All right loyal readers and you new people too! The new people may want to read my story "One and the Same" before tackling this one. This is a continuation of my best story yet, please enjoy! All you loyal people I have, thanks for sticking around for the grand unveiling of this one! Enjoy, and please review, I love writing this, but I love feedback even better!
Welcome to my Monday
She walked down the street, and heads turned. The news had announced the experiments taking place, but they had never seen one up close.
She was gorgeous, utterly stunning. Skin was perfect, and lightly tanned. Her hair was a shade of midnight, with silver streaks running through it. Her hair ended just above her waistline, and it shone with the predawn light above them.
Her eyes were finer than the Rubies on the crowns of royalty. They glinted in the light, and shone with something unknown.
She wore simple clothes; you would expect her to be a runway model. A red shirt with skulls and crossbones on it, a black hoodie, with the hoodie up, a silver paw print was marked on the back of it. Dark wash jeans, with rips and tears in them, chains hanging off her pants. They saw something thin and black rush through the air, and when she stopped moving they saw it was an arrow tipped tail.
She wore no shoes, but had bandages wrapped around the arches of her feet.
Around her neck was a skull necklace; on her wrists and ankles were silver bands.
She stopped and pushed back her hood, and they gasped. On top of her head were horns, they curved gracefully into a half spiral shape.
She grinned at a person she was talking too, showing off her fangs. Her voice was musical, making them all wonder what it would be like if she laughed.
He spun, and put the hood back up. She melted into the darkness of an alleyway, and a howl shattered the dawn around them. It sent shivers up their spines, making them cringe. They heard a scream, but were scared witless.
She formed out of the mist behind her, and smirked. Her claws shown with a light pink.
I don't know why I was placed on this world. It's all falling to pieces now, humanity is going strong and all but the world around them is crumbling. Oil is running out, pollution is huge. Most water is toxic; Suicune cannot keep up with all of it.
I live on the East side, not the place you look at everyday. We both grew up here, this is home. Him, his name's Arcanine. He's my lazy ass companion that's been with me since birth, or was it creation. I swear, if we didn't grow up together I would have killed him straight out.
We're best of buds. I stand up for him, all six foot seven of him that is. I mean it he's a freakin' giant! I have to admit, his ears and tail are pretty cute. Their red, black, and cream mixed.
He's ripped, and only wears an orange jacket with this cream fur ruff on it. Fake fur mind you. He usually wears jeans, the black kind, with chains hanging off the belt loops. Red sneakers with black strips to top it off.
He's got this weird tan, seeings how we live in a city. Hair's light cream, with a reddish look to it in direct sunlight. He has black streaks running through it like highlights. His eyes are a wonderful blue, like ice blue. If you didn't know it, you would think he's a killer of sorts. Nevertheless, no, he's just a lazy ass flirt.
"Oye! Get you lazy ass off the couch! I gotta get some sleep too!" I flip the lumpy thing over easily, that comes with being what we are.
"Ahh, come one. You know you wanna lie down next to me." He smirks, winks, and set the couch back to the way it was.
"Shut the fuck up!" Fire flared around me for a second.
"You know I'm kidding!" He holds his hands up in defense.
"It's light out, I'm pissed. Work didn't go well, I killed the guy but I had no fun in it. I got the rent; you get the food money now." I flopped onto the couch, and pulled the blanket over my head.
I listened to him leave.
I let out a breath and sank into the depths of sleep.
The city that I live in, we all have our rights. We are considered 'human' on the technical terms.
Tell me I'm human; tell me that this bar code on my shoulder is nothing. Tell me that all the street fights I've been in are just a figment of my memory. Tell me that we are all equal tell me the truth. What do you think? Are we human? Are we just experiments?
You know, this world is filled with hate and anger. Good thing I feed off that.
The sunsets, Arcanine comes in and I go out with the moon. I like the night, I feel safe in its shadows.
You know, I found a book on the street. It had been thrown away, it was broken and dirty; jut like me at the time. I read it, I had been taught to read surprisingly. It was about a castle in the sky.
This castle in the sky was untouchable by the bad; it was a safe haven for children around the world. The castle in the sky had food that never went bad, all the water in the world. All the friends you would ever need. The castle in the sky had no hate, fear, or anything bad. It was a good place. I actually believed in that growing up, how foolish of me. There is no castle in the sky for my kind, and there never will be.
"Boss, who you want dead now?" I slouched up against the doorway; I was the night assassin you could say.
"Let's see. I have a list of people that are getting in the way of my work, please dispose of the quickly and quietly. I'll pay double the usual."
I took the list and booked it. I wrote down all the information in my hit-book. I disposed of the evidence by burning the note. I set off, my hands stuffed into my pockets, and my hood up. The streets are safe to me, but you humans would be raped or are caught up in gang wars. This place is ruled by those who control the drugs, at that is my 'boss'.
He's pretty formal with me, since I've been working for him for about five years now. He told me I was best yet, idiot. It's only a matter of time until he has no use to me, then I'll dispose of him.
Arcanine and I work fulltime, so the pays okay, but we are assassins. The pay still sucks when you have to rent out an apartment, and pay for food when we need to eat around three thousand calories a day just to keep going.
"Sounds good, when's the dateline?" I stared at him directly.
"They should all be dead by the end of the month." He twirled around in his chair, and dismissed me.
I walked the streets; the TV's in the shop were playing the news again.
Charizard and her Husband talked about plenty of things. They want Halfling's and Natural's to have their freedoms, and there's even a rumor that the creation of a new country for my kind is on its way.
It's just like the Castle in the Sky it can't be true. It's all a lie in my mind now, only things that make sense to me is food and money. That's what rules the world these days.
I got a glimpse of a creature slithering into the alleyway, and skirted around it. I was on the lookout for the first man on my list, Hiroto Kanomi. Some weird person that's a police officer I believe.
I hated police anyway, killing one would be easier than the last job I had. The police were taking my kind off the streets, and keeping them somewhere else. It made me made, a target of mine was taken by them, and so there went my rent for the month.
I caught scent of the police, the classic doughnut and coffee smell. I followed them around in their cruiser; I kept up easily by just jogging at a slow pace, for me at least. For you, it was like a sprint, or a fast jog. I didn't break a sweat when we had finally made it to the HQ. I strolled in, my hood up, and my hands in my pockets.
"I wish to Hiroto Kanomi, he told me when I had a problem to find him here." I whispered to the lady at the desk, I kept my face hidden, and that made it look like I was sobbing.
"All right hon. he's in the office down the hallway, first on the left." She smiled kindly.
I thanked her, and walked slowly to where she directed me.
'Baka.' I laughed in my mind, snickering at her impudence. This was my job, and she just made it easier.
I knocked, and he answered. I walked in, and he asked me my name.
"My name? I haven't had a real name for some time. I'm called the devil, the Angel of Death; I'm called the Bitch to the Mafia. You, you can call me your killer." I pushed back my hood, and snickered wildly.
I slipped my claws out of my pockets, and snapped them together.
"Any last words?" I asked darkly.
He was blank, and I snapped.
"Okay, time's up." I rushed foreword, weaving up and down. I sliced his neck, blood rushed out splattering the ground around me.
"Goodbye, let the God above see your soul, and curse mine." I wiped my claws on the cloth of his jacket, and slipped out the window.
I enjoyed killing, it was my version of video games, but with more of a punch with the adrenaline and all.
I love it, the thrill of taking something that can't be replaced. Call me a sadist if you will. I was taught the lesson of pain when I was young. I shutter just thinking about it.
I want to teach others about the pain, but I only know how to inflict it. Now I'm in a predicament huh?
"Yo! I'm home." I kicked the door in, and walked right in. I rummaged through the fridge to find something still salvageable to eat. It was the usual, a week old meat sandwich; man I gotta clean out some of this crap.
"Yo! You home?" I called out, and wandered through the piles of garbage.
"Yeah, in the living room. Can you make your way here? We got a visitor." He sounded kinda weird. No wonder he did, I walked into the room and saw a force to reckoned with in front of me.
Half a piece a meat hanging out of my mouth as I growled.
A Half was in front of us.
"What the hell, I told you no strangers in the house at dawn. I feel like a piece a' crap right now." I ran my fingers through my hair, minding my horns.
She was beautiful, but that's a trait among our kind. We are usually pretty among the pretties.
I sat down, trying not to pass out form the power I felt emanating from her. I can usually tell how strong a person is by the feel of them, this was a monster compared to most people.
I've never been scared before, this was making me tremble with excitement.
"Sorry for the interruptions, but I heard that there were other Halfs in the area." She smiled kindly, but I smiled back. I purposely showed my fangs.
"Spill, no one ever visits for that reason." I felt the power flux a bit under my pressure. "I don't like people, that's a fact, now spill before I leave this place." My flames started to rise in my throat, Arcanine looked at me fearfully.
I was stronger than him by tenfold; he knew my emotions fueled my flames.
"Okay, okay. Now, please cool off. I can feel the heat, and I know why. I have one question for you both, can I see you bar-codes on your backs?"
She wanted to see that. That just pissed me off, that reminded me of my past.
"You can see mine, but I don't know about her." Arcanine pulled off his coat, and turned around.
His bar code was small and in the upper right corner of his shoulders. A few numbers and letters defined who he had been in the past.
"I'll show her, but you gotta get out of the room." I glared at him, and he picked up and left; smart boy. "This mark, the one you want to see, it was used to define me. It was there as a mark for what I was, for what I am now. Those people, they killed me on this inside. I don't feel anything but excitement in a fight, and the thrill of the kill. I, I also feel the pain of loss, I know what I could've had, but I didn't get. This mark, this is my chain to life, so please, just please, I don't show this to anyone for a reason."
I turned around and pulled my sweater off and my shirt over my head. I stood there, and unhooked my bra. Under it, my skin was mottled.
My own fire and experiments on me had done this. My bar code was huge, it covered my entire back. I'm ashamed of it; this was my past, my pain, my time of weakness.
She looked at it, and then touched it. My body shook, no one touched me.
Memories flooded my mind, 'no, no! No more!' A younger I was screaming in pain. I was in so much pain, the memories brought it all back, and my past was hell.
"NO!" I whipped around, and flames boiled up from my skin. "Don't touch me!" I screamed, fire filling my mouth to the brim. It spilled out in a small stream. My flames went from orange, to black. I held my head. The memories flooding it to the brim also. I couldn't stand the pressure on my skull.
I screamed.
"Houndoom!" Arcanine was in front of me.
Tears mixed with flames, and steam rose around me.
Charizard was standing there, his orange hair whipping from the air pressure. That made me even more PO'd. My flames rose to the max and even I was started to feel the heat. Thank god, the apartment was flameproof; it would have exploded from this immense heat.
I screamed my heart out, the pain of memories stacked onto being touched released the anger I had been feeling earlier.
I felt arms wrap around me, I didn't know whom it was. I knew in my minds eye that I was covered in flames, my eyes orbs of black.
"Shh." A low voice whispered in my ear, its strong arms tightened around me. "The past is over, the future is now. Please stop." I felt the flames diminish.
"Now, Charizard. Please leave us right now, you just made her lose control, which you might have noticed it, very bad indeed." I was so absorbed into my own world, I know it's selfish, but that's I.
It circled my mind; the only thing that kept me from going completely mad was the arms around me. They kept me grounded to the Earth below me.
"I'm sorry, she left. Come on, calm down, its okay." I was patted on the head, and I broke completely. I was shattered to a million pieces. I had to be picked up, and put back together.
Yeah, that's the most unusual and unstable Monday morning I've ever had.
Yeah! Hope you like it, now please review, or I will set my minion after you. She likes blood, knives, and shiny things!