Xena: Warrior Princess, Gabrielle, Argo and all other characters who have appeared in the syndicated series Xena: Warrior Princess, together with the names, titles and backstory are the sole copyright property of MCA/Universal and Renaissance Pictures. No copyright infringement was intended in the writing of this fan fiction. All other characters, the story idea and the story itself are the sole property of the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way. Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
This story depicts a love/sexual relationship between
en two consenting adult women. If you are under 18 years of age or if this type of story is illegal in the state or country in which you live, please do not read it. If depictions of this nature disturb you, you may wish to read something other than this story.
by mhutch0461
The Lady of the noble Quintus lounges on her bed of furs, extravagant gifts given by her husband to celebrate a glorious occasion.
"Wine! More wine for everyone. My wife is with child; a son that will one day rule this whole fucking city!" But held within our Domina's heart: a dark secret, fore no son of her virtue is to be born. A quick lie that day did pass her lips to pacify her savage lord. "Lucretia," a habitually apocryphal smile graces her face, "I present you with more gifts. Surely you will need help once our son is born. Behold … I present the finest of Greeks for the purpose." They follow their chains out to be displayed, unaware of the legend among them. "Remove them," the chains fall, releasing the pressure on all but one dark-woman's sorrowful heart, "Which of these is to be the christened?"
Lucretia picks the strongest, "Her," Xena: Warrior Princess looks up at her choosing, "I choose her to be primary."
For weeks Xena has been absorbing every detail of her confinement. The warrior couldn't help but notice the fine creature, mysterious as she was, for whom she serviced. The loss of her love has been great on her heart, and, with the torture the warrior undergoes each night with remembrances of Gabrielle's death, Xena knows she should keep her wandering eyes downcast. But she finds the pain ceasing at the mind numbing indulgences of sight, and the glorious touches she was privilege to.
"Get in". Broken out of thought, she bares attention to Domina, wading in the bath's waters.
"Yes Domina". The same circular motions take shape across her lady's shoulders and back, gently massaging delicate hands and lithe arms as the body molds to the warrior's caresses. Her Domina's skin warm, soft, and, as always, so inviting becomes as all other temptations: having to be resisted, a feat easy and habitual until now. Lucretia grabs hold of the warrior's wrist in order to stop Xena's attempt at pulling away from her completed work, "Have I not satisfied you?"
"No, you've done great. I didn't mean to startle you. I just didn't want it to stop. Everywhere you touch feels so good." The truth and nothing more, yet exciting for our hero to hear any such approvals.
"Like … here?" Xena massages her shoulders again.
"Mmm, yes." The warrior lets her hands glide over the dream before her. Domina moans in gratitude as Xena comes closer to that forbidden edge, but she resists.
"Domina, please forgive me, I must stop."
"I haven't ordered you to do otherwise."
"Yes, but … I …" Lucretia turns in the water to give a scolding glare only to view intense blue eyes engulfing her. With slight trepidation, she orders,
"I cannot allow you to trust me with your body. It's too difficult … to defy my instincts, to not just take … what I desire."
"Oh, please," Lucretia goes to turn away, making the conqueror flair from within the unknown danger Domina has servicing her. Before her mistress can process her senses, the warrior spins her about face. Restrained, with her hands behind her back.
"You think that I couldn't? That you could fight me off?!" Lucretia simply stares into the warrior's bright blue eyes, stunned.
"What do you want?"
"Nothing that I would harm you to get," Xena releases her, "I'm sorry. Forgive me, Domina." Looking at this enigma of a woman, Lucretia sees deep pain and sincerity.
"It's alright." She touches her prime's hand to find it trembling. Another glance at her eyes and Domina observes a single tear trail a path from her right, washing over her chiseled features. The warrior looks down in shame to have Lucretia place a hand on her cheek and tilt her head back up. Domina strokes her arm with her other hand comfortingly, and without warning embraces her companion, lack of clothes aside, "There is such agony in you. It plagues me, and now makes me regret that I haven't seen it sooner." She feels Xena beginning to pull away and tightens her hold, "Shhh, we needn't speak of it. Just let me take care of you … for my sake."
"You have given me more than enough, Domina. I'm forever in your debt."
"But I have taken your freedom."
"I chose this."
"To be a slave?"
"Strength is all I have. I am already held captive …" instead of natural tears, Lucretia feels rage start to convulse through Xena.
"None of it now. You need rest. Go get dressed and we'll go to my chambers."
"I will not inconvenience you."
"Nonsense, go … it's an order."
"Yes, Domina."
"Call me Lucretia."
"But it is forbidden."
"Are you defying your Domina?"
"No … Lucretia."
The warrior stands in the middle of her Domina's chambers: a mere arrangement of large, stone pillars, draped with cloth, the breeze blowing through them into a room with two pallets of furs and a table for wine with a jewel encrusted box sitting atop. She notices this chest so out of place and grows curious as to its purpose. Silently she approaches the table, no bigger than the length of her arm. Of all the gems out-lining its edges, the latch is left bare. One missing stone seems to be the key and the only thing between her and the mysteries of inside.
"Sorry to have kept you waiting," Xena startles back a good distance away from the box, "Our fair Quintus had to have a word."
"Harsh words?"
"Not this time."
"Good … so … to what duties do you, um, require me?"
"Merely to keep me company … and rest as I have already commanded."
"You cannot expect Dominous to let me sleep in his bed … for my needs."
"Ahh, yes, but he has gone to do business with Salemonious, and plans to stay the night within his accommodations."
"Alright … but do not let one need go unattended. What ever it is …"
"Sleep," Lucretia threads her fingers through the warrior's hair and massages her scalp, which she's learned makes her prime drowsier than any drug.
"Yes … Domina."
"Lucretia." Xena merely nods her head. "I'm going out on the balcony to watch the gladiators. If I need something I'll be sure to call."
"OK," soon she can do nothing but lie on the pallet and drift into a fitful slumber.
Xena lay there with Gabrielle by her side.
"This has been the best day of my life." The warrior looks down at the blonde and smiles.
"You know, Ephiny seemed to be surprised."
"She has it bad for you. That's why she seemed loopy throughout the whole thing."
"Yes, and she's not the only one. Many were devastated that their beautiful and alluring, warrior-bard queen was snatched up by the ruthless Conqueror of Nations."
"You're not that person anymore, Xena."
"What does it matter? Who I am now is because of you … the Light of my Life … my soul-mate … my wife."
"Mmm, that has such a lovely ring to it."
"Mm-hmm." She holds Gabrielle tight and falls asleep to hear an awful cry, Why weren't you there? Why didn't you protect me? Xena!
The Warrior Princess jumps in her sleep. Awakened from her nightmare she finds Lucretia curled up next to her. Too exhausted to care, she tries shaking her.
"Domina," but she will not rise. Suddenly, Xena's senses focus on carefully placed footsteps as someone tries to sneak up on them. Six foot, two-hundred and twenty pounds, knife, left-handed. The warrior knows his position and lays still, waiting. The assassin pounces for Lucretia to have the Warrior Princess follow his motions with a kick to the chest, sending him flying to the other side of the room and waking her Domina.
"Xena?" She gazes at a most incredible scene: her prime using her strength to fight off a hired hand with moves never before seen, from as far as the Land of Chin. Quickly disarming the man, she reverse kicks him back across the face, spinning him in mid-air before falling unconsciously in a pile on the floor.
"I had no idea …" Dominous stands in the doorway, just arriving back from his travels, and witness to the same spectacle as his wife, "… a woman beats a man twice her size senseless, and leads him to his death with Hades herself. I congratulate such a marvel!" He goes to his Domina's side, "We congratulate." Quintus puts out his hand. The warrior takes it in a firm, close-to-Amazon grip, "Impressive," pacing the room he contemplates what seems to be the biggest decision of his life, "I will implore you … since you have protected my wife where I have failed, and so efficiently … become a gladiator. Train in my house and exceed your skill for the sole purpose of protecting your Domina. Grow well enough to participate in the games and fight in my honor. Surely you realize what a privilege this is. No other house in their right mind would give Capua a woman to fight for them. But I see the potential, and have great faith in your ability … your display here surely soothes my rash decision. What say you?"
"I … I would be honored, Dominous … to fight for you and my Domina," Xena stares longer at Lucretia and bows slightly, only supporting the enigma-like quality of her, acting more of a warrior pledging than a lady.
"Well then … tomorrow you will report to Doctore to begin training. Mind you some of the men will not approve, but I feel you'll be able to hold your own."
"Yes, Dominous."
"Splendid. Someone get this filth of a man off my floors!"
The Warrior Princess sits in her room motionless, staring off into the distance, but only at a wall of her cell.
"You mustn't be so hard on yourself, Xena," Gabrielle walks over to the bed and sits with her wife.
"But I let them at you. They never should have gotten that close."
"You believed in me. You knew I could defend myself. But when you got hurt …"
"It gave him the one second he needed to kill you," Xena stands and walks away from the blonde.
"It's not your fault." The warrior turns and falls to her knees at Gabrielle's feet, tears in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry, my love." Her wife's head buried in her lap, the Bard strokes raven black hair.
"Remember … no matter what happens, I will never leave you."
"Gabrielle," she finds herself with her head in a pillow when the guard yells for her to prepare for their going to the training grounds.
"Get ready … gladiator."
Out in the blazing sun stands Doctore, the first man to ever survive against Theocolese: the Shadow of Death. He cracks his whip.
"In line!" All the gladiators, including the Champion of Capua and his right hand Barca, file a line before their Dominous.
"Gentlemen, today history is marked … a thing of Legend! For years this lotus has presented the finest gladiators of Rome … I am pleased to see you keeping this legacy alive," he looks to Crixus and the gladiator bows his head, "but today I present you with your equal," Xena walks out with all the prowess of the Conqueror of Nations and stares down her bothers, "the first ever woman gladiator!"
"NO! A woman cannot be a gladiator!" The champion breaks rank, staring wildly from Dominous to the girl. "Who in their right mind would allow such a thing?!"
"Crixus, hold your tongue." Doctore prepares his whip, pushing the Gaul back in line with his advance.
"Doctore, this is a disgrace to the add a sister!"
"Hold your tongue or have it cut out and fed to the dogs." A sinister, commanding stare silences the Gaul.
"Thank you, Doctore. Xena will be training to fight in the games. Do with her what you will … at your peril." The men grin evilly, Domina watching above, and come towards their unsuspected master. Xena doesn't move but to close her eyes and take in everything around her. They charge for her and immediately she lets out a bone chilling war cry, "Ayiyiyiyiaaa!" before knocking them all senseless. Kick, jab, punch, a melee of attacks do them in. Then she faces Crixus. They circle each other, all Brothers waiting for the Champion to strike, to be victorious. He charges for her torso. Xena steps to the side, elbows him hard just below the neck, making him bend over a degree more; rolls over his back to the crate full of swords behind him. Grabbing two, she turns, anticipating his second charge, and kicks behind his knee, putting him back-side on the sands, each sword crisscrossed with Crixus' head in between a pair of make-shift scissors.
"By the Gods," Lucretia whispers to herself.
"See Lucretia, I provide you the best. Look here men! Already she has Crixus, the fucking Champion of Capua's life in her hands! She sweeps across the golden sons and conquers. Behold … the Dark Night!" All the men, besides the now defeated Gaul, cheer for their new sister. But the warrior does not look to their faces. She looks up at the balcony of her Domina and bows again, seemingly honoring her house, staring intensely at Lucretia, making her mistress' blood boil over. Clutching at her cloth, she takes in a shuddering breath at the sapphire blues focused solely on her, to have her husband inquire,
"Lucretia, are you alright?"
"Yes, I … just need some rest … a bath maybe, to help with the pain."
"Ah, our son is already a handful, is he?"
"Yes, Dominous," a light peck on the lips to satisfy him and Lucretia leaves to find her gladiator.