Nervously, Harry entered the Evans' household after his grandmother.
"Please sit down," Mrs Evans invited him into her home and sat down beside her husband, opposite of him, with a friendly smile. "What did you want to talk about?" the woman questioned, and Harry wondered how he was going to phrase this. He had gotten approved to be Lily's godfather, so now it came to him to tell her parents about her special powers.
"I was wondering if it has been noted that sometimes strange things happen around Lily," he started carefully and his grandfather's face darkened.
"What did she do this time? I know she keeps claiming things happen by itself, but that's impossible. Be sure, she will be punished accordingly," he stated with a sigh.
"Ah, no… well, she's the one doing those things, but what if she can't control it?" Harry continued and the Evans frowned at him.
"What do you mean?!" Mr Evans asked warningly.
"What if I tell you that your daughter has been gifted with a special ability," he mysteriously smiled. The woman before him just looked confused while her husband looked ready to pounce him, which didn't get better once their guest pulled out his wand. "Lily has been gifted with magic. Just like Tom and I and Sev." His grandparents started to look at him like he was insane. "Please let me give you an example." He held out his wand to a pillow. "Wingardium Leviosa," he said and let the pillow float around the room. Mrs Evans eyes widened in panic and she tried to shuffle closer to her husband, away from the flying pillow. "Please don't be afraid. It won't hurt you and I'm not here to hurt anyone or take Lily away from you," Harry quickly continued. "I would only like to teach Lily magic, to protect herself and everyone around her and to prepare her for when she'll be invited to join a magical school."
"A magical school?" Mr Evans questioned. "How many of you are there?!" he demanded.
"We've a pretty large community, which's spread all around the world."
"Why don't we know about this!"
"Safety reasons. The higher ups in the government, they know," Harry informed them as calmly as possible.
"You've got your own schools? What do the students learn there?"
"The normal things, like mathematics and such, but also how to preform spells, how to make potions, the working of the magical community…" the wizard summed and the couple before him, glanced at each other.
"Can we visit it beforehand?!" Mrs Evans found the courage to ask.
"Of course, you can." Again, they looked at each other and Harry could see they were being swayed.
"What does this exactly mean for our Lily?!" Mrs Evans asked, and the wizard sweetly smiled at her.
"She's a witch. She has magic. It could be that one of your ancestors was a witch or a wizard and it has been passed on to Lily."
"Is she in danger?!" her husband continued.
"Only from herself, her magic needs an outlet. Uncontrolled it's impossible to say what could happen. Controlled, it's really helpful," he chuckled the last and his grandparents seemed to calm down a little.
"What about Petunia?" the woman questioned, and Harry shook his head.
"She doesn't seem to have the ability," he apologised, and his grandmother pulled a thoughtful look.
"What if they fight, won't Lily have an advantage in future? They're still just children. They will squabble."
"Minors aren't allowed to use their magic. It's punishable by law," Harry assured her, and they seemed to approve.
"You said Severus also has magic?" Mr Evans continued.
"Yes, he inherited it from his mother. Mr Snape didn't possess the ability, just like his parents. Mr Snape also requested that his parents don't know about this, so we've complied with his request." That piece of information made Mr Evans' eyes gleam.
"You comply with the request of a man, who has passed?"
"Of course, we're not uncivil." Harry knew that this would give them the impression that they could control the magical community.
"What about, when Severus wants to tell them?" Mrs Evans asked curiously.
"That will be his choice, we will support whatever he wants." They seemed to like his answers.
"What kind of jobs do you really do?" Mr Evans was curious now and Harry smiled at them.
"I'm an Auror, a police officer, and Tom would be the Minister of the magical community here in the UK." Their eyes widened at that.
"The Minister?" Mr Evans repeated, and the wizard nodded. "We've got connections already," he joked to his wife and her smile told Harry that they were on their way to acceptance.
As he was standing in front of a radiating Tom, it finally settled into Harry's mind that it was finally happening. He was marrying Tom Riddle.
"You're the light of my life," the Dark Lord started his vows, "without you I'd be lost in the dark. And we both know how bad that would end," Harry had to nod at that. "You made me grow in so many ways and I couldn't be more grateful for it. I promise to always be there for you and support you in all your dreams. I love you." They had decided to keep it short and Harry found it perfect.
"We've had a rough start," he started his own vows. "Sometimes, it seemed like we had the world against us, and we made our mistakes, but our love always prevailed. I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life. I'll always be there for you. And I love you too." Tom smiled brightly at his words.
"Do you Tom Riddle, take Marvolo Remus to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
"I do," Tom answered immediately.
"Do you Marvolo Remus, take Tom Riddle to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
"Definitely," Harry smiled brightly.
"The rings please," the Civil Registry Head of the Ministry asked, and Severus carefully walked forward holding a small pillow. Tom patted the little boy's head before taking Harry's ring and gently slipped it on Harry's finger. With a huge smile, the Auror took in his now ringed finger and quickly did the same to Tom. "Then by the power invested in me by the Ministry, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss!" Tom immediately pulled Harry against him and kissed him fully on the lips. Cheers were heard around them and grinning like mad, did they look at their audience. Only their closest friends were present. They had chosen to do a small ceremony first, where they would exchange their vows, before having a big party in the evening, where everyone – their acquaintances and the media - would be invited to.
Pulling Tom with him back inside, Harry let out a relieved sigh. "Seriously, those paparazzi are crazy!" he huffed while Tom manoeuvred them towards the buffet.
"We did our part," the Minister said as he took a piece of pineapple and held it out to his husband mouth, "now, just enjoy." A smile appeared on the younger's lips before they parted to let the piece of fruit slip between them. They gathered some more food on plates and moved to their seats at the main table.
"Uncle Marvolo!" Lucius appeared beside Harry and looked at him with shiny eyes. "Did you get some of the cake?" the Auror gave the blond a teasing glare before holding out a piece for him. Lucius' mouth was immediately around his fork and with chubby cheeks the blond ran away again. The newlyweds watched him go back to Sev, Lily, James and Sirius.
'It's great to see them together,' Harry smiled.
"They seem to be enjoying themselves," Tom chuckled.
"They do, don't they?" his husband turned his attention back on him. 'This' just perfect,' he thought while scooting closer, and kissed his new husband.
"The cake really does taste good," Harry chuckled, and Tom smirked before claiming his lips again.
With a huff Harry dropped in the chariot that Tom had arranged for their big departure. "You really went all out, didn't you," he chuckled and the other raised his eyebrow at him.
"Like you don't like it?" The Auror laughed before pulling the other's face closer again.
"I do," he confessed before kissing the other. Flashes and howls followed them as they made their way out of the gate. "And will you now tell me where we're going?" Harry asked and Tom shook his head.
"Don't ruin the surprise." The younger pouted at the answer he got, but still snuggled up against the other. They stopped at their house and Tom thanked their chauffeur before guiding Harry inside. Stepping over the threshold, green eyes widened in amazement.
"What is this?" he asked surprised as he felt like he was stepping inside a jungle.
"Welcome to Bali," Tom smiled from behind him and Harry's mouth fell open.
"Bali, or honeymoon is Bali?!" The Dark Lord nodded and the younger simply kissed the living daylight out of him.
"Congratulations!" Harry cheered at his own parents, who were smiling widely at them.
"Thank you for coming!" Lily gave him a half hug as in her other arm she was holding her newborn.
"Severus will be coming later," Tom apologised as he shook James' hand. A sigh fell from the Potter's lips, but he nodded in understanding.
"Come inside," he invited them in and led them to the living room.
"Do you want to hold him?" Lily asked Tom as his heavy stare at the baby hadn't gone unnoticed. The Minister simply nodded with eagerness shining out of his eyes and Harry just chuckled at his reaction. The night passed very quickly - with sadly no Severus showing up - and when it was time for baby Harry to be put to bed, Tom was the first to offer his services. A little reluctant, Lily gave him permission, under the pressure of the other two males and was ready to kill those other two when a blinding lighting came from upstairs.
As fast as her feet could carry her, she ran upstairs. "Harry!" she screamed as she ran inside the nursery and took her child far away from the man, who was standing in front of the crib with slightly burned robes.
"Tom! What happened!" Marvolo cried out as he met unfocused brown eyes. Next his eyes moved to the object his husband was holding and his mouth fell open. "Where did you get that?!" he demanded as the Gaunt ring pulled his full attention.
"It's… an heirloom," the Dark Lord mumbled and the other scoffed at him.
"That's your horcrux!" he said matter of fact and the Minister had the dignity to look at him sheepishly.
"I just- I had to make certain you would come when I called for you!" Tom defended himself and Harry stared at him in shock. His anger dispersed a little as he understood the other's reasoning and let out a big huff.
"Seriously! My love for you isn't enough?!"
"I can't risk it! If you aren't my horcrux; the first link between us is gone!" the Dark Lord sounded desperate and the other couldn't deny that he somehow found that romantic.
"I mean so much to you, that you'll still make me your horcrux," he shook his head in disbelieve, but Tom fiercely nodded.
"What the hell is going on in here?!" James suddenly yelled and they looked surprised at the Potter standing protective in front of his wife and his son.
"We probably have to tell them," Tom stated matter of fact and Harry glared at him.
"Lily, James," the Auror started and the two hesitantly looked at him. "Well, you see that lighting bold scar on Harry's forehead?" he questioned and both parents immediately checked their son.
"When did that happen?!" James cried out.
"I did that!" Tom supplied way too pleased with himself and got murderous looks from the parents, while his partner's expression told him to shut up.
"You're not helping!" Harry gave his husband a gentle knock on the chest.
"Don't worry," the Auror turned back to his parents, "it won't hurt him," 'as long as Tom keeps his emotions in check.' "He'll just be able to talk to snakes," the Auror tried to lighten up the situation, but his parents clearly didn't like it. Quickly, he revealed his own scar and Lily and James reactions only worsened.
"In what kind of cult are you?!" Lily screamed while pulling out her wand and James was quick to follow her example.
"Cult?! No, no!" Harry yelped while waving his hands up and down and Tom sighed behind him.
"Seriously!" he huffed while stepping beside his husband. "That's Harry Potter," he pointed to the baby cradled in Lily's arms before pointing to the man beside him, "and he's Harry Potter. He's your son!" he said matter of fact before stepping backwards again and the Auror looked like him like he had lost it.
"That's your plan?!" Harry called out and Tom nodded.
"You're insane!" James' wand moved between them.
"Wait!" Lily suddenly yelled as she eyed her baby and James glanced at her in worry. "You- You always knew things," she started and turned her head to look at Marvolo. "Things that you shouldn't have known," she continued and looked at the baby in her arms again. Next, in the split of an eye, she had cast a disillusioning spell at Marvolo, who blocked Tom's spell, which was meant to protect him. Lily gasped as his alias fell. "When we first met, you had green eyes and black hair," she continued as her eyes met his.
"I always thought that James looked like you, except for the eyes." She was wavering.
"Why would you hide your appearance?" James asked, not wanting to entertain the possibility his wife was entertaining herself.
"Actually; yeah, why did you change my appearance that first time?" Harry suddenly turned to Tom, who raised his eyebrow at him.
"After all these years, now's the moment you ask?" the Minister shook his head in played disappointment and the Auror shrugged.
"You looked too much like a Potter. Not to mention, you're a Gryffindor," Tom huffed while giving Harry a look.
'You know it helps,' Harry gave him a small thankful smile.
"You're a Gryffindor? You graduated as a Slytherin!" James called out. He was clearly starting to get confused. "My dad went to school with the two of you and you're definitely Slytherins!"
"Yes, I did, because Tom here," Harry pointed over his shoulder to his husband, "didn't want a Gryffindor boyfriend." The Dark Lord simply gave him a disinterested look.
"You're being a Slytherin, was the best way to keep an eye on you."
"I can't deny that," the Auror shrugged, "but we're getting off point. Baby Harry," he pointed to his baby self, "will be sorted into Gryffindor. And when Tom calls for me when I'm in sixth grade, I will continue living in the past as a Slytherin."
"Why do you have to live in the past?" Lily asked sadly and her husband glanced at her.
"To stop everyone from dying," Harry honestly answered, and his parents looked at each other.
"What will happen?" James asked.
"Well," Harry looked unsure at Tom.
"Without your son, I would have come a sadistic psychopath, who would have started another war to create the perfect world, which would namely consist of purebloods, who shared my beliefs."
"Kind of like Grindelwald, but worse," the Auror compared.
"What did Harry do?" Lily questioned.
"He taught me the true meaning of love," Tom smiled at his husband, who blushed lightly.
"Love?" James repeated in disbelieve. "What kind of bad trash novel is this?!"
"Love's not good enough for you?!" Lily asked him in a warning tone.
"Ah no, Honey, you know I don't mean it like that."
"You can't ignore that he looks just like you, James, except for the eyes, which are mine," she continued and glanced at their son. "He looks just like our Harry."
"Lily!" her husband called out stunned. "You can't believe them!"
"Oh, hush, can't you see that he's our son!" she screamed back, and ran past him to Marvolo. James just stared at her dumbfounded as she hugged the other man. Harry hugged her back a little awkward as baby him, was pressed in between their chests.
"We could just preform a DNA-test as proof," Tom supplied, and his husband gave him a look full disbelieve.
"You've come up with that just now?!"
Tom smirked at him.
The End
Side story: www . fanfiction s/13523140/1/House-of-Cards