Well here's chapter two, disclaimer was on the first chapter so of course you should know I own nothing.


Chapter 2: Christmas past


Megumi woke up with a gasp, she looked around and saw she was in her bed and there was no sign that the alien ghost had ever been here, not that a ghost would leave much evidence of it's presents, but Megumi still decided it must have been a dream, Megumi sighed but gave a startled yelp as her clock struck midnight and gave a loud dong. Megumi grunted and laid back down determined to get some shut eye, when Kumi suddenly appeared looming over her.

"Hi Megumi," Kumi said smiling at her teacher, Megumi just stared before rubbing her eyes.

"Kumi?" Megumi questioned starring at her "How did you get in my house!" Megumi questioned glaring at Kumi who just continued to smile.

"Oh, I'm the ghost of Christmas past," Kumi said calmly and Megumi could only stare.

"Your what?" Megumi questioned, she then noticed that Kumi was translucent and floating "What the?" Megumi said looking freaked out by this.

"Look Megumi, I'm going to teach you the true meaning of Christmas," Kumi said floating around, Megumi just gave a grunt before she pulled her blanket over her head.

"I'm not listening to you, this isn't real," Megumi said and Kumi gave a sigh.

"It is real and you will listen to me!" Kumi said pulling the blanked off of Megumi, she then grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bed "We're going to the past," Kumi said as she and Megumi began to fade.

"Wait what!" Megumi shrieked before both Kumi and her disappeared completely.


Megumi and Kumi appeared in front of the school, it was now daytime and snow was everywhere.

"What the?" Megumi questioned looking around.

"Welcome Megumi," Kumi said as Megumi looked around.

"What in the world, huh? Chisa!" Megumi said in shock as she saw what looked like a kid version of the principle of the school approach her.

"Megumi!" the young Chisa called in her direction.

"How did you get so young!" Megumi questioned but got no response.

"Hey Chisa!" a voice called out from behind Megumi and she was shocked when what looked like a child version of herself walked strait through her and over to Chisa "Marry Christmas," the young Megumi said happily.

"Yes marry Christmas indeed," Chisa said smiling as both of them walked into the school.

"What's going on!" Megumi exclaimed freaked out and Kumi sighed.

"We're in the past Megumi, nobody can see or hear us and they just walk through us, that is you and the principle when you were younger," Kumi said as they followed the younger version of Megumi and her friend as they entered the alien party room where two borg's sat on a table.

"Hey there borg," the younger Megumi said walking over to her borg and placing him on her head "Marry Christmas," she added cheerfully and her borg frowned.

"Christmas? Megumi what is Christmas?" the young Megumi's borg questioned as the young Chisa put on her borg.

"What's Christmas? It's a holiday silly," the younger Megumi said to her borg in a cheerful manner.

"Holiday?" the borg questioned.

"Yup, it's a time for togetherness and joy, gift giving and celebration, understand?" the young Megumi explained to her borg.

"I think so," the borg said as he seemed to be lost in thought.

"Well you seemed perfectly happy about Christmas back then," Kumi said as she turned to Megumi "What happened then?" she questioned and Megumi grunted.

"I was young and dumb, I hadn't even fused with my borg yet," Megumi said without care.

"Yes your borg, you two seemed to be good friends, and now he's just something fused to you, how things change," Kumi commented as she shook her head.

"Whatever, I don't need your approval," Megumi said crossing her arms and turning back to her younger self.

"By the way, I got you guys some presents," the young Megumi said pulling out three gifts in colorful wrapping paper "This is yours Chisa," she said handing one gift to Chisa "And these are for you borg's," she added as the two borg's extended there drills and she handed them there presents.

"Thanks Megumi," Chisa said as she took her mittens out of the box after she had removed the wrapping paper.

"What is this?" the young Megumi's borg asked looking at his Santa hat, Chisa's borg also looked confused by his fake reindeer antler headband.

"Here, I'll help," young Megumi said taking the Santa hat out of her borg's drills and placing it on him careful not to cover his eyes, she then walked over to Chisa and took the headband from her borg and placed it on him.

"Hey that doesn't feel too bad, nice and warm," the younger Megumi's borg said happily.

"Ya, this isn't too bad ether," Chisa's borg said with a smile.

"Well you had the Christmas spirit back then, why not now?" Kumi questioned glaring at Megumi.

"I was just a stupid kid, things change, just take me home," Megumi said crossing her arms and glaring at Kumi.

"Fine, I hope my friends present and future can get through to you," Kumi sighed before she snapped her fingers and everything went blank.


Well that wasn't much, but I don't know anything about Megumi's past and I didn't want to make much up incase the manga did explain stuff about her past, because I never read the manga, anyway next chapter with the ghost of Christmas present will be longer, at least I think so, we'll see.