Warning: Not beta'd.

A/N: Sorry about the bit of delay on this one. I had some struggles figuring certain things out, but here is the last chapter of The Prisoner. Finally. ;)

Thanks to everyone who read, alerted, faved and reviewed, and thanks especially to all those readers who still are here for the ending despite the long hiatus between chapter 21 and 22. Love you.

The Prisoner

Chapter 26: The Wedding

Oddly enough, butterflies flew through her stomach as Hermione considered she'd get married to Lord Voldemort once again—not that they weren't already, but actually having a ceremony just made it feel more official. It would be a small wedding, just family and friends. She'd not felt up to the hoohah of her first wedding, which she could hardly remember because everyone had been pulling her in every direction: smile for the photo, shake hands, do the first dance, feed each other cake, all that ridiculous mumbo jumbo.

She rose from her bed at the inn. He'd been weirdly traditional about her sleeping somewhere else after having fucked her brains out. Perhaps waking somewhere alone was why she was nervous? She'd not been alone in years, hearing his jibber jabber in her head or next to her. When he'd left her here last night, he'd conjured up a doll, matching her exact specifications. Before she could open her mouth and snark at him, he snapped his fingers, sparks flew around the dummy until all she saw was a heavy, dark-green, velvet cloth, covering up something gigantic and making her immediately regret allowing him to do everything for the wedding.

He'd smirked at her and said, 'See you tomorrow at the chapel, dear.'

'That better not be a huge princess style, fit-for-on-top-of-a-cake dress, or I'll promise you I will be walking down the aisle naked,' she'd threatened.

His dark eyes had lit up, and a mischievous grin had erupted on his handsome features. For a moment he'd glanced between her and the dress, his wandhand twitching. Then he'd put his hand in his pocket and said, 'You'll just have to trust me, wife. No peeking before tomorrow morning at seven, or I'll know.'

Well, it was seven o'clock now.

Let's see what this monster of a dress looks like.

With a flick of her wrist, the heavy cloth slid away and revealed a sleek, mermaid-style silver dress that almost seemed to glow. It was strapless with strokes of fabric that ran crisscross from thigh to breasts, wrapping from there around her arms and thus leaving her shoulders bare. The strokes disappeared into a simple skirt that went wide but not overly so. Yet its train was extremely long and there was something green decorating the edges. She picked it up, frowning at the petite embroidery of green snakes intertwined. It was beautiful but a bit on the nose.

You could at least try making an effort at hiding your identity.

Still, she enjoyed the feeling of the extreme softness of the fabric caressing her skin as it slid through her fingers. This wasn't normal satin or silk. This wasn't even Acromentula silk. This was something else entirely.

This cost him a fortune.

The dress was drop dead gorgeous, and she'd had serious trouble going to sleep last night worrying about what had been under that huge cloth. She could just imagine the joy he'd have over that.


Definitely not something to share.

Although she figured after her threat of going naked, he'd probably had a bad night himself wondering whether he should've transfigured this dress to an exaggerated, princess-style one as he'd clearly been considering.

There was a knock on her door.

'Mum! Are you awake?'

'Come in.'

Rose and, immediately behind her, Ginny entered. They were already fully dressed in their green frocks, their hair pinned up and makeup done to perfection.

'You look beautiful, honey,' Hermione said, smiling.

'Aunt Ginny did my hair. I really like it,' Rose said, twirling around in her long, green satin, A-line bridesmaid's dress. It was simple but flattering.

'Have you even—' Ginny gasped, mouth open wide at the dress Hermione held between her fingers.

Rose hopped on the bed, clearly having seen it before.

'Told you it was pretty,' Rose said to Ginny smugly.

'She described it to me, but this wasn't what I had imagined, not even close,' Ginny said, smiling. 'It will look stunning on your figure.'

'I'm not going to fit in the chapel,' Hermione said, holding up the train in a faint effort to demonstrate its length.

Ginny and Rose shared a conspiring look.

'What?' Hermione snapped.

'Yeah, about the chapel, Mum, Dad—'

'What did he do?'

Rose looked to Ginny for support.

'You know that tiny wedding you wanted,' Ginny said teasingly.

'Yessss,' Hermione said, stretching out her answer while narrowing her eyes because she started to feel where this was going.

'Not so tiny,' Ginny said lightly.

'TOM!' she yelled, dropping the train. She was going to kill him.

'Okay, have you eaten yet?' Ginny said calmly, ignoring the furious witch and raising the cloche on the table. 'I see you haven't. So eat first, shower, and then, we will get you dressed. The ceremony starts at nine at Hogwarts.'

'Hogwarts!' Hermione said, outraged, grumbling under her breath. 'If he filled the Great Hall, I'm going to wring his puny, traitorous neck.'

'You can do that after the wedding. Right now, we don't have a whole lot of time, so you better get moving,' Ginny added, grabbing her arm and pulling her to the table.

Hermione grudgingly sat down and took a fearsome bite out of her sandwich as if it were to blame.

'You wanted Dad to organise it, Mum,' Rose said, beaming. She obviously was very excited about a large wedding.

Hermione huffed.

'Yeah,' Ginny sniggered. 'Don't say I didn't warn you. This was your brilliant idea.'

'Oh shut up,' she grumbled, making the two others laugh.

She took a swig of her orange juice, enjoying the freshness of it, while Ginny walked over to her gown and pulled the fabric away from the dummy.

'It has built in support. Good. I was worried. No time for adjustments and nothing worse than a tightfitting dress and not having something to hold up your saggy breasts.'

Hermione snorted her drink up her nose.

'Aunt Ginny,' Rose said, laughing. 'Surely you could use a simple beauty charm for that.'

'You come back to me, young lady, after you've given birth to six pounders like yourself and tell me how simple it is.' Ginny took a step back and hauled up the fabric, ducking underneath.

'What are you doing?' Rose said, rolling over the bed in laughter.

Hermione turned in her chair and snorted, shaking her head.

'As I thought,' Ginny said, coming out from under it and rising with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, 'any kind of underwear will visibly show.'

'You assume I wear underwear at all,' Hermione teased back. 'He knows I do not. Easy access, you know.' she winked at the stunned Ginny.

'Mum,' Rose said, still laughing, 'T.M.I.'

'Okay, well,' Ginny said, clearly in the process of reevaluating her views on Hermione, 'No problem then.' Her eyes fell on Hermione's plate. 'Are you done?'


'Well, don't sit around. Shower. Hop Hop.' She made shooing motions with her hands as Hermione got up and walked to the bathroom. 'We now have a little more than over an hour left to get you to Hogwarts.'

Hermione turned in the doorway. 'Worried they'll start without me?'

'I don't know how difficult that dress is in getting on. It looks expensive so maybe it's not as bad as it seems with all those strokes around your arms. And then there is makeup and your hair. Oh,' she pulled a bottle out of her matching green purse and threw it, 'Shampoo with this. That should save me at least five minutes taming that bush.'

Hermione eyed the bottle and shook her head. 'I tried this before. I think one minute might be generous.'

'Dad likes your hair as it is,' Rose said.

'We don't dress up for men, Rose,' Ginny admonished. 'You have to like how you look yourself. Why are you still standing there, Hermione? Shoo!'

'Going,' Hermione said, closing the door between her and the slowly stressing out Ginny.

She showered quickly, dried herself with a charm, pulled the plush bathrobe from the hanger and put it on, walking back in the bedroom.

'Done, already,' she said, looking at how Ginny had already cleared off her breakfast from the table and had set up her makeup and equipment.

'Okay, great,' Ginny said, checking the time. 'Sit down. I'll have to count in for—'

'It's a self-dressing gown, Ginny,' Hermione said, signalling to the witch to calm down. 'You have time.'

'Self-dressing?' Ginny's eyes bulged out, looking at the dress again. 'You're sure? That fabric alone must've cost—'

'I sensed the magic,' Hermione interrupted. She already felt uncomfortable knowing how ridiculously expensive it was.

'Good Godric. You never told me he was loaded,' she said. 'I should've ordered a different bottle of wine last dinner when he picked up the check.'

'Yeah, because you lot can't afford a dime,' Hermione laughed, sitting down in the chair Ginny had pulled up.

Hermione relaxed in the chair while Ginny fussed about her appearance. Brushes with powder, eyeliners, lipsticks, everything was in the air as the witch directed it with her wand. A portal doorway appeared behind Ginny, Lily pulled through an intrigued looking Ms Granger who checked behind her shoulder as the Portal vanished upon stepping through it.

'That's handy,' she said.

'Grandma!' Rose shouted, flying around her neck.

'Hello Rose,' Ms Granger said, 'Let me look at you.'

Rose twirled around in her dress happily.

'Excellent, you both look amazing,' she said to Rose and Lily. 'Now where's my daughter?'

'Right here, Mum, behind all this—'

'DON'T MOVE!' Ginny roared.

'—fuss,' Hermione ended, holding still again.

Ms Granger laughed and walked around Hermione, quickly kissing the top of her head.

'When did Dad show you how to make a Portal?' Rose whispered curiously to Lily.

'Just a moment ago, when we didn't know how to get your grandmother to the inn on time. It's really cool. I didn't know it was possible to travel like this. It's like stepping through a real door. Much more comfortable than Portkey or a side-along Apparition.'

'He doesn't share them with just everyone, you know,' Rose said, giving her a questioning look.

Lily blushed.

'You got your hands full, dear,' Ms Granger said to Ginny who nodded seriously in agreement. 'Ooooh, is that your dress, Mione? Gorgeous.'

Ms Granger looked at the time, concerned.

'Shouldn't we put that on already? It looks easy enough on the bodice, but those arms might take a lot of work to get right.'

'It's self-dressing, Granny,' Rose explained before anyone else could.

'How much time does self-dressing take?'

Rose looked to her mother.

'A minute, maybe two,' Hermione replied.

'The comforts of magic,' Ms Granger said, sitting down next to Rose and Lily on the bed and putting her bag on her lap. 'I brought you something from your grandmother.'

She pulled out a small box and handed it to Hermione who opened it.

'Grammy's earrings,' Hermione said softly.

'They can be your something old, borrowed and blue,' Ms Granger said warmly.

'Thanks, Mum,' Hermione said, putting them on. 'What do you think?'

Ginny looked at the silver hangers with the sapphire stones mimicking a drop of water. 'Perfect.'

'I had her gold ones with me, too,' Ms Granger said, eyeing the dress. 'But that would clash. Maybe you want to wear them for today, Rose?'

'I can?'

'Only if you want to.' Ms Granger handed her the other box. 'If you don't like them, just say so. I know I didn't always want to wear what old people gave me when I was your age.'

'Ooooh,' Lily gasped when Rose opened it to show small gold hangers in the shape of a flower with a delicate ruby stone at the centre, 'so pretty.'

Ginny looked over her shoulder, watching as Rose put one earring in. 'Oh, those are really elegant. Is the only Slytherin in the room going to be wearing something red-and-gold today?'

Rose nodded eagerly, putting in the other one and turning to her grandmother. 'What do you think, Granny?'

'They look really good on you.'


'Very nice,' Hermione agreed, mouthing thank you to her mother.

'And…' Ginny stepped back, checking out her handiwork and quickly adjusting a curl here and there. 'All done.'

She conjured a mirror before Hermione and asked, 'Well, what do you think?'

Having gone out on the town with Ginny before, Hermione had expected to need to remove a layer or two, but her makeup was done surprisingly natural, merely enhancing her features. Her hair had been pinned up with deliberate curls cascading out of it, framing her face in a deceptively casual manner.

'Wow, Ginny,' Hermione said, turning her head left and right. 'You could work at Parvati's beauty parlour.'

'She can't afford me,' Ginny said, looking at the clock and vanquishing the mirror. 'Okay, almost nine. Lily can Portal us back to Hogwarts, so we can make it easily if that dress doesn't give us any headaches.'

Hermione got out of her chair and Ginny swished her wand around, making all her makeup and other attributes jump back into her bag perfectly organised.

'It's these moments that I envy you lot most,' Ms Granger said to Rose. 'Must be so handy with cleaning, too.'

Rose nodded.

'I'm going to have to move the bed to make some room for this,' Hermione said, pulling out her wand.

They all got off and stepped to the side. Hermione swished her wand, and the bed swung up as if it were a Murphy bed. Then she flung the bathrobe on the chair and pointed her wand at the dress.

'Shoes first!' Ginny and Ms Granger called out simultaneously, immediately grinning towards each other.

Confused, for she hadn't noticed any shoes before, being rather preoccupied with the gown, Hermione looked around and then spotted the pair of silver high heels. She quickly stepped into them, cast a charm on them for easy walking and then turned back to the dress.

'Well, here goes nothing,' she said before casting, swishing her wand between herself and the dress.

For a moment, it seemed like nothing happened. Then the train started to vanish, reappearing behind Hermione. Every part of the gown that vanished from the dummy slowly build up around Hermione's body. When the skirt that consisted of one layer of fabric was done, the strokes began wrapping around Hermione's thighs in a crisscross manner. It strung her in fully, making her figure stand out as it wrapped around her hips and waist before pushing up her breasts. Hermione's lip twitched up because the sensation was oddly comparable to being bound tightly, just with a much softer and gentler touch. It still felt just as sturdy as when he did it. When the strokes flung around her arms, they changed. The silvery fabric turned see-through in some areas, giving off the illusion of lace, showing her skin through the delicate patterns.

'Ooooh,' Rose said, leaning in to get a closer look. 'I didn't know it would do that.'

Hermione looked down at her arms, identifying a wide variety of moving images easily even though she was seeing them upside down. The fabric sealed around her wrists, and then the whole gown tightened ever so firmly, making Hermione gasp in surprise. She just knew that last bit of the gown had been his handiwork. She'd sensed his magic all over her when the fabric had turned see-through and even more so when the gown had tightened. Feeling his magic whirl over her skin was rather distracting, to say the least. He'd already made her wet without even being present.

She should've known he'd find a way to torture her without anyone noticing.

Then again, perhaps she should be grateful it hadn't come with a matching set of silver vagina balls. She wouldn't have put it past him. Apparently he didn't want her that distracted that she wouldn't be able to focus on the proceedings.

'Well?' Hermione asked, spreading her arms wide.

The four women before her were speechless.

'Oh come on, it can't be that bad?' she said, suddenly worried at their silence.

'No, you look absolutely positively to die for,' Ginny said, shaking her head in order to stop herself from gaping. 'Here.'

She conjured up a full size mirror.

Now Hermione was the one speechless and gaping at herself. It was like seeing an enhanced version of yourself, more charming and … powerful. She turned around, looking at herself from all sides. She oozed power. How could a dress give off that impression?

'Better than a Disney princess,' Rose said.

Lily nodded vigorously in concurrence.

'You're gorgeous, dear,' Ms Granger said, stepping to her and giving her a hug. 'There won't be a single person in that Great Hall doubting who the bride is today.'

Over her mother's shoulder, Hermione gritted her teeth at the words 'Great Hall', making Ginny shrug in faux apology.

'It's nine fifteen; we should go,' Ginny said. 'We don't want to give Tom a heart attack that she might not be showing. The man did enough.'

Lily pulled up the Portal.

'This goes to the ground floor classroom we confiscated, not that there are any students left to confiscate it from,' she explained right before stepping through.

Ms Granger bent over to get the train, but Hermione stopped her. 'Magical dress, Mum, it will trail perfectly behind me without getting dirty.'

'Oh, of course,' Ms Granger said, her hand flying to her mouth. 'I always forget.'

'Granny, are you coming with me?' Rose asked, holding out her arm.

'Sure, dear,' Ms Granger said, taking it and stepping through the Portal with Rose.

'Last chance to get away,' Ginny said teasingly.

'He'd hunt me down,' Hermione replied, eyes twinkling.

'I wouldn't blame him if you disappeared with that on,' Ginny said, grinning. 'Okay, I'm going. See you in a bit.'

After Ginny had vanished, Hermione took one more look at herself. She didn't just seem powerful. She was power. Power wrapped in silver.

How fitting.

Voldemort certainly had a way with imagery.

She stepped through the Portal.

When she got out, the first person she saw was her father whose jaw dropped rather unflatteringly.

'Hi Dad,' she said, giving him a hug and a kiss.

'My little girl, all grown up now.'

'I thought I was never a child,' she reminded him.

He laughed at the memory. 'You always were an old spirit, so responsible and with an unstoppable work ethic. I wanted you to play more.'

'I know,' Hermione said, pulling back. 'I understand now,' she added, her eyes flashing to Rose, making Mr Granger nod.

Her mother came and gave her a kiss. 'I'm going to my seat now. The usher seems pretty antsy about our lateness. Don't trip.'

Her father laughed.

'I meant you, too,' Ms Granger admonished him. 'You stumble around more than her.'

'Oi! Stop jinxing us,' Hermione called out.

Her mother merely waved at her over her shoulder. Quicker than she'd expected, they left one by one until she was all alone with her father.

'I thought you said you would never, ever do a big wedding again after the one with Ronald,' he said.

'Yeah, well,' she replied, 'I was duped into this.'

He smirked. 'Your fellow must be pretty smart to pull one over on you.'

'You met him before.'

'Meh, I don't pay much attention to blokes hovering around my daughter.'


'At least he's got other topics of conversation than Quidditch. That was somewhat of a relief.'

Hermione smacked her father's arm.

'Sorry, I never did like Weasley. Glad you dumped his arse.'

'Dad,' Hermione admonished. 'There's nothing wrong with Ron.'

Mr Granger harrumphed in disagreement.

'We just didn't match as a couple.'

'Understatement of the year.'

'We're friends now.'

Mr Granger harrumphed in disagreement again.

'What?' Hermione asked.

'Friends don't leave when their friends are in trouble. You never would've.'

'Yeah, well,' Hermione said, scratching the back of her neck and feeling the collar slip past her fingertips. 'We were young, and it was complicated. How do you even know about this? I never told you.'

'When you're a Muggle in a room full of witches and wizards, they consider you harmless and talk a lot, Hermione.'

'I can't see Harry telling you this. He never talks about the war.'

'I heard more than enough from his wife and her brother.'

Hermione knew exactly which brother her dad was referring to. 'Ginny and Percy talk too much.'

'No, you all don't talk enough, truly talk.'

'That's probably true,' Hermione admitted.

'At least that's not a problem for your husband-to-be, is it?' he teased, taking her hand when the usher ran back in, gesturing at them that it was time.

'No, I would think not,' Hermione replied, chuckling.

'Well, Rose likes him, so I'll defer to her and approve of him,' Mr Granger said as they walked out the classroom and moved to the entrance courtyard. 'For now.'

'Would be a bit late to disapprove now,' Hermione said.

'I reserve the right to change my mind on mere whim, father's prerogative.'

They halted before the double doors at the usher's request as he rushed indoors. There was a low murmur coming from the inside that indicated the Great Hall was packed. Hermione clutched to her father's hand with a somewhat sweaty palm.


'You know I hate being the centre of attention like this.'

'Maybe you should've thought of that before accepting his proposal. He doesn't strike me as someone who ever steps out of the limelight.'

'I thought you didn't pay attention to the blokes I brought home.'

Before her father could reply, the doors swung open and music began playing. Her eyes immediately fell on Tom as he stood at the end of the long pathway on an elevation. He was a sight for sore eyes in his elegant dark-green dress robes. Tall, dark and handsome. She straightened her back at seeing that predatory gaze slide over her figure as if he would like to eat her whole right now. Her father guided her to start walking, and while people along the aisles were smiling at her, she only had eyes for Tom. His gaze empowered her and made her forget about everyone around her. This was about them.

Her father stopped before the elevation, turned to her and gave her a kiss before giving her hand to Tom and walking to her mother. People sat down when Tom helped her onto the stage.

'I'm going to kill you,' she whispered into his ear.

'You look breathtaking in my colours, pet,' he whispered, his hand sliding possessively along her waist.

'How many countries could be fed with the cost of this dress?'

His smile widened, and he merely winked in response. She turned and froze when her eyes fell on the person officiating the wedding. It was Horace Slughorn, and he seemed rather pinkish on his cheeks. Her eyes flashed between Tom and Slughorn. Somehow she got the impression her old professor knew exactly who was standing next to her.

'What have you done?' she hissed under her breath, suddenly very happy the bridal party wasn't standing on the stage with them but had regular seats in the crowd.

'When I found him, he insisted,' Tom said, tilting his head in an almost unnoticeable shrug. 'Who am I to refuse such a kind offer?'

'We're going to have a long conversation about this.'

'Not what I had in mind after our wedding,' he replied, his eyes darting over her body suggestively.

Horace coughed, a simple gesture that caused the music to stop.

'Ladies and Gentlemen, Witches and Wizards, Various Beings Otherwise Identified, we are gathered here today to join Tom Marvolo and Hermione Jean into holy matrimony.'

When the fabric of the gown invisibly moved against her skin quite pleasurably, her mouth turned dry and she swallowed, watching the amusement on his pale face. Slughorn's words became a background blur in her mind as Tom held her hands and gazed at her intensely. She swore the more she drowned in his eyes, the worse her need for him became, but she was caught in his gaze. Captured fully. Entranced fully.

Her heart started to pick up speed.

What have you done?

The corner of his mouth twitched up at her thought. He didn't respond to her question. Instead he spoke his vows. Her ears rang. Her world swirled. Tom squeezed her hands, nodding at her. Hermione blinked, looking around in confusion and seeing Slughorn wait for her.

Oh, my vows.

She'd memorised the card he'd given her. It was simple enough. Standard enough. She spoke the words.

Slughorn raised his wand and cast an infinity symbol around their joined hands. It burned into her skin. Only old bonds would burn like that. She tried to let go, but Tom tightened his grip, holding on until it had completely vanished into their skin. Fear seeped out of her pores. This wasn't a normal wizarding ceremony.

'May we have the ri—'

Slughorn stopped when the doors opened and a witch in Auror robes hurried down the aisle to Harry. Hermione looked sideways, furrowing her brow at the urgency in the witch's face.

Slughorn coughed again and continued somewhat louder to gain back attention, 'May we have the rings, please?'

Hermione looked over her shoulder at the whispering behind her back, turning to see the Auror speaking rapidly into Harry's ear. Tom's squeeze of her hand turned her attention back to him. He'd let go of her right hand when Rose handed her his ring. Almost mechanically, she put it on his finger.

'With this ring, I thee wed,' Hermione said, watching his rings fuse together.

Rose gave Tom her ring and stepped back to her seat.

Tom placed the ring on her finger, watching them fuse together with a satisfied smile.

'With this ring, I thee wed,' he said, his eyes darkening merrily as her rings fused.

Slughorn continued his speech. There was a knot forming in her stomach. The background whispers stopped. She looked over her shoulder and caught Harry's utterly concerned expression.

'Sorry,' Harry mouthed to her, raising his hands in apology and immediately following the Auror back down the aisle.

Something shifted in the air around her, turning the lights dark and ominous. Tom's fingers slid away from her hands as she turned around and frowned, seeing James and Rose and a lot of other people going to their knees. At least half of the audience if not more.

What the fuck!?

A low rumble came from the ceiling of the Great Hall. Dark clouds gathered, and the doors slammed shut right behind the Auror's back. Harry had his wand in his hand before Tom spoke.

'Do stick around, Harry Potter, it would be a shame if you were to miss the show of all people.'

The enchantment hiding his identity broke with a spectacular roar. The clouds in the Great Hall's ceiling bellowed into the Dark Mark. Hermione whirled back to Tom, tried to go for her wand and found she couldn't move anymore. She drew on her magic to find it contained. The gown slithered all around her, holding her in place. She could only move her head as Tom's physique shifted and curled as if he'd taken Polyjuice Potion and it was wearing off. His hair shortened until nothing remained. His nose flattened and slit-for-nostrils erupted in its place. His eyes reddened and his pupils slinked to stripes. The colour of his skin grew starkwhite. Screams erupted all around the Great Hall. People went for the exit, attempting to rush out in a flurry to find themselves contained when the double doors wouldn't open and a wall slammed down behind them. Between the pews in the Great Hall were now only people on their knees and those who'd not yet run. A whitefaced Scorpius dropped to his knees, yanking Albus down with him. Ginny had pushed Lily behind her, her wand out and pointed. Her parents were sitting there, their eyes dreamy and their hands joined.

They're not seeing this, Hermione realised, noticing Rose's continuous casting.

Lord Voldemort tossed his head back and laughed.

'I do so love the stench of fear in the air. Continue, Horace,' he said conversationally, pulling Hermione against him.

A long thick stick with odd bulges and curves pressed into her back. She gasped, realising it was Moirae's staff. Its magic thrummed against her spine in an overwhelming heat. So much power in his hands.

Oh god.

How had he found it? She'd removed it from the Room of Requirement immediately when he was no longer inside of her, watching every move she made, knowing the threat it posed if he ever got a hold of it.

'You did hide it well, my pet,' Voldemort said. 'Took me quite a while to find it. You had me stumped when I couldn't summon it as I should be able to. I looked at all the magical signature blocking hideouts across the globe.'

China. Geometric compass. Another lie.

'Imagine my surprise when my clever little Mudblood had placed it in an all too familiar cave. Daring, dear. How did you get in and more importantly out?'

'Apparition, I figured the wards wouldn't react due to our bond.'

'Ah, yes, of course. Smart. What would you have done if they had? Called out for my help?'

Hermione shrugged. 'Hadn't considered that an option really.'

He smirked, drawing a finger down her face in a gesture that could be considered love on any other wizard. Hermione knew better.

'What did you do to our bond?'

His smirk broadened. 'You noticed, did you? I suppose I wouldn't have wanted you if you hadn't, my clever little wife.'

'What did you do?'

'Overruled it with a new one.' He pressed the staff demonstratively harder into her back, making her wince. 'Care to guess which one?'

Hermione looked down, thinking, going over her feelings and needs, and most of all her suddenly lacking abilities.

'You'll get those back,' Voldemort breathed against her ear. 'Eventually.'

She shook her head. 'I'd say three, but it doesn't add up.' She stared into his blank expression, and it hit her. Horrified, she said, 'You created a new one.'

His lipless mouth kissed her right above the collar. 'My clever little wife.'

Her heart raced. Her breath came out in rapid gasps.

I'm fucked!

'I believe you were not yet done,' Voldemort said to Horace Slughorn who seemed frozen on the spot.

Hermione's eyes noticed the minor twitches of his arms, realising he too was restrained, for probably the entire time he'd been here. His attempts at fighting it would be a waste of energy, Hermione knew. It would only feed back into Tom.

'Actually, I believe he is,' Harry said, stepping forward in the aisle. His wand pointed straight at his childhood nemesis.

'Ah, Harry, I forgot all about you. So nice of you to stay, I do love a captivated audience.'

Fearfully, Hermione shook her head at Harry, mouthing at him to leave. She was pretty sure her protection was gone. Unfortunately his green eyes darted from her mouth to her immobile stance in Lord Voldemort's hold, and his jaw set, his determination growing.

'Let go off her.'

'I fear I can't comply. You see, my wife is rather important to me.'

'Fascinating,' Hermione snapped, drawing his full attention. 'If that's true, you'll let them go.'

That lipless mouth curved up and, for a moment, his slit-pupiled eyes looked up as if he were seriously contemplating her request.

'For old time's sake, I'll grant you one wish. Are you sure you want to waste it on people capable of magic?' he said underneath his breath.

Hermione swallowed, her head turning to her parents in despair. Her eyes found Ginny next to them. She signalled to Harry with her eyes and mouthed, 'Get. Him. Out. Of. Here.'

Ginny's nod was barely visible but it was a huge relief to Hermione.

'They think they're watching a lovely romantic wedding.' Voldemort's breath brushed her hair and he continued in that low murmur only she could hear. His eyes focused only on her. 'I could keep it that way.'

She turned her attention to Voldemort. 'Not just today,' she said, staring straight into that burning red gaze. 'They won't be harmed ever, not by you, not by your followers or by unwitting third parties.'

'Deal,' he said immediately, looking over her shoulder. 'Rose, James, take the Granger's home, please. Make sure they remember they had a lovely day.'

'Yes, my Lord,' they said in unison, making Albus look sideways wide-eyed.

Ginny stared at her son in horror.

'James, what are you doing?' Albus whispered when James moved to his feet and took Mr Granger's hand. 'James!'

James turned, his eyes going between his mother and his brother in sorrow. 'Sorry, but I love her.'

And then he opened a Portal and stepped through it with Rose and the Granger's in tow. Hermione frowned at those Portals. She recalled the basics of it when Tom had created them, and he'd shared its theory with Lily to get them to Hogwarts. Yet Lily wasn't on her knees.

Mistake number one, dear.

'JAMES!' Albus yelled, trying to get to his feet while Scorpius tried to keep him down.

Ginny was as white as a sheet, but Hermione noted she'd moved three more seats farther towards the aisle, Lily in tow. Her brown eyes met Hermione's. Hermione mouthed, Portals. Lily.

The realisation was clear on Ginny's face.

Luckily, Scorpius had drawn Voldemort's attention with his yanking on Albus's arm and shushing him.

'Well, well, well, another Malfoy on his knees, how utterly self-serving again.'

Ginny took another step to the aisle as Scorpius's throat bopped.

'I don't recall inviting you to join me, boy,' Voldemort said quietly.

He took in an exaggerated breath. Hermione wished the feel of his body against her didn't cause this forlorn longing, didn't make her wish he'd push her up against a wall and take her. She had to think. She had to keep a clear head. Lives depended on it.

Ginny whispered something to Lily behind her. Hermione couldn't see how the teen took it, but from Ginny's ready stance, she assumed rather well. Lily had a good head on her shoulders, practical and quick-thinking.

'Well, I suppose I just have to hear this,' Voldemort said to Scorpius. 'What could you possibly have to offer me?'

Hermione could tell Scorpius had no answer to that. From Voldemort's high-pitched laugh, he'd deduced the same.

'Bullying people far below your size again, Tom,' Hermione said quietly, stopping his laughter, 'How utterly brave.'

'Horace,' Voldemort snarled. 'I'm done with your dawlding. Continue now or I'll turn you into an Inferius and have it finish for you.'

Slughorn opened his mouth. Harry cast. Hermione screamed, feeling the staff's power take a deep breath and unleashing when Voldemort swiped his hand at Harry's spell. Time seemed to stand still when they collided. And then it ripped Harry's red beam to shreds. His green eyes widened, and he flung himself out of its destructive path, crashing into his wife who grabbed him tightly.

'Lily, now!' Ginny screamed, looking desperately over her shoulder to Albus before looking at Hermione.

I'll try, Hermione mouthed, nodding.

A Portal formed, and Lily pulled them with her.

Voldemort's scream echoed off the walls. His fury burned through her, slashing like a knife. He raised his wand. Albus's eyes widened fearfully, seeing it pointed straight at him. Scorpius dove in front of him.

'Stop,' Hermione whimpered, gasping for air.

Alarmed, Voldemort looked down at her trembling body, at the blood dripping from her mouth.

'Please stop.'

His pupils dilated. She could sense him pushing his fury down forcefully, calming himself. His magic inverted: healing, caressing, soothing. She could breathe again.

She could breathe again!

Hermione looked up. 'Are you really going to waste your time on a bunch of teenagers again, my Lord?'

His breathing hitched at her using his title.

'Surely, you've got something better planned than to focus on that fraud's prophecy?'

The corner of his mouth twitched. 'I know how you feel about Divination, Hermione, I—'

'Well over forty years now, my Lord,' she interrupted, feeling his cock stir when she kept addressing him properly. 'That's how long you're both living and surviving together. I'm sure there are true prophecies as I'm sure there are true Seers. Trelawney just isn't one of them.'

The idea struck her like a bolt of lightning.

'I bet Dumbledore knew. I bet that's why he kept her away from you, so you wouldn't be able to tell.' She snorted. 'I bet this was exactly how he would've wanted this to play out,' she said venomously. 'Self-fulfilling prophecy all the way.'

'Perhaps,' Voldemort said quietly, looking down at her intensely. 'Still…'

'Let me mediate. You know he won't harm me.'



Voldemort took a deep breath. Annoyed, he turned his head to Slughorn who was watching their exchange up close and listening in.

'Avada Kedavra!'

The sheer force of his curse, his dark magic, warmed her body, electrified it, and made it sing. She closed her eyes. This was going to be hard, if not impossible. She wanted him so much. She drowned in his power, sinking fast.

I will lose.

I will lose if he retains this power.

Maybe not right away. Maybe not now or tomorrow, but soon enough.

The realisation hurt her pride more than she cared to admit.

'You, Malfoy,' Voldemort barked. 'You know the exact words to use for traditional wedding bonds?'

'Yes, my Lord,' Scorpius said nervously.

'Get up here and finish this, and you and your Potter pet can live.'

Scorpius hesitantly got to his feet, obviously wondering what the catch was.

'Come on, boy, I don't have all day.'

Scorpius practically flew up the platform and took Slughorn's spot, briefly eyeing the corpse in fear before looking straight ahead.

'What's your game plan, my Lord?' Hermione asked softly while Scorpius was in the process of making the necessary enchantments to take over the officiation. 'You said you were tired of ruling or was that just another lie?'

'I'm not going to rule,' Voldemort said, looking down at her with a smile. 'You are, my dear.'

Confused, Hermione looked up at him. 'I'm not going to kill Muggles or reinstate the Muggle-born Registration Office for you.'

He tilted his head.

'You're not hearing me, wife. You are going to rule. I don't care what you do. Wanna save those pesky House-elves from a lifetime of enslavement? Do it. You won't have any opponents daring to stop you in the Wizengamot now.'

Hermione's jaw dropped. He couldn't be serious.

'You want to abolish old, antiquated laws? Be my guest. I will love seeing what your brilliant, vicious mind comes up with when you've got unlimited power to achieve the society you want for witches and wizards alike.'

'What are you going to do then?'

His hand gestured around. 'Teach, obviously. Someone has to get this dump into shape and prepare our young minds of the future for the society you're going to create instead of only teaching them a couple of parlor tricks and let that be the end of it.'

Scorpius coughed, interrupting them.

'Do I start or …?' he asked, his eyes darting between them.

'Just finish it,' Voldemort sighed, rubbing his face where the bridge of his nose used to be.

Scorpius called out the words, the wedding magic whirling through the air once more. But Hermione focused on Voldemort and he focused on her.

'I know you're unhappy with the education we give magical children, Hermione. With me as the new Head of Hogwarts and you as the Minister, we can overhaul the entire system. Prepare them for their actual future. Make sure they understand the whole world they live in, not this tiny magical blip of it. I know you want that.'

'And I suppose you want to teach them the Dark Arts,' Hermione said, watching him intently.

'Of course. Knowledge is power, my wife. You know that just as well as I do. How many children have fallen victim to the Dark Arts due to lacking understanding?'

'Too many,' she sighed, dropping her eyes in thought.

He waited, a knowing glint in his eyes.

'No killings or tortures,' she ordered, looking up.

'Not that discussion again,' Voldemort said, smirking at her. 'Next you'll add that I can't take joy in the pain and sufferings of others.'

'I was just getting there,' Hermione said, making a face at him.

He laughed, his hand stroking her neck. It sent such marvellous tingles through her body that she wanted to expand on that touch.

Scorpius's last sentence broke through their silence. 'By the power invested in me, by the Gods of the Olde and Wise, by Merlin, by Morgana, and the Source of All Magic, I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife.' He paused, taking a deep breath; his grey eyes briefly darted to Hermione with pity. 'You may kiss the bride.'

Voldemort waited, staring at her expectantly.

Was he waiting for her consent? Did he fear his looks would put her off? She'd always known she'd not been sure of his true physical form ever since he'd resurrected. That enchantment had shown her what she'd expected to see with her memories of Azkaban in place. Still, he was the same man and he was supposed to know her better than consider her to be that shallow.

'Well,' she said, raising her eyebrows. 'Didn't you hear the Malfoy brat? Kiss your fucking bride.'

He didn't need saying twice. His mouth was on hers in a flash, plundering her with a vengeance. The ceremonial magic whirled around them, making them sway in its hold as the new bond slipped and curved around the old. She gasped, realising they worked in unison. She wasn't powerless.

It was that damn dress, forcing her to comply.

Harry had been safe after all, which was probably why he'd pretended not to notice Ginny's movements, which was why he'd taught Lily that Portal charm. He'd wanted them out of the way. Suddenly she realised why Neville, Kingsley and McGonagall had not been there. Her mind ran over all the people that she cared about and who would've stood up to him. None of them she'd seen in the crowd.


Dammit. He'd made her fall for his lies.

He broke off their kiss when the bonds' combined force made her knees buckle. She bowed before her Master, kissing his feet. Her whole body thrummed with desire, needing him more than air, more than life itself.

Voldemort pulled her up. She grabbed his robes and pressed her body against him, rubbing against his hard member. He let out a laughing moan and held her tightly so she couldn't move.

'In a minute, witch,' he whispered.

'You tricked me,' she hissed under her breath.

Smiling, he kissed her forehead. 'We'll have this conversation later.'

'Not what I had in mind,' Hermione snarked, widening his smile at recognising his own words.

'Congratulations to all who are here today to witness this glorious union,' he called out to the people still kneeling in the Great Hall and those standing in the back behind the now see-through wall.

'Today, the Ministry has fallen. My wife, Hermione Jean Riddle, the current Head of the Department of Mysteries, will take her rightful position as Minister for Magic and call forth a new era. She shall bring prosperity and progress to all beings alike. First in the United Kingdom, but eventually the world. As my loyal servants, you shall be rewarded. Now go forth and rejoice. You know what you have to do.'

Portals erupted throughout the Great Hall and one by one his followers disappeared through them.

He turned his attention to the trapped people.

'You can thank my wife for surviving this day,' he said coolly. 'Her sacrifice has put Lord Voldemort in a generous mood, so I will grant her this.' He swatted at the doors. 'Remember whom you owe a life debt to.'

Several people shrieked and ducked in fear when his spell charged past them and hit the double doors, slamming them open. The place was empty of life in no time.

Voldemort turned to Scorpius and Albus and sighed. 'Why are you two still here? Do you want me to kill you or what?'

'There is a giant wall. The other doors are bolted. They don't know how to use your Portal, and they can't Apparate inside Hogwarts,' Hermione reminded him, her eyes blazing.

His hand moved down, dropping the bricks with a thundering noise. 'Out now!'

Scorpius ran to Albus, grabbed his hand, and pulled him with him. Albus's eyes stared at Hermione in pain. Hermione winked at him, hoping to raise his spirits. It was suddenly eerily silent in the Great Hall. With a flick of Voldemort's wrist, the damage repaired itself. He turned to Hermione, grinning at the fire in her eyes.

'I knew your marvellous mind would be strong enough not to break under the combined bonds. You've always been too powerful to be a disposable puppet. However, your body, your magic, that is now fully mine, isn't it, wife?' he demanded, his grip on her waist tightening and his hand cupping the back of her head.

She could tell he desired her to acknowledge her position, to acknowledge his control. She'd always known how important that was to him.

'I'm here to serve you in any way I can, my Lord,' Hermione responded demurely.

'Well, look who picked up a Slytherin trait or two.'

Hermione batted her eyelashes at him, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

'Perhaps you're infectious, my Lord. Maybe we should seek a Healer?'

His fingertips stroked down her body, making her gasp when the gown unravelled and pooled at her feet. Her powers returned to her with a vengeance. It had her reeling in his arms.

'I have a better suggestion, Hermione Riddle.'

As they leaned towards each other for their kiss, he whispered barely above a sound, 'You are going to be glorious.'

'I know,' she said against his lips, a devious twinkle running through her brown eyes that made him pause. 'You're not the only one capable of working behind someone's back, Tom.'

His pupils dilated when she drew on all their combined magic. His shield wouldn't rise when her curse threw him through the Great Hall, smacking him against the wall. Casually, Hermione sauntered over to his unconscious body, taking in the rather substantial damage he'd sustained, while nothing had happened to her.

'Well, at least that worked,' Hermione muttered, conjuring a simple robe around her body. No way in hell would she ever put that gown on again.

'You don't mind if I take this, do you?' she mocked, summoning Moirae's staff. 'Don't worry, I'll make sure it's somewhere safe and you can spend another couple of years trying to figure out where I stashed it this time. Would be a shame if you got bored.'

She opened a Portal, looking back at his still figure, adrenaline rushing through her arteries, a broad smile on her face. This was her life, and she loved every second of it. She was pretty sure he loved every second of it. Their constant push and pull exited her. Never ever would she be bored again. There would always be danger and battle, but she'd learned it was exactly what she needed. It was exactly what he needed. They'd become each other's perfect match in a constant game of chess. The world would burn around them as each time the stakes rose higher. He'd declared who he was for all to see.

So now it was time for the Queen's move.

'See you around, husband,' she said with a devious wink, stepping through the Portal underway to another adventure.

The End.