Author's Note: This is the first fanfiction I've ever written. I just couldn't resist when the plot came to mind, so I made myself an account and started writing. I've tried to keep the facts pretty much consistent with the events up until Half-Blood Prince and pretty far into Deathly Hallows, but of course a few bits had to be tweaked to fit my story. Plus, I don't have the books or movies with me so it's hard to check. Just roll with it, I guess.
I'd originally planned to write a quick one-shot, but the story just kept going, and now I've got something much longer than I expected. I'm not sure how much time I want to spend extending it, so I'm posting the prologue here, just to see what kind of a reaction I get. Read and review! Thanks :)
Disclaimer: I don't really see why this is necessary, since people on this site should know that it's full of fanfics and therefore should also know that these stories are written by fans of the original author's work... but anyway, NO, i do not own the characters or places or spells or anything else from the Harry Potter universe used in this story.
Without further ado, here is my first fanfic. Hope you like it!
She walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a small towel and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed, putting his tie back on. He looked up and saw her, and his eyes darkened with lust.
"You know, you still owe me another apology," he said.
"You just forgave me. What do you want now?"
"It's not the same thing. You never apologized for third year."
"Are you bloody serious?" she said, rolling her eyes. "It was a punch, that was all."
He smirked. "I could care less about being punched. It was what you called me that I wanted you to apologize for. It hurt my feelings, love."
She smiled playfully.
"Well then, let me fix that."
She walked over to the bed and stood facing him.
"I can apologize for hitting you, but I won't apologize for what I called you."
"Why not?"
"Because you…" She smirked in a manner that was not unlike her love's famous smirk as she pushed him back a little on the bed and straddled his legs "…really are, a foul…"
She pressed her lips to his forehead.
Her lips touched his left cheek.
Her lips grazed his right cheek.
Her lips caressed the tip of his nose.
She placed the lightest kiss on his lips.
"…and I love you even more for it."
Draco smiled and pulled her down for a long kiss, and she lost herself in the whirlwind of sensations that he created in her as he ran his hands up and down her body, lingering in all the right places.
Then he broke the kiss, and she smiled reluctantly. He lifted her up off him and let her steady herself on the ground before releasing her.
"I really have to go," he said quietly.
"Yes, I know. I should go too," she said. "Harry and Ron could wake up any minute, and if I'm not there when they do…"
Draco nodded, and Hermione turned to get dressed. Then his arms wrapped around her from behind, squeezing tightly.
"Draco? What's wrong?"
"It's coming. I know it's coming."
"What's coming?" Hermione asked, even though she already knew what it was.
"The end. The last battle. It's coming. Are you three any closer to finishing off the rest of…them?"
"Draco, we promised not to talk about our places in the war. I know you mean well, but…" her voice trailed off.
He nodded. "I'm sorry. I should let you get dressed."
He kissed her neck, and then his warmth receded from her body. She shivered and wished that those arms would wrap around her again. She got dressed quickly and turned around to see him holding his wand up, prepared to Apparate. He raised a hand to wave goodbye to her.
Hermione smiled grimly and walked over to him to kiss him one more time.
She hadn't known that that would be the last time.
Author's Note: What do you think? I know it was pretty short and that all my rambling on either end of this prologue is probably longer than the prologue itself, but I've got quite a few chapters lined up where that came from. I'd like some input from you guys to help me decide whether or not to keep them coming. So if you want to keep reading, write a review! Or a personal message, whatever floats your boat.
Thanks for reading!