He was fighting, and losing. This is Agent A████, code named "Sage", part of the new interdimensional Mobile Task Force, "six paths". He had the only weapon he needed to contain what he was sent out for, he had SCP-399. His only problem was that he needed to contain, and preferably terminate, SCP-682. He had found a possible method to stop 682 through an art of the particular world he was in, sealing, all he had to do was seal 682's consciousness and soul into his body after causing extreme damage to its body… easier said than done. Luckily, the only thing that 682 seemed to be unable to adapt to the point of rendering it useless was pure energy. He fired off a blast of gravitational energy, 682 flew away, he saw an opportunity, he had designed a seal specifically for this SCP, though it could theoretically be used on any of them. He made the hand seals.
"Sealing: Dead God Dreaming Seal!" The seal was done, his body was close to it's limits, he had to keep it's consciousness contained, so he sealed it in his body. This isn't enough, he thought, it needs to be kept from it's body, and if it's consciousness is intact, it will find its body. I can do only one thing.
"Chibaku Tensei," he said. A ball appeared in between his hands, he released it into the air, and it rose up into orbit. Large chunks of the ground started to rise up to where the ball was. After a few minutes the body of 682 followed what was left of the landscape.
"Mission complete." He stated, "The only problem is that now I'm trapped here, the foundation will assume that I failed, so they will likely keep anyone from finding this dimension."
As he walked back to his temporary, well, now that he thought about it, not so temporary now, home, he realized that he should have seen this coming. "I may as well make the best of the situation that I'm in now, after all, there will be no escape for me."
Foundation home universe
Mission: SCP-682 Containment
Outcome: Failure assumed, Status of Agent A████: MIA presumed KIA.
Initiate Emergency Containment Procedure REDACTED
Notes: We lost a damn fine agent to this thing again, oh well, with any luck, we won't have to deal with it again provided no one screws up this containment, which shouldn't be hard to do right.
Date: 50 years after sealing of SCP-682
Location: Home of Agent A████
"Well, I had a good life," He thought, "I knew that I was going to die here, I just didn't think that it would take so damn long." He was on his deathbed. In the past 50 years he had done quite a bit of thinking, and putting safeguards in place so that when he died, 682 would have a difficult time coming back ever again, he had altered the seal so that when it was released, it would split into nine pieces, and although they would be powerful, it would take less to seal them, unfortunately, it was impossible to split it into nine equal parts, that would result in chaos, the pieces attempting to absorb each other to become the dominant piece of 682, now commonly known as the "Jubi," He had also made sure that no one would find his ring accidentaly, he had put that into the seal as well.
"My Children," he said, "you will each receive part of my legacy, when you found your clans, be sure to remember that your highest priority is to keep what I sealed away from coming back. Have I made myself clear?"
"Of course." They all replied in unison.
"Very well than," he said, taking a breath, then coughing before continuing," Uchiha, my eldest, you will have the body, you will have the skills needed to contain almost any problem related to your duties. Senju, my youngest, you will have my spirit, you will make sure that if it escapes, the other clans can containment, you are the first line of defense. And lastly, Uzumaki, you will be cursed with my eyes, you will be the most powerful, but you must experience great loss to receive the eyes, you are the last line of defense." He shuddered, "should the worst come to pass and it escapes, which I have made damn sure that by the time it can have a chance of a chance of escaping, your families strange, but useful, innate meme resistance will be strong enough to recreate this seal. Once someone does, they will have the ring that I used to wear. I planted a version of the self-keeping secret meme in this seal so that you will forget how to create it. Only the Uzumaki will have it, and it will be so deep in their memories that it will be pure chance if someone other than the one that is supposed to recreate it does manage to use it. I have left a book detailing everything that is supposed to happen for the next few hundred years in extreme detail, and the critical events that will happen in the next few thousand. I have spent almost every day of the last 50 years thinking about every possibility that we will need to have happen in order to make sure that we win against 682 in the end, I have set up plans, backup plans, contingency plans for every scenario, there is almost no way we will not emerge with a total victory." He paused to breath, and collect his thoughts, "Don't bother trying to find this book, I have made sure that only the one who is meant to find it will. Now, my eldest and youngest sons, you know your parts in the plan, create a rivalry between your clans, use it to make sure that everyone is strong enough to have a chance of defeating 682 when they stand together! Make sure that you pass this on to whoever is the next clan head, and make sure that they pass it on to their successor, and keep it going so that your clans will always be prepared." after this, he died, but he had set a plan that would be thousands of years in the making into motion.