Duty-Bound: Chapter 99


Ryusuki sighed in relief as soon as he finished signing the last document of the day. Rubbing his tired eyes, he leaned back and relaxed his tense body. It had been a long day, and he couldn't wait to sink himself under his comfortable futon. Upon setting everything neatly, he left his study, but not before grabbing the sealed letter that was dropped by Ryusuke a few hours ago.

Swiftly, he made his way to his chamber while absent-mindedly acknowledging the bowing servants along the way. As soon as he reached his room, he smiled and quickly tore the seal and read the letter like a hungry man. It was a letter from his parents. His smile turned wider as he read the news that they were coming home, for good. A year after he became the new Lord of the West at the age of 26, his parents had decided to leave the palace and see the world.

Seeing no reason to hold them back, he let them go, and now, five years later, they were finally coming home. He sorely missed his parents, especially his mother. Just before his parents left, his mother had passed her journals to him. He had always known that his mother was a strong woman, but after reading her journals, he was more than proud to have her as his Lady Mother.

Happiness filled his heart as his family would be, once more, complete. His grandmothers would be thrilled to welcome his parents back, and he was pretty sure that Kisa would come to visit as well. He himself couldn't wait to introduce the girl he had fall in love with. Hopefully, he would have their blessings. Before retiring for the night, he placed the letter beside the heavily bounded journals named Duty-Bound.

The End

Thanks for reading.