have some cade, lovelies.
boom boxes, confessions and love.
love for cat, as much as it hurts her to admit it.
/i love you & you'll never love me back/
the words come out like dull knives, stabbingstabbingstabbing.
the rejection bounces around, hurtinghurtinghurting.
listen to me jade. i was wrong and i want you.
& so the madness begins.
frantic whispers & notes across the room & secret late night adventures.
/i don't want it to end, i really don't want it to end
the bruises and the scars will be forever, but jade doesn't mind ((much)).
they remind her that once, she didn't have cat.
and now she does.
from velvet smooth hair to dainty painted toenails, cat is perfect.
in the true essence of the word, cat is .perfection.
the night after is always the best. the rumpled sheets &messy buns &goodbye for nows.
/you can have your happy ending, jade tells her.
because cat loves happy endings, and jade knows and she cares.
and together lovelovelove.