A/N: dellaterra and smallandirritating = Awesome



It's raining.

You're outside, and it's raining.

But you don't give a damn. You simply stare up into the dark clouds.

You're soaked, of course. Your white shirt sticks to your skin, and your dark jeans hang heavy on your hips.

I stare for a while, my hand on the windowpane, my breath fogging up the glass.

I don't know why, but I walk outside. I leave the umbrella at the door.

I walk up behind you, the gravel crunching under my feet.

You freeze, so I turn to go.

"Wait." I can barely hear your whisper over the thunder.


Shampoo. Soap. Towel.

Steam fills the room. You smile, and I shiver.

"Join me," you say. So I do.

You always smell like rain. A shower, a smoky bar - nothing can take it away.

You say the most random things. Some make me laugh; others puzzle me until you explain.

Many would say you're odd. I think you're special.

You meet my friends. You smile and shake hands. But no one laughs at your jokes. They give you strange looks and stare at me with a raised brow.

I ask why you're crying.

You say you're not; it's just the rain.


"I don't want to go. Let's get naked instead."

So I follow you to bed.

Every night there's another reason.

"Happy Birthday," you whisper. "Surprise!" everyone yells, appearing from around the room.

They smile. I see you with them and it makes me smile too.

Then I'm not sure where you've gone. I search for you and find you alone.

You say you can't take it anymore. The looks. The laughs. "They're mean," you say.

"You're being too sensitive," I yell, and ignore your tears.

The next day, you're gone.

I can't remember the last time it rained.
