Alaia Skyhawk: Just a notification to you all, and no I'm not about to tell you I'm quitting writing, so you can stop hyperventilating. This is just to let you know that I've decided to move this sub-ep to a brand new fic and continuation of Motives.
A Question of Brotherhood
Motives is, admittedly, getting very long, and as much as I would love to see the reviews go up past 2000 as it undoubtedly would have during Season 4, it makes more sense to go with one fic per season of the show.
So this is just to let you guys know that I've posted the new fic, with part one of "Alliance", in the Merlin section right now. Just to give you guys the chance to whack it into alerts so you can keep track of when it updates.
I'll see about getting part 2 of that put up tonight :)
Happy reading!