Author's note ~ I thought I'd be nice and post two chapters and all mistakes are mine…XD
Copyright ~ again I don't own a thing.
Grace didn't know what it was that had woke her up, but immediately saw that Andrew was missing from the spot where he had fallen asleep.
Hearing a thud come from another room, Grace carefully climbed off her dad's lap and navigated herself slowly toward the noise to find the lights in the bathroom on and the door half open.
Peeking into the bathroom, Grace's eyes widen when she saw her uncle sitting by the toilet with his back against the wall.
His skin was a pale color and his breathing was ragged and Grace could tell he was covered in sweat as he wiped his forehead with a washcloth he was holding in one of his shaking hands.
Turning her head Grace heard her uncle empty his stomach contents into the toilet and set into a coughing fit. She heard him mumbled something about out of luck, but she wasn't for sure what he meant by that as she turned to watch him again.
After watching her uncle for a few more minutes, Grace turned and head back to her dad.
Frowning, Grace climbed back onto Danny's lap, trying to think of something she could do to help her uncle…should she talk her daddy.
New Jersey
"It's been a week and I still haven't heard a thing for him. Emily said as she sipped her milkshake.
"I wonder what he's thinking." Noel said as she looked out the window of the small diner. "Don't get me wrong I know how everything sounds, but I just can't believe Andrew would do something like this."
"My dad stayed at our home for four days and he never showed up, his boss and partners haven't heard anything from him either and Andrew never even called me back when I called him. Noel I got a picture of him meeting with another woman and now he's nowhere to be seen or heard from." Emily stated as she sat her drank down. "I'm not asking you to pick side I know Andrew is the only thing to an older brother you have, but I really don't know what to think."
With a sigh Noel turned back to Emily "Don't you think he could be in trouble or something? He is a cop and there's no telling what kind of case he's been working on. Just think he's never done anything before to make you think he's up to something."
Frowning Emily leaned back in her seat "I'm thirty-six and he's thirty-two… don't you think he would want someone younger than me."
Noel scoffed "Seriously you need to stop listening to your younger sister, if Andrew wanted someone younger he would have never married you in the first place."
"How can you be so sure, he's been getting late night phone calls or he'll call people and then when I ask about him about them he says they're nothing and for me not to worry about it, but I can't help but worry."
Noel drummed her figures on the table "Well I don't know how many people he's been calling, but I do know that I'm one of them."
Emily's eyes widen "You! wh...what for?"
"You and Andrew are going to be married for five years if I remember correctly, and Andrew wanted to surprise you for your anniversary so we've been talking back and forth on what he should do."
"And...?" Emily asked starting to get sick.
Rubbing her arm Noel looked out the window before looking back to Emily. "He wants to take you to Hawaii for a month to see Danny and Grace."
"Ben, can I talk to you?" Peter asked as he climbed off of Andrew's motorcycle (Woops Peter should return that) as he waved to Molly who waved back as she was working on her flower bed.
"What can I do for you?" Ben asked looking up from the old car he was working on.
"Have you heard anything from Andrew? I know he only left two days ago, but you have to have heard something from him."
Looking toward Molly to make sure she wasn't listening, Ben shook his head "I haven't heard a word, I was hoping you had."
Looking to the ground Peter shoved his hands deep into his pockets and sighed. "Man this stinks; I wish I knew what was going on."
"You and me both, you and me both..."
"Well hello Peter how have you been?" Molly asked approaching the two men. "I hope work hasn't been to hard for you without Andrew there."
Rubbing the back of his head, Peter put on a fake smile. "It's been a little hard, but I'm hoping Andrew will show up soon and do his share of the paper work."
"Well the next time I see him I'll make sure, and have him do your work for a week." Molly joked "I was wondering if you would like to have supper tonight with us, I'm fixing lasagna."
"Uh…sure." Peter said glancing at Ben who shrugged his shoulders. "I need to go back to work now, but I come back around five."
"Alright we'll see you then."
Benjamin returned to working on the car as Molly watched Peter leave, immediately she turned around to her husband with her hands on her hips and fire in her eyes.
"Alright Benjamin Daniel Williams what are you not telling me!"
"Ouch!" Ben remarked as he banged the top of his head against the hood on the car. "What do you mean Molly?' he asked rubbing his head.
"I mean about Andrew, at first it looked like he stepped out on our daughter and I wanted his head on a silver platter, but now that I've been taking a closer look at this puzzle we find ourselves in I can tell that there is more to the story then I thought, and mister I know you and Peter know something that you're not telling anyone."
"Don't you 'Molly' me; I want to know what's going on."
Benjamin saw the determination in his wife eyes and knew there was no way he could keep the truth.
"What made you think there's more?" he asked leaning against the car crossing his arm over his chest.
"It doesn't take a detective to know when something isn't right, but I first thought about it the second night you were at Emily's and seeing Peter arrive just now on Andrew's death trap, just let me know, he knows something as well."
"I didn't want to tell you till I know more of what's going on Molly, or at least till I know Andrew and Danny are safe."
Molly's eyes widen "What do you mean safe; what's wrong? What happened to my babies?" Molly asked as her shoulder started to tremble.
"We might as well go inside." Ben said as he turned to shut the hood of the car.
"Stop stalling Benjamin, we're not going to go anywhere it you tell me what's happened to my children." Molly demanded as she grabbed her husband's arm and made him face her.
"Fine…when I went to Emily's place I was only there for a few hours before Peter showed up with Andrew and Grace."
Molly's eyes got even bigger at the mention of Grace's name.
"What is she doing here; shouldn't she be with Rachel or Danny in Hawaii?"
"I'll get to that, but as I was saying Andrew was in pretty bad shape he looked like he had been in a fight or something (Benjamin thought it would better not to tell Molly the whole truth) so I patched him up and he was asleep for a couple of days. I asked Peter why he didn't take him to a hospital and he said he tried, but somebody was waiting there for them."
Molly swallowed hard as Benjamin started to lead her toward the house.
"I then asked Grace what she was doing here and she said she and Rachel had come back from Hawaii and Danny was coming too…"
"Daniel is coming back." Molly repeated in surprise as they entered the house.
"He was." Benjamin replied. "But something came up and he had to stay…"
Guiding Molly to the couch they both set down as Ben continued.
"That Grace found something and she called Andrew to come and see it, and when he did some guys also wanted whatever it was and they went after Grace and Rachel…I believe it was Rachel, Andrew was seen with in the photo Emily received."
"Whe...where are they now?" Molly stuttered as she tried to take in everything she just heard.
"The bad guys as Grace put it, broke into the room and got Rachel…Andrew just managed to get Grace and escape out the fire escape…the rest doesn't matter now, and Andrew told me not to tell Emily because he didn't want her to be worried or get involved, but right now he's taking Grace back to Danny and is then he's going to look for Rachel."
Molly didn't say a word as she starred off in to the nothingness, getting to her feet Molly smoothed out her clothes.
"There's more you're not telling me isn't there?" Molly asked quietly.
"Yes." Benjamin answered resting his arms on his knees, looking to the floor.
"Lives in danger, I'm guessing?"
"Yes." Benjamin answered again.
"Fine." Molly said turning to face her husband "I will not tell Emily a thing, but I want one thing from you."
"And that is?" Benjamin asked concerned.
"I want to go to Hawaii."
"Don't you Molly me Benjamin, I've already lost one of my children this year and I don't want to lose another one." Molly stated cutting Benjamin off.
"Mathew's ex girlfriend, Noel can keep an eye on the place while we're gone and Emily has always wanted to go to Hawaii and beside if anything happens will be there already."
"Molly this isn't a game, things ca..."
"Benjamin we're going." Stated Molly as fire returned to her eyes.
Benjamin just shook his head, he knew his wife's mind was made up and there was no changing it, but in truth he wanted to go too.
"I'll check for the soonest flight."