmth that protected me from the coldness of the wind and harshness of natures ice water rain that no longer pounded on my muscular frame. Suddenly something sticky on my hands caught my attention, I didn't notice this before because of the sudden changes my body underwent. Lifting my hands to my face, I glanced to them to recieve the third and near final shock of the day. The cuts that my nails had caused when I clenched my fists in anger had caused blood to seep out. They weren't that servere, they could easily heal within a few days...it was the blood that caught my attention....It was purple! If I was human then wasn't my blood supposed to be red?! Just what the hell was I? Clenching my fists again and closing my eyes tightly a single tear escaped and feel down my cheeks....this was all too much to bear, to understand...I could feel my mind teterring close to edge of madness, to a point where most people can never recover from. Growling again, I tensed my entire body as my Ki flared, growing higher than before. The earth beneath my feet began to tremble and shake, acknowledging it's own fear of my power. It wasn't long before I was screaming again, roaring high into the sky as more tears flowed freely from eyes. The thick blood that covered my hands seeped through to the floor in slow drips causing a small pool to form, mixing with my tears. As my body convulsed and shuddered I collapsed to the floor, my fingers digging deep into the soil, tearing at it. My mind kept on asking the same question over and over again: What was I? Still shuddering I used a hand to wipe away my tears and rubbed the blood and soil from my hands and that's when I saw the final shock of the day...My hands, the cuts on them were gone?! Like they never existed...Nobody heals that fast, NOBODY! As troubling as it all sounded it was only just the start of an adventure that would always remain imprinted on my very pshyce for years to come, but where would I go from here? I may look human but if someone saw me and the powers that I could wield, I may attract unwanted attention....unwanted attention that I couldn't exactly handle until I was fully capable of handling, of fully understanding what I was exactly. I had already assumed that I was not human, but something completely different. I needed answers, but for now they could wait....I was only 5 years old...I had my whole life ahead of me and plenty of time to search for answers once I had fully mastered and understood my powers and the limits of what I could do. It may take years of pratice and hard earned training but I believe the end result would be worth it...so for now the wilderness...the desert...the entire world was my home and although nature may not welcome me with open arms, I was here to stay....

Author's note: So dear readers did the first chapter give any clues to what exactly our nameless friend was? I'll bet some of you have already guessed what he is but I'm not about to ruin the plot and spoil the fun of second guessing. Besides there's still so much to explain and several chapters to come as my character goes through life taking on all obstecles in his search for answers and to discover who exactly he is. But who knows in later chapters to come I may actually suprise you with the answers of who or what he is. A little reminder for you to consider that my character who will remain nameless for the time being, his powerlevel at the age of 5 is approximately 320,000. (Three hundred and twenty thousand). Quite a high powerlevel for someone his age wouldn't you say? I'll get chapter 2 underway so watch this space and please be kind enough to read and review my fic as all suggestions and comments are welcome. Apart from that drop me an email if you have any other questions at: [email protected]

Until then I wish you all a good day and hope you all enjoy 2002 as much as the previous year, later....

signed Noble....