A/N: It's been a long update, but here we finally are! (: So the turn I took with this story I didn't care for, so I'm throwing a wrench into things. I'm going to introduce Spopovich & Yamu into our story way early and possibly not introduce Buu at all. So give me your feedback. Let me know what you think and what your opinions are.

Chapter 20: Meet My Uncle Piccolo?

George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "There are two tragedies in life: one is to lose your heart's desire, the other is to gain it."

I was laying in my bed with a frame pressed against my chest. I pulled it out to look at it again. It was a black and white sketch that Videl had drawn of me. I smiled happily. It looked just like me. She captured my untidy black hair and my hand nervously behind my neck. I was wearing my usual long sleeve shirt, my straight leg jeans and my usual pair of trainers. I put the drawing to my chest again and closed my eyes contently. Best Christmas present ever…

"What do you think?" Videl was looking up at me expectantly. She had her arms crossed shielding herself from the cold winter air as we stood on her front steps. She had just handed me a framed black and white sketch of myself from head to toe.

I looked up at her. "It looks just like me."

She smiled excitedly. "Well this is extra special because this is a present within a present."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" I teased. "And where is this extra special second present?"

She shuffled her feet nervously. "I can't tell you."

She had peaked my interest. "Any why not?"

She bit her lip fighting back a smile. "I'll give it to you when you're ready."

I pulled the frame away from me again to admire it. I looked at the eyes. There was something about the way she had captured me… My eyes seemed so cold and distant. I frowned. It's like she saw right through me. I set the framed picture of myself down on my nightstand.

I heard the front door open and close. "Gohan!" My mom's voice echoed up the steps.

I swung my feet off the bed and went down both flights of stairs. A cold gust of winter wind blew through the door. My mother and Goten bolted in quickly and shut the door abruptly behind him. "Brrrr…." He shivered holding himself together. "It's freezing out there! It's starting to snow pretty hard too. I'm going to go start a fire." He bolted into the living room. He popped his head back into the room. "Happy Christmas Gohan!"

My mom dropped their things, "Oh Goten dear! Please let me start the fire!" She called after him entering the room. She paused and kissed my cheek. "Happy Christmas."

I chuckled lightly and followed in suit. "I'll start the fire guys." Goten stepped aside and I knelt down beside the empty fire place. I took some pieces of logs that I had chopped a few days ago and placed them strategically. I concentrated some warm energy from my hand onto the logs. Flames slowly began to creep across the them and ignite.

The front door opened and closed and Piccolo came into the room. My mom smiled knowingly. "Too cold even for a Namekian, huh?" Piccolo grunted in response and took a seat on the couch by the fire. I smiled. It was nice having Piccolo around. He made our family complete. I never really had an uncle so I figured this was what it felt like.

I rose to my feet and sat beside him. "So, how was Bulma's?" I inquired.

My mother sat in the arm chair and Goten curled up by the fire staring up at the ceiling. "It was good." She answered. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back facing the ceiling letting herself be enveloped in the warmth. "Everyone is doing well." She sighed tiredly. "However, Dr. Briefs is having some issues with Hercule Satan."

My heart started racing. "Oh?" I tried to sound impassive. "What about?"

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "That man is just terrible!" She exclaimed. "He took credit for something you did."

I shook my head. "But mom, I don't care about that. And why would that bother Dr. Briefs anyway?" I inquired.

She sighed. "It's more than that. He's pushing for a collaboration with Dr. Briefs. He wants him to design a training facility specifically for him and his pupils, as well as create training equipment that his students can use to help train for the World's Martial Arts Tournament in June. He continues to insist that one of the kids that train under him will win first if not his daughter herself."

My heart started pounding. "H-his daughter?" I stammered. I looked over. Piccolo was staring at me interestedly. I avoided his gaze.

My mom looked up thoughtfully. "Yes, I can't quite remember her name, but she supposed to be a wonderful fighter."

"Hn." I looked back at Piccolo. "Pathetic if you ask me. No human can compare to any of us. I'm sure she's just as weak as her father."

"She isn't." I glared at Piccolo. He looked at me curiously. I looked down blushing furiously. "At least that's what I hear…"

My mom locked eyes with me again. "You know; I hear she's in your class. Have you heard much about her?"

I swallowed hard and looked away. "N-no not much." It was silent for a moment. I contemplated my options. I wasn't quite ready to tell them about Videl. Sure, they knew that I was dating a girl from my class and they had spent time with her a handful of times, but I was very cautious about never saying her last name. I inwardly groaned. I was lying to everyone. My family, my friends, my girlfriend… I furrowed my eyebrows. There wasn't a single person in the world I was 100% honest with. But I had to at least know- "Why is Dr. Briefs refusing to build any of these things for Hercule?"

My mom laughed sarcastically. "Gohan if there was ever anyone that was the epitome of selfish, self-centered and fake it would be the Satan Family." She sank into her chair. "I'm just grateful that we don't live in Satan City. If I had to see his face every single day I think I'd burst." She snorted. "I hope we never see his face again. Or his daughter for that matter. I'm sure she's just as awful as he is."

I looked at her disbelievingly. "Isn't it sort of unfair to make assumptions about her without meeting her?"

My mom glared at me. "Gohan! How could you defend that family? You should be angrier than anyone!"

My heart leapt to my throat. My head started swimming. Kami, I wish the snow would stop. I needed to go outside… I needed to train. I closed my eyes and swallowed the lump in my throat. I was gonna hate saying this… "You're right mom." I looked down.

Piccolo sighed. "Hmmm…"

I looked over at him. "What?"

His eyes were closed and his arms were folded across his chest. "I'd very much like to meet this girl."

I blinked at him a couple times. I opened my mouth to speak and my mom intercepted. "Let's open gifts!" She clasped her hands together excitedly.

Goten leapt up from the floor. "Okay!" He jumped up and down excitedly. He rushed under the tree and started picking up boxes.

Piccolo watched curiously. My mom looked up at him. "Don't worry Piccolo. We got you something too." She teased.

He grunted and closed his eyes blushing furiously.


I was standing in front of my mirror pulling over a gray sweatshirt. There was a knock at the door and my heart started thumping. She was here. I darted down the stairs. After a couple days of brutal snow storms had died out Videl made the venture out to Mt. Paoz. My mom and Goten had packed a couple bags to go stay with Bulma through the New Year and Piccolo was laying lazily in the living room on the couch. Him and I would be training alone for a few days before coming back into town to stay with Bulma as well.

I opened the door and enveloped Videl in a giant hug. She was cold to the touch and I felt her slowly starting to warm up in my arms. She nuzzled into my chest. "Gohan…" She murmured. "I missed you."

I nestled into her neck and hair. "I missed you too." She looked up at me and I bent down and pressed my lips to hers. She kissed me deeply in return. I broke away. "Please, come in." She stepped inside and I shut the door behind her. She dusted off a bit of snow from her shoes. She was wearing a long sleeve black shirt layered with a black zip up hoodie and a black pea coat. Her jeans tightly hugged her thighs and had water specs from where the snow had melted. She started taking off her shoes and set them off to the side. She pulled her scarf and peacoat off placing them on the coat rack. "Let's go warm your feet up."

I led her into the sitting area where we kept a long couch, a couple of arm chairs and our fireplace. I glanced at the couch. Piccolo had disappeared. Videl sat down by the fire. I closed my eyes and sensed Piccolo's energy in one of the empty bedrooms upstairs. Videl stretched her legs out placing the bottom of her socks to the fire. She shuttered. "Augh. It's so cold." I sat down behind her and she fell back into my chest. My heart was pounding and I prayed to Kami that she couldn't feel it. It didn't matter that she was my girlfriend. I was still nervous whenever she was around. "Where's your mom and Goten?"

I sighed relieved. I was grateful that they weren't here. "They'll be with Bulma for the holidays."

She looked up at me. "Why aren't you there? Aren't you going to be lonely?"

I chuckled. "I love it out here." I admitted. "I love being close to a ton of snow. I feel like it takes me away from the chaos and gives me a chance to just be myself. I don't have to think, I don't have to pretend, I don't' have to force anything…" I stared at the fire. "I get to just be myself. And that's all there is to it. I get to be isolated."

"Why wouldn't you be able to be yourself?" She asked curiously.

I felt myself blush. I stood to my feet and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "L-let me show you your present."

She jumped up to her feet excitedly. "I can't wait!"

She interlocked her hand with mine and I led her to the stairs. "I hope it's not too cheesy." I started as we headed up the first flight of steps. "I just," I looked back at her and bit my lip. "I just wanted to get you something you've never had before."

She chuckled lightly giving me a slight nudge forward to keep us going. "Gohan, I'm sure it's incredible." She reassured.

We stopped at the top of the steps. I stared at her. "Okay." I placed my hand on the doorknob. "Close your eyes." She let go of my hand and put her hands over her eyes. I slowly turned the knob and opened the door. I put my other hand on the small of her back and ushered her through the door. She slowly shuffled into the room and I closed the door behind her. I placed my hands on her shoulders and put her in the center of the room. Her hands were still over her eyes and I walked to the window opening the shades. "Okay. Open them!"

She removed her hands and drank in her surroundings. She eyed the stack of blank canvases and brushed her hands lightly across them. She then slowly walked over to the bookshelf filled with different shades of paint and picked up several of them looking at the different colors. I held my breath waiting for her to speak. She went to the window looked out at the scenery. She placed one hand on the window frame and looked back at me. "Gohan…" She started. I couldn't read her face.

I took a few steps forward. "I know it isn't much." I reasoned as I made my way to a blank canvas putting it on the easel. "See I figured the location is perfect. And-," I opened the shades all the way and gestured the room. "I figured the lighting is all natural and it's perfect, but just in case-," I strode back to the door we came through and gestured to two light switches near the door. "I've got two types of lights." I flipped the first switch. "This one is fluorescent which brings out more blues and greens." I switched it off and turned the other one on. "This one is halogen which will resemble natural lights making everything a little more vivid." She was staring at me. I swallowed hard. "I thought you might want some light options just in case you end up painting into the night." She continued to stare. I laughed nervously. "Videl, say something."

In a few moments she closed the gap between us and put her arms around my waist and burrowed her face into my chest. "Gohan," She whispered against my chest. "I love it."

I put my arms around her and held her tightly. "I'm so glad. You deserve it."

She pulled away from me. "I can't wait to get started!"

I smiled brightly. "So why don't you?" She raised an inquisitive eyebrow at me. "I have a book I need to finish anyways." I shrugged. "You can paint and I'll come up here and read, and then I'll make us some lunch. Besides," I winked at her. "You have a painting to do for the auction."

She smiled back at me. "I guess you're right!" She winked at me. "What would I do without you?"


A couple hours into Videl's auction painting I was downstairs cooking up some lunch for the two of us. I opened up the rice cooker examining into the container. Almost finished. I started putting the food on the table and set out dishes for Videl and I. I furrowed my eyebrows. Should I set a place for Piccolo?

I was in the process of putting down the forks when I heard two screams coming from the upstairs. Videl?

In seconds I was rushing up the steps finding the source of the screams. I came to the top landing. Videl was on the floor with her arms over her head and Piccolo was clutching his chest with one hand and had the other clutched around the railing on the steps. Piccolo was breathing heavily. Videl peered over her arms. "Gohan!" She scrambled up to her feet. I took several strides towards her and put an arm around her waist.

I took one of her hands in mine. "Videl are you alright?" She was staring at Piccolo. He had regained his composure and had his arms folded across his chest and was staring intensely back at her.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Gohan what-who is that?" She inquired. Piccolo grunted in response and she jumped.

I laughed nervously. "That's my-my…" I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. What was I supposed to say? How do you explain someone that doesn't look like you? Or…really anyone for that matter… And even if I told her he was my uncle, would Piccolo go along with it?

"I'm his uncle." Piccolo closed his eyes impassively.

I looked at him astonished. "My Uncle Piccolo?" I blinked at him. Videl looked at me interestedly. I locked eyes with her. "Yes!" I shouted a little louder than I intended. She jumped. I cleared my throat. "Yes. This is my Uncle Piccolo."

She looked between the two of us. "O-okay." She stammered. She seemed to regain her composure. She closed the gap between them and held out a hand. Piccolo took a step back and his arms fell to his side. "I'm Videl."

Piccolo stared at her hand as though it were something foreign. He grunted and held out his hand. "Piccolo."

I smiled at her. She stood in front of him confidently giving him a firm handshake. Sometimes she really just amazed me. I clasped my hands together. "Alright! Now that you guys have met, let's go have dinner!"

I took her hand and led her down the steps with Piccolo following closely behind us. I pulled out Videl's chair for her and Piccolo sat down right across from her. I smiled lightly at him. It was interesting how slowly he was becoming domesticated. He began spending holidays with us, he ate meals with us, he went to parties with us, we trained together and he even learned how to drive although I have to admit he'd only driven once.

I sat down beside Videl. She inhaled deeply. "Mmmm! Smells good Gohan!"

I smirked pleasantly to myself. "I learned from the best! Dig in you guys!"

Piccolo seemed skeptical at first, as always. The Namekian race didn't need to eat to survive, but I guess years of hanging out with Saiyans changed his opinions of food. Piccolo began piling food onto his plate. I did the same. Videl took several bites and thumbed my forearm gingerly. "Wow this is great! Thanks Gohan!"

I tried to slow down my eating to blend in with them. "Any time." I continued eating focusing on slowing my pace.

A few moments later Videl took a drink of her water and looked across from us. "I never knew that Gohan had an Uncle." I felt myself tense. "Are you related to Chichi or to Gohan's father?"

I bit my lip nervously getting ready to intercept. "Hmmm…" Piccolo's voice was low. "I'm a friend of his father's." He answered simply.

Videl looked over at me. I nodded swallowing my food. "Yeah! Piccolo has been around my family since before I was born." I looked thoughtfully at him. "In fact I even had to live with Piccolo for a few years." Okay so that was kind of true. We were in the wilderness and sure I spent most of it alone, but it wasn't a total lie.

Piccolo seemed to accept my answer and continue eating. Videl furrowed her eyebrows at me. "How come you've never mentioned him before?"

I shoveled food into my mouth trying to keep from having to answer. Piccolo cleared his throat. "I like to keep to myself." He murmured. Videl uttered a small 'oh'. I felt a little guilty. Piccolo was a difficult dinner guest. He spoke again. "Your energy seems high." I stared at him. "You must be a fighter." He observed.

I froze again mid-bite. My food fell back onto my plate and I set down my fork slowly. Videl swallowed her food and set hers down as well. "Actually I am." She chuckled amusedly. He raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her for her to continue. "I'm Videl Satan." He blinked uninterestedly at her. She chuckled lightly again. "The daughter of Hercule Satan." My stomach dropped. I stared directly at Piccolo.

His eyes were on Videl. "Interesting." I eased slightly. I started picking up dishes and bringing them to the sink. Piccolo pushed his chair back and got to his feet. "I need to return." His white cape billowed behind him as he turned and left the room.

I picked up the dishes in front of Videl. She blinked a couple times. "Wow, he sure is short on conversation, isn't he?"

I chuckled lightly. "Well that's Piccolo for you."

Videl picked up a few dishes and placed them in the sink for me and then went to pick up a few more. "What can you tell me about him? He's quite different."

I nodded my head. "He is." I looked up reminiscing. There was time when Piccolo was trying to kill my family. I closed my eyes smiling to myself. I wasn't even born then. Even when Raditz first came to the planet Piccolo was still planning to take on my father again. I opened my eyes and started scrubbing a few plates. Instead he raised me. I set the plate into the other sink and picked up another dirty cup and started cleaning this one. He was my best friend…

"Are you guys close?" Videl's voice broke me out of my trance.

I looked over at her. She had stopped rinsing the dishes and was staring at me. How long had she been looking at me? I could see her trying to read me, trying to search for an answer… I looked away and shrugged. I was washing the last plate and I set it in the sink. "He's a family friend." I unplugged the sink and let the water drain.

She was still staring at me. "Gohan. How do you expect us to get any closer if you don't let me in?"

I patted my hands down with a towel and furrowed my eyebrows at her. "What do you mean?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed at me. "I know you're hiding something from me."

I chuckled nervously. "Videl, I think you give me too much credit. I'm really not that interesting." Nope not that interesting at all… I'm just half alien, a brutal fighter, I've been to different planets and I've killed Cell. Nope. Not interesting.

She smirked at me closing the gap between us standing right up against my skin. "Everyone has a secret Gohan." She reached her hands out and interlocked her hands with mine. "You have to let me in eventually."

She was looking up at me with those deep piercing blue eyes. My heart was pounding. She trusted me. She was putting her faith in me. Her eyes were hopeful, eager… I wanted to take her up in my arms and never let her go. I wanted to protect her. I wanted to keep her safe. I never wanted to let anything bad happen to her ever again. I never wanted her to get hurt.

And yet… here I was…

Lying to her. Pushing her away.

Was it possible to take care of someone keeping them an arm's distance away?

Was it possible for someone to fall in love with you without them knowing a single thing about you?

"Gohan?" Her voice was quiet and shy.

I shook my head pushing away my thoughts. "How's the painting coming along? Can I see it?" I changed the subject.

She blinked a couple times at me and lingered slightly. I could tell she was trying to get a read on her situation. Like any good fighter. I smiled at her. She smiled back. "Of course you can't see it."

I tilted my head curiously. "Can't?"

She nodded mischievously. "Can't. It's a surprise."

I laughed haughtily. "Videl, this painting is at my house. What's to keep from sneaking a peak?"

She flushed furiously. "You wouldn't dare. Come on Gohan! You have to wait until we get back to school just like everyone else." She smacked me playfully.

I laughed lightly. "Fine, Fine… no peaking." I kissed the top of her head. "Go have a seat in the sitting area." I murmured against her forehead. "I'm going to get us some hot chocolate." I winked at her.

I went into the kitchen and pulled a couple mugs out of the cupboard. Things were going so perfectly with Videl. I put some milk in a kettle and placed it on the stove turning on the burner. I looked up and out the kitchen window. Snow was starting to fall. I bit my lip. There was a chance she'd get snowed in. Maybe I should warn her…

I left the kitchen and entered the sitting room. "Videl-," I stopped. Her eyes were glued to the TV and a look of horror was plastered to her face. I looked up at the television.

"Coming this new year! The story of a hero who defended earth, who defeated the greatest threat to mankind and who protected us all from the malevolent Cell. This is the story of Hercule Satan." The screen showed flash images of a younger and fitter man resembling the real Hercule Satan. A haphazard CG character resembling Cell appeared as well. I crinkled up my nose in disgust. He was depicted as much smaller than Hercule and his eyes were a deep coal black. I snorted. He wasn't even close enough to Cell to know that his eyes were purple. I looked over at Videl… Her eyebrows were furrowed in anger.

"Get out of my way, you ignorant simple people!" I looked at the screen. Several actors were dressed in a crude rendering of Piccolo, myself, my father, Vegeta and Krillin. I felt my blood boil and my anger start to rise. This dialogue was terrible. Not to mention that these actors looked nothing like us. I furrowed my eyebrows angrily. I couldn't decide if I was happy that they looked nothing like us so no one would know that it was us or if I was angry at how weak and small we were.

The narrator's voice came on again. "Despite those trying to keep him from stopping Cell our incredible hero saved us all! In theaters January 2nd!"

I was staring at the screen.

You have got to be kidding me.

A/N: It has been a long time running. I know this chapter was a little slow, but I'm just setting everything back up. Read & Review!