Much Ado about Kasumi

By Valk the Talk

Disclaimer: I own zip of Ranma 1/2 , unfortunately.

Chapter 1

From what seemed a long ways off, a constant ringing slowly brought Kasumi Tendo to wakefulness, if one could call it that. Normally, morning time was Kasumi's domain. Sleep let her go the moment her alarm would sound at 4:30 in the morning, unlike her sisters. Nabiki was particularly bad, as she would resume the living only after drinking her usual cup of coffee. However, today was very different for Kasumi, who felt like she was rising from underwater. She looked at the clock with a bleary-eyed stare that, if the clock had any type of awareness and human-like bodily control, would be sweating bullets at the expression of the Tendo sister. It was this moment that set in motion her fate—Kasumi Tendo hit the snooze button.

Kasumi had, in all actuality, hit the snooze button only three other times in her history since taking over the household duties of the Tendo's, all of which occurred when she was feeling ill. Not that this registered to the young woman at the moment, especially not now with so much on her mind. As she turned over in her soft bed to return to her dreams that she no longer remembered, her mind began to work through the problems she fell asleep last night mulling. Yes, Kasumi Tendo had problems; or rather her household had problems that she wished to help solve. The main focus of her problems was obvious: Ranma Saotome.

Ranma was a sweet boy, and though no one would argue that he wasn't a diamond in the rough, with the emphasis on the rough part, Kasumi felt Akane was lucky to have him.

If she'd just take him already, she mused with a mental chuckle. For all his posturing it was easy to tell that he cared for the girl, especially after his return from Jusendo. Kasumi had heard what he'd done to save her life, stealing it back from the madness that was Ranma's conflict with Saffron. Still, the failed wedding seemed to have sapped any goodwill left in Akane Tendo. Kasumi rarely raised her voice in anger, but she was sorely tempted to speak rather harshly to her middle sister about her part in orchestrating that disaster.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, wondering where to go from here. Akane's fuse was the shortest it had ever been, and even she could see Ranma's patience and nerves were wearing thin. Being malleted across the sky for not complimenting her nicely enough was a stretch; the fact that Ranma complimented her at all should be worth many a notation. Just went to show how much the boy had changed in his time with the Tendo's, but unfortunately for as much Ranma seemed to be growing past his father's failed parenting, Akane seemed to be regressing back into her comfortable anger zone.

A brief flicker of thought teased itself across her mind that she quickly tossed aside. Yes, strictly speaking he was only required to marry a Tendo, which did not necessarily mean Akane, but that wouldn't work. Nabiki didn't feel that way about him other than possibly as a toy, something to play with and then move on when she'd had her fun. Kasumi loved her sister very dearly, but it was obvious that Ranma had not swayed her middle sister's heart in the romantic sense, though if anything after Jusendo and the failed marriage ceremony Nabiki did seem to have dialed down her antagonism, if not outright shown some semblance of caring about the martial artist. That was something at least, Kasumi supposed.

Groaning, she snuggled deeper into her covers, not wanting to leave their comfort, or think about who that left to consider. No, Kasumi liked Ranma a lot, maybe even loved him for all that he'd done for their family—saving Akane from various princes/situations, helping Nabiki keep the dojo in the black through her various schemes, and even the odd moment of helping herself around the house and or speaking to her about one thing or another. If it was one thing that Kasumi felt, it was relegated to the background more often than not, so anytime Ranma brought his troubles to her attention it made Kasumi feel like she was a part of something more than simply playing housekeeper. No, her feelings for Ranma were more along the lines of a little brother, and she wanted her little brother to be happy, as she wanted the same for her family. Kasumi didn't want the engagement simply on those grounds alone, it would feel too weird. Not to mention there was that nice doctor…

The alarm rang again, this time fully rousing Kasumi from her sleep induced meeting with herself. Deciding to finally acquiesce, she slowly sat up, throwing off the covers to begin the day. She gathered her bath supplies and stumbled to the furo, intent on washing away her sleepiness. Undressing, she didn't even give the already steamy nature of inner bathroom a moments notice. Sliding open the inner door, Kasumi expected to have to start filling the tub, so she was relatively surprised to find it full of water. Yet her biggest surprise, no pun intended, came from the young man who was rising out of the tub.

Time seemed to stop as Kasumi stared at the wide eyed and naked form of Ranma Saotome, muscles flexing in slow motion, water slowly cascading down his body, his form that of rising to exit the tub. One foot out, one in, and his…oh my.

Oh…oh my.

The flush that was already attacking her skin before Kasumi entered seemed to erupt like a volcano, and the last thought that Kasumi had before blacking out was remembering moments ago how she thought of Ranma as a little brother.

Not anymore.

Ranma Saotome bolted upright from his futon, panting from the result of another nightmare. Putting his head in his hands, he massaged his cheeks and forehead, trying to put those dreadful feelings past him. Akane was alive, and the Tendo's did not hate him. He looked at the clock beside his futon, which read a little more than half past four. It was a little earlier than he normally awoke, but he doubted he wanted to return to the world of dreams with another nightmare waiting in the wings. He got up and headed toward the furo, hopefully to soak away his tiredness. Unfortunately, it was an ache that he couldn't seem to ease no matter how hot the water was or how long he stayed in the tub. He was mentally exhausted of the repetition his life had become.

Turning on the furo to begin heating the water, he sat on the stool in the tiled bathroom, splashing himself with cold water to begin cleaning. As the change took place, she looked into the mirror across the way, seeing into his shorter blue eyed self. The crimson hair that met her stare was not as repulsive to his male nature as it once was. His female body had its uses, scamming free sweets being only one of the nice things, another being an alternate fighting mode, sacrificing power for speed. Never had she thought of taking advantage of her girl form, as she felt it an insult to women, not to mention she didn't want to fall into what Akane was always reporting her to be: some kind of pervert.

"I ain't no stinkin' pervert damn it!" she growled, bringing forth the dream once again. It was a nightmare she was familiar with. She didn't save Akane from Saffron, and she returned to haunt Ranma forever, turning the remaining Tendo's against her, convincing them she was guilty of the worst offences. Their eyes held condemnation, repulsion and though she'd never admit it, it frightened her beyond belief. Honestly, Nabiki he could handle, Soun he could handle, but Kasumi…looking at him like that…

Her shudder brought realization that the furo was ready for use, steam emanating from the water welcomingly. Slowly easing herself into the water, it triggered the welcome change, thrusting her back into the male mold he was most comfortable with. Closing his eyes, he tried not to think about it. That look on Kasumi's face was unthinkable.

Yet, something was definitely wrong with Akane, especially if he was starting to have nightmares about it. Sure, he cared for the girl, probably did lov…care for her a great deal, after all the words he said after he defeated Saffron were not one's Ranma Saotome said lightly. But it was like she didn't anymore…if she ever did. The failed wedding was horrible for all involved; it didn't show the best side of anyone, except maybe Kasumi, who didn't cause any kind of trouble. Akane could have told him about the Nannichuan, and then he wouldn't have run off. Nabiki could have refrained from informing the fiancée brigade, which brought along the fellow suitors into the madness…not that he wanted to marry Akane but…maybe it wouldn't have been too bad…

Ranma slammed his hand down on the water, creating a small geyser that splashed back down as warm rain for a moment. None of it mattered now, not when Akane was doing her best to make his life a living hell. Whether it was simply the result of the wedding or her finally snapping, he wasn't sure, but Ranma knew something was up. He was being attacked for the merest of reasons now, and she seemed to be using ever more power in those swings—he was actually starting to feel some semblance of damage from them. It used to be some unspoken joke between the two of them. But now…

If there was ever a moment for tears, the hopelessness that Ranma felt in that moment would have been enough to cause them, but he couldn't cry. That would be weakness, and he couldn't be weak. Ranma attributed it to some form of manly ideal, but deep down he knew the reality. It was a strong wall, but it was becoming more brittle—one serious crack and it would come tumbling down, unable to stop the roiling emotions beneath.

Sighing, he leaned his head against the tub, and out loud voiced the one thing he wished he knew above all else.

"What am I supposed ta do now?" Realizing he'd finally let that question out, he knew something had to change, shift, move before it all came tumbling down. And it didn't happen laying in the bath. Getting up, he took a step out of the furo before freezing as he heard the most dreaded sound known to man—the sound of the bathroom door opening. He resigned himself to the horror of Akane's mallet only to be shocked beyond his wildest dreams.

Kasumi, sweet, lovely Kasumi stood before him, holding her towel and bath supplies utterly naked, and she was also frozen, unmoving from the doorway. Her mouth was slightly open in a gape, and her eyes wide in surprise. Damn it all, I did get up early; I should have realized she wasn't up yet when the furo wasn't ready! But the sign was out, wasn't it?

None of that mattered a moment later when her eyes rolled and she began to collapse to the ground, her bathing supplies falling every which way. Ranma acted on instinct and jumping the length of the bathroom caught her before she collapsed to the hard tile.

Ranma clinched his teeth trying to hold onto himself, pleading to stay strong, but this was a truly mind-blowing moment. He hadn't really thought about the absolute beauty of the elder Tendo sister in quite a while, not since she won Miss Beachside in that small red two-piece so long ago, but seeing her like this, with not a shred of clothing…

"No no no no no no no," he intoned quickly, shaking himself out the thought process that his other brain wanted to initiate, or if he was honest with himself, continue. Kasumi, the ultimate sweetheart was in his arms helpless and needed his aid. No matter her physical beauty, he needed to do something.

Ranma started by feeling her pulse, trying to ignore how soft her skin was, and the numerous places that it was touching his own. Alright, she was alive, but obviously had fainted. Why?

It was that moment he realized the position he was in with the eldest Tendo, and what it would mean if a certain person walked in. Which of course was the worst thing he could have done, as everyone knows once you think of something as being the worst thing possible, that thing will undoubtedly occur. Murphy usually sees to that.

The sound of the bathroom door echoed again, and Ranma gulped in hopelessness as he saw Akane standing there in her jogging suit, obviously having just finished her morning run. For a moment, their eyes met and nothing happened, yet Ranma knew it was the calm before the eruption. Her brain was processing now…Ranma naked…Kasumi naked…unconscious in naked Ranma's arms, Ranma is a pervert, RANMA IS DOING SOMETHING PERVERTED TO MY SISTER.

Boot action: Ultimate Mallet…initiate.


Maybe someone in China didn't hear her, but Ranma was sure the rest of the household couldn't have missed it, save Nabiki. Even awoken in surprise, she doesn't process right off. Akane's aura was glowing quite ferociously, and mallet was already prepared with a snarl on her face as she approached the pair of them crouched on the tile floor.

"Akane, Kasumi needs—" Ranma was cut off by the upswing of the mallet, and he realized he had three options. Let him and Kasumi get pounded, drop Kasumi and evacuate, or stop the mallet. She was obviously not going to listen to reason, and possibly harm Kasumi in the process, even if by accident. Her temper had caused far enough damage.

He was over it.

Her downswing told him all he needed to know anyway, that she was lost in the moment—the rage had consumed her. Depending on the amount of force, Kasumi would be hit slightly in this, and that simply wasn't going to happen.


The ki mallet disintegrated as Ranma used the Breaking Point on the object, leaving Akane holding a handle. The shock of the blowback threw her back a few steps, but the shock of Ranma deflecting one of her strikes finished her off, leaving her gaping.

"Enough!" He shouted, startling her out of her moment. "Kasumi walked in on me by accident and then fainted. She needs help, not ya accusin' me of somethin' that didn' happen alright?" Ignoring Akane for the moment, he reached up and put a hand on Kasumi's forehead. He sighed, finding what he had been afraid of.

"Look, she's gotta high fever. No wonder she passed out, I dunno how she's even on her feet. Or was." Ranma mumbled the last part to himself, if anything than to keep the errant thoughts from crossing his mind of the beauty still displayed in front of him. He looked up to see Akane still fuming.

"Akane, I need ya ta calm down." Ranma stated softly, looking her directly in the eyes. "Can ya do that, fer Kasumi?"

Akane closed her eyes, her teeth still gritted but seemed to relax some, and nodded once.

"Good. I need ya ta take her back ta her room, get her in somethin' warm and tuck her back in. I'll talk ta Dr. Tofu later and see if we can't get her somethin' fer it."

She opened her eyes again, and a tick was going under her left eye. Ranma knew he hadn't heard the end of it, but if Kasumi got taken care of, that's what was important. He stood and lifted her body, proffering her to Akane. If there was one good thing about Akane, it was her strength. Her arms didn't sag a millimeter as she took on Kasumi's weight. Wordlessly and without a look she turned and marched through the still open bathroom doors. Ranma followed her to shut the door behind her, sighing what felt like one for the ages.

Quickly toweling off, he dressed just as fast, wanting to get out of the "crime zone" so to speak as fast as possible. He opened the door again, just in time to see Soun and Genma eyeing him rather suspiciously. He loved the trust he got, he really did.


"Ranma, what did—"

"Stop, both of ya." Ranma held up his hand, cutting this off at the pass. "I did nothin' ta Kasumi, she walked in on me by accident and fainted. She's got a high fever; I'm honestly surprised she coulda walked this far. Akane is putting her back ta bed. That's all."

Ranma walked past the both of them before they could respond, heading to start breakfast. He figured he could handle it for a few days while Kasumi recovered.

It seemed Akane did rouse everyone out of bed as not long after that Nabiki appeared in the kitchen well before her usual time. Luckily Ranma had figured she'd be down soon enough, and had the coffee already percolating while he began to fix the miso after getting the rice going.

"Mornin' Ranma," Nabiki mumbled, sitting at the kitchen table with her head down on it, waiting for the coffee to finish.

"Mornin' Nabs," Ranma echoed, turning back to the task. He'd been loath to, but Ranma also had donned the customary apron as well, not wanting to start the day with food stains on his clothing. Something he was sure she'd comment on when she finally roused herself.

It was a quiet few minutes before Nabiki finally dived in, savoring her black gold. It was another minute of blissful silence, other than the sounds of breakfast being cooked before Nabiki shot off her opening volley.

"So Saotome, not content to just walk in on Akane or myself in the bath, you're starting early with Kasumi now?" The remark was said casually, but he could feel the heat in it. If there was one thing Nabiki did care about, it was her family—not that she openly admitted it. Not rising to her bait, Ranma answered her evenly.

"Other way 'round, Nabs."

"Oh? I find that hard to believe, Saotome. This is coming from the guy holding her naked body against his own in a rather tight embrace as I hear it." He sighed visibly, and turned to look at her, apron and all. She smirked slightly at the sight, but her eyes were cold—this was the Ice Queen of Furinkan High right here. She took a sip of coffee waiting for him to answer. At the very least, she gave him a chance to say his piece, something Akane never did.

"I guess Akane also failed ta mention she's got a high fever? And that I caught her before she fainted onto the tile?" She raised an eyebrow but Ranma was done with the suspicion as he turned back around. How could they think he'd do something to Kasumi?

"Hmm, yes I suppose that slipped her mind. What happened?" Ranma could hear the sigh in her own voice, knowing that she jumped to conclusions herself must be a hard pill to swallow.

"I woke up early from a nightmare—" wincing that he'd given out a tad more information than he'd meant to, "and decided ta go ahead and get an early bath in before the craziness started. I was gettin' out just as Kasumi was openin' the door. We looked at each other a moment and she fainted. The surprise musta been enough ta do it, she had a pretty high fever. I'm surprised she was up at all. I jumped in and caught her before she hit her head on the tile, and had just enough time ta check her pulse when Akane walked in. I'm sure you can guess the rest."

"Yes, say no more. I'm sure I know what sister dear would say and do." Ranma could hear her get up and had thought she left for a moment, before he felt her hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see her face, which was a touch concerned and…was that appreciation?

"Ranma, thanks. I should have known better," she smiled lightly, and headed out of the kitchen after refilling her cup.

Ranma blinked for a moment, and realized that Nabiki had been nicer to him since the wedding fiasco. All in all, he was thankful for any break he could get.

Breakfast at the table was a mostly quiet affair, although Akane continued to send him death glares—though whether it was because of his cooking being fit for human consumption, not to mention complimented on by Nabiki and surprisingly Soun, or over the Kasumi affair he wasn't sure. Most likely being a combination of both. Ranma sat far enough away from Genma that his "speed training" was impossible to pursue without easily being stopped. Ranma quickly assembled a tray on the side and stood.

"I'm gonna check on Kasumi and take her some breakfast if she's up. Do ya know where she keeps the thermometer?"

"Oh no you don't you pervert!" Akane's eyes flashed as she slammed down her chopsticks. "You stay the hell away from my sister! I'll do it."

"Akane, I'd be happy to let ya do it, but I know more about medicine than ya. We both know Doc can't get near her without actin' all funny. We gotta know what's goin' on with her without lettin' him see her when I can handle it." Ranma explained slowly, trying to make her understand. It wasn't that he wanted to see her face again, no sir. That didn't enter into it at all. He told his subconscious to shut up.

"I don't care. There's no way I'm gonna—" Akane started, but was silenced. By Nabiki.

"Akane, shut up already." Nabiki also slammed her chopsticks down on the table. "I want my sister healthy if she's sick, and if Ranma knows more then let him do his job. I swear to Kami I'm getting tired of your 'stuck up princess' attitude. Not everything goes the way you want and you can't do everything yourself. Deal with it."

"Oh, just like I'm supposed to 'deal with' you ruining my wedding?" Akane said acidly, now glaring at the middle Tendo. Nabiki visibly winced, but didn't drop her gaze from Akane.

"I've told you I'm sorry about that, though I firmly believe you weren't ready for marriage. This kind of thing proves it. Ranma knows what he's doing, and I trust him. Do you?"

"No, I don't! Why should I? My wedding ruined and he still goes around with those floozies!" Akane snarled, picking up her chopsticks again and broke them easily in half.

"Akane…" whispered Nabiki in disbelief.

Ranma's shoulders visibly dropped at hearing this, and his head bowed to his chest. She didn't trust him. Not after Herb, or Saffron, or any of the other times she required saving when her ass was in the fire. Why? What had he done to lose her faith in him? Did he even ever have it? It hurt…a lot. But Kasumi needed help, and he wasn't going to let anyone stand in his way to help the nicest woman he knew. Not even Akane. He'd deal with his own feelings later, like always—away from everyone else.

"Nabiki. The thermometer, where is it?"

"Ranma! You're not—"!

"It's in the kitchen, with the first aid kit. Kasumi usually keeps it downstairs now. Check the pantry corner."

"Thanks Nabs." Without looking at Akane, Ranma turned and left the room.

He couldn't see the situation, but his hearing still picked up what he left behind.

"RANMA YOU GET BACK HERE; I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU PEEP ON MY SISTER!" Akane practically yelled, as loud as she had this morning.

"Akane! Enough!" A new voice had entered the fray, a surprising one at that.

"D-Daddy?" Akane practically squeaked in surprise.

Ranma re-entered the room with the thermometer, a classic mercury under the tongue type, watching Soun standing and staring at his daughter with a harder stare than Ranma could ever remember seeing the man wear, especially at his own family.

"Enough Akane, Ranma is going to check on Kasumi, and as ashamed as I am to admit it, he is the better healer than the rest of us here, including myself." Genma beside him nodded solemnly, pushing his glasses back up his nose.

"Run along to school child, I'm sure Ranma will hurry after once he's done. Isn't that right Ranma?" Soun's hard glare penetrated deep, and Ranma actually gulped.

"Of course, will stop by Doc's this mornin' and check on Kasumi with whatever he gives me at lunch time." Soun nodded his approval at this, and Ranma breathed a small sigh of relief. Nabiki smirked slightly, but flicked her eyes back to her father, who seemed to have revived for even just a moment to the man she used to know.

"But daddy—" Akane started, but Soun would have none of it.

"No Akane, if there's one thing I know in this world it's that you have to be able to trust your fiancée, your future partner in life. If you can't do this on even the smallest of issues…then I see no hope in yours and Ranma's future as a couple. We may have to rethink our options." Soun's eyes slowly fell on Nabiki, who loudly gulped apparently not liking at all where this idea was heading.

"What!" Akane yelled, her eyes blazing now at her father. Which was the wrong thing to do.

"Daughter, I said go to school. Do not make me tell you a third time; you will not like the results."

Fuming, Akane grabbed her school bag and headed to Furinkan High early. Despite how irked she might be, she dare not oppose her father when he was being serious.

Nabiki's eyes flashed toward Ranma and they shared a look, neither of them liking where this direction was heading, if the dual sigh they both let out was any indication.

Ranma grabbed the tray, and with no more interruptions headed up to Kasumi's room.