Well, here's the new chapter. I know; I haven't updated any stories all year, I won't give any excuses, I've just been having a bad year for writing, I'm going to try to change that, but I'm not making any promises, I think I do better with writing when I don't have to focus on one specific thing, so my writing might be a little more spread out between different stories in the near future, but as I said, no promises on faster updates, but I'll try not to take this long again.

I don't own anything.

Chapter 7: Red

"…Nothing," Megumi said; giving a sigh out of frustration as she looked over the school yard that was previously the battlefield for the Alien Fighters, and the unidentified alien, what was frustrating for Megumi was she had come up with the exact same results as the last time she had looked here; nothing: No sign of the alien. No sigh of the girls. No tracks. Not any sort of lead; just nothing.

"I do now see what you meant by no evidence before, Megumi." Chisa said; with a groan as she looked around alongside Megumi "There really doesn't appear to be any sort of lead whatsoever."

"That is what I was saying before Chisa," Megumi said; looking at her friend "We need to start considering that there is more to this than a typical alien attack," Megumi suggested, and Chisa began to consider as she thought about how this had gone so far; the Alien Fighters were gone without a trace, so was the alien, and the alien could not be identified, no matter how many times she had looked over the database.

"I'll…consider it," Chisa muttered before turning and walking back to the school; she did have to admit Megumi made some good points, but if this wasn't a mere alien attack, then what was it? This was all starting to become rather unsettling for Chisa. Before Chisa could get very far towards the school Megumi spoke again.

"We've never encountered something like this Chisa, it really has been a while since we had no idea what was going on," Megumi said before frowning and looking at the ground "I hate it, it's like being a kid in the Alien Party again," Megumi stated in an angry voice, Chisa looked back at her friend and sighed before nodding.

"I suppose that's how it feels; it really has been a very long time since we last didn't know what was going on, not even the Yellowknife incident can compare to this, we may not have been in control there but at least we knew what we were dealing with, but now…" Chisa trailed off; trying to think of how to describe the current situation.

"Maybe you just aren't seeing things from all perspectives," a deep voice hissed from behind them, Chisa and Megumi quickly turned to see a red cloaked figure coming from the school. Megumi and Chisa took a moment to look at this person; by the voice he was clearly a he; but you wouldn't be able to tell that just be looking at him; he was covered head to toe in a red cloak, including a hood that concealed his face, except for a small opening from which you could see his blue eyes, but nothing else. His hands were covered with black gloves and Megumi and Chisa also noticed a pair of purple; curled shoes peeking out of the bottom of his cloak.

"Um…who are you?" Chisa asked; feeling suspicious of strangely dressed person that was approaching them; Megumi seemed to agree with her sentiments from how she was looking at him.

"I was sent to help you, as for who I am, just call me Mr. D" the cloaked person; Mr. D, as he called himself said calmly; Megumi eyed him at this statement.

"Mr. D? And sent by whom?" Megumi questioned; both finding the name; if you could call it that since it was clearly an alias, and how he spoke of being sent to help them pretty strange overall.

"The higher ups in the Alien Party of course," Mr. D answered, in his calm tone of voice that had not changed since he first spoke to them.

"We had no word of any help being sent," Chisa countered.

"We haven't even reported what happened yet, mainly because we still don't know," Megumi added, Mr. D didn't respond for a minute as he looked between them, before he spoke again.

"I don't know what you have to report, I was sent to help with the training of the girls, I understand that Kawamura and Tomine are doing mostly fine, but also that Otani could use some help in the mental strength department," Mr. D stated professionally, Megumi and Chisa seemed surprised by what he said and glanced at each other with uncertainty.

"Um…they all have strengths and weaknesses, but yes, Yuri would probably need the most help," Megumi confirmed.

"We don't recall anything about help being sent," Chisa added coolly; trying to hide her distain for the red cloaked figure.

"It was on short notice," Mr. D answered; Megumi and Chisa didn't know what to think of that answer; on one hand it sounded like an excuse you could think of in a minute, on the other, he sounded completely sure of himself when he said it.

"Could you give us a moment?" Megumi asked the cloaked man; while gesturing to Chisa.

"Of course, Ms. Hisakawa, Okada, take your time," Mr. D agreed with a nod.

"Thank you," Megumi thanked before pulling Chisa away and out of earshot of the mysterious person.

"What he says can't be true, it makes no sense," Chisa whispered.

"It is strange, but he does seem to at least know some stuff," Megumi whispered back, while looking at Mr. D who seemed to be just staring off into space; which only unnerved Megumi further.

"He's clearly a spy of some sort," Chisa whispered again; also glancing at Mr. D "He must have been sent by one of the other clans."

"Maybe…" Megumi admitted silently "We don't know for sure, I'll stay out here and see if I can find anything out about him, or what happened to the girls, you go in and call our superiors and find out if they did send this guy," Megumi said; still keeping her voice low so Mr. D could not hear; Chisa nodded in agreement and quickly went off towards the school.

"What's the sudden rush?" Mr. D asked Chisa as she passed him but Megumi quickly went over to him.

"Never mind her, she needs to check on some stuff inside," Megumi said; she wasn't lying so she didn't really need to try sounding convincing, and the red cloaked man didn't seem to find what she said odd, on the other hand; she couldn't even see his face.

"…Tell me, how did the girls disappear?" Mr. D questioned; seemingly not caring about Chisa's leaving. Deciding that even if he was a spy, knowing what she knew about the girls vanishing wouldn't help him, and seeing this as a chance to stall for Chisa, Megumi began explaining what she knew.

Chisa walked into her office and gave a small, relived sigh, being away from that creepy guy was already starting to calm her, though she did feel a little bad for leaving Megumi alone with him, she knew her friend would be able to handle herself, and she needed to find out if this guy was who he said he was.

Chisa picked up her phone and quickly dialed a number.

"Who's a cute little seal-cupid-thingy? You are! Yes you are!" Kasumi cooed to the cheering MarineAngemon she held in her hands.

"That was very odd," Kumi muttered; glancing back at the Hypnos building as they were all walking away from it.

"Yes, you are the cutest thing ever!" Kasumi giggled; as she began to bounce MarineAngemon up and down in her hands; Kumi found herself trying to ignore her friend's antics with the angelic digimon, whose partner; Kenta, was now going over to Kasumi.

"MarineAngemon, you were supposed to wait for me," Kenta groaned, even though MarineAngemon was in Kasumi's arms, Kenta knew he could've floated out of them anytime he wanted, MarineAngemon made a cooing noise before floating out of Kasumi's arms and nuzzling Kenta's face.

"Sorry, I just wanted to play with him," Kasumi said; apologetically, not liking the idea she might have upset one of her potential new friends, though Kenta didn't seem really upset, just slightly annoyed, Kasumi couldn't be too sure as she didn't know him.

"It's no big deal, really," Kenta waved off Kasumi's concerns as they continued to walk, with MarineAngemon floating between Kenta and Kasumi in a playful manner.

"Pipipi!" MarineAngemon cheered as Kasumi pet him; happily, Kumi couldn't help but roll her eyes at what she was seeing; they were trapped in an alternate dimension and Kasumi was acting like…well; Kasumi.

"Don't lag!" Kumi chided Kasumi; whom had stopped walking for a moment; to give MarineAngemon yet another pat on the head, before Kumi saw it necessary to start pulling her along.

"Nya!" Kasumi cried out in some protest; but didn't struggle and soon started walking willingly again.

"So, Takato, what was that stuff about your friends being from another world back there?" Kazu asked Takato who didn't look amused at being asked that question.

"Please not now Kazu, that's not exactly something I'm all too sure of myself, I'll explain what I can later," Takato explained with a sigh, Kazu considered pressing the issue further, but decided to just wait for Takato to explain as he noticed his friend was looking pretty exacerbated.

"Ok, suit yourself, Chumley," Kazu said with a shrug "But, you'll have to come clean about this eventually, or maybe I'll ask your girlfriend," Kazu added; looking over at Yuri who was being approached by Jeri.

"She's not my girlfriend," Takato grunted; looking down to hide his face, Guilmon looked at Takato curiously, but decided to wait until later to ask why his face was red.

"So, Yuri, right?" Jeri asked Yuri who looked at her nervously and nodded "Takato said you're his old friend, how long have you known him?" Jeri asked with a friendly smile.

"Um…about eight years," Yuri managed to say; feeling somewhat calmed by Jeri's friendliness.

"Wow, you've known him longer than me, Kazu, and Kenta have," Jeri admitted, Yuri wasn't sure why, but she felt a tiny bit of pride at knowing that "So, how did you two meet?" Jeri suddenly asked and Yuri froze.

"Um…" Yuri didn't know what to say now, sure, she could just say how she and Takato met, but it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to explain, and this girl would probably think she's crazy if she tried.

"Are you ok?" Jeri asked in concern; noticing Yuri's deteriorating demeanor, Yuri's borg; seeing his host in distress, decided to speak up at this moment.

"Yuri is very shaken up from this whole "other world" thing, as we all are, at this moment, could you be so kind as to wait until later to ask her more questions?" the red borg asked politely; Jeri was a bit startled by the borg suddenly speaking.

"Oh! Sorry, almost forgot you were there," Jeri apologized to the symbiotic alien who gave an annoyed grunt.

"As it is, Yuri's borg is right, this is all a bit overwhelming," Kumi said; glancing back at the Hypnos building with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Um, guys, where exactly are we even going?" Kazu finally asked, and at that question everyone in the group stopped walking and looked at each other.

"Weren't we going home Kazu?" Guardromon asked his tamer in confusion.

"I thought we were going back to Takato's house," Yuri muttered, while looking over at Takato.

"I did too," Guilmon agreed; also looking at Takato, who gave a sign and shrugged.

"Well, I think it would be a good idea to head to the park," Kazu suggested, grinning widely "We can show these girls what we do around here, including how I beat you guys at digimon cards," Kazu said, while smirking.

"Digimon cards?" Kumi asked skeptically, while raising her eyebrow, Yuri, Kasumi and the borgs were equally confused; they knew the creatures with them were digimon, and now there were cards?

"Actually, I think we should head home, it's getting pretty late," Henry said, looking towards the now setting sun, Kazu gave a groan of disappointment at that statement.

"Ya Kazu, as much as I'd love to humiliate you with another crushing defeat, I have to agree with Henry," Rika added; smirking, Kazu glared at her but said nothing.

"Come on guys, we don't have to go home yet, it's only like, five," Kazu tried to convince them.

"Six," Rika corrected; looking at her cell phone, Kumi looked at her and almost slapped herself in realization.

"That's still not too bad," Kazu countered, before an argument could break out, they were interrupted by Kumi's voice.

"Hello, mom?" Kumi questioned; holding a cell phone to her ear "Kumi Kawamura, I live there, who are you?" Kumi asked the person she was speaking too, a few moments later Kumi gave a groan of frustration "I can't believe this," Kumi muttered; putting her phone away "I tried calling home and some random guy I've never met answered the phone, claiming it was his house," Kumi said as she rubbed her forehead in exasperation.

"You've had your phone this whole time?" Yuri's borg asked, looking at Kumi in a questioning way, Kumi sighed.

"I didn't think to use it, ok, it didn't work anyway," Kumi said; frustrated.

"It's ok Kumi, we'll figure this out," Kumi's own borg assured her.

"Hey, I just thought of something," Kasumi said, putting her little game with MarineAngemon on hold as she looked over at her friends with her usual cheerful demeanor.

"And that would be?" Kumi questioned; hoping whatever Kasumi was going to say was relevant.

"Where are we going to sleep?" Kasumi questioned; never losing her smile, the other two alien fighters eyes widened, as did all the borgs, when they realized they had no idea.

"You've got plenty of time to figure that out, don't worry," Kazu said; nonchalantly, Kumi, as well as the other tamers looked at Kazu with irritated expressions.

"Well personally, I would like to establish where exactly I will be saying while I'm stuck in this crazy world as soon as possible!" Kumi exclaimed; Kazu was surprised by Kumi's voice's sudden raise in volume and took a step back.

"Can't they just rent a room at the nearest inn?" Terriermon questioned in his usual humorous way.

"No, we don't have any money, at least not enough to do anything like that," Kumi said as calmly as she could, even as she was slowly losing her cool over this.

"Well, wherever you're staying, it's not going to be my house," Rika stated; her arms crossed, Kumi glared at her.

"I wasn't going to ask to stay at your house," Kumi said in an angry tone, the two glared at each other for a moment before turning their heads away from each other in a huff. Takato; deciding to ignore the clear animosity between Kumi and Rika, looked at Yuri with a kind smile as an idea came to mind.

"Hey Yuri, would you like to stay over at my house? I've got an extra bunk, Guilmon sometimes uses it, but not usually," Takato offered.

"I…would like that," Yuri muttered with a shy smile "I would like to spend time with you again," she added, some of her shyness dissolving.

"Great, it will be like old times," Takato said; smiling widely "Except, you know, other people will be able to see you," Takato added with a small laugh, he then noticed some of the odd looks he was getting; mainly from Kumi, Kazu, Kenta, and Rika "What? She's my old friend, we have tons of catching up to do," Takato said, calmly before smiling at Yuri again who smiled back with a small blush.

"Ya, we're going to have fun!" Guilmon cheered looking up at Yuri, Yuri looked at Guilmon and hesitantly nodded.

"This should be interesting," Yuri's borg said; looking down at Guilmon.

"Well that covers where you will stay," Kumi said to Yuri, she then turned to Takato "But I assume you don't have any room for others?" she asked Takato; who uncomfortably looked away.

"Sorry, if we had an extra room I would have offered it to Yuri," Takato explained, Kumi gave him a small smile; telling him she understood.

"That's just like you, huh Gogglehead?" Rika stated with a smirk; Takato frowned at her but she shrugged it off "What? That's how you are, always trying to help, right?" Rika questioned, Takato glared at her for a moment before smiling.

"Well, at least you get that, but you don't have to be so adverse to Kumi," Takato pointed out, both Rika and Kumi frowned again and glared at each other, before turning away.

"I'm not adverse, I just don't want to be around someone that frustrating," Rika stated in a calm tone.

"Not like I'd want to be near you for a moment more than I'd have to be," Kumi said, in an equally calm tone.

"Um…Jeri, don't you have some space at your house?" Takato questioned, not wanting Rika and Kumi's; currently calm irritation at each other to escalate into a fight of some sort, and wanting to make sure Yuri's friend had a place to stay.

"I think so, ya there's a spare room," Jeri said after some thought, she smiled at Kumi who couldn't help giving a smile of her own towards the good natured girl.

"That would be very kind of you; to welcome us into your home," Kumi's borg said in gratitude, Jeri couldn't help but give a small giggle at the creature that she had only a little while ago thought was a hat; thanking her in such a polite way.

"Where will we stay? Nya," Kasumi questioned; referring to herself, her borg, and one other being, most around them probably weren't aware of. Kasumi looked over at MarineAngemon and smiled.

"How would you like me to come over for a sleepover at your house?" Kasumi questioned the small mega, who gave a little sound of approval; unfortunately, said plans would have to be cut short.

"Um, sorry, I don't think you can stay at my place," Kenta said, Kasumi and MarineAngemon both looked disappointed as the latter floated over to his partner and sighed, there was a moment of silence as the question of where Kasumi would stay hung in the air.

"Well, I suppose she could stay at my apartment," Henry finally said, Kasumi looked over at Henry and smiled.

"Nya! Thanks!" Kasumi happily exclaimed.

"Well this should be fun," Terriermon stated in a sarcastic tone, Henry gave no response to the sarcastic comment of his partner.

"Well, I guess that settles that," Takato said; happy that Yuri's friends each had a place to stay, and that he would be able to spend some time with his old friend "And I think we should all head home now before it gets too late," Takato added.

"Oh come on Chumley, don't be a party pooper, I say we go to the park," Kazu protested, but nobody seemed to agree with him on this.

"I agree with Takato, it's late, we should go home," Henry said, before walking over to Kasumi "Come on, I'll need to explain this to my parents if you're going to be staying with us," Henry said, Kasumi nodded; still smiling.

"Are you sure your parents we'll be ok with us staying at your houses?" Kumi questioned while walking over to Jeri.

"Don't worry, our parents will understand, once we explained what we know," Takato assured; thinking that after everything that has happened in the past, some girls and aliens coming from another world wouldn't be that hard to explain to their parents.

"Oh come on," Kazu groaned.

"Kazu, I must remind you that I promised your parents I would get you home by dinner time, I'm pretty sure it's getting close to dinner time," Guardromon stated, Kazu just groaned again; knowing he was defeated.

"Fine, but Chumley, remember you promised you would explain this whole other world thing to us," Kazu said and Takato groaned but nodded.

"Fine Kazu, tomorrow, we'll explain everything we know to you guys," Takato had hoped that Kazu had forgotten about that, but he also knew that an explanation would have to be made eventually, hopefully tomorrow he would have the energy to make said explanation, at least with help it wouldn't be so bad.

"This is what you need to see tamer," Tapirmon said and Miyu could only stare at what the small, ghost-like digimon was showing her, down the path she had been led was a small room, filled with many large, and high-tech looking computers, there were a few computers back in the main room they had come from, but those looked like normal computers, these looked like something the military might use.

"How did you get these?" Miyu asked; she knew computers like this were not exactly easy to obtain, she did know that these digimon were not exactly human, and that she wasn't even in her own world anymore, but she was sure that getting computers like this wasn't the easiest thing in the world, even in a digital world.

"We built them," Shamanmon; the friendlier of Miyu's two new 'partners' stated with pride in his voice.

"Yes, it was hard to salvage all of those spare parts and get this all in proper working order, but our efforts speak for themselves," Tapirmon added before floating over to the controls and pressing a button, Miyu took a step back as the computer screens lit up the room, Tapirmon began typing on a keyboard as many symbols and patterns that Miyu could not understand danced across the screens.

"What is he doing?" Miyu asked, glancing over at Kotemon and Goblimon; who stood beside her, Goblimon; who Miyu would consider the meaner one of her 'partners', seemed to eye her with disdain, Kotemon on the other hand seemed more willing to treat her in a friendly manner.

"Checking the systems for any detected anomalies," Kotemon answered, though that didn't really clear much up for Miyu; she didn't know what kind of anomalies she meant.

"There is certainly some disruption," Tapirmon stated, while looking at the screens with concentration, still typing on the keyboard he was in front of "These disruptions aren't just effecting our digital world, but many worlds; digital, and real," Tapirmon's words only confused Miyu further.

"You said before that this was the digital world, now you're saying there's more than one?" Miyu questioned.

"It's not that simple," Shamanmon said; he was also looking at the monitors and frowned "But I'm not sure if now is the best time to go into a big explanation, it seems like something is trying to tear through reality, likely from another one to this one, or vice-versa."

"That would explain the recent damage to the digital world, and maybe even why some digimon have been acting more aggressive lately," Tapirmon said with a thoughtful look on his face, he noticed Miyu looking at him and nodded to her "Anyway, you being here at least can help us fix this," Tapirmon stated in a way that made Miyu nervous; they expected her to help fix this? She didn't even know what was happening.

"How am I supposed to help?" Miyu questioned; she felt she needed some answers on what they expected her to do if she was going to help; Goblimon didn't seem to see it that way.

"You're supposed to know what to do! That's why you were called!" Goblimon growled in anger.

"How would I know what to do? You guys just dragged me here with no warning or anything! How could I know anything!?" Miyu snapped; she didn't mean to come off as harsh as she did, but she was getting really irritated by Goblimon's attitude. Goblimon gave Miyu an intense glare, but Kotemon stepped forward and extended her bamboo sword to block Goblimon's path.

"She is right Goblimon; we can't really expect her to know anything after being dragged here, out of nowhere," Kotemon stated, Goblimon didn't look happy but Kotemon continued "You should really stop being so aggressive towards your partner, you need to work together in order to help solve this problem," Goblimon glared at Kotemon before stomping his foot on the ground.

"Who said I ever even wanted a partner! This was not my idea! You guys are the ones who thought we needed a tamer to help us!" Goblimon's shouted. Miyu just looked away from the raging rookie, while Shamanmon and Tapirmon both took notice of his anger.

"Please calm down," Shamanmon pleaded "We need to look at the bigger picture here, Miyu is not used to this kind of thing, she just got here, and as her partners it is just as much our duty to find a way to fix these problems as it is hers," Shamanmon explained, Miyu felt slightly better; hearing her friendlier partner basically say that they will help her with this supposed duty of hers, Goblimon however did not seem any happier, but he did seem to have calmed down.

"Well, as soon as you can figure out how she can be useful you can come and get me, because I'm not staying in this darn computer room any longer," Goblimon stated before walking off in a huff, Miyu couldn't help but feel somewhat sad that a creature that was supposed to be her partner was showing so much disdain for her, but on the other hand she did have to admit she knew little of what to do here, she thought this might be an opportunity to be special like her friends, but she was beginning to think that maybe she wasn't cut out for something like this. Shamanmon seemed to notice his tamers distress and decided to try to ease it.

"Don't worry about him, Goblimon is just like that, he will warm up to you, and realize that we need to work together like the previous tamers did with their digimon," Shamanmon explained, but Miyu did not really know how to feel about that statement.

"I have never met, or even seen these previous tamers, how am I supposed to emulate people I know nothing about?" Miyu questioned, Shamanmon didn't look like he had an answer as he seemed to think about what Miyu had said.

"I do admit that we ourselves have only heard of the exploits of the previous tamers," Tapirmon admitted, Miyu didn't know what to make of that revelation; did these guys even know what they wanted her to do? She was about to say something about this but stopped when she felt something shake below her feet, Miyu looked down, as did the three digimon with her as the ground began to shake.

"An earthquake?" Kotemon questioned; sticking her sword in the ground in an attempt to keep herself balanced. Miyu and Shamanmon both nearly toppled over from the shaking, but managed to stay up. Tapirmon; being able to float, was not affected by the shaking, floated over to the computer console and looked at some symbols flashing on the screen.

"No it's not an earthquake, it's something else," Tapirmon stated as he looked over the data on the screen "Something is moving under the base, and it's heading towards the main room, where Goblimon is!" Tapirmon exclaimed.

"We need to go to him, now!" Kotemon said seriously.

"Agreed!" Shamanmon and Tapirmon shouted, simultaneously, Miyu did not argue with the digimon's decision; Goblimon may not like her, but she was going to do her best to help.

"Stupid human," Goblimon grumbled as he stomped around the main room of the base of their resistance group; though Goblimon was beginning to wonder if they could even call it that, as there were only four of them, and they weren't really sure exactly what they were 'resisting' "Whatever's happening we can do it without a tamer, I didn't like this plan, but the others thought bringing in a tamer was so important!" Goblimon continued to rage, but his thoughts were interrupted by a tremor that shook the entire base. Goblimon tried to keep his balance as the ground shook. Goblimon grabbed onto a nearby wall to hold himself up as the trembling continued.

"Goblimon!" Kotemon exclaimed; running in from the hall, followed by Shamanmon, Tapirmon, and Miyu; all four were trying their best to keep their balance as they made their way over to Goblimon.

"What is going on here!?" Goblimon asked; assuming that his friends had an answer for why the ground was shaking. No one had a chance to answer Goblimon as something burst from the ground in the center of the room, clouds of dust flew around and the form of the intruder could vaguely be seen through them.

"What is that?" Miyu questioned; feeling some fear at seeing the larger creature's form within the dust cloud, she could make out a tall, somewhat humanoid shape, she also was sure she saw a large drill coming from where its nose should be.

"Digmon," Shamanmon identified "a champion-class armor digimon, they can dig through the ground with their drills and attack with a mighty Gold Rush attack," Shaman explained quickly as the dust cleared, Miyu wasn't sure what 'champion-class' and 'armor digimon' meant here, but she was too focused on the new digimon to question it. Miyu could now fully make out the form of the digimon called Digmon, other than its tall, humanoid form, and the drill on its nose, she could also see two smaller drills in place of fingers on its hands, as well as a secondary pair of arms that did actually have three fingers on each hand, she also saw two large toes on its feet, and a pair of what looked like antenna sprouting from its head.

"Something's off about this digmon," Kotemon said; glaring at the now fully revealed armor digimon "Digmon are yellow, not red!" Kotemon pointed it, and this creature was indeed red, mostly covered in what appeared to be red armor, or perhaps an exoskeleton, its whole body was just red, other than a few black parts on the limbs and a purple belly, even its eyes were red.

"You're right, it's also missing its normal markings," Tapirmon agreed, Miyu had no idea how this creature was supposed to look, all she knew was what she was looking at now; a big, red bug, with huge drills, it reminded her a little of some of the aliens that her friends would have to deal with on occasion, and now it seemed she would have to deal with this.

The tremors had noticeably stopped, so Miyu and the four rookies regained their normal balance. The new digimon looked at each of the four digimon, as well as the one human, it barely acknowledged their presence before it turned and began looking around the room, after a few moments of the armor digimon examining its surroundings, Goblimon had regained his confidence and decided to give this intruder a piece of his mind.

"Hey! You!" Goblimon growled; stomping up to the larger digimon; the others nearly held their breath as they expected Goblimon to be attacked by the larger digimon, but Digmon did not seem very interested in the small, green digimon; in fact the drill wielding insect did not even seem to acknowledge Goblimon's existence, it simply kept looking around; which only infuriated Goblimon further "I'm talking to you!" Goblimon hissed in as intimidating a voice he could muster, but Digmon simply continued to ignore him.

"Goblimon, I would suggest stepping away," Kotemon tried to persuade the irritated digimon, but he was too frustrated to listen to her at this point, all he could focus on was the strange colored digmon that had just burst into their base, and was now completely ignoring them in favor of examining its surroundings as if their little base was something amazing to behold, Goblimon raised his club, intent on smacking the irritating digimon with it, but just as he was about to Digmon seemed to freeze, Goblimon actually took a step back; finding the sudden change almost creepy, Digmon's eyes glazed over as it seemed to come to some sort of decision.

"Ok…that is creepy," Miyu muttered, stepping behind Shamanmon; despite him being much shorter than her she still felt somewhat protected.

"What exactly is going through your head?" Goblimon, who had regained some of his composure, questioned Digmon, said armor digimon glared at the wall it was facing, and then…

"Gold rush!" Digmon's sudden attack caught them all off guard, especially since it was not aimed at any of them; the drills from the attack impacted on the walls, causing the beginnings of destruction to the inside of their base.

"Hey! Sto-" Tapirmon tried to shouted, but the falling rock, and dust that made up their base kept him from speaking as he, along with Shamanmon, Kotemon, Goblimon, and Miyu attempted to avoid injury due to Digmon's continuing attacks.

"Gold rush!" more drills destroyed more and more of the base.

"We need to get out of here!" Shamanmon shouted as the whole base shook from Digmon's attacks; it was becoming apparent that the whole cave they had made their base in could collapse at any moment.

"Are you crazy!? We can take him!" Goblimon protested, he tried to step forward to get at a good position to attack Digmon, but the dust and debris was making it difficult to even see anything.

"Why is it doing this!?" Miyu was panicking; her mind was racing, would she die here? Would anyone ever know what happened to her? How would her parents feel? What about Yuri? All these thoughts were going through Miyu's distraught mind before she noticed she was being pulled, she looked to see a green hand pulling her own before glancing at Shamanmon; who was rushing both her and Goblimon; who was struggling to go back and attack Digmon; out as fast as he could.

"Kotemon, Tapirmon! Come on!" Shamanmon shouted back at their friends who had ended up on the other end of the room in their own attempts to avoid the debris.

"You just get out! We'll be fine!" Tapirmon shouted back, Shamanmon wanted to protest, but it was at this moment that Digmon decided to start acknowledging their existence and was now focusing on the one human in the room, along with her two partners.

"We can't just leave you!" Miyu cried out.

"No, they're right!" Shamanmon said to Miyu with a serious look on his face "They can get out through the tunnels; we need to get you out of here!" Miyu didn't know what Shamanmon meant by 'tunnels' but she did see Kotemon and Tapirmon quickly moving back down the hall, where the computer room was "Move!" Shamanmon commanded both Miyu and Goblimon before they all rushed towards the exit of the cave, narrowly missing a swipe from the now enraged digmon.

"Gold rush!" they kept running as the drills from Digmon's attack almost hit them, luckily they avoided them but the attack still caused the cave more disturbance and increased the speed in which it was collapsing, as Miyu, Shamanmon, and the now more willing Goblimon finally made it to the end of the entrance of the cavern and jumped out into what appeared to be a desert. Miyu took a moment to view her first look at the supposed 'digital world' but her observations would have to wait; as Digmon had not given up the chase.

"We shouldn't keep running!" Goblimon growled; standing up and facing the approaching insect digimon.

"It is of champion-class strength, we are only rookies," Shamanmon countered.

"I really don't know what those mean," Miyu sighed, Digmon glared at her as it stomped forward, Miyu felt really nervous with the creature's almost mindless eyes glaring at her, and the huge drill where its nose should have been pointed at her.

"You're a tamer, aren't you? Well now would be a good time to digivolve us!" Goblimon shouted at Miyu who simply looked confused and scared.

"I don't know how!" Miyu shouted back; she was panicking now, Shamanmon placed his hand on her shoulder again but this time she jerked away from him and started breathing erratically "I-I don't know! I don't know!" Miyu whimpered, she didn't know what to do, but now she understood more than ever how Yuri felt when she was thrown into the job of fighting aliens, Miyu wasn't sure she would make it out of this alive.

"Get back!" the voice of a young male shouted; startling Miyu, Shamanmon, and Goblimon, Digmon did not seem to notice and was still focusing on Miyu, but a dark form jumped over and blocked the drilling insectoid's path.

"You heard Ryo, get back!" the large figure growled; looking down at Miyu and her two partners. Miyu looked up at the creature and was startled to see it looked like some sort of cyborg dragon-man, she wasn't sure if this creature was a friend or foe, but she decided to do as it said and moved back along with her two partners "Now then, time for you to back off!" the draconic creature growled at Digmon; who didn't seem to notice the new presence and tried to move past him, but the dragon-man would not have that and grappled Digmon, halting its movement "Nice try! Cyber Nail!" Digmon was knocked back by the ferocious slash from the claws of the cyborg dragon-man, Goblimon and Shamanmon were somewhat amazed by this digimon easily knocking away their attacker, Miyu was conflicted on if she should feel amazed, or scared.

"Cyberdramon," Shamanmon identified.

"Cyberdramon?" Miyu questioned, Shamanmon nodded and they proceeded to watch the new digimon; named Cyberdramon beat the red digmon into the ground.

"Cyber Nail!" Cyberdramon preformed his attack again; fiercely striking Digmon who could not even attempt a counterattack due to the speed of its opponent.

"Digmon doesn't stand a chance, Cyberdramon is an ultimate level digimon," Goblimon muttered, though Miyu could hear a bit of annoyance in his voice, she was pretty sure that her being unable to 'digivolve' them, or whatever it was had something to do with his annoyance, that and probably needing to be saved. They watched the one-sided fight for a few moments, which pretty much consisted of Cyberdramon beating Digmon around easily, it seemed Digmon had realized that there was no winning here and quickly burrowed into the ground to retreat.

"No! You are not running from me!" Cyberdramon growled and it looked like he would've dug into the ground after Digmon right then and there, but he stopped when a voice called to him.

"That's enough Cyberdramon, I think you've made your point," the same young, male voice from earlier called out, Miyu looked over and was surprised to see what looked like another human, he was a bit older than her, probably around thirteen, or fourteen, and had brown hair, she also saw an odd gauntlet of sorts on his right arm, Miyu looked back over at the digimon known as Cyberdramon and was surprised to see he had calmed down.

"Very well, Ryo," Cyberdramon muttered with a slight growl to his voice.

"Ryo!?" Goblimon exclaimed in shock, Miyu jumped with a yelp at Goblimon's shout, Shamanmon did not seem to be effected by it.

"I thought all the tamers had left," Shamanmon questioned; looking between the boy named Ryo, and Cyberdramon.

"Tamer?" Miyu questioned, looking at Goblimon's annoyed face, and Shamanmon's fascinated one, before looking back at the tamer named Ryo who looked at her questioningly.

"Yes, I'm a tamer, but my question is, are you?" Ryo asked, despite what she had been told so far, Miyu wasn't sure how to answer that question.

Chapter done, updates will come when they come, if you have some constructive criticism I'd love to hear it, if you don't I'd still love to hear what you think. Admittedly this chapter probably spent too little time on the alien fighters and tamers, next chapter will probably focus on them completely.

Also, nobody say anything about Yuri staying at Takato's house, nothing inappropriate will happen, Takato and Yuri are twelve years old, and neither have even fully realized they have crushes on each other yet.

Black Omochao out!