On Q.
"I must thank you Q. You have opened up the doorway to whole new realities. You have helped unlock our imaginations so we as Q may once again dream and have hope." said Q to Q.
"But of course Q, I did only what any other Q would do in my place." replied Q.
"But I must say Q, that although you have shown us the way into these new worlds, your methods came very close to being un Q like. Your search for the keys to this new realm nearly did irreparable damage to that space / time continuum. You came very close to changing the complete out come of a whole universe." Q said in reprimand.
"I was being as careful as I could. Please remember the entire Q continuum was in danger." Q said in defense of himself.
"I am not saying you didn't do you're best Q. Truly you did what the rest of us could not. In all I believe you did very well indeed. I simple want to remind you of who we are, of where we come from.
Please keep in mind Q, that no matter how advanced we are, nor how far along we've come.......
The Prime Directive still applies!"