I don't own anything.

This is my first 5-0 work please be nice

Chapter 1

The street's lights glared in Danny William's car windshield as he sped toward the Hawaii airline, the nights events had finally took its toll on Danny and the thought Steve been arrested, Kono in police custody, and Chin now working with HPD had put him on his last nerve.

Danny had just lost his Hawaiian family and was trying to get to stop his ex wife (soon to be wife) from leaving Hawaii with their daughter.

Danny pulled into the airport parking lot jumping out of his car Danny raced toward the entrance of the airport.

"Please let me get to my family into time," Danny prayed silently

Danny entered the airport and rushed to the Gate Rachel supposed to be at and finds an empty line, Danny then spots the ticket lady

"Excuse me ma'am, but did you see a woman and with s little girl board this plane?" Danny asked the ticket lady who just finished closing the entrance to the boarding gate.

"Yes, I did they just boarded the plane."

"Listen! I need you to get them off the plane now!" Danny said starting to panic

"I'm sorry sir, but they've already boarded the plane, and it's about to take off."

Danny didn't want to believe what he was hearing, Rachel was leaving with Grace, and he couldn't let that happen.

"Ma'am listen to me I need you to get Rachel and my daughter off that plane Now." Danny said getting ready to start shouting.

"Sir if you don't calm down I'm going to have to call security and have you arrested. I'm sorry, but you missed them, but you'll just have to follow them on another flight."

Danny knew he had lost Rachel again and there was nothing he could do about it now so instead of causing a fuss Danny didn't say a word and just walked away with his head down, he knew he'd just lost everything.


Standing behind the glass window in the terminal Danny watched Grace's plane get ready to take off down the run way, tears ran down Danny's cheeks at the thought of never seeing his little monkey again, the last time he could remember crying was when Rachel left him the first time with Grace.

Danny wondered if Grace could see him as her plane zipped by, Danny hoped Grace could see him and he prayed she'd forgive him for not being with her.


Grace looked out the window as the plane was getting ready to take off, her Danno was supposed to meet up with her and her mommy, but he never showed, Grace wondered if he still loved her and her mommy anymore.

Grace was getting ready to lean back in her seat when she glanced out the plane window and saw her daddy standing in the window of airport building. She wanted to call out to him, but her mommy told her he wouldn't be able to hear her to be quiet so Grace just sat there as big tears rolled down her cheeks and waved hoping daddy would spot her.

Her Danno loved her he had tried to be there, but he was too late and now there was nothing either one of them could do but cry silently together as they grew farther and farther apart.


After leaving the airport Danny just drove he didn't know where he was going, but the road had to lead somewhere.

After all the twist and turns Danny ended up at the beach. Getting out of his car Danny started to walk.

Danny stood along the shore line and let the sea water wash over his now bare feet. With shoes in one hand Danny held his now useless badge. What was he to do now, he had no job, Steve was in lock up, Chin was with the boys at HPD, and who knew where Kono was.

Just then Danny's phone rang, he had forgotten all about it.

"William" Danny said without checking to see who it was.


It was Jenna he had totally forgotten about her.

"Jenna I'm so sorry I completely forgot about you I'm…"

"Don't worry about it, with all the chaos going on with Steve I understand, listen I think I might have something that will cheer you up." Jenna said.

"HPD told me to leave, but I told them I needed to get some of my things, when I went back I was able to bug the office and I also managed to swipe a few things like Steve's stuff that his dad left him."

"You got the evidence?" he said in disbelief.

"Yeah, and that's not the best part I also was able to swop the memory card from the computer table and I was able to retrieve the photos and files and a few more things Kono deleted."

"Jenna you're amazing, send everything you got to my phone so I can have it as a backup just in case something happen." Danny said as he headed back to his car.

"And Jenna, Wo fat is on the island you need to be careful, ok? He already killed the Governor who was working with him, and then framed Steve for it, so keep your eyes peeled," Danny said as he reached his car.

"The Governor! Your lying." Jenna blurted across the line.

"Wish I was, but be careful I think we just hit the tip of an ice berg and I'm not sure just how big this thing is just yet."

"I will." Jenna said as they ended their call.

Danny started digging in his pockets looking for his keys, now wasn't the time for self pity he told himself, he needed to prove that Steve is innocent and save Kono somehow.

Danny pulled his keys out of his pocket and at the same time he heard the screeching of car tires, as he looked up Danny saw a black suv heading his direction, it didn't take a Navy Seal to tell him he was in trouble.

Danny pulled out his gun as a man from the SUV stuck the end of an automatic rifle out the window and started firing, shots rang out and shatter glass fell to the ground, at the same time Danny was able to fire off a few shots from his gun.

Bullets from Danny's gun busted a few windows of the SUV and one bullet even nicked the gunman as the vehicle passed.

Taking a deep breath Danny let the adrenaline drain from his body, Danny's leg gave out, but he was able to catch himself by grabbing the side of his car as pain started to register in his abdomen, Danny felt like his mid suction was on fire.

Danny looked down and saw his shirt covered in blood, his blood. Danny's grip on his car loosened as he fell to the glass and blood covered asphalt, and then his world turned into darkness.


Chin was waiting for Kono to be released from overnight lock up when he decided to try and call Danny again. He had tried to call many times all night, but Danny hadn't answered. Chin guessed was Danny was mad at him for arresting Steve.

Chin pocketed his phone once again after the failed attempt to talk to Danny.


Grace sat at the table of her and her mom's hotel suite; she been playing games on her computer when her mommy said she had to run down to the lobby for a moment. Rachel told Grace to stay in the room and not to answer the door or phone for anyone.

As soon as her mom shut the door Grace exited her game and clicked onto the internet, going to Google Grace typed news in Hawaii.

Grace knew her Danno loved her and that he would normally do anything for her so there had to be a good reason why he was late and had missed the plane; she had to find out why.

When a list of web sites popped up about events in Hawaii, the top results caught her eye she clicked on the link to the site, and on the main page was a video Grace plugged in her head phones, dragged out a note book and pencil to take note if there was anything important to remember, and then hit play.

The video was filmed at night about ten minutes before she and her mommy left Hawaii.

Grace started taking notes as the reporter started talking

"Not five minutes ago Governor Pat Jameson was found murdered in her office, HPD found Lt Commander Steve McGarrett former Navy Seal and leader of the Governor task force know as 5-0 in her office with gun and hand, now there hasn't been any more information released just yet, but we'll being you more updates as the HPD work to figure out why such a man like Steve McGarrett would comment such a crime, till then this is Annie Turner with channel thirty-five."

Grace continued to watch as the video still play of the HPD officer Chin Ho Kelly to her known as Uncle Chin brought out her daddy's partner her new Uncle Steve, she watched and then straightened up in her seat when she saw her daddy's car as it pulled up and her Danno getting out of the car and running to them saying something.

Grace know why her Danno was late and why he had been upset at the airport and why he wasn't able to leave with them, it was trying because he was trying to save Uncle Steve.

Grace existed the web site quickly as her mommy came back in carrying a basket full of flowers.

"Grace Look what was left at the door for us, aright they just lovely." Rachel said as she carried them to the table and sat them down then looked at her to quite child

"Grace is thing wrong?" Rachel asked crouching down beside her daughter

Grace just looked at her mother as tears started to run down her cheeks

"Mommy I hurt Danno." with that Grace bounded out of her seat and into her room shutting and locking the door behind her.


Chin was waiting by his cousin's car when he spotted her walked out of HPD; they finally released her from overnight lock up and he wanted to make sure she was alright after she was stripped of her badge and gun.

"Kono are…" Chin started before Kono cut him off

"What no more "cuz"." Kono said clearly upset as she unlocked her car with its remote.

Chin stepped away from the red car as Kono opened the door to get in.

"I thought you guys said you would always be there for me and protect me, but not even you or Danny came to me when I was in lock up, I even used my one call to call Danny, but he didn't even answer his phone." The former rookie cop stated as she went to sit down in her car and her phone started going off.

"Danny hasn't answered any of my calls ether." Chin stated as Kono went to answer her phone

Kono just rolled her eyes "I wonder why." she said in a sarcastic tone as she put her phone to her ear.


"Kono thank God I was able to get a hold of one of you guys."

"Hey Jenna right now isn't a good time." Kono replied not really wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.

"Kono I really need your help I think something wrong with Danny."

"What make you think there something wrong with Danny?" Kono asked as she shut her car door only to have her cousin catch it wanting to hear the rest of the conversion, Kono gave him a nasty look.

"Last night I call Danny and told him I was able to get the files that you deleted; any way I sent them to Danny's phone after I finish talking to him I thought he would call and tell me if he got them, but he never did he didn't even text, then I remember him saying something about Wo Fat being on the island and to careful so I tried call him, but I keep getting nothing each time I try."

"That's stra…" Kono said when her cop instincts clicked.

"Jenna where are you?" Kono asked getting serious

"On my way to HPD."

"Good I'm at HPD too. Hurry up and get here." Kono said as she ended the call; she then looked to her cousin.

"Danny in trouble."